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Community Information

Below is information about the "Winged Eternal" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:once_winged (346329) once_winged
Name:Winged Eternal
Website:Founders Lj


Be respectful to others, one of the principles of this community is freedom to express beliefs and ideas without risk so we ask you respect this ideal.
In tune with the idea of respect we will ask for no fascism within this community, you will not be banned for a few opinions, however if you get overly abusive of one group then you will be asked to leave.
Please do not leave offensive posts or comments, if you are here purely to abuse or belittle our members you will be dealt with.
On language and behavior, we are mostly adult here or at least mature enough to deal with cursing and such like, but it would be nice if it were kept to a minimum.
Images should be kept to topic, if they are large, or more adult in nature could you please use the LJ cut feature.

Off topic posts and comments are allowed to some extent – no taking advantage of this please.
I ask that quiz results are not posted here, please post quizes in your own journal.

Keep to the terms of service of Livejournal, be respectful and tasteful and we will have no problems.
If rules are broken you will be given a warning, asked to leave, banned and eventually reported to the Livejournal abuse team if a serious breach in the rules carries on.
I would rather not have to have rules, but because of past issues they have had to be put into play, however they are not strict, as long as you respect the community members then you will be fine here.

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Memories:5 entries
Interests:90: angel, angelic, angelkin, angelous, angels, angelus, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphics, archangel, astral, astral projection, astral travel, beasts, beings, butterflies, butterfly wings, celestial, clouds, comunity, create, creature, creatures, dark, death, deva, dragon, dragons, dreaming, eccentricity, elf, elven, elves, fae, faerie, faeries, faery, feathers, flight, flying, folk lore, furry, gentleness, griffin, guardian angel, guardian angels, heaven, heavens, heros, hope, imagine, kin, kinship, know, knowlege, life, light, longing, lostkin, love, memory, memorys, metaphor, mind, missing, multiple, myth, mythology, nature, other world, otherkin, otherkins, peace, self-discovery, shapeshifter, shapeshifting, shifters, sky, soul, souls, spirit, spirit guides, spirituality, star, stars, trust, watchers, wind, wing, wings, wisdom. [Modify yours]
Members:386: ______lemarquis, __doloreshaze, _electric, _immobilized_, _nevermore_, _pixystix, a_sirius_mind, abysmalspirit, ajzialheara, akasuzu, akinokoneko, akiyoru, alicornmoon, allegria, anai_shintah, anganna, angelic__beauty, angelic_shadows, angelicdust, angelitica, angelmetatron, angelsatarel, angelsfuck94, aninazerg, anya_rose, aquaticfae, arinaca, arisa, arkady, ashworthy, aspectedangel, assyrianwolfess, astropoetic, astylemyown, aurora_gaia, aurorn, avatar5483, ayna_moonchild, azraile, azyuna, beetlejuice83, birdofparadox, blackwing_angel, bloodyedge, blueflutterby, boo_dundee, brightspark, brokenangel69, brokenwingbtfly, brynndragon, cadrian, caesuraplaid, ceran, changling_, chansondesanges, chaotic_sins, chicanerys_muse, child2day, childofra, chocodragon, christalangel, christithecat, cirruswing, clare_dragonfly, context, coralprimrose, crazyfaeriegirl, cured, cyndwevere, d1g174l_4ng3l, darcyjmoon, darkestdivinity, darkserenity, darksidekitty, darlingnothing, deeppurple, dellessa, deviann, devilish__angel, dinogrrl, diseasedonion, do_not_dryclean, dorkfest, dragoninthesky, dragonlover58, dragonstars, drakyn, dynionne, eknock, el_dirty_one, eldarath, elfje, elvenmystic2003, emilytenshi, eminnith, emmica, esilvermoon, esmirelda, evanescence__, evilpixy, faded_memories, faemortel, faerietalesdie, faerymistress, fathoms_deep, ferver, ffraga, fin_kawasaki, fire_ember, fireez, fneh, following_lupa, forever_longing, forgottendream_, frost19, fujinsama, fyreharper, ghostfire, goldronin, goldrose, gonadsandstrife, gotbean, gothicseraphim, gothpanda, gothrose, grady, graywalker, gurahl, heron61, hhaghwir, his_gothic_dawn, holymant, hopeslight, icingsugargirl, icklepurklegirl, iheartemoboys, illusionite, immortallander, inuki42, ionno, irishtwilight, j0ren, jalyn_onyx, jandanadur, jasminawolf, jolantru, juice_boxx, kacey_, kainiji, kaizergurl, kalapia, kaliira, kalure, kamilover, karanlikmelek, katfireblade, kawaiicatgirl, keshara, kewi, keznkeri, kflaughter, kiarrith