Monday, November 29th, 2004
10:10 am - in short.
so last night i saw spongebob with mike. it was pretty damned entertaining. certain parts dragged, but i wasn't expecting much. there's lots of nudity though, and there were some possible double-meaning moments, which made it kind of more awesome. yeah, i said nudity, it rules. and mindy totally looks like scarlett johanson or however you spell her name. she did her voice too, it's bizarre. also, i think it had one of the most complex and accurate animations to a cartoon character playing guitar, ever. i'd like someone who actually knows more than i do about it for their thoughts. and there's one scene that's totally "who framed roger rabbit" that was extremely disturbing. they really should have kept the david hasselhoff appearance out of the trailer though, it would have been funnier.
also the flaming lips did an original song in it. and i missed the wilco one but according to the credits, it was in there.
applebees, chicken and riblets, nachos, beer, recycled (on purpose) bad jokes. it was good to get out of my head.
i'm probably getting my hair cut today one way or another. shit is bugging the fuck out of me.
practice, reading. my sister and niece are reportedly moving out in approximately two weeks. this makes me extremely happy. privacy, quiet, getting shit done, a goddamn lock on the door to keep the bullshit out. more practice and more reading.
i'm not interesting.
current mood: apathetic
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| Sunday, November 28th, 2004
2:57 am - in conclusion and in summary...
hung out with jose. his new stuff sounds really good, i'm all like proud of him. we listened to lots of music.
the magic is lost in the house of jose/eric/allie.
archaeoptyrx was amazing. they played a lot of new songs and all i know is the new ones i really liked had the words "arab statue" in the title, and the other was "little red riding mouse". they also played my favorite song to close the set.
earlyman really really sucked.
hung out with hannah and zane, then went home.
current mood: exhausted
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| Friday, November 26th, 2004
2:27 am - compliments to the chef!
well this thanksgiving wasn't bad at all. i spent most of this morning doing nothing and watching my other family members executing their plans. thanksgiving isn't really a family thing in our house. went over to mariet's and her sister was cooking. we had a LOT of food and i had two plates and was really stuffed. then a bit later, cheesecake! they let me take two slices home, yesss... thank you you guys!
man i got all nostalgic at one point. remember my thanksgiving with rush few years back at a denny's. taking complete advantage of free refills from kat, the manager and our pal... and having it end when the sun came up and the windows in his xterra were so foggy. stumbling out of the car into the house was the second greatest thing ever. the first was everything before it.
back to reality... in the interim, i tuned michael's ukelele and it still sounded like crap. i don't even know if that's what it technically was. all i know was my hands were way too big for it. then we saw spider-man which was on fox, heard stories about sears, listened to some music and went home.
i've started reading american god's mariet. i just finished two chapters. i'll tell you one thing, gaiman definitely knows his magic. in the course of a chapter and a half, mentioning compulsive front/back/downs palming, a click pass, and then actually using the term "miser's dream"? definite points.
i am so tired. i want to read a lot tomorrow. kbye.
current mood: exhausted
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| Thursday, November 25th, 2004
12:58 pm - yesterday.
consisted of tipsy gary. then we saw national treasure. it was entertaining in that disney "pirates of the carribean" way, except instead of johnny depp, there's nick cage which is ABSOLUTELY FINE for me. i am not ashamed to say i thoroughly enjoyed it. there's something about halfway intelligent heist movies with alterior motives that gets my blood going. i was pretty impressed with the fact that they didn't CRAM it with bad references and conspiracy theories. just one or two and they built it around those things, then you forget about them.
ate way too much food at applebees. we got some sam adams to be patriotic or something after the movie. mike needs more funny stories.
i stayed up late, did magical things. happy thanksgiving everyone. i'm going to spend it being a geek. bye.
current mood: alright current music: tim kasher - stranger than strangers
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| Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
3:54 pm - eat crow.
Hello GARY, Here is your Free Daily Horoscope Service for Nov 24.
You could have some stimulating discussions with others, GARY. The energy of the day will make people a bit sassy and outspoken. A colleague could surprise you with their bold comments. Your romantic partner might entice you with some seductive words. Communication of all kinds will be full of surprises. Colorful words, spontaneous gestures, and picturesque metaphors could be scattered throughout the day. You're a creative wordsmith, so you'll enjoy this imaginative energy!
seriously, fuck you.
current mood: the saaame current music: the magnetic fields - papa was a rodeo (in my head)
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3:42 pm - woooo!!
go tipsy gary! seriously, i think 3pm is my prime drinking period.
i'm going to see national treasure with mike. we opted out on spongebob because it'd probably be filled to the brim with too many children seeing as it's opening night.
