Tuesday, October 14th, 2003
11:03 pm - Damn, swimsuits are expensive.
Went swimming tonight for the first time in... well, quite a long time. So long that I can't even remember how many years it's been.
I know I took swim lessons as a kid, but for as long as I can remember, I've never been much of a water person. Anything beyond a tub or a jacuzzi is a tad overwhelming for me to be in.
Case in point - when I first got into the pool tonight, I was afraid to let my feet leave the bottom. It took me a few minutes, but with some encouragement from Riss (and the use of a pool noodle) I mustered up some confidence.
I felt like a little kid with a security blanket by using the pool noodle or the kickboard the entire time, but I had fun. Especially since I avoided getting any water in my ears. wheee
Afterwards, we simmered down in the jacuzzi. The last time I'd been in a jacuzzi was in '94 when I visited a friend in Chicago. She and I stayed overnight at a hotel after doing some shopping downtown and spent way more time soaking with the jets blasting than the sign suggested we should. We were thoroughly flushed and a bit light-headed on our way back up to our room, heh.
Anyway... thanks for the aquatic adventure, lim3light. We must make a habit of it. I need to get my money's worth out of these swimsuits. = )
current mood: good
(6 pokes | Got Fingers?)
1:25 am - Just Say No To Comb-Overs
October 14 is Be Bald and Be Free Day
Related Mo Info: A guy with no hair on his head is much more attractive to me than one with long hair.
current mood: tired
(8 pokes | Got Fingers?)
Monday, October 13th, 2003
10:48 pm - Can I get a whatwhat?
Vanity plate of the day: NO HUHU
Is that another Hawaiian word? Say it aloud without chuckling, heh.
Word of the day: jostle
How often does the word jostle get used? Not very. Which is why it became notable to me today when it popped into my head and immediately sprang from my mouth while talking to a customer. Well, it's not like I just uttered the word randomly in the form of an exclamation. That, of course, would have been more notable.
current mood: silly
(4 pokes | Got Fingers?)
Sunday, October 12th, 2003
8:08 pm - Scratch THIS
6:39 pm - Trivial Purse Suit
Ducks will lay eggs only in the early morning.
In logging slang, a messy pile of logs is called a jackpot.
There's only one city in the United States named merely Beach. It is found in North Dakota, which is a land-locked state.
current mood: hungry
(Got Fingers?)
5:10 pm - Saw this in quotez and I agree wholeheartedly.
There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go.
-- Richard Bach, The Bridge Across Forever
"The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress."
-- Joseph Joubert
current mood: busy
(1 poke | Got Fingers?)
Friday, October 10th, 2003
12:31 am - How do you like yours?
Thursday, October 9th, 2003
11:23 pm - Snapple Cap "Real Fact" #183
The Capitol building in Washington, DC has 365 steps to represent every day of the year.
current mood: tired
(Got Fingers?)
Wednesday, October 8th, 2003
11:11 pm - Speaking of cheese...
10:58 pm - Gouda Grief
Hey gruggach? Get a load of this:
Of all cheese customs, one of the more unusual was that of the "groaning cheese." Years ago in Europe, a prospective father would nibble on a huge chunk of cheese while awaiting the home birth of his child. Instead of pacing outside the bedroom door, the father would eat from the center of the cheese until a large hole had been gnawed out. Later, his newborn infant was ceremoniously passed through the hole.
current mood: cheesy
(1 poke | Got Fingers?)
10:33 pm - Spied in quotez
"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."
~John Ruskin
current mood: relaxed
(1 poke | Got Fingers?)
9:25 pm - Watt's new?
12:23 am - FYI
October 8 is...
National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work & School Day
American Tag Day
<tag> you're it.
current mood: silly
(4 pokes | Got Fingers?)
Tuesday, October 7th, 2003
11:56 pm - 99
As I peered into the rearview mirror of my car I noticed the flashing lights of the cop behind me. In slo-mo delayed reaction style I remained calm and wondered at first why he didn't just go around me. Oh, maybe I'm the target. I checked my speedometer. Nope, not over, but I need to pull over. Being in the far left lane, I looked over to the middle of the highway. Nope, can't really 'pull over' in the all-access turn lane. Then the brain kicks in. Duh, pull over to the right, onto the shoulder of the road. Can you tell I've never been pulled over before? Heh. So I flicked on my blinker and merged over into the right lane. I was about to pull over onto the shoulder, but the cop stayed in the left lane. At the realization that he was pursuing the car ahead of me (whew!), THAT's when the mini heart attack kicked in. Heh.
current mood: relieved
(1 poke | Got Fingers?)
8:34 pm - Clever
Vanity plate of the week: IN MY
In my? What's that sup- <notices it's on a Honda Element>
current mood: amused
(2 pokes | Got Fingers?)
Monday, October 6th, 2003
1:35 am - Inspired by commentary regarding the Snapple babble.
Sunday, October 5th, 2003
10:53 pm - He's been cloned!
9:05 pm - Inner Child
On what network do I find Invader Zim?
I don't see any listings for it on the Cartoon Network, Disney channel, or Nickelodeon.
Help a homie out, yo.
[this user icon is dedicated to/in honor of/inspired by robny = ) ]
current mood: curious
(16 pokes | Got Fingers?)
7:06 pm - {vroom}
Saturday, October 4th, 2003
4:23 pm - Under-the-Snapple-cap "Real Fact" #144
Texas is the only state that permits residents to cast absentee ballots from space.
current mood: cold
(7 pokes | Got Fingers?)