Shibuya-Kei Fans' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Shibuya-Kei Fans

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[30 Nov 2004|04:11pm]

PLEASE Check out the new fanlisting for:


If you're a fan of his music.
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OMG I AM A N00B [29 Sep 2004|12:44pm]

Hey, what's up. I am a newbie to this community. I just wanted to let everyone know that for the past 4 years or so i've been scouring file sharing sites, and have managed to scrounge up a large portion of the pizzicato five's discography. i'd say i have like 3/4ths? 4/5ths? of all their music. I've got most of their taped live performance in new york, some live stuff they did on japanese tv, a ton of Japanese releases, the 12" of playboy playgirl (which has alt. versions of all the songs), etc, etc. But yeah, i don't know if that's common or anything, so if it's not and you are interested in what releases i have, or if you have some crazy crap i don't, get a hold of me. I have only one problem in hooking people up, and that is my insane crappy connection! I live in the ass-middle of nowhere in greenfield indiana, and i have the worst dialup connection one can imagine.

Anyways, yeah, shibuya kei. it's great. I've managed to find some escalator recs. comps, a yukari fresh album, a couple losfield eps, etc
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[27 Aug 2004|04:55am]

[ music | Foga "New Song (cbsmgrfc mix) ]

Anybody have a discography of Escalator? Dam that label is sure-fire great.

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[18 Jul 2004|07:41pm]


the international channel on digital cable is going to air duel jewel live, wednesday 11pm ET/8 pm PT

x-posted everywhere
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Harajuku Hijack Original T-shirt From Japan!! (Pre-Order) [30 Jun 2004|03:36pm]

Hello everyone,

We've got an original t-shirt for all you Japanophiles out there.

(Concept image)

Information Below )
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no ignorance please [26 Mar 2004|02:09pm]

This is unacceptable. Zoom in and read what this writer thought was witty + funny.

Even non-asians can't take this type of ignorance. Sign petitions here
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[23 Mar 2004|12:20pm]
[ music | the night is still young !! ]

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[22 Mar 2004|04:22pm]
First post, whoa dizzle.
I actually had no idea of anything about Shibuya Kei until today, which is weird, since I listen to a whole heck of a lot of Japanese music...
(eh, used to be into the whole visual rock thing... Dir en Grey, Gackt, Plastic Tree, but I find a lot of "jrock" fans tend to be rather eccentric. OMG I LUV MANA, etc.)

So yeah, regarding non-Shibuya Kei and just plain Japanese bands that I'd reccomend, if some of you are interested:
Asian Kung-Fu Generation.
The Pillows.
The Brilliant Green.
And some bands that seem to be pretty popular, at least on a decent level in America right now, would be Guitar Wolf and Melt Banana....

And my friend Megan also donated me some clippings from a Teen Vogue which I actually think some were taken in Shibuya station of these awesome teenage fashion horses about Japan.

Oh yeah, and Takashi Murakami.

Giant Robot Magazine.

And I love sony music Japan.

The end!
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[17 Jan 2004|04:35pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Tokyo Ghetto Pussy- I Want You ]

Does anyone know anything about the band TOKYO GHETTO PUSSY?

I don't know if they are really Japanese or what...but I got their album 'Disco 2001' and it is really sounds like a mix between Deee-lite and Pet Shop Boys...the CD was printed in Berlin but I think they are a Japanese band...they had two singles 'I Kiss Your Lips' and 'Everybody On The Floor' which are pretty J-poppy...

P.S- the book inside the album is a mini-mag with info on how to become a real Tokyo Ghetto is neat-o!

"I can remember the day exactly. I sat in a sushi bar, waiting for my chance in life to come soon. But my charming prince didn’t show up. A woman asked me for a light and said, “It’s time for you to change something. Stop waiting, it’s time to break the rules”. I was really impressed, immediately I understood the real message behind those words. From this day on nothing was ever the same to me..."

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back to shibuya-kei [23 Dec 2003|02:39pm]

has anyone heard yukari fresh? i am not sure if she would be termed as shibuya-kei pop, although i saw her name alongside hideki kaji. her voice is refreshing and adorable. speaking of hideki kaji, i listened 'this is still ok' yesterday and i liked it a lot! i also listened to cibo matto for the first time too (birthday cake, sci-fi wasabi) and although i dont like their music as much, they do make great music.
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Harajuku Hijack -- Japanese Youth Culture E-Shop & Information! [12 Dec 2003|12:02am]

Hello everyone,

I am new to the community and wanted to introduce my journal. Part e-shop, part information hang out, Harajuku Hijack has a variety of kick-@$$ goods straight from Japan! With an emphasis on youth pop and street culture, most items have been born from the sub-district of Shibuya, Harajuku. A montage of cool and cute goods (stickers, postcards, original artwork, etc.) it is a montage of gothic lolita, gal/kogal, punk work and just pure insanity.

