Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "no more long nites and short days" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:alone_i_cry (763189) alone_i_cry
Name:no more long nites and short days
Location:Putnam, Connecticut, United States
About:this is just a place where i want people to come together and write about how they are feeling about things. . . sometimes it's nice to have a safe place where you can go and talk about your feelings and have people care and write back and either try to help or just maybe even tell you about there experience and that could maybe help you. . . but feel free to join!
Interests:11: crying, drawing, healing, hurt, love, music, poetry, reading, sharing, stars, writing
Members:26: a_glitter_girl, anorexicbeauty, anothrwomanlost, as_we_fall, cant_slow_down, carrielynn1002, collided_, donoteat, fuckedupvegetal, greymaryjane, hollywood69, irishgirl87xo, kandydevil, kareymiceli, lacrymosaa, lamewithanedge, mandabeartoo, mystarwontfade, rebellia, sarahdied, silewill, starinmypocket, twisted_goddess, xemochadx, xlorinx, xniftystarsx
Watched by:15: a_glitter_girl, chaosknot, collided_, donoteat, emptyhands4ever, hollywood69, kareymiceli, lacrymosaa, lamewithanedge, mandabeartoo, new_girl, pippigurl, sarahdied, silewill, xemochadx
Account type:Free Account

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