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Below is information about the "if you're one of those kids who just dont fit in." community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:weirdlikeus (569208)  
Name:if you're one of those kids who just dont fit in.
About:the community for "anyone whos ever been called a freak." somehwree to go to talk about music, experiences, life, friends, mistakes...anything. be it you are punk goth emo outsider poet...its all about who you are and its all about life.
Interests:74: a simple plan, art, ataris, bracelets, bright eyes, brown eyes, bus rides, cats, chains, cheese ravioli, concerts, dashboard confessional, drive-like music, driving, effect, electric guitar, emo, enigmas, fine arts, friends, going to shows, green eyes, ideas, imagination, journalism, less than jake, life, long drives, lyrics, mac and cheese, machines, making out, mest, mix tapes, moon roofs, mosh pits, movies, music, mxpx, necklaces, nerds, new found glory, nice eyes, october nights, pennywise, pens, performing, personal expression, photography, pits, playing guitar, punk music, rufio, saves the day, shoes, singing, stars, subway, the clash, the juliana theory, the osbournes, the ramones, the suicide machines, the supertones, the wonder years, theater, thinking, third eye blind, trash and vaudville, velvet underground, weezer, wind-blown hair, writing, yellowcar. [Modify yours]
Members:88: _dud, _fadingtears_, _satininacoffin, _yourotherleft, adriennejr, angelifall, arrozc0nleche, billylykewhoa, black_metallik, bleedingmustard, blissful_day, chainsaw_poet97, changeisgood, cheeseboy0510, chrisholifield, come_pick_me_up, cornness, crazy_chicka113, darkgoddesskim, decrepitsanity, die_heart_you, drowningdolliex, eatme, englishwolf, evlhappybunny, full_of_smilez, fuzzysun, gerbilgrrl, gracefulghost, gracefullytorn, handmade_heart, hardcore_candy, healthhazard, homedept, kanamimi, kempsvillechick, kindlydie, kinemor, komradery, lady_lupin, ladykay, livefire, lostmantra, louolunique, lucidspring, mad_tea_party, magneticsushi, melancholy_co, meth_wonderland, missjayworld, mnemonicus, murderoflawyers, musicman01103, mylastoctober, mzgenius1, nightngaled0wn, nosmallvictory, nrrrdalert, obsessedfangirl, operationchaos, partylady, pockettheroach, princesofevil, purple_m0nkey, rocknrollchild, rusholmewithluv, sarahq25, shaypunk4life, shortypenguin, simple_yet_not, sirenlorelei17, smurfchild, starlette05, strangeandhappy, strangelitlegrl, subcultured21, sweetlikelemons, tbschick, un_julie, unstable_kitten, urkisskilledme, virtuethecat, whiptgirl, withthisitake, xdrivethruboyx, xheartofemox, xpencilgripx, z100promotions
Watched by:42: _satininacoffin, another_disease, arrozc0nleche, blissful_day, changeisgood, come_pick_me_up, crazy_chicka113, englishwolf, fuzzysun, gerbilgrrl, gracefullytorn, handmade_heart, homedept, kandyravenplur, kempsvillechick, kindlydie, komradery, ladykay, livefire, louolunique, lucidspring, melancholy_co, meth_wonderland, mnemonicus, murderoflawyers, musicman01103, mylastoctober, nrrrdalert, obsessedfangirl, operationchaos, pockettheroach, rocknrollchild, sarahq25, sirenlorelei17, strangelitlegrl, subcultured21, sweetlikelemons, un_julie, velcrostar, whiptgirl, withthisitake, xheartofemox
Account type:Free Account

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