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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Trinket's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, May 4th, 2002
    4:24 am
    4:13 am
    I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

    You can take the
    McDonalds Product Test
    by Matio64

    20% - 30% (Goth)

    Depressed, mopey, but largely non-violent.
    You're fully aware that life sucks, but it's more like a fashion thing to you - you can take it or leave it.
    A healthy interest in the dark and evil, but *could try harder*.

    Take the DeathKiddy Test!

    god damnit im addicted
    3:56 am

    You are the most universal mythical beast ever. Sightings of the unicorn have been reported from all over the world, even in these modern times. Unicorns are pure and incurruptible. In China, unicorns symbolised gentleness, good will, and wisdom. Christianity links the unicorn with Christ. It is said that unicorns would only allow virgin girls to see them, let alone touch them. They were easily lured into fatal ambushes by a virgin with some potchers waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes. A unicorn's horn was a highly prised possesion, which was reputed to have great healing capabilities. With the touch of its horn, a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours. But when disattached from the unicorn's body, the magic was suggnificantly reduced and could only protect against poison. The unicorn had the body of a horse, a unique spirling horn, and a lion's tail. They were pure white in color. Congradulations, you are a rarity amoung mythical beasts. There aren't enough of people like you in the world.

    What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!

    damn tebby scaring me in the dark
    hes gonna make me scared of the dark & of creepy asian men

    soon ill carry a knife & stab him when he scares me again & then well see whos laughing
    Thursday, May 2nd, 2002
    3:31 pm
    oh damn these lil tests we continue to take to prove to others of our nature
    which way do i take this?
    i need to go back to watching gay christopher lowell, hes very talented ;)

    Find your Role-Playing
    , and visit

    my puffer fish is sick
    im doing everything i can to make it better again cos i like him alot

    i have to go to work bah i might change dept. cos mine sux balls
    i spraypained my new chest of draws today apple red
    its all over my hands now
    oops i even put gloves out for me to wear and then i forgot
    like tebby says i need to take my synthroid cos im getting forgetfull
    mum also sent me a card asking me to cos tebby wrote to her! hmmmf
    i dont mean to forget i jsut do :(

    Current Mood: blank
    12:54 am

    As dictators go, you're kind of pathetic! Instead of military coup or systematic persecution to get power, you just happen to be the head of the only party in the UK that isn't totally worthless! While not very impressive it is none the less effective! You can do whatever the hell you like without any chance of getting voted out of office! People know that the only alternative would have them eating their children if they ever got back into power! However, you still think that you are as loved as you were when you were first elected into power? News flash for you: You're not!

    What tin-pot dictator are you? Take the "What Dictator am I?" test at

    Monday, April 29th, 2002
    2:01 pm
    OH MY GOD!

    we saw vnv nation play last night in san francisco
    it was the best, most awesome concert i have ever been to
    they were amazing
    the whole crowd was in a trance like state doing anything those gods asked them to
    of course i was one of them! up the front 2 people from the front to the left.
    ronan touched my hand and then later i talked to mark about their show and australia. He promised that they'll tour soon and they'll definately go to melbourne cos they have a very large fan base there and sydney and they might aswell go to perth to since they are almost there but there was no guarentee cos well perth is small! I also learnt he was from sydney. i didnt know that but to tell you the truth i rarely look up info on bands
    sure i find them on mp3 or buy them, but i dont learn about the people behind the band cos its all about the music!
    the show lasted for over 1 & 1/2 hours and near the end we found out that it was being recorded for a live dvd which is so cool! so youll probably see my hand in there or maybe my camera!?* (oops nawty me)

    It was trully amazing how they got the crowd so envolved and absorbed. i know the music does that alone but there was so much feeling in that room last night. id look around and everyone was singing the words. it was like they were gods!