There are 4 items up right now, but I will be adding more items everyday. I will not post them here, as I think it would be a bit much, but please, click the link below. There's a FAQ, contact address, purchase link, descriptions, and scans of the items. Everyone is welcome to browse. You may feel free to comment without purchase, however I ask you keep it civil.

I also plan to put up information on Harajuku, including links, movie files, photos, history and anything great I can find. I hope you enjoy Harajuku Hijack. Thank you for your time.

See you there!
The Team @ Harajuku Hijack
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[17 Nov 2003|04:28pm]
[ music | wyolica - wasuresou ]

for anyone interested: supercar's new single 'BGM' (3 tracks), written yoshinori sunahara will be out the 19th. their new dvd, highbooster 2003 will be released on the same day.

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hi~ [08 Nov 2003|08:14am]
[ music | apples in stereo - she looks through empty windows ]

i am new. i'm also very stupid because i didn't know how to join a community at first... this isn't as active as it should be. where is everyone?

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[28 Oct 2003|10:11am]

[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | 3 Steps To A Bittersweet Goodbye - Madonna vs The Verve-Tom Tom vs Go Home Productions ]

this is my first entry in this community. holla back ya'll.

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hello [27 Oct 2003|01:57pm]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | adam F - circles (roni size mix) ]

i just joined...ello :)

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Hi [22 Jul 2003|10:29pm]

[ mood | blank ]
[ music | FPM f/ Yukari Fresh - 'Electric Lady Land' ]

I joined this community a few weeks ago but never said anything about it.
Oh well!

Have any of you ever been to Tokyo Record Hunting Service? It seems like a really, really good place to get Shibuya-Kei CDs for relatively cheap prices. Example: Arling & Cameron's "All-In" is 900 yen, and it includes a song that wasn't on the American release.

I haven't tried them yet but I plan to soon.


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[15 Jun 2003|07:49pm]

[ mood | amused ]

On my wall in the US I have a poster for the CD "Drop" by Cornelius. It reads, "From Nakameguro to Everywhere." So when I found out that Nakameguro was a part of Tokyo (where I now reside) I decided to take a special trip there just to see what that part of town has to offer. I ended up going last Sunday, June 8. I didn't see anything particularly special, but I had a good time walking around for a few hours.

Anyway, I checked Cornelius' website to see if he had any concerts coming up soon and what should I find but I small photo gallery of pictures of food from Nakameguro restaurants taken on June 6 and June 11. I just missed him! But if any of you ever see a man taking photos of his food in restaurants around the Nakameguro area, tell him Leslie says hi. And if he looks uninterested tell me that he was excited that I took a trip to Nakameguro because of him because I will be crushed otherwise.

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[25 May 2003|06:21am]

[ mood | curious ]

Those of you who like Arling & Cameron:

Which song(s) do you like most?

Personally, I like "We Love To Rock." It's so cheesy, you've gotta love it.

I also like "Dirty Robot." No explanation as to why. :)

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[21 May 2003|08:20pm]

[ music | le tigre- get off the internet... harhar ]

people think Im obscure for listening to jpop/roc. and im only just beginning my sub-genra experience.
Gah- so how about Denki Groove. I don't know their exact history but I bought their doubble cd greatest hits album in Shibuya last summer. yaa!
I live in New York by the way. anyone else? PUFFY came to the Roseland earlier in the year, or was it last year? memorys blurry.. Unfortunatly, I didn't catch them. It was interesting how Puffy and the likes (Utada Hikaru right?) were featured in loads of american magazines. Hikaru was in Time that one issue .. And of course theres Nylon and Index and all those trendy elite semi-undergroud magazines that featured Puffy. I love Index and Nylon.
Of course, I'm a fan of Ladytron and Cibo Matto. amazing bands. Too bad Cibo Matto broke up. Yuka Honda's playing in some clubs around the city though. That should be interesting.

this was a random post.
but it was my first.
So hi everyone.
be my friend.

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