The Genuis that is Bill Simmons' Journal
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Below are the 16 most recent journal entries recorded in The Genuis that is Bill Simmons' LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, April 15th, 2003
    10:39 am
    I don't know if anyone caught the show last night, but the Sports Guy was the guest announcer!! I was freaking out, but nobody in the audience even knew who he was. I'm not surprised though. But he didn't appear to be TOO nervous once the show got going, so I really hope he does it again. We had that digusting Rob guy announce for a whole week, why not SG too?
    Wednesday, April 9th, 2003
    5:30 pm
    Tyson and his pigeons
    Here's the Sports Guy's latest column for Page 2. It's very good, but not a typical Simmons piece.

    Read it for yourself
    Wednesday, March 5th, 2003
    12:40 pm
    I Just Found This
    I just saw this for the first time, joined, and realized in didn't really seem to take off. I can't help but wonder why.
    Thursday, December 5th, 2002
    12:25 pm
    Thursday, November 21st, 2002
    12:23 pm
    Sports Guy's take on the whole Augusta Masters thing. I wonder what the Sports Gal thinks of this column...
    Thursday, November 7th, 2002
    12:06 pm
    Monday, November 4th, 2002
    9:46 am
    Level Two!!!
    The Sports Guy wrote me back!!!

    My question: Can we, your devoted fans, expect to see ESPN publish your archive in book form someday?

    His answer: hell yeah! i hope so...

    (does happy dance)
    Friday, November 1st, 2002
    1:10 pm
    Ok, folks. By now, you've heard the news. Or if you haven't, go here.

    Truly, this is a sad day. But maybe we can start something that will bring a ray of light through the clouds.

    Has there ever been a better time to request...NAY, DEMAND...that the powers that be at ESPN publish a collection of The Sports Guys writings? This is an action whose time has come, people. And I think we should try to get the ball rolling...start a petition, pepper the ESPN phonelines with calls about it, something to let them know that there is a demand for this.

    So who's with me? Who's got better ideas than I do? If he's leaving us, the least they can do is have him leave something behind. Damnit.

    I must have a cold. My throat's tightened up a bit.

    Current Mood: sad yet determined
    12:24 pm
    New Sports Guy, with career change?!?!?
    Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
    12:18 pm
    Tuesday, October 29th, 2002
    12:11 pm
    Saturday, October 26th, 2002
    7:53 am
    Sexual frustration is like a storm raging inside you.
    Doug, trouble at home?

    Seriously, two brawls in a pre-season game? Maybe he's been reading the Sports Guy. Then again, we could all take note and plead to wives everywhere: this is what happens when you block access to the Spice Channel in your home.
    Friday, October 25th, 2002
    12:11 pm
    Yes, I am his reader
    Ok, so there are many favorite moment in Sports Guy columns. For me, any time he mentions 90210 or Melrose Place, I practically have a heart attack. There were the priceless Shaq Celebrity Roast reviews (why isn't Shaq's Celebrity Roast listed in the interests?), the Karate Kid Trilogy review, and maybe my all time favorite, the NBA Draft diaries. I actually watched the entire NBA draft this year purely because of his columns, and yes, it was completely off the Unintentional Comedy Scale. It's an example of Bill Simmons making my life more meaningful.

    There was a mailbag not too long ago where a reader listed the Four Levels of E-Mailing the Sports Guy. I loved this because I had recently been emailing the Sports Guy with stuff that I thought was really good, and I never heard back or got included in the Mailbag. Here are the 4 levels:

    Jeff Kearney of Massachusetts: "You recently had the Levels of Losing, which was right on. Being a longtime Sports Guy e-mailer, I have come to realize that there are Four Levels of E-Mailing the Sports Guy. Bear with me ...

    "Level One: The Silent Treatment. The Sports Guy never responds. He is too busy. He has probably written something controversial and is swamped, is on assignment, or is in Vegas or Foxwoods. I have learned not to get offended. Timing seems to be everything with SG.

    "Level Two: The Response. SG writes his typical one-line response, all in lower case. The SG is still busy, but at least you got his attention. The e-mailer is happy to hear from one of his heroes, but, unfortunately, now knows his e-mail is not a Level Four.

    "Level Three: The Anonymous Publishing. Your e-mail got mentioned, but one of two things happened: A) Other people wrote in with the same idea as you, so nobody was referenced, or B) You were either too slow, not creative enough, or just a victim of numbers. It happens. I have one career Level Three, a nomination of Ricky Proehl into the Reggie Cleveland Hall of Fame.

    "Level Four: The Annotated Publishing! SG puts you in his column, mentions your name, and sometimes even mentions where you're from! Jackpot! A Level Four is akin to Mike McDermott sitting with Johnny Chan and taking a hand, or the Patriots winning the Super Bowl. I am proud to say I have two career Level Fours, making me the envy of my buddies. And since SG column mentions are permanently in the deadball era, I have an insurmountable lead on my friends. Which, as always, warrants mentioning."

    Around the same time, I had sent TSG an email after reading his reference to hate sex in the Hoosiers column. I had thought that hate sex was purely an inside joke with me and some of my friends. I told him as much, and then told him that the top of my hate sex list was "Kelly Taylor from 90210. Just thinking about that evil bitch gets me all riled up."

    Next day in my inbox, there's the reply:

    that was funny. hate sex, i think, is universal

    Ah.... level 2.

    Still working on moving up the scale.
    11:41 am
    Thursday, October 24th, 2002
    4:09 pm
    OK. Just in case you want a poorly done icon for the community

    (If you want to use it, please save it to your machine, then upload to LJ, as opposed to just linking to it... thanks!)
    3:39 pm
    the man...
    I figured it was about damn time that The Sports Guy, Bill Simmons, got some respect in the world of livejournal. So I decided to create this here community. A place to discuss the writing of one of the greatest sportswriters of our time, where we can share some of his finer moments, throw around suggestions for future ramblings, or talk about the last time that one of our friends did something worthy of the Doug Christie jersey.

    So come on in, the water's fine.

    As an aside, anybody who'd like to co-moderate this with me...preferably someone who's better at this kind of thing than I am, let me know. I'd love to turn this into something great for all fans of the man.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Survivor "Eye Of The Tiger"
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