    VNV I salute!~

    Current Mood: awed
    Current Music: 05 - VNV Nation - Serial Killer
    Sunday, April 14th, 2002
    8:14 pm
    yay its sunday!
    i had to work 11-7 wich is not a good shift but i get to relax tonight
    im hungry

    last night we went to Europa and it was fun. Sorta reminded me of a school balll with white table clothes in a big function roon and blue lights but it was a change

    We now have DSL aswell yay for fast downloads, god i missed it! need to make cds for my carcar to go with me new cd player

    friday night i drank some. Havent done that in a while
    was interesting, feeling thankfull to my friends lol
    meghan said that i didnt act that bad though
    hmm i felt it though!!!!
    was Ross' birthday said a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY with a drinky
    he didnt need it either! hahaha

    my fishes look bored
    my placy keeps eating algae from the top of the edge of water & i think hes dead. silly fishy

    i need to eat

    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: tv in the background and mary j blige
    Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
    6:17 pm
    damn im happier than ive been in a fucking long time!
    i do miss home alot though but i have a job now :)

    things are on the up & up

    going to lipstick tonight to dance my ass off!!!!!!!!

    Current Music: souxsie & the banshies, peekabo
    6:16 pm
    i talked to roxie last night
    god i miss her
    her wedding is soon :/

    i hope i can magically make it
    i need to be gifted a large sum of money

    i finally have a job & all the poeple i work with are fuct up
    i think im the smartest there & i think i can become management in about 6 months or so
    my boss mumbles
    one is a drunk, the other is butch/lesbo whacko chick, cant figure her out, 2 are just plain stupid and the other cant speak english

    just means my days will be full of lots of work to do :)
    yay for me
    Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
    4:11 am

    bla bla bla
    i want to paint now
    4:05 am
    3:37 am
    so kelsey turned 21
    yay for her
    i took her to my local dives in folsom & she um enjoyed herself! yes bar drinks arent measures & when you hang out with the bar tenders it can be a deadly concotion: needless to say she was sozzled at the end of the night!

    so i go to bed early, bout 1am & i keep thinking of when dan & i went to melbourne in 1998. One of the guys we hung out with & i am not sure but i think his name is Rob keeps popping in my head. Big tall guy used to have dreads, cute. ;P
    sometimes i do that, i jsut want to know what that person did with themselves. For the life of me though I cant find him on the net but its a big world with limited resources and a long way to walk to find out.

    so im jsut gonna have to dream
    im thirsty
    so i peered into my memory boxes
    i have so many but i cant find 1998s box
    i know i have one
    whered it go?

    to much coffee , cigareettes, alcohol & sleep
    its 3:36 am, im supposed to be in bed arrgghhh
    Sunday, February 10th, 2002
    8:48 pm
    today we took kat to san francisco to haight street
    chris came but he is still sick so we ended up walking him back to the car to sleep & kat & i went on shopping but we didnt go far cos then kat got bored

    i got a cool wifebeeter though that has skulls all over the front of it

    so i think i can try & be happy now
    i want to
    i still need to cry & stop being a hard ass tho

    tonight i go to hollies for sex in the city
    i havent gone in a long time
    infact i havent seen hollie in 3 weeks
    i suck at being a good friend
    you cant make friends & ignore the old one

    bah :/
    i also need to go to get Levi & drink some wine with him & then drive us all to the rage to pick up my pay & say hi to everyone
    i dont know how much ill get but money would be nice as im very poor right now
    infact i cant get cigs if i dont get it
    do i still have to pay to get in now im technically employed?

    "mental note must hand out more fliers"

    my ears keep popping
    my lips are dry & i need tog et my glasses back from the options
    dont they understand that people dont want to wear contacts 24/7 whilst they take their sweet time fixing them

    my throat is bland
    i need to imbibe


    Current Mood: mellow
    Saturday, February 9th, 2002
    8:10 pm
    im messed up in the head & i cant talk again
    why is it that th people around me can unload onto me but i cant unload the truth to them
    why am i so scared
    i hate bottling it up
    i know that chris thinks that im high maintenance but maybe its cos i want some affection
    it sure doesnt come free anymore
    maybe all my worries about us are cos i dont feel loved.
    there is so much want to be loved trying to be sold in the shops maybe i should go sit in the shops for a bit
    someone might buy me


    i let myself go last night & got drunk
    im becoming an asshole
    i was mean until i started to drink & then i was happy
    ive been drinking alot lately
    & smoking
    its gross
    i wish i could just stop

    i wish i could crawl into a ball and die

    atleast for a while
    that or move away from all the pain
    Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
    9:30 pm
    so as you can probably guess that this has become a bitch festation for me to complain about how my life isnt working out right now & i guess thats a bit boring if your reading this but then i dont tell anyone to read my journal

    they jsut do

    thats ok:- so here it is

    i jsut happen to look at tebby (my husbands) info & notice he makes referal in his interests as liking: " my girlfriends pussy"

