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User:gayxscenexkids (887485)  
Name:breaking the stereo type
Location:United States
About:this site was created for the gay scene kids to unite. for all those kids who do not fit into the stereo typical gay genre. here you can come to talk about everything to gay issues to the newest underground band patch that you are sporting on your side bag. talk about local shows or new bands that you think that should be supported. post as many pictures that you want and just simply be nice to eachother.


*respect eachothers views
*dont HATE on other peoples bands
*dont be ignorant


-maintained by-


Interests:58: 80s, 80s new wave, bisexual, black hair, body mod, buttons, clubs, concerts, cute hair, cute outfits, drag queen, dyed hair, dyke, electroclash, emo, emocore, equal rights, equality, fag, fairy, fashion, gauges, gay, gay pride, gay rights, gay straight alliance, glasses, hardcore, homosexual, independent record labels, indie rock, jean jackets, lesbian, mod, music, patches, piercings, pin up girls, pins, queer, rainbows, records, retro, same sex adoption, same sex marriages, scarves, screamo, shoes, shows, side bags, stars, studded belts, sundance movies, sweaters, tattoos, thrift stores, transvestites, underground music. [Modify yours]
Members:108: ____haha____, ___anemic, _insipid, _mei, all3n, altoidattack, ambiguousoddity, anewbreedofboi, animatorlammby, anthonyluvsanal, anycboi, ararielblue, atlasttheend, auraboi, bandxaidexguyx, beforethiszero, bombsaloud, brat_grrrl, breathmein, brightonpunkboy, captqueerboi, celestial_orgy, coldbluepeople, crazyxkyd, crystalblur, darkmatter2004, deadxthursday, deahelene13, demonseyes, dirtyjameth, distortedliking, dope_belly, dubaboutme, emoposerkid, evivrus, fallout_06, gaveitaway, gay_fox, geek7, gypsyeyes, hardcorexscotty, heythats_mybike, homocore_nico, inmydecay, internalxternal, isocyanate, jamesduende, jaridliveson, jeremy_pgh, jjandblink182, joerex, johnafun123, joyfulgirl32, joyfulgirll, justkarmaandi, kitchennoise, l0singmyself, lickthestarz, lilboipunk, lovelypersona, loveonprozac, misspentyouth33, muse_boy, n2oninja, name_her_lover, never_infinite, ohsweetcalamity, osidianrose, our_sadderday, p1mp1nd1stress, patchworkpirate, penguinluvv, punkprincess87, reckless_kisses, redundantfool15, retail_fag, revolver_____, rockboi80, romantictragedy, savagebeauty, scarletbeg0nia, scratchatstars, sfrockindj, shoppingcarts, shrtkid5, sincerely_holly, slygreen19, spitefulglare, stars_fade_fire, starsinhereyez, sucker_4_love, sugarink, tearish, teh_geekette, the_sashie, thecc, themeconspiracy, therockfront, wakeupexhausted, white_and_green, writtenanarchy, xchubx, xcircuitboyx, xnicksucksx, xoimsolameox, xonestrawplease, xprototypex, xxpurplbttrflyx
Watched by:75: _paperwings_, altoidattack, anewbreedofboi, animatorlammby, anthonyluvsanal, anycboi, ararielblue, atlasttheend, auraboi, b1oodpaint, bandxaidexguyx, brat_grrrl, brightonpunkboy, captqueerboi, crashzero, crazyxkyd, daughtersofkaos, debusen, demonseyes, dirtyjameth, dope_belly, dubaboutme, emoposerkid, evivrus, fallout_06, filthymind9000, gay_fox, geek7, heythats_mybike, inmydecay, internalxternal, isocyanate, jackraven, jaridliveson, jeremy_pgh, jjandblink182, joerex, johnafun123, justkarmaandi, kitchennoise, lilboipunk, lovelypersona, myresurrection, nckevin, ohsweetcalamity, our_sadderday, outsideandthird, p1mp1nd1stress, penguinluvv, punkprincess87, razor000, recient_comming, redundantfool15, retail_fag, revolver_____, rockboi80, sayonarasadness, scarletbeg0nia, scratchatstars, shoppingcarts, shrtkid5, stars_fade_fire, starsinhereyez, sucker_4_love, tearish, the_sashie, the_wars_end, thecc, themeconspiracy, udjat212, vampyrica, wakeupexhausted, xoimsolameox, xonestrawplease, your_cure
Account type:Free Account

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