Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "graphic novels".
226 matches:
- 4ever_night - Forever_Night
- __bloodlust__ - BloodLust: Vampire Book Lovers
- _amongthefence_ - The official Coheed and Cambria Street Team Group
- _ark_hive_ - translations from the natural world
- _comic_icons_ - An icon community for comics of all sorts
- _finder_ - Finder
- _firespark_ - Firespark!
- _identitycrises - Transformation and identity in fiction
- _immortalrain - The First Immortal Rain Community
- _sandman - The Sandman
- abrahamsbosom - Death and Art and Other Things
- adult_comic_fic - Community Info
- aesthetes - visual artists and art lovers
- alan_moore - The Alan Moore fan community
- altcomix - altcomix
- amused_library - Amused Librarians!
- animatewater - Welcome to Animatewater
- anime_club - Anime Club ^_^
- animeartxchange - Original Anime Characters Art Exchange
- animedotcom -
- animemangatrade - animemangatrade
- armyofthedamned - Army of the Damned
- arroz_con_mango - Arroz con Mango
- art_in_columbus - A community of Columbus Artists
- arthousers - Arthouser
- artmedia - artmedia
- artpimpin - artpimpin
- asa_nisi_masa - Asa Nisi Masa: The Beautiful Confusion
- atheri_tenshin - Atheri Tenshin Omake
- austinbooknerds - Austin Book Nerds
- autochthonous - autochthonic artists
- avidreaders - The Avidreader Bookclub
- batbale - Christian Bale is Batman
- bendisfans - Brian Michael Bendis Fans
- bibliothek - bibliophiles
- blackholeanime - Black Hole Anime
- blacksad_fans - For the fans of our favorite black cat.
- boca_comics - Mmm..Comics.
- book_covers - Judging Books by their Covers
- book_icons - book_icons
- book_trade - The Book Exchange
- book_worm - Book Worm
- bookbin - The Bookbin Reviews
- bookbound - BookBound
- bookcircle - Book Circle: The Book-Trading Community
- bookendz - Bookendz
- booksellers - Booksellers
- bookshare - A community for reading junkies
- boxobook - A New Booklist
- bunnysensei - Usagi-Sensei Sugisaki Yukiru
- butterfly_books - Book Reviews
- caption - Caption - Oxford's annual small press comics con.
- carpe_librum - afrai, Liana, and Mel
- castle_thorn - Reader's Community for the Graphic Novel "Thorn"
- cbfu - Comic Book Fans United!
- cbla - comic book liberation army
- cdi - Conceptual Design and Illustration
- cheap_thrills - Holy LJ community Batman!
- chicago_books - The Official Chicago LJ Book Club
- chicagocomics - Comic Books in Chicagoland
- cibola - A place for artists, writers, musicians, etc.
- city_of_heroes - City Of Heroes
- closetgoths - closet goths
- club_de_losers - Club de Losers
- coh_champion - coh_champion
- coh_sunday_lj - The Sunday 9s (Sunday Night Livejournalists)
- comic_exchange - comic_exchange
- comics - The Comic Community
- comics_n_more - comics_n_ more
- comicsnexus - The Comics Nexus
- comixgrrls - Comix Grrls
- comixjam - comixjam
- conartists - Con - Artists
- cthompsonfans - Craig Thompson Fans
- cursedtowander - Wicked Alchemy
- cusfs - Columbia University Science Fiction Society
- dailydigest - Daily Digest
- dark_oddities - Metal Batallion
- darkfleamarket - Dark Flea Market
- dasien - Dasien - Superhero Webcomic
- dcu_casting - Cast the DC Universe
- ddreviews - Dyslexic Dog Reviews
- denkyu_webzine - Denkyu News
- dennis_cooper - +fans of dennis cooper+
- devils_due - devils_due
- digitabulum - Digitabulum :: Witchblade LJ Icons
- dorkottawa - Dorks By Night
- dumbangelcomic - Dumb Angel
- dweebxcore - dweebXcore
- elvesandmuses - Elves & Muses
- enjoying_books - Reading for enjoyment
- enter_void - VOID fighters!
- fantasywithbite - Fantasy fiction that's out of the ordinary
- farkuktabooks - The KumHo No Fufu Farkukta Book Club
- fascist_fashion - stalin and profalin
- faszinierend - faszinierend
- fates_duet - Fates Duet
- fatum_ferox - Inspiration Station
- find_a_book - Find a book by plot
- fire_fish - Fire Fish
- firebirdrising - those who understand
- foreshortened - Pencils, Pens and Paints
- fruppies - Livin' La Vida Fruppie
- fullcirclecomic - The Full Circle Comic Community & Updates
- gaimantattoos - Tattoos of Neil Gaiman Characters
- galleria_le_sai - Gallery of Sighs: A Place for All Art
- garagesalejapan - Japan's Garage Sale
- gesexual - Cheese tastes so nice. D:
- go_frank_go - The Punisher
- graphic_awards - graphic_awards
- graphite_whore - graphite_whore
- greenman_review - The Green Man Review
- greg_rucka - The Greg Rucka Fan Community
- hbmonsters - Here Be Monsters
- heroesbynight - HeroesByNightCommunity
- homemade_manga - Homemade Manga!