    I jsut thought id put that out there encase anyone else would happen to read this & think hmm,.... that might PISS HER OFF!

    wheres her pussy been since he got a cable modem then?

    so my sis is here now & its really nice having her around but its also very strange
    i cant seem to function right i mean all i can think is that I dont know her anymore
    ive been away so long & shes changed & were not kids anymore & i dont even know if shes happy or regreting visiting me

    its making me think about going home
    right now id do anythign to go home, i feel empty inside
    there is no creative spirit in me anymore, ive finally become a number & with thanks to kelsey, & my realisation that shes made me think about her & her realisations that people are around her in her life (they have value); some people i want to be in mine are not because i made it that way. i cant value someone if i dont value myself!!!

    i left

    i dont have a job here & now im poor
    i have been shopping for 2 days & i dont even care that there is a cool pair of shoes i like cos im over it
    id rather save my money & jsut go home
    fuck material shite
    to beable to walk into my dads new house or catch the flipping train! right now id like that

    ya know when you value things that are relivant in your live & then you take peices apart & think on its worthiness? im wondering right now on americas worthiness on my soul

    where do i go when I die?
    im shutting down from the outside in

    on top of all this la femme nikita ended last night
    or atleast it did to me
    life is boring
    i want to bounce
    images of tank girl & sucking water out of peoples bodies come to mind as they get of the airoplane

    im smoking like a chimney, i stink & i hate it
    my skin is drab and my clothes reek & the more i repulse myself the more i crave its cyindrical poison
    Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
    1:52 pm
    so last night chris got in my face about bullshit and costing him money so i told him thats what husbands & credit cards are for & he took it out of my purse and cut it up
    i was jsut wnding him up?!!!! its not like he doesnt do it to me every time he opens his mouth!

    knowing full well that being inbetween jobs i dont have a source of cash.

    then today i woke early and took chris' car, forgetting that he had a docs appointment and went to a 3 hour exam for a job i would like to get, dispatcher 1

    him being a tard didnt take my car to the docs and just didnt go

    so there he goes blaming me for somethign he could have easily fixed if hed have shown initiative. $25 fee charged for missing appointments.

    i dread walking in the door for an attack from chris re: his car

    i walk in the door, instead i am attcked by his father about the dog jumping up at me and not controlling her and the car and my hair?

    i retaliate as i have been festering on the attack i was expecting with chris for 45 mins on the way home. I launch into retaliation briefly and storm into the bedroom to give razor her medicine as she is overdue for it & her hives have broken out again.

    Chris follows and attacks me cos his dad felt uncomfortable & left
    like chris ever cared b4

    we avoid him because chris hates going over there!
    i can recall many an incident in which i have made chris visit his parents and ended up in a mass dissagreement cos chris has turned hostile & endangering my life on the road trip over to his parents house.

    this relationship is turning more sour by the week
    i dont know if its in anticipation of my sister coming or the lack of funds but im sure that chris is destined to die an old bitter lonely man

    as giddy as i act sometimes i think he programs me that way with his banter on about me not being capable and being stupid.

    im not an idiot
    im stressed
    there hasnt been a day that i dread facing him cos he'll go off at me
    im shrivelling into a frail weak "thing"

    technically if he wants to place blame it should be on him as he told me when i came over that he didnt want me working and then i insisted that i work as not to get bored
    the first day of my job he signs a lease on an expensive apartment , that we can afford on one wage but doesnt allow for his shitty luxuries like psx games (even though he still manages to buy them)

    hows this for size
    we have for the last fortnight been surviving, as i dont have money on food bought with
    my xmas money. they went on these groceries from costco: bread, teriyaki tv diners, pies and soda, milk, juice and medication he insisted he needed but hasnt even opened out of its paper bag (purchased 1/9/02)
    Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
    3:37 am
    chris is being an asshole

    i want to fly home and not come back
    fares arent bad on 1600 one way

    Current Mood: stressed
    Sunday, January 6th, 2002
    3:58 am

    What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Thrust-ship.I am a Thrust-ship.

