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[13 Jun 2004|01:31am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I am once again surprised and somewhat intimidated by exactly how small and imbred the world is.

Good night all.

1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Memes [12 Jun 2004|05:14pm]
What's with this Sausage thing? It has got to be the most irritating meme ever created!
3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[12 Jun 2004|03:17pm]
Yesterday I worked my arse of & completed the first version of the gateway server and began stress testing.

After work, I went round to [info]pinkoi's and had food.

I am slightly concerned that my friends want to get me on the next Big Brother just so they can watch the carnage.

Now back to tidying up.
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[10 Jun 2004|07:49pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

I've just had a letter from the police saying that I got caught going through a red light.

Its true, but I was momentarily distracted by my friend havnig an asthma attack and when i looked round again the lights had changed and i didn't think it was safe to stop.

I did wrong, I know that. But the letter was written just plain scarily, and nowhere did it give me an option to put across my side of the story.

I have sent the thing back signed and with a covering letter. Hopefully that will count for something.

I've had a long day and I'm stressed. And that was exactly what i didn't need.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

... oh and... [09 Jun 2004|09:22am]
This story -

That's my friend's brother :D
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

But, you've got to fly the flag! [09 Jun 2004|09:22am]
Said the essex man on the breakfast news today.

The world cup is driving people to pointless flag waving again.

It worries me. I worry, what with all this hysteria about terrorism that's being whipped up by government and the media, that we as a country are in real danger of adopting a rather dangerous american brand of overt patriotism.

The kind where you have to stand up and pledge your allegence to the state. The kind where you fly the flag on your car and on the house. The kind where you stand to attention at the national anthem...

... because you're afraid that if you don't you will be seen as an OUTSIDER.

You don't need to fly a flag to be patriotic. Its not something you prove. You just are.

Besides which, love of a country is a dangerous thing. Love your family and friends, not a state.

And if you must fly something, don't fly the cross of st george... we have a perfectly good flag already. Its called the union jack. We are after all the United Kingdom.
2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Pet hates [07 Jun 2004|05:00pm]
People who chew with their mouth open and people who don't understand the concept of a queue make my blood boil.

Am I normal?
3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

XPeee [07 Jun 2004|02:57pm]
My windows install on Dushka has reached its halflife so needs to be reinstalled.

What are peoples thoughts on XPee? I've avoided installing it up until now because 2K was good enough and I didnt want to put up with the horrible spyware and DRM shite. Loads and loads of ports open and sundry remote exploits - which won't be a problem since these can be disabled and i am behind several firewalls.

But it does have certain useful things... Cleartype for one (which is a godsend at work), more stable USB etc.

And before you say anything, Windows is not my main os. I actually have a very nice Debian/Knoppix install that i use for just about everything, but unfortunately I have to keep a windows install around for certain things (games mostly :D)

7 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Weekend [07 Jun 2004|11:02am]
Had a fun and quiet weekend

Friday I watched [info]pinkoi play trombone at the oxford playhouse, which was damn impressive.

Saturday, bumbed around. Bought a steam cleaner for my new place. Tested it out on Philippa's floor and Helen's bed. Brought the plaster down in tindy's room :/

Sunday. cleaned up. Bumbed around some more. Went to dinner at mums. Also dug out my cornet to show helen. Apparently I have good tone considering i've never played the thing, so I may give it a go...

Realised I only have two weeks before I move, so tonight I shall be tidying up and throwing things away / getting boxes of stuff ready for Oxfam / ebay. Also I plan to reinstall the windoze install on Dushka since it's now reached its halflife.

Fun fun... :)

(btw: luke... what do I need to do to get a residents permit for my car?)
5 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

More bounces [04 Jun 2004|02:01pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

... the attack continues.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[04 Jun 2004|12:03am]
[ mood | left out ]

I'm getting old.

All my friends have gone to dance the night away at The Celler. I wish I was there, but I have to come home because I have got to get up for work tomorrow.

I hate feeling left out.

But I suppose I should get used to it. Me and my friends live in different worlds now.