totally talked to allie. she got banished from the CLOISTERS. how hot is that? before ben's show i'm hanging out with jose and her.
a friend totally hooked me up with scott's info, that guy was SO awesome. this was the dude who had like a billion learning disabilities but you couldn't tell. all you could tell was he was a damned fuckin genius. i haven't talked to him in like three years.
have a happy thanksgiving day you turkeys. most likely spending it with mariet and them.
conradddd, where are you?
my sight reading totally sucks now. but it shall get better. locating the pitch isn't so bad, it's just when i have to combine it with rhythm it sucks. i must have played yankee doodle like 5 times before i realized what it was i was playing cause i kept fucking up the rhythm. and i still don't know what au claire de lune (sp?) is supposed to sound like, even though it's in every music book EVER WRITTEN and it's probably something i've heard a billion times before.
i <3 my friends.
current mood: tipsy current music: the magnetic fields - abigail, belle of kilronan
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| Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
11:27 pm - clean up.
so today was alright. did lots of work. gathered more cd's for the compy things... hey charice, when you visit, can you bring yer copy of roman candle?
also, i believe i have all the sleater-kinney stuff now, except the very first album. am i missing anything of prime importance in the way of b-sides and rarities? i also have misplaced my one beat companion disc :(. joe, didn't you have a cd filled with this sort of stuff?
i feel very sick suddenly. i hate that. hanging out with jose this saturday before the archaeoptryx show. practiced mel bay like today after a long hiatus. i totally suck now. stupid fingers and brain.
will the following people tell me which screen names they don't use anymore? or at least which one they're on all the time now? seriously overloaded over here...
charice keely (grr!!) amanda (are you still out theeeere?) sarah-kate
i need to do college things and design more databases and read now. that is all.
p.s. thank you sarah-kate, i got your package. <3. hurry back! we'll talk soon, i want to hear everything that's happened with you. it was great. really helped brighten my day up a bit.
current mood: weird current music: heatmiser - plainclothes man (in my head)
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| Monday, November 22nd, 2004
8:08 am - shoddy update!
not much to say. had a good time with jazmin the other day. i so want to see the new winnie the pooh movie, don't fuck with me. today looks nasty outside. i finished the muse asylum an it was pretty cool, thanks mollie. totally get on, i want to talk about some things about it. so supposedly U2 is playing two secret shows today, one at 1pm at washington square park, the other is at 2:30 at the empire fulton ferry state park which you need tickets for that are obtainable for free. i might go to the second one during my lunch just to be able to say i've done it. i work today and tomorrow and i haven't really practiced in awhile. dara continues to prove that she's the best english teacher ever. i worked on card stuff last night which i haven't done in a long time. now i'm tired and i need to get off my ass. my hair is absolutely ridiculous.
the tv in the living room stopped working yesterday at one point, and i was SO HAPPY. but thanks to random stupidity and luck, they got it working again.
time to do some get ready things.
current mood: awake
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| Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
11:24 pm - YES
so my calculations were correct!
today ruled. i love that school. even did some performances and nailed everything. hung out with mario, had good food (twice), he has a CAR now. hung out with kate and dara. totally caught a girl's eye with my skilled hand technique. then much great talking and things were just really good today. i totally needed that.
next week, we repeat.
he's getting me a copy of the howard zinn book, FINALLY. i can't wait to mark that thing up.
hey conrad, snip snip? you free any day that remains this week?
that's all i remember, and that's fine by me. bye!
current mood: happy current music: tv
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3:15 am - my sucky lists...
today = holes in my socks + my illegitimate boss thinks i'm stupid even though i repeatedly prove to her my way of doing things is better, for both of us + the G train is now my worst enemy + going through a pair of retail priced batteries in 4 hours
tomorrow = hanging out with mario + having a talk or at least seeing katie + crashing one of dara's classes + possible visit with the ice cream sisters which always opens up the possibility of free yet intensely tasty ice cream + learning to cook something new + geeky literary discussions
this proves beyond a doubt that tomorrow must be better than today.
who wants to buy my cd player? it can play mp3 discs. buyer should either own rechargable batteries or doesn't use cd player for long intervals. despite all of that, it's decent.
mollie, my friend lent me that book you recommended. woo.
i feel braver today.
current mood: i shouldn't be awake current music: the cinema eye
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| Tuesday, November 16th, 2004
9:37 am - AHH!
time to get up! time to get goiiiing!
current mood: long-haired and awake current music: the microwave nuking the world
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| Monday, November 15th, 2004
12:03 pm - gah!
i actually hate sleeping in, at least when i have a lot of shit to do. and these days, i always have lots of shit to do.
