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Community Information

Below is information about the "la desnuda" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:desnuda (238754) desnuda
Name:la desnuda
About:Welcome to desnuda.

My name is Nicole, and you can check out my journal here. I started desnuda as a community for contemporary poetry. Whereas I started it off as a closed community, I have decided to change the format and make membership completely open. Anyone may join, and anyone may monitor the community to see the flow of work produced by the members. As the maintainer of the community, I only request that all new members follow a few simple rules:

  1. Please only join if you are serious about poetry and sharing your work with others. If you join with the intention of being a nuisance, you will be removed from the community and possibly banned from commenting.

  2. Remember that the community is not meant for the discussion of poetry, but rather only for poetic works. If you would like to compliment a poem or give criticism on it, please do so with a comment, rather than an entirely separate post.

  3. Please limit the content of your posts to the contemporary genre, meaning, no sonnets in old english. Song lyrics are welcomed, as long as they are not copyrighted to someone else (for example, no Pearl Jam lyrics, please). Prose poetry is also welcomed, but if you would like to post an actual prose work, please either place it within a cut tag, or contact me first, depending on length.

  4. Do not use desnuda as your own personal journal and write posts that have nothing to do with poetry. Each post should only contain your poetic work and nothing more. Save anything else for your own lj.

  5. Please do not steal from other members, whether their work is copyrighted or not. Plagiarism is the highest offense of literature and calls for karmic capital punishment. Respect your fellow poets, as well as yourself.

Above all, enjoy.
Interests:80: abstract thinking, alternative lifestyles, antidotes, art, beauty, bedsheets, beginnings, black and white, black sweaters, bleeding through, bohemia, candles, cigarette smoke, colour, contemporary poetry, cynicism, death, details, disgust, drowning in you, empty nests, film noir, finality, fingertips, fog, glasses, good vs. evil, growing older, hands, happiness, hips, hopeless crushes, hopeless dreamers, hunger, hypocrisy, idealism, ink, insanity, intuition, invisibility, juxtaposition, kisses, lies, liquors, love, lust at first sight, media whores, mirrors, modern art, music, nighttime, nudity, open eyes, open mic readings, parallels, poetry, poets, politics, purity, romanticism, rough edges, secrets, separation, simplicity, skyscrapers, slams, softness, soulmates, stars, suburban hell, tangles, the naked eye, the search, unrequited love, urban life, walks in the rain, walls, wasted youth, words, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:44: 12amcocktail, 9th_circle, abstersive, bachelorettia, bluescreen, broodingheart, cleaver, collegegirl, coypixie, dismaldream, escaperain, faceofmonotony, fellating_jesus, firefox092480, floodflowers, foldedpagesfade, galvanic, glowworm_wiggle, incantata, jcharles00, jl55378008, justify_my_gun, leviadams, magnolias, mongo2415, nogoodnewsboy, norwegiankarma, papercrane, parchin, pi2, prufrocker, rememberance, scubast3, siff, silkanimosity, spidercents, sterno, tablefornone, takesix, this_is_rae, tinzelhead, xxgunbangxx, yrnextboldmove, zepam
Watched by:28: 12amcocktail, 9th_circle, abstersive, bachelorettia, blifereal, broodingheart, collegegirl, dismaldream, firefox092480, floodflowers, foldedpagesfade, galvanic, jcharles00, journeysend, justify_my_gun, ladyarakny, leviadams, magnolias, mongo2415, nogoodnewsboy, papercrane, parchin, silkanimosity, spidercents, sterno, takesix, xxgunbangxx, yrnextboldmove
Account type:Free Account

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