I did promise myself that if my job ever interfered with my social life that i would leave. So much for my principals. I guess I'm just a slave of the system now.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Bot tracker v1.0 [02 Jun 2004|10:05pm]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - Closer ]

Ok, here is the latest in my anti-spam honeytrap scripts

Basically, the script generates an email address which has the IP address of the robot and the time the address was harvested encoded in it. I also have a companion script that processes my procmail logs and extracts encoded addresses in a summary, this is then emailed to me once a month.

Vengence shall be mine :D

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Unlikely but... [02 Jun 2004|09:47am]
[ mood | amused ]

Paul Speller: You wouldn't happen to be at the Science park in oxford today? ... because if you aren't I've just seen your double walking into the office across the hall...

2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Good morning [01 Jun 2004|10:09am]
In work. Tired. Got lots to do but can't motivate myself to do it.

I am still getting a steady stream of message bounces in my inbox. I'm not sure if the attack is still ongoing or this is just the fallout.

I'm still working on countermeasures that might mitigate this in the future... or at least let me get my revenge, but right now I just have to hope that I don't get RBLed...
3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Fucking spamming bastards... [31 May 2004|04:59pm]

I'm under attack.

I just checked my mailbox and I've got a good 30 bounces from the spam run that used my domain in its return.

I am really at a loss about what to do about this... I can't filter them 'cos message bounces (when they're legitimate) are useful.

I have set up a number of bot traps on my website to at least retaliate a bit. I am also working on a new script that will place a bogus email address on my site which will have the time and ip address of the client encoded in it, so I will know exactly when and where the address was harvested.

But I don't know what to do about this... my worry is that my domain will somehow end up getting RBLed... but i hope that they will be bright enough to figure out that it isn't me...
9 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Bogomail [30 May 2004|06:55pm]
Right... v1.0 of my script is up and running on my website. If you want a copy of the script then let me know :)
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Spam [30 May 2004|04:02pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]

Normally spam for me isnt really a problem. I have a fascist set of procmail rules on the server that takes care of 99% of if before i even download it.

Lately however i have been getting lots of spam getting through preporting to be message bounces. Either they are crafting a message as a bounce or more likely sending a spam run using my domain in hte return address.

This is of course annoying, not only because I have no good way to filter these emails but because it does kinda besmurge me reputation somewhat (although few people wall fall for it, and I own the domain so I'll get any abuse mails).

I feel indignant however, and I think I should be looking for countermeasures... and if possible, a way to retaliate.

I thought perhaps working out a way of getting the mail server to maintain a track of outgoing message ids. That way the server could be configured to reject bounces for email it never sent.

That would certainly prevent me getting the spam, although i am not too sure how easy it will be to do.

It doesn't do much for my need for vengence though. I did once think about writing a php script to generate a page of a couple of thousand completely random and invalid email addresses and link to in from my website in order to corrupt the spambot lists.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Old news, but... [27 May 2004|09:16am]

I think that the planet's mean level of culture may have just gone up a few knotches...
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

If I ruled the world [24 May 2004|02:34pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

I have been watching grumpy old men, and worryingly I find myself agreeing to pretty much everything they say. Here's what I think should be done on a number of issues...

My friends will know that I am prone to these kind of rants. My friends also know that voting for me (should i ever be mad enough to run for public office) would probably be a bad idea.

I don't mean to offend with this, although I probably will. Mostly I just like stiring the shit. :D

Fuck it.

Economic Migrancy is perfectly fair and good. It is whats called a "Free Market Economy" and is what the UK and US have fought wars to maintain - you can't have your cake and eat it. If people from Serbia (or in the case of the US - Mexico) want to come to your country let them.

Immigrants are productive members of society because most of them want to be here and will work hard to stay. If, as a citizen of the host nation, you loose your job to an immigrant. Tough. It is your job to keep yourself competative and employable. Stop bitching and work harder.

Crime and punishment

People should be responsible for their own actions, and all people should be treated equally in the eyes of the law. We should do away with this rediculous age of criminal responsibility crap.

It is irrelivant whether someone is beaten up by a 12 year old at school or by a 25 year old in a nightclub. Assault is assault, and should be treated as such. Bullying etc should not be handled internally, the police should be involved from the get-go. Jail time should be metered out as appropriate.

The rights of criminals
When you break the law, you waive your rights for protection under the law. The upshot being, if you break into someone's house and get mauled by their rocweiller or they decide to chop your fingers off with a meat cleaver, you have no right to bitch.

Disruption and truency at school
Don't waste state resources. If a child is too stupid to realise that working hard and learning stuff at school is in their own best interests then they should simply be removed from school and the place given to someone who will appreciate it. For example, someone from the third world.

If they then can only get a shit job in later life, tough.

MP3s and the music industry
You no longer have a monopoly on distribution. Stop crying about it and start investing money into producing good albums that people want to buy.

Are silly, but we can't stop people believing in fairies as much as we might like to. Everyday quiet faith doesn't do much harm and can be tollerated, but it should be illegal for anyone with religious beliefs to serve in public office.

There should be no more silly taxes on random things. There should be one tax, and one tax only, that everyone pays based on their ability to pay. Everything the government wants to spend money on should be paid for out of this pot.

A voter should be provided with an individual and detailed recipt every april with exactly what their money was spent listed.

Light weight government
Governments should not mess around in the day to day running of peoples lives. Provided it doesn't halm another then people should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want to do and go wherever the hell they like without having to be tracked, stamped, audited and taxed at every point in the process.

A government should not be so afraid of its own people that it needs to monitor and control every aspect of their lives.

General elections should be held annually, and MPs should have how much they get paid set by their constituancy as an extra box on the ballet paper.

Anyway... rant over.. :D

11 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[21 May 2004|10:06pm]
Men are from Earth.
Women are from Earth.
Deal with it.

2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Advert [21 May 2004|02:55pm]
If you are on broadband, download skype... its fantastic :D
11 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[21 May 2004|09:53am]
[ mood | exhausted ]

I am so tired this morning I can hardly type.

I have to prepare some stuff for this afternoon. We're getting a contractor in and I have got to manage him. He's calling me later and I've basically got to talk through exactly what it is i want him to do.

Trouble is I only have a vague idea myself what it is I want him to do.

Ahh well.

Need coffee.

On the plus side it looks like we might be going out to lunch today because everyone seems to have the friday feeling.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Oh look [19 May 2004|09:12pm]
[ mood | cynical ]

Israeli stormtroopers murder men women and children.

Must be wednesday.

1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

New love of technology [18 May 2004|06:34pm]
[ mood | geeky ]

I have developed a new love of technology.

I am currently lying in bed sipping ice cold cider and typing this while I listen to my MP3 collection which is currently samba mounted on my Zaurus.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

OpenZaurus [17 May 2004|05:07pm]
.. is considerably better than Sharps offering.

Over the weekend I flashed my zaurus with the 64-0 version of OpenZaurus' testing build. Under openzaurus the built in Flash memory is actually writable.. which means that config changes you lovingly make aren't lost when you are forced to reset the thing or the batteries run out.

I had initially flashed with the 40-24 build, but since using volitile memory for data storage is a stupid thing to do (see my previous posts on the subject) I flashed with 64-0 so the only storage I have is involitile and all the memory is instead used for running programs. I also have taken one of the "films" from my camera to use as app storage.

After a fair amount of tinkering i managed to get my wireless card to talk to our office network. I am now happily making config changes using ssh from my desktop (which has a slightly easier to use keyboard). I can't wait to get some time to play with this a bit more and actually get around to installing some stuff.

If i get time this evening before I go out I may well write up how I got my wireless card working because as [info]pinkoi points out it might well be useful to someone.
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Birthday [17 May 2004|12:28pm]
[ mood | loved ]

I'm back at work today and we're insanely busy so this is going to have to be a very quick update.

This weekend was fantastic thanks to those wonderful people I have as friends.

On friday afternoon [info]pinkoi invited me round for curry... this is something we quite often do on fridays. I got a few bits and bobs from the shop and then went round. I rang the doorbell and Philippa answered and led me into the back garden...

... where [info]pinkoi, [info]placebo_boi, [info]fairysweetness and billy were waiting. The garden had been done up with baloons (with messages on them), lawn lights, rope lights in the trees. There was a BBQ going and big slabs of meat were being cooked.

Later Simon, Sarah, Ben-from-Penn and Ellie came.

We drank much alcohol and ate much food.

Later we turned on the lights and played a rather rigged game of pass the parcel :D

I got loads of stuff, a funny T-shirt from Andy, some alcohol and a cooler mug from [info]fairysweetness, a bunch of fantastically cheesy DVDs from Philippa and Tindy and a fantastic reversable faux dalmation fur bed spread thing from the very talented [info]pinkoi which she made!

Anyway, we all drank a fair amount of booze, played dizzy dinosaurs and generally had a laugh.

The next day, me and [info]pinkoi went and had lunch at harvester in wheatley before coming back and geeking with our Zaurus' until Philippa came back.

We had dinner in the early evening with some wine, then [info]pinkoi and Philippa went into the kitchen and came out with a monster cake - chocolate with orange chocolate filling. With iceing writing and everything! And damn tasty it was too! (hopefully andy has left me some for this evening :D )

We then all went out to Transformation in the evening and danced to cheesy music.

On the sunday, after I dropped [info]pinkoi off at her gig, I met up with my dad and went to the victoria arms pub for a few drinks before going round to my mums for dinner.

Had roast lamb cake and icecream and strawberries + wine. I got a toolkit of my dad and a t-shirt and bedding and stuff for my new place from my mum. We chatted until evening and then i went home.

What a fantastic weekend :) Thanks to everyone for making my birthday so special!

Tonight I am going to go out for a "getting to know you" meal with my new housemates at the Thai orchid in St Clements.

2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Fucking Zaurus! [11 May 2004|01:59pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]


I am getting fucking pissed off with this thing.

After an awful lot of hacking yesterday I managed to finally get my wireless card to work. I installed a bunch of stuff and finally it seemed like i was going to get something to work. Yay!

I was playing around trying to get Kismet to work. Having sued to root I used vi to edit kismet.conf I got interrupted by a work colleague, i came back and the Zaurus had gone into power saving mode. I woke it up and tried to save the file. It wouldn't let me.

I exited vi without saving and tried to edit it again. It wouldn't let me, saying the file has busy. Huh?!

ps -ef showed nothing running that was using the file. So rather than faf around for ages I decided just to reboot and force it to release any locks it may have. I reboot... and it hangs. I wait. Nothing happens. I wait longer. Nothing happens. I hold the on/off button. Nothing happens.

I look around for a reset button and don't find one. Even my old Palm had a reset button for when the worse happened. Eventually I find a button for what I hope is a soft reset. I pray. I press it.

The thing reboots.... and....

With a cold sense of dread I am greeted with the screen calibration program.

Thats right folks. Everything I had spent the last day fiddling with and setting up is gone. Because the bright people at sharp decided to make the only reset button available a hard reset!

I have lost all the settings I had, all the programs i've installed, everything! I now have to waste another evening of my time setting everything up again. Luckily I hadn't started using it as a PDA (and now never will) otherwise I could have lost something irriplacable.

This thing is a dangerous piece of junk. They should not be marketed as a PDA. I have so far not been able to keep it working properly for more than a day. Even an XDA manages to keep its data after a crash... and thats after months of solid development doing very nasty things to it.

I'm definitely going to sell it and try and get some of my money back. But who in their right mind is going to buy such a hunk of junk?

Seems I am not the only person to have problems with this -

This page seems to indicate that a lot of the stability problems are to do with Sharps poorly put together linux distro and so might be solved by flashing with OpenZaurus.

I can also start using an SD card to install apps to. This is a rather poor solution however since config files will still be stored in volitile memory... so I will still have to faff around with reconfiguring everything after a reset.

Also, using removable media for apps feels like a backward step, since only a subset of apps installed will be available at one time depending on the card you have plugged in. Back to the days of having all your apps on a million disks...

Not to mention that an SD card write operation is a very power hungry thing so running apps from SD will reduce the battery life considerably.

4 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[10 May 2004|06:19pm]
I'm sorry if i've been grumpy today.

I think I should just give up and go to bed.
1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Grrr! [10 May 2004|05:30pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

Fucking Zaurus.

It locked up and it wouldn't respond or reboot. There's no soft reset button so I had to pull the battery out and now all the settings and software I had on it has gone! I thought these things were supposed to have permenant storage or at least a backup battery!

I'm about ready to throw this thing out of the bloody window.

Fuck it, I'm going home now.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Sharp Zaurus [10 May 2004|03:03pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

A linux PDA.

Promises so much. Delivers so little.

I'm going to sell it and get an IPac.

6 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

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