- illustrated - fashion illustration & girlie art
- iluv_sesshomaru - For all who Love Sessy aka Fluffy
- instant_fanzine - Instant Fanzine
- inuawards - Inuyasha Icon Awards
- inuicon_contest - inuicon_contest
- inuyasha - Inu Yasha
- inuyasha_loverz - Inuyasha obsession
- james_kochalka - The James Kochalka Community
- jet_girl_rocks - Jet Girl
- kagome_haters - Kagome Haters
- killingteam - Killing Team
- lavalizard - edit me!
- ljstars - The self-proclaimed stars of LiveJournal.
- lxf - League of Extraordinary Fanfiction Authors
- lxg - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen...and Women
- lxg_fanfiction - Tales of the League
- lxgicons - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Icon
- macabreparlor - The Macabre Parlor
- manga - The Japanese Manga Community
- manga_madness - Anime and Manga Artists United
- manga_trade_uk - Manga Trade In The UK
- marry_a_ljuser - Marry A LJ User
- marvel_society - SK3's Merry Marvel Marching Society!
- media_hive - media_hive
- mediocritykicks - Sleep Deprived Children of Tomorrow
- megaeras_realm - megaeras_realm
- merridiah - merridiah
- mike_carey - Mike Carey Fans
- mordaxia - Mordaxia
- ms_meisel - The Comfy Chair Club
- multi_genre_fan - Multi-Genre Fandom
- musestoy - musestoy
- native_talis - Native - Discussion Forum
- nefarious_girl - Nefarious Girl Dark Decorating
- nerdcorps - nerdcorps
- nineswords - Nine Swords
- nonuglynerds - Nonugly Nerds
- notoprahwinfrey - Not Oprah
- novacomet - novacomet
- nyc_bookswap - NYC Coffee & Book Nook
- nycgeek - nerds and geeks of nyc
- our_readingroom - Our Reading Room
- our_sas - s.equential a.rts s.ociety
- page1panel1 - Page 1, Panel 1 - Where Comics Start!
- paperbound - Paper Bound
- powellsbooks - Powell's Book Store(s)
- privateclub - Private Club
- project_lists - Insidious Inventories
- projectakon - Project: A-Kon!
- queerarts - QueerArts
- quirkycomics - For fans of weird little comics!
- randombooklists - Random Lists O' Books
- real_horror - Real_Horror
- rivet_tool - Toolshed
- sail_to_tahiti - Summer Breeze
- sancorazon - Stories From The City Of San Corazon
- screwedvictims - screwedvictims
- sequentialart - picturebooksNcomix
- sevensirens - sevensirens
- sexy_geeks - Sexy, Sexy Geeks
- shavethedog - what even is that? discuss: dan clowes
- shrifts_closet - Emanations Preview
- sightandsounduk - sightandsounduk
- sincere_yarning - sincere_yarning
- sip - The Strangers in Paradise Community
- steam_city - Steam Detectives Fan Community
- storyzine - Mindscape - A story zine
- strumhaus - strumhaus
- svelte_nerds - svelte_nerds
- synthetic_wire - Synthetic Studios - Faithless, a webcomic.
- talent_unbound - Where the Real Writers Roam
- talesofdragaia - Dragaia LJ Community
- talkaboutbooks - Book Discussion
- tank_girl_rocks - Everyone's Favorite Aussie :: Tank Girl!
- ted_rall - Rock n' Rall
- teenlibrary - Teen Library
- tenkay - The 10K Commotion
- the_boredness - Oh La-Dee-Da-The Boredness
- the_geek_empire - The Geek Empire
- the_geekery - All Things Geek
- the_lj_realists - The Livejouirnal Realists
- the_lonelies - Better Company Than The Voices In My Head
- theaether - The Aether
- thecronies - Claudia, Rowan, and Pieter
- thecrowfans - The Crow Fans
- thepapercut - θ The Paper Cut θ
- theshortstory - storyteller
- tie_you_up - Tie You Up! Claims
- titans_together - titans_together
- topshelf_comics - Top Shelf
- twang - Twang!
- unisfa - UniSFA
- urban_magician - Revelations of the Firefly
- vertigo_fans - Veritgo Fans
- vice_studios - VICE Studios
- watchmen - Who Watches The Watchmen?
- we_are_heroes - We are Heroes
- we_heart_naraku - we_heart_Naraku
- weeatsketches - weeatsketches
- weekly_icontest - Random Icon Contest
- wordballoons - Word Balloons
- worldswithin - Worlds Within Us
- write_on_wings - a community for all writers
- you_wish_anime - "You Wish!" Anime Reviews
- youdrawidraw - youdrawidraw
- your_point_is - And Your Point Is...?
