Below is information about the "Courtney Love Fans" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | ms_world (1049978) |
| Rosewater Honeyblood All That Glitters Is Sour |
Name: | Courtney Love Fans |
Website: | |
Location: | United States |
E-mail: |
About: | Welcome to Ms World! One of LJ's original Courtney Love communities!
Whether you're old school (Pretty On The Inside) or a newbie (America's Sweetheart), this is the place for unabashed Courtney/Hole Fandemonium.
Share pictures, news, favorite songs, art, whatever...
Rules: 1) Introduce yourself. (We're not gonna force you, but we appreciate it.)
2) Be kind to one another. NO FLAMING!
3) Keep posts ON TOPIC. If you post something that is off-topic (whether accidentally or intentionally), it will be removed.
4) Use the LJ Cut for entries longer than a paragraph and/or containing more than one picture. If a post is in need of an LJ Cut, the post will be automatically deleted after which you'll be able to repost if it's appropriate. I'm kind of lenient on this one and it's done case-by-case...but there you have it.
5) ABOUT COMMUNITY PROMOS! At first community plugs were allowed by everyone. Then that was abused, so we had to put a ban on that. But now there's a better way. And this is how it works: If you are a member of the community and you have your own related community you'd like to promote, email or leave a comment for ophelias_lament with the link to your community and a brief explanation of what it's about. Your community will be placed on the community info page under the "Related Communities" heading and once a month, the moderator will post an entry on the mainpage plugging related communties belonging to members of this community. Individual posts on the main page containing plugs for LJ communities (related or unrelated) will be deleted. You may link to outside related websites, however: posts containing ONLY a link to a website (be it yours or someone else's) with no further explanation will be deleted. 6) Have fun! (trust me, after all the rules, it's still possible ;P)
A NOTE ABOUT LOGGING Alright, so we're all trying to log points for every banner/newsring/whatever posted online...but the banner is already posted in the userinfo, so posting them on the mainpage is rather redundant, isn't it? Post them if you want, log it, but just know that it will be removed. Same goes for any other "promo of the week" C.Lo has out. The mod gets the newsletter...she knows what they are. You can still log the effort...but the post will be deleted. You've been given fair warning. Any posts on the mainpage containing the America's Sweetheart banner will be deleted. (This policy should not harm your chances of winning.)
(The Moderator reserves the right to delete any post or ban any member she deems to be in violation of these guidelines. The Moderator will make every effort to notify via comment why your entry was deleted and whether or not it is appropriate to repost)
Related Communities: glitterwhores...our very own missvanity's comm! hardbittercandy kat_bjelland...belong to our lovely ms_brass
+Link Bin
"...there are times when she makes me feel powerful and by listening to her music, or reading her lyrics I feel powerful and confident. --blattfink
This community is managed by ophelias_lament (Established 05.08.2003)
Courtney is love.
Interests: | 150: $32 dress, 200 cigarettes, 20yearsinthedakota, 90s, admiration, adulation, althea flynt, america's sweetheart, ann boleyn, ask for it, asking for it, awful, b-sides, babydoll, babydoll dresses, ballet slippers, bastard, be a man, beautiful son, berry, best sunday dress, billy corgan, blondes, boys on the radio, burn black, cancerians, caroline rue, celebrity skin, cherries, clove, concerts, cosmetic surgery, courtney love, covers, dicknail, doll parts, drew barrymore, drown soda, dying, early 90's, eric erlandson, fairy wings, fame, fashion, feeling minnesota, female musicians, feminism, frances bean, garbadge man, girl bands, glamour, glitter, gloria steinem, gold dust woman, good sister/bad sister, grunge, guitars, gutless, hearts, heaven tonight, hester prynne, hit so hard, hole, hole bootlegs,, hungry like a wolf, intensity, ithinkthatiwoulddie, jane magazine, jennifer's body, jill emery, johnnies in the bathroom, julie johnson, kinderwhore, kristen pfaff, kurt & courtney, kurt cobain, lady macbeth, lipstick, live through this, loaded, lynne margulies, lyrics, magazines, make up, malibu, man on the moon, mary janes, media, melissa auf der maur, michael stipe, miss world, motherhood, movie premieres, movies, mrs. jones, music, mybodythehandgrenade, northern star, obsession, old age, olympia, ophelia, oregon, pale blue eyes, passion, patty schemel, pee girl, people vs. larry flynt, petals, phonebill song, playing your song, plump, portland, pretty on the inside, primal screams, publicity, punk, reasons to be beautiful, red carpet, retard girl, riot grrrl, rock n' roll, rock stars, roses, sam maloney, season of the witch, sexuality, she walks on me, sid & nancy, softer softest, spin magazine, star belly, stars, straight to hell, stripping, substance abuse, sugar coma, teenage whore, the howard stern show, the shag, tiaras, tragedy, trapped, turpentine, use once and destroy, versace, vintage dresses, violet, widow. