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User:lizvang (5407) Paid User lizvang
liz's damn live journal:
so it's sorta social, demented and sad, but social...
Name:Little Miss Disaster™
Send lizvang a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
AOL IM:AIM status lizvangwizbang (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 26931975 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status lizvangwizbang (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
lizvangwizbang @ hotmail dot com
Memories:198 entries
Interests:17: ™, , accents, chuck palahniuk, digital photography, fireworks, foo fighters, ikea, matt good, radio, rock and/or rolling, stars, summer storms, tattoos, the muppets, toronto, u2
Friends:182: abqd, alcestis, alen, alfabettezoupe, alicenwndrln, amy, angelicdestiny, annalytical, applelard, apriljoy, ardvid, ariesgirlie, aristophren, badboyjohn, bardiva, bellesouth, bigbull, billijean, bitterbride, bliss658, breekola, cameosis, camplj, caren, catherine, chandos, chiabrit, cider, circlek, coral, corto, cyn, cynica, cypher, danica, demolitiondonna, denizsarikaya, designdiva, digifox, dixie, dlocke, docmaestro, dpaul007, drewness, eastendsnob, elnerdoricardo, elsnaibs, ericjevitts, ericundone, fiorile, fixxwisdom, fotobilder_user, fruitychick, ginger_g, girlblue, gliterybuterfly, gnomeygirl, gracieclover, gregclow, hardgirl, heckonwheels, heido, henman, holga_cameras, honu, ibean, imperfectly, indianasweetie, indigobluejelly, insaniac, inspectorjury, irresistiblyred, jediem, jeep_guy, jennfromtx, jimismyhero, jnl, jodilyn, jordandumptruck, jude_fest, justj, kellybellynet, kingofallporn, kitiara, klimtomaniac, klulyss, krets, kristylicious, krizsa, ladyfire, lakme, lalenalefay, lamaannalove, landmark, ldy, lianna, life_and_times, lilactime, lizvang, lizvangdotcom, luker, luminous, lusally, ly, lyninthesky, lynspin, marieofroumania, mindme, mistertibbs, moejo, mom, monkey, moosifer, movingforward, mrfreeze, nancyrihakova, naomi, narrowminded, nbbmom, nreality, ohmyhead, paladin3, parkdale, passerine, peekaboo, perpetualmotion, petermarcus, pixelwench, plasticlittle, polarbear, poonariffic, princessblondie, proof, puppydog_cs, purplepimphat, rachbomb, raylenetaskoski, razzberee, reens, sabbat, saltwatersound, sarahcarotte, sassylass, savonarola, scarlete, scottiblack, shazam, sickboy, simplysara, sirclick, slaycock, somecanuckchick, spaimy, spoonie, stanza, starsinmybelly, stephaniekaye, strangegrrl, strippermike, symph, tat2rob, templier, the_cool_girls, theashifaction, theducks, thefife, thetech, thewalkingman, thrillckr, topazgrrl, toronto, torontorockcity, true_nexus, turtlehead, watermarkk, watership, weavermansfield, weswilson, wiccakid, xenia, xian, yakdog
Friend of:201: abqd, alcestis, alen, alfabettezoupe, alicenwndrln, amy, andysoft, angelicdestiny, annalytical, applelard, apriljoy, ardvid, ariesgirlie, aristophren, ashendari, badboyjohn, bardiva, bellajellybean, bellesouth, bigbull, billijean, bitterbride, bliss658, brak55, breekola, byron, caren, carouselrose, catherine, ccnuggie, chandos, chiabrit, cider, circlek, coral, corto, cyn, cynica, cypher, dallandra, danica, demolitiondonna, denizsarikaya, designdiva, digifox, dixie, dlocke, docmaestro, dpaul007, dreaxo, drewness, eastendsnob, elnerdoricardo, elsnaibs, ericjevitts, ericundone, evil, fiorile, fixxwisdom, flightyone, fruitychick, ginger_g, girlblue, gliterybuterfly, gnomeygirl, gracieclover, gregclow, hardgirl, heckonwheels, heido, henman, honu, ibean, imperfectly, indianasweetie, indigobluejelly, insaniac, inspectorjury, irresistiblyred, jediem, jeep_guy, jenna77, jennfromtx, jimismyhero, jnl, jodilyn, jordandumptruck, jpposey2000, justj, kellybellynet, kewl4katz, kingofallporn, kitiara, klimtomaniac, klulyss, krets, kristenactually, kristylicious, krizsa, ladyfire, lakme, lalenalefay, lamaannalove, landmark, ldy, lianna, life_and_times, lilactime, linzee, lizvang, luker, luminous, lusally, ly, lyninthesky, lynspin, marieofroumania, marlene, metalsoul, mindme, mistertibbs, moejo, mom, monkey, moosifer, movingforward, mrfreeze, mrsqueaky, nancyrihakova, naomi, narrowminded, nbbmom, nreality, odic, ohmyhead, paladin3, passerine, peekaboo, perpetualmotion, petermarcus, pimmy, pixelwench, plasticlittle, polarbear, poonariffic, princessblondie, proof, puppydog_cs, rachbomb, raylenetaskoski, ...
Member of:9: camplj, fotobilder_user, holga_cameras, jude_fest, parkdale, purplepimphat, the_cool_girls, toronto, torontorockcity
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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