- yuri_fans - yuri_fans
- zine_scene - Zine Resource Community
- zinester - Zinester
Interested users
The following users are interested in graphic novels. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
447 matches:
- 13spleen - *p*
- 1tik_motz - ZyGot
- 36 - six squared
- ___sexxlaws - mrs beck hansen <3
- _mauler_ - Mauler
- aardwolfe - Wolfe
- acidtwist - SaRaH jAnE
- acyla - Acyla Holdernesse
- adamklin - Adam Klin-Oron
- adorned - iris
- aesthitic - ejay
- agent_kirasawa - Ikasatu Kirasawa
- agrnmn - A Green Man
- ahriman - Ahriman
- alegria_a - Alegria
- alhooter - Alex
- alien42 - Kaethiel, ドラゴンと猫の。
- allcanadiangirl - bj
- almeda - Almeda
- alyska - agatha baileywick
- amonstercometh - A Monster Cometh
- andariel - Andariel a.k.a. Princess Turkey
- anduas - TRULY the MAGNANIMOUS
- angeldawn5 - AngelDawn
- angelrose_999 - Marina
- animate - We'll invent the wheel yet
- animegrrl - AnimeGrrl
- anyela - anoushka
- aoineko13 - Krystal
- aquariansong - The Wandering Mindstorm
- arkhamrefugee - Badger Lord Arkham
- arsenic1 - Tabatha
- artgolem - Matt
- asataylor - The Stooge
- autobotjake - Autobot Jake
- autumnends - laura mary ♥
- baanrys - Baanrys
- bad_influence - Jessica
- bagu - Bagu
- balthasargrey - Nemo Grey
- bathtubjinn - Bathtub Jinn
- battleghost - I Will Kick Your Buttocks
- beansidhe - Andromache
- becca_boo - Shattered Dream
- becksifer - Black Becks
- billy_maime - billy_maime
- bitter_longing - bitter_longing
- blastula - blastula
- bluerockangel - Enid
- blueski - underpants boss
- booboop2000 - malcolm tent
- brainysmurf - Traci D. Haley
- brokenbruised - Earthbound misfit
- brothernumber3 - the dandy
- budgieinspector - The Budgie Inspector
- bunny03 - The Girl Holding the Pen
- cebbie - Carly
- charlesdee - Dennis
- charlesmcgee - Alexandra
- cheetahmaster - PMMJ
- chelone - Jen
- chifysh - Ching
- chrysis - Chrysis
- cike - Ben
- cinesister - Cinesister
- ck23 - charles
- cleanskies - cleanskies
- clockwork_angel - Broken Clockwork Angel
- coma_dreamland - DSD
- comicsnews - Comics News
- coolbluereason - marc davis
- countess_sophia - Soph
- coyote23 - Coyote
- cptngreyhound - Mike Leader
- creepybanjoboy - ian d nihil
- cris - cris
- crystalizedtool - L'ange de Mort
- curbcreep - CurbCreep
- d3n - Denigratus
- dabrooklyn - DAB of Brooklyn
- dance4lyfe - Nikki
- dancingshoes - born in a bottle rocket
- dandelion_diva - Little Dreamer
- danielleleigh - Danielle Leigh
- darkch1260 - Existence is nothing.
- darkhuntressx - Nat
- daveyboygibb - Dave
- dazz - Daz
- deadender - Danny G
- deathshoe - deathshoe
- deom - Deom
- desmondona - Katsuhisa
- detachme - danyell
- devildoll - Devil Doll
- devione_angeli - Chiaroscuro
- dien - Dien Alcyone
- dimeater - julie dwyer
- dindrane - Dindrane
- dividedsky - suzanne
- divka - again with the blarg
- djphoton - DJ Photon
- doodilybear - Craig
- doplegager - the Weekend Comics Guru
- dragon_maiden - Bebica
- dragonkat - Katrina
- dreamsunderfoot - Stephanie
- dsch - Gustav
- dubber_ruckie - Micro Megon!
- duskprince - Raven
- duzie - Duzie
- earthdragon - Me
- egonix - Erikson Jay Wargo Esquire III
- embereye - embereye
- emjayne - Veni, vidi...bloggi
- ericaceous - Plant of the Week
- erinhead - Erin
- erisp - like a butterfly blowing kisses of death
- evangelinaarion - Eva
- evil_kitty_grrl - E
- exiteden - penny
- exsilium - Jacki
- faeriedust7 - mouse
- fantom07 - Fantom07
- fatimablue - Margie Fatima
- finex - Jason
- firefleet - firefleet
- fonebone - jeremy[bone]
- freakofnature - Neo Xavier
- freerefill - refill
- furrylemming - furrylemming
- fury2207 - Dim
- fuseji - fuseji™.
- geekdiva - geekdiva
- genocide27 - Justin
- geode - Jayson
- ghostie747 - Tree
- gigusfox - gigusfox
- gingeranne - Leela
- gnathal - jawmeat carnival
- goddess_caamora - noteven
- gregmce - Greg McElhatton
- gryffyn - gryffyn
- gypsydance - Sometimes a wildKate, sometimes a common houseKate
- hcl - Hairy Cocaine Larry
- heiligennacht - Titus Androgynous