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 207: __imarobot, __sure_shot, _burnblack_, _deathsex, _miss_meg, _starbelly_, _v0latile, _weallfalldown, _xbabyxduckiex_, acidstar726, adamnoteve78, alexhawker, alexxylephone, all_hail_her, amarella, amby_en, amethystskies, amongmyswan, anavrinevol, angelgurl21, angelsfuck94, arielastar, art_thr0b, asweettg, avathebrat, betterideas, bettiepage_luvr, biancasboudoir, bitterflesh, black_number_1, blackfaerie, blaklily, blankgirl66, blattfink, bob_lind, bouncing_shoes, candyglitter, carlamcbad, carnivoro, cheekyglitter, cherry_ophelia, cherrymoon, cherub_bunny, chickwithwings, chris_is_my_god, cleanlikegod, cloverdaze, colour_of_grace, crazybo0, crimson1, crimson_emotion, cultureslut, cuntbox, cynnamon_girl, debidestruction, deftonedani, dietxriot, dismaldilusion, dissolved_grrl, distortedfaerie, divinexcrime, dollalice, dust_white, elbowsexgoddess, electrickhunnyb, elissathegreat, emilystrange, end_it_on_this, faerieb0y, fargirl, fins, frootijen, glamnightmare, glitterrose, grungeriot, guntoyourhead, gynocide, hairsprayqueen, happynoodlezim, hardcoresoul, hate_eternal666, here2pickupchix, holdurbreath4me, hollywoggle, hopesfailing, humpmedumpme, i_am_ruined, iluvincubus, imperfectdamnit, jenyce, jessika127, jesusismyfriend, joinedatheheart, julessmiley, katecore, katwit, kinggluttony, kissyourbullet, kittyvici0us, kttnmouthkween, ladyanathema, lapunkette, lavendertattoo, leprechaun_hoe, lesbianpoetgrrl, lethal_dose50, lilexgirlscout, liliyikes, longlivethecow, loser_buttercup, lovely_disgrace, lsw123, lunarainbow, m_a_p_s, madkittin, marysabortion, meaniemochigrrl, memorieshauntme, meow_you, midwintereyes, misslavintage, missvanity, molly2dope, mongoosepie, monstertruckess, moochild, morguegurl, morrison69, motherlovebone, ms_brass, mummpo1, naturesawhore, neenerbean, never, ninasavestheday, notofyourbreed, nottheelves, nowhere_utopia, nowthatyouknow, ophelias_lament, ozzysarchangel, pap3rh3art, pathofbeauty, pink_decay, polarisenvy, pollilop, pressed_flowers, prissykitty, proflatino, qafbabe, r3d_lost, razorpritti, rockshow420, roseandthebeast, ryos_mistress, sarahlara, scarsdeadvoid, scartears, schoolgirl, sea__food, seksi_fahise, shamrocks, shangrii, sheenaramone, shylahfaerie, slinksterjeans, sohoodrich, sparklestargirl, stained_wings, starbaby77, starbunnie, starlachina, starletfaery, starlitepixee, strawberried, stumble_beauty, sunday_grrl, superspy, sweetcherrie, sweetdementia, teenage__riot, teenage_fairy, the_man_stephen, the_vines, tigergurl18ashl, traciehoward, tuulitinkerbell, tv___eye, unluckyjane, upscale, walk_in_shadows, warholstar, wink23, wrongturned, x_missworld_x, xlivethruthisx, xsickness, xtaticpro_cess, xteenagewhorex, xxdarkbluexx, your_empathy, youreviltwin, yrdirtywings, yrguntomyhead, yumpopstars, yvonne_b, zephyr2012 |
Watched by: | 126: __imarobot, __sure_shot, _burnblack_, _miss_meg, _miss_world, _starbelly_, _v0latile, _weallfalldown, _xbabyxduckiex_, adamnoteve78, alexhawker, amarella, amongmyswan, anavrinevol, angelgurl21, angelsfuck94, arielastar, avathebrat, bettiepage_luvr, black_number_1, blattfink, candyglitter, carlamcbad, carnivoro, cherry_ophelia, cherrymoon, chickwithwings, cleanlikegod, colour_of_grace, crazybo0, crimson_emotion, cuntbox, debidestruction, deftonedani, dietxriot, dismaldilusion, dollalice, elbowsexgoddess, electrickhunnyb, elissathegreat, emilystrange, end_it_on_this, fachism, fandome, glamnightmare, grungeriot, guntoyourhead, gynocide, hardcoresoul, hate_eternal666, holdurbreath4me, hollywoggle, hopesfailing, iluvincubus, jesusismyfriend, jocey, joinedatheheart, katecore, katwit, kinggluttony, ladyanathema, lapunkette, lethal_dose50, liliyikes, longlivethecow, loser_buttercup, lovely_disgrace, lunarainbow, lynsangelic1, m_a_p_s, madkittin, meaniemochigrrl, midwintereyes, misslavintage, missvanity, molly2dope, moochild, morrison69, mummpo1, nanciii, nowhere_utopia, nowthatyouknow, ohohyeah, ozzysarchangel, paleblueeyes, pathofbeauty, pink_decay, polarisenvy, pollilop, pressed_flowers, proflatino, razorpritti, rideabike, rockshow420, roseandthebeast, rx_queen02, ryos_mistress, scarsdeadvoid, scartears, schoolgirl, seksi_fahise, shamrocks, shangrii, sheenaramone, shylahfaerie, stained_wings, starbunnie, starletfaery, sugarbabylon, sunday_grrl, sweetdementia, teenage__riot, the_man_stephen, the_vines, tigergurl18ashl, tv___eye, unitshifter, unluckyjane, wink23, xtaticpro_cess, xteenagewhorex, xxdarkbluexx, yrdirtywings, yumpopstars, yvonne_b, zephyr2012 |
Account type: | Free Account |