, kibbe, kira_sakuya_, kiranth, kitcatk8, kittencat, kittenish_, koay, kokorokano, krayt, ladynokomis, lailah_arianai, ldydarkrose, leeniebeanie29, leftoverpaint, lenocht, leopardwolf, lhiannan__sidhe, lilitusama, llieno, loudly, loverlydecay, lunar_dragoness, lunarennui, lunarlily, luwana, luxatos, maimedcat, mandicat, manycolored, massu, melancholydoll, meleekitsune, melyxa, memoryanddream, menelaran, mercurialsiren, meruness, midnightworld, mikale_kolukei, mirquenie, miss_conduct, misslunakitty, mistressoflight, mizuenzeru, mopecat, morhem_animer, mugetsu_, mylivessbs, myrai, nagisa_kaworu, nambroth, nayabunbun, nererue, nessie, nicedream8, nightgoddess56, nightshadexp, nikkoth, nitewings, noctivaganfairy, nocturnal_fears, nocturnaldragon, noeleandbunnies, norie_maton, nossarniel, novembertrees, obsydian, onar, onelnamillion, ookamime, orfiel, paperdollhearts, phoenix_angel, placetohide, popidol, prismatic_jewel, promiseforever, punky_phooka, purrs, quabazaa, ques_nova, rainwyrm, raivaka, rampallion, randomish, rashkae, ravenchylde, ravensfeather, ravenwolfee, ravonmyst, rebelliouseyes, reineblanche, remwolf, rixxin, riyna_chan, robotangel, rockin_kitty, rockroyalties, rofocowboy84, rowanmayfair, ruthyriot, rynchan, ryutenshi, sadelapsi, saenna, saffron_zephyr, sahjiarah, sayh, saying_goodbye_, scabbedangelkyo, scentedpen, scornofangels, screamingdasies, seiran, seraphina_prime, serraduchi, sethanikeem, sexiwitdabaton, shade_xiwolfen, shadow_5tails, shadow_prophesy, shadyfaerie, shardes, shatteredrose, sheepywonder, shieldsmaiden, shimmerling, shoshana_star, sillylilemogrrl, silvertree, silverwillow, siriusgriffon, skeletongore, skittlegryph, sletia, slytheringodess, smam, snappedragyn, snaury, sombriado, sora_misao, sparklingkitty, starletchild, stinky_burp, stoned247, stray_dog_strut, sugapuss, sugarcoatnothin, sun_shadow84, sunkissed, sutekh, swandog, taka_kitsune, talbona, tearshoteyes, tempisdraco, templeofjustice, terajjin, tetragrammaton, texanphoenix, the_fairy, the_lostboys, the_sea_lingers, thedarkangel, thedreamwithin, thefweak, theorypsychosis, theripster, thesillyfilly, thesoulreaver, ti_nonso, tirani, tissuepaperpet, to_be, tokenfrost, tolk, toocute, tresh, trin_drachewolf, trypheanoia, tsengli, twisted_thought, tyshadragon, undomeramie, unfurled, urbandelirium, vcards, veiledintent, violetcoil, violetlights, violetxeyes, viridion_house, viviane, waterchilde, waywind, weazul, weeping_orchid, white_blaze, willowwpryce, winddaemon, wingeddreamer, wingery, winterredwood, wintersheart, wolf_shadow, wolfraven, wrendragon, wynn_fae, xaeon, xanthvamp, xantisocialx, xinvictus, xkiskax, xo_ox, xonly_ashes, xotae, xshadowedearthx, xwxkanaxwx, yakkorat, your_x_star, yukibera, zaecus, zahdi, zhai
Watched by:261: __figment__, _electric, _immobilized_, _pixystix, akasuzu, akiyoru, anganna, angelic__beauty, angelicdust, angelitica, angelsatarel, angelsfuck94, aninazerg, aquaticfae, arinaca, arkady, ashworthy, aspectedangel, assyrianwolfess, astylemyown, aurora_gaia, aurorn, ayna_moonchild, azraile, blakfitzz, bloodyedge, blueflutterby, boo_dundee, brightspark, brokenwingbtfly, brynndragon, cadrian, ceran, changling_, chansondesanges, chicanerys_muse, child2day, childofra, christalangel, christithecat, cirruswing, clare_dragonfly, crazyfaeriegirl, cyndwevere, d1g174l_4ng3l, darcyjmoon, darkestdivinity, darksidekitty, deviann, devilish__angel, dinogrrl, diseasedonion, do_not_dryclean, dragoninthesky, dreugan, dynionne, eknock, elvenmystic2003, emilytenshi, emmica, enotsola, esilvermoon, esmirelda, evilpixy, fathoms_deep, fin_kawasaki, fire_ember, fireez, following_lupa, forest_nymph, forgottendream_, freestone, fringewatcher, fujinsama, fyreharper, gold_vermilion, gonadsandstrife, gotbean, gothpanda, gothrose, graywalker, gurahl, heron61, hhaghwir, his_gothic_dawn, hopeslight, icklepurklegirl, illegalsmile, immortallander, inuki42, ionno, irishtwilight, j0ren, jalyn_onyx, jandanadur, jolantru, juice_boxx, kacey_, kaizergurl, kalapia, kaliira, kalure, kamilover, karanlikmelek, katfireblade, kenthar, keshara, kibbe, kiranth, kitcatk8, koay, krayt, ldydarkrose, leftoverpaint, lenocht, leopardwolf, lhiannan__sidhe, lilitusama, llieno, loverlydecay, lunar_dragoness, lunarennui, luwana, luxatos, maimedcat, massu, matrexsvigil, meleekitsune, melyxa, memoryanddream, menelaran, mercurialsiren, meruness, midnightworld, mikale_kolukei, miss_conduct, misslunakitty, mistressoflight, mizuenzeru, moonhare, mopecat, morebanglesmoke, morhem_animer, mugetsu_, mylivessbs, myrai, nagisa_kaworu, nambroth, nayabunbun, nessie, ...
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