my mom wants to take me to some new seafood place today. but at this point i'm seeing her as the usual interruption and annoyance. we got a new tv (my asshole uncle gave us his) and it's big and doesn't fit into the unit, only because it requires these speakers. so they hooked it up and put the speakers at the very top of the unit. now the sound is ALL-ENCOMPASSING and my parents room, where i usually hide out to do these that require peace and quiet is invalid now, seeing as the other side of the wall is the room.
i hate bob barker. and i hate how she has to give me a hard time everytime i ask her if she's going out. sounds just like my sister.
i hope today rules.
current mood: annoyed
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1:21 am - yawn
God that made me SO happy.
i got so much stuff done today, i'm not even going to go into it. tomorrow is part 2 of today. hang out with jose after work on either tuesday or thursday, and gayle hopefully on the opposite day. wednesday is iat and mario, and maybe i can fit in the ice cream twins too. saturday is jazmin hang out day.
i want to see wilco + sleater-kinney + the flaming lips at MSG, but they're too rich for my blood now :(.
but besides that, as of this moment, i like life. so i'm going to sleep on it.
christmas SOON. YES.
current mood: happy current music: elliott smith - a distorted reality is a necessity to be free (in my head)
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| Sunday, November 14th, 2004
12:54 pm - update
things have been pretty good. hung out with mariet for awhile a few days ago, worked and done a lot of stuff. worked with jose some more, and threw up a blip on chris' radar again. wrote a ton of e-mails trying to reach out to old contacts and have gotten a pretty great response. personally clipped the SPIN clip for THE CINEMA EYE. pretty sweet.
becoming friendlier to allie and such and hanging out with jaz soon. it was good to get things out.
today, practice, reading, database design for ocg, writing, and a few more odds and ends.
i love the ebay commercial, it's so cute and makes me feel mushy.
modest mouse on snl... i mean... i even liked those songs on the cd but live... i unno...
i'm going to stop watching super news things right now.
hope everyone is neat.
current mood: productive current music: old people
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| Thursday, November 11th, 2004
2:16 pm - something about teeth?
not working today, dental appointment with my COOL dentist, i can't wait. my mom's still a bitch. i have to work with jose tonight and work tomorrow. i hope i can eat soon cause i'm freakin hungry.
current mood: slight pain current music: the cinema eye - what's left of us
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| Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
6:26 pm - kind of nasty...
so i was brushing my teeth and then a part of my mouth started hurting a little bit. i brushed some more (cause i wasn't done yet) and then suddenly a felt something fall out. i looked at it and it was black, and my first fear, especially after tia's story, was it was some form of bug that lodged itself into my mouth. but it was solid, like a piece of tooth. it might have been a filling or something. all i know now is there's a hole in the side of a tooth and, even though it doesn't really hurt, eating hurts a little bit, and i can definitely feel it. maybe i should call up my cool dentist tomorrow and setup an appointment friday morning.
in other body part news, my hair is getting ridiculous. con, are you ready?!
current mood: teething
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| Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
4:42 pm - ups and downs, again...
today was uneventful, even thought it was supposed to be filled with events. got work, went off into the city to run errands, managed to not beat up the copy machines, helped a stranger with her card, hung out with christine for a few minutes and walked with her to the bank, went back to work and worked overtime without getting overtime pay, and kat cancelled on me.
i need to practice. i've held it off long enough.
i feel like shit for some reason, the end.
current mood: blank
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| Monday, November 8th, 2004
11:18 am - okay uh
"finding nemo on ice" freakiest shit i've ever seen in my entire life. the costumes are just... like, fucked up.
current mood: scared current music: tv
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| Saturday, November 6th, 2004
4:00 am - in short.
today was work. i actually got up on time to work out and stuff though. as for actual workplace work, julie didn't trust me, sheila secretly hates me, and brendan wasn't there to give me my money. so kris gave it to me and everything was okay.
then mike got hired for a job so he took me out to a movie and dinner to celebrate. we saw sideways after seeing the insane 100% it got on the tomatometer. it was... "okay". i can see how it's a good movie, but i don't know where the 100% comes from. but when november 19th rolls around, they're going to have to up that scale to at least 1000% for (mia hide you eyes!) SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. (okay it's safe now, hi). it'll rule.
went to applebees, ordered a crapload of food and finished almost all of it. then came home.
the end.
current mood: exhausted
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| Thursday, November 4th, 2004
12:21 am - freak out...
okay so i put that john titor thing up as a joke. now i'm re-reading about "john's war"... and i'm seriously creeped out. i'm going to sleep now.
current mood: ahhh!
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