%*! user info %*! friends %*! memories %*! back 20
;; basics
Hello, my name is Ashley, but no one really calls me that except for a few people so obviously, call me Ash. I live in New York, and i'm 14 years old. My birthday's on October 20th, and feel free to send me early/late birthday presents. I have a boyfriend named Brian and we've been together since December 26th, 2001. I love him very much. I'm a psychotic freakishly dumb loser with no actual events of importance happening in my life. Welcome to my journal. :P more?

;; linkage
tattered.org; ~zombie; ~repulsive; crash74.net; pink-shoes.nu

;; contact
  • e-mail
  • aim

    ;; visual

    *points and laughs* Hahaha, look at that freak.

    ;; counter

    ;; about this version
    This is version 5, Linkin Park. Linkin Park is one of my favorite bands, and Lisa repulsive asked me one day if I wanted a style, and she asked me for a band, and I just said Linkin Park. Some of this is based off of the song "In The End". LP is a alternative rap-rock band that formed back in 1996. The members are Chester Bennington (vocals), Mike Shinoda (MC), Joe Hahn (turntables), Brad Delson (guitar), and Rob Bourdon (drums). Their album is titled Hybrid Theory. Go out and buy it! ;D

  • Thursday, November 29th, 2001

    time:10:11 pm.
    My journal is friends only. Add me to your list and i'll probably add you back. Keep these things in mind.

  • Even my stupid and pointless entries are friends only, just for security reasons.
  • Don't delete me off your list once you add me cause that's really annoying.
  • Don't comment in my journal if you're just going to be an asshole. It's a waste of mine, and your time.
  • I have constant mood swings.
  • Respect my friends.

    That's about it. Now, you can either go ahead and add me, or you can leave. Thank you, and goodbye.