    I am small and tricky - where you think I am, I probably am not. I can work very fast, but I tend to go about things in a round about way, which often leaves me effectively standing still. I hate rocks. Bloody rocks. What Video Game Character Are You?
    3:43 am
    i feel so weird today
    im homesick
    it makes me feel even worse though that im married & jobless
    its not that i dont love chris
    i do
    its that i feel sort of trapped
    like i have a moral obligation to be financially stable
    how can i be when all i want to do is move home?
    he says we can move to oz now. in 2 years
    im really looking forward to it but what if that falls through?
    we are waiting to save money to beable to afford a home
    saving but i cant get my ass out of bed until 4pm cos i have a head cold
    & besides that i just want to move
    its like the battle of having kids
    if you say youll wait til you have kids; you want a house & its upgrades and then a boat
    itll never happen
    the oz $ might lower & itslike cellotape
    it ends
    it looses its stickiness with age
    last monday was meant to b xmas at his rents but his dad cancelled cos he was sick (w/out telling anyone so they cooked ham etc & we never showed)
    then it was today
    but his mom wasnt there cos she had to work, (how convenient)so it was celebrate jsut present giving
    but they didnt have anything for me
    like they said they didnt know what to get me
    but they could have got me nic nacs or even asked their son
    so his dad ran upstairs & took $100 out of their safe & put it in a card for me
    did they expect me not to come back?
    their were bets at chris'' work on if id come back
    should i not have?

    his dad looked at the photos we took and didnt even care to ask who the people were & he was jsut looking at the angles & the focus of chris shots
    the wedding pics were looked at & commented on oh you did it again did you?
    like no one knew? no one was told repeatedly about it
    like our relationship was a gamble? a waste of time
    if everyone questions it then why is it so real?

    to go out & be single is so far & distant but almost questioed why that isnt real & this is

    i know im homesick
    i feel it everyday & i let it eat at me but....
    itll take chris a year to get a visa & itll take methe same year still to go for our final interview & at first chris said we can jsut fly back for it & that we should jdut go now but we both know & have agreed that thats not viable

    i look at chris parents & know thats what he bases our marriage rules on & they are fuct up
    his mom got back with his dad whilst we were gone cos i think she felt alone & was in financial difficulty cos of the divorce lawyers but marriage should never be based on money but on love
    i have that love but im scared chris (& me i guess) is sidetracked by money

    inside somewhere is a strong person
    i know its still ther e& to everyone on the outside its there to but i think its lost insdie me.
    i believe in us
    i really do
    but if everyone else doubts it then what is the point
    i watched gi jane tonight & saw a strength in another woman that i would like to have
    not that a woman should be equal to a man but that i should have drive in life that is out there some where

    where did it go
    or is it still there but im jsut sad right now so im clouded over in self pity?

    the truth is that even though im homesick i know nothing in perth with change
    that much anyway
    i dont want to get old though & miss out on those small changes
    i felt at home & alive when i went back
    i felt refreshed & real
    i dont here
    i feel like a face in a crowd
    one of my biggest fears i think
    i need to find that again b4 a part inside of turns into the part that now rules chris' moms life
    i dont want to jsut put up with shit
    i want to be happy & in love & living life to the fullest like i always thought i would
    kat says that she never thought id get married b4 her
    i never did either
    but these things happen
    but is it happening cos im learning a lesson or is it jsut on hold until i find it again
    its like someones rubbed me in anaesthetic & i cant talk out but that someone is me doing it to myself,

    i need a job
    a good one & then ill be happy
    happy to myself anyway cos then i can cloud my self materially :/
    as i said b4
    my love is real & i dont want to be fake plasticc money signs but why does it rule my life or does it? would i be happier in oz with out it? i was b4
    what is the tug inside really all about
    im so confused
    i jsut want my mum
    how sad
    maternal ties lie ever deep inside

    i think ill have another cigarette & go to bed

    the book i am reading running in heels prolly isnt helping, its about an anorexic who you learn to have a love/hate relationship with cos you can see herslef beating helself up but you dont know why & then you find out shes an anorexic & you feels sorry for her

    & then chris being so tactfull puts on my pj pants & says they dont fit. a fat person made them big
    gee i wonder who or is cos they were from 1997 and the elastic is breaking
    my subconscious knows the truth but my current sphycy tells me different

    " i feel like slugs and snails"
    Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
    2:08 am
    shes a good mum
    i just get easily shorted out when they have other things to do cos i treasure talking to them
    i love them
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