(as intended: http://www.revolyoution.com/knowbettermountain.htm)
I find it "funny" that after all these years
After all the years of us knowing better
Knowing better, damnit
as a culture, as a society, as friends who have friends who have friends who
Find it funny
like laughing at a giggle
That we as a people still we are still so shallow that
we continue now to classify each other in terms of and discriminate against people based upon
the colors that they see within
And all I ask ask is... Why? Why?????
Can't we all just get along based on physical location, age, religion, sex, sexual preference, skin color and position in the pyramid? Like in the bad old days?
I mean, whatever happened to "asl? asl?? what's your asl????" being the most (mucho uno!) important question one could EVER POSSIBLY ask to determine the qualifications of another person to be "good people"?
I guess only someplace special and wonderUs, you and I, oh my
deep, deep inside your unconscious now knows that the good old days are yet to come, as our brightest future races to us,
down into us, I and you, now from atop our ever growing mountain of
~~* dreams,
breathing heavy, all wet with anticipation and desire of an ever ~*glowing*~ now.
And now, open your mouth, open your mouth wide, and
Take this opportunity of the soontobebliss in front of you to
Taste the rainbow
from wence you came, you came from the mouth life, of life itself!
It's time you get a taste of your own bettersin!
Taste life. Taste the rainbow.
Kiss the earth with your toes in the sand, and in the dirt... ... the salt of the air upon your licking lips... and your hands and hearts messy with what is and what can be!
My warmest of warmest of coolest of coolest of the forever better of the best of best regards....
The Tingle Of You To,
Forever Coming True Too,
A MakerealExxxplode!~JoyEvolveCreat(ion) of Dreams of Dreams of the .'. Reality
.'. Near You!
download & listen:
Halou - I'll Carry You
~|what are the colors (even if they're not colors) of your rainbow?~{