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Nerd Haven

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[23 Jul 2004|12:37am]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Division St.-Thursday ]

Hello, all. I am a new-comer, my name is ashley.

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[06 Jul 2004|05:08pm]

heyyy...i am a really big nerdd..hollerrrr! Anyway, so yea, umm, i just join this community like 5 seconds ago and it is already making me really happy! A little info about myself:
- I love weirds kids more than life itself
- I do not enjoy wearing a bra...ever
- I really LOVE math
- I am a big fan of Emo people
- I love speaking spanish...i hope to eventually become a fluent speaker
- I am sitting here making weird noises thinking of what i will do with my life
- I enjoy long conversations about the world and death and other unknown galaxies...and different stuff like that, you know what i mean
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NA [28 Jun 2004|03:25am]

I've been a nerd all my life and now LOOK AT THIS!!!
A community for us losers!!! WOOOHOOOO
So, I love videogames, anime, heavy metal, pancakes, having sex with small woodland creatures, crying myself to sleep because I'll never see a female naked, PCP, crack, heroine, and dressing up like minnie pearl.

Anyone else out there intersted in long walks on the beach and some wild sex dressed up like siamese twin charmanders?
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[24 Jun 2004|10:04am]

Does anyone have any idea where I could find an emulator/rom so I am able to play FF-x and FF-x2 as I dont have a PS2

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[31 May 2004|12:59am]

[ mood | crazy ]

is it wrong of me to propose to call my first child dexter after a very long obssession with Cartoonnetworks Dexters lab? *sob* but its such a great name!

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[07 May 2004|12:59pm]

[ mood | rejuvenated ]

am I the only one who wants to go see the movie "New York Minute" and masturbate in the theater? Preferebly onto the top of the head of the old woman in front of me?

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**Walking** [13 Apr 2004|06:07pm]

[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Hemisphere:: Sakamoto ]

I stumbled on this odd little community called Nerd Haven **peers Around** What's this community about. What do you do?

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be someone else. [08 Apr 2004|12:17am]

OK, journal friends... I have a project for you. Add [info]sybil_b to your friends list. Who is she? She's you!
Sybil Barrett has multiple personality disorder... and you are one of her personalities. Her password is 8675309. She's giving it to you to help her figure out who she is. And you are. So log in. I created her and a hotmail account for her (, password is 8675309). I want you guys and gals to flesh her out. User pics, bio, interests, the whole bit. Be anonymous. Be silly. Go ahead and be insincere if you must. Tell others. It's kind of like a community in someone's head, like Being John Malkovich, you know? Definitely tell non-lj people.
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[07 Apr 2004|04:17pm]

Hello. I made a this Dune community for any of you Dune fans out there, please feel free to join.


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xposted in game_slave & nerd_haven [19 Mar 2004|03:05pm]

i just posted this up on but i thought someone here might have a solution.

I have two video cards in my PC. One is an Nvidia GeForce3, 32MB & is on-board. The other is an Nvidia GeForce4 FX 64MB...obviously I'd rather use the 64MB, but I can't get it to work. Plug n play worked fine and I've installed Nvidia's universal drivers, and I've made sure I have the right video card selected in the display options but still no luck. Any ideas?

i bet it's something incredibly simple and i'm going to have to slap myself but right now i'm too frustrated to come up with anything, so any help is appreciated. :)

this comes about as a result of getting Battlefield Vietnam today (i played it on another pc for a bit and i'm very impressed so far) and having it not work on my pc because of my video card. :(

okay, i its working now - i disabled the on-board. now i'm getting an error saying 'windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windows root>\system\hal.dll. please reinstall a copy of the above file.' arrrrghhh!!

whelp, now i've gotten rid of that error message. windows starts up and begins to load the desktop, then it looks like its trying to give me the blue screen of death before restarting and has basically been doing this over and over. i really really don't want to have to reinstall...
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[18 Mar 2004|03:07pm]


[info]wowupdate - new community about world of warcraft is getting organized by one participant of beta test. Join and let's make it happen.

Soon to be: updates/news, screens, discussions, etc. ...

ps: sorry if I disturbed you, I was just intending to inform you of one of your community interest

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[27 Feb 2004|01:39pm]


May 7th is No Pants Day!
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[13 Feb 2004|08:10pm]

Suck my eBay.
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[10 Feb 2004|04:23pm]

[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Super Metroid Soundtrack ]

yay! A place for me to be the nerd I've always kept inside... no, wait... he's on the outside... my inner-nerd has always been my driving force, and it's great to see others like me! Bwahahahahaha!!!! You can all join me as minions in my world domination plans! Next # available for minions: 3,420. We are slowly growing. Soon, we nerd shall take our rightful spot as the upper echelon of the world, making everyone else do menial jobs while my minions and I rule from our huge mountain-top citadels! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!

(sorry, I go off on tirades like that way too often for my own good)

(I guess that's why I was voted most dramatic and most egotistic by my sebior class)

Nâmâriè all! I shall return!

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[25 Jan 2004|11:10am]

Sorry about this, but I'm having a clearout, just incase anyone's interested...

I'm getting rid of some stuff - finally taking the pluge as I've realised I don't really want it and will never use it :P So I thought I'd offer it here and a couple of other places before it hits eBay...

So. Make me an offer on the following:

Amiga 1200 and PSU, no mouse though. I'll chuck in a box of disks with it too...

14" Philips Monitor for the above

Small pile of Acorn Electron tapes

Philips CD-i Digital Video Cartridge

Atari 2600 jr - Mint except the box, which is a bit battered. The joystick is especially lovely, you can just *feel* the leaf-switches moving. Also includes Centipede, which is absolutely bonkers as there doesn't appear to be a cartridge inside the plastic case, yet it works just fine 8O

Star Raiders - Atari 2600... Boxed with the touchpad and a copy of Atari Force... again, the cartridge and touchpad are in great condition, but the box is a bit squeeshed.

Two copies of Warlords for the Atari 2600, both unopened and they appear to be sealed - not in plastic, but the boxes seem to be unopenable. Perhaps I'm just a bit spastic though, which is preventing me from opening them :?

Boxed Radofin Tele-Sports IV - no PSU, but I don't think they ever came with one...? Comes with a cartridge of Pong knock-offs.

I've also got all sorts of Commodore 64 Educational software and business software... And a few games, too. PM me for details and I'll dig them out...

Also interested in trading for Sega Saturn games - ALWAYS on the lookout for Saturn stuff. And 32X. And Mega-CD.


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wow! [22 Jan 2004|09:29pm]


This community has really grown! *note to self, post more often* ^__^

yes..this post had no point
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[13 Jan 2004|04:48pm]

[ mood | nerdy ]


bwahahaha, now you can only telefrag me!

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Come on, Elrond, let's get this boat moving [11 Jan 2004|12:45pm]

I couldn't really resist joining something called 'nerd haven'. Hi everybody!
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cds for sale - PLEASE HELP! [04 Jan 2004|01:32pm]

I'm selling these cds (some are mine, some are my mom's). We take really good care of our stuff, and you're getting original copies + case + all original inserts unless otherwise noted.

Make an offer. I'd like to get between $5-7 (including shipping) for these. I also really prefer Paypal because we're moving this Friday and I'm trying to raise some money for our rent, and also so I can ship stuff out this week and not have to move it again! Please help us out!

311 - Soundsystem
Alice in Chains - Nothing Safe
Creed - Human Clay*
Current Value - in a far future
Deana Carter - I'm just a girl
Dishwalla - And you think you know what life's about
Dishwalla - Pet Your Friends
Eagles - Hotel California*
Eagles - Long Run*
Enya - Paint the Sky with Stars
Fuel - Sunburn
Goo goo dolls - Dizzy up the Girl
India Arie - Acoustic Soul
Josh Groban - s/t
Kenny Wayne Shepard - Trouble Is…
Lonestar - s/t
Masada - Live in Taipei
Michele Branch - Hotel paper
Nickelback - Silver side up
Nirvana - Unplugged in NY
Rage Against the Machine - Battle of Los Angeles
Rage Against the Machine - Evil Empire
Red Hot Chili Peppers - by the way
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
Santana - the best of Santana
Snapcase vs Boy Sets Fire - split ep
Staind - Break the Cycle
Stand - Dysfunction

*original cd + the option of a case. No original inserts (but I may be able to find them)

those are just the cds that my mom dug up. you can find my complete list here:

I've got stuff like Karate, Weezer, Boy Sets Fire, Poison the Well, Shai Hulud, Snapcase, Blink, Ben Kweller, Green Day, Hole, Cave In, Isis, Jeff Buckley, Sparta... everything from

I've also got tons of books. Throw out some titles/authors and I'll let you know what I have! thanks!

sorry for the x-posting!
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Anyone interested? [02 Jan 2004|01:49am]

Hi, I just started a lj community, [info]stagecraft, and thought this community might also be interested.

This is a community for all those interested in stagecraft, from all levels of experience. It is a place to get help with design problems, get ideas about productions, or give and receive advice. It's also a place for anyone interested in stagecraft to get to know one another and meet fellow techies! I created this community because currently, livejournal did not have a single one related to technical theater.

We are open to (and not limited to): lighting design, light board operation, scenic design, costume design, running crew, stage managing, technical direction, master electrician work, sound board operation, sound engineering, set building, rigging, light hang, design plans, and much much more!

For now I think it's going to be mostly theater-based, but I am very open to film and television work as well.

I am also interested in perhaps amassing a public resource of information on technical theater for a website.

This is not limited by location or experience! We welcome those from all around the world, from high school productions to professional work.

Hope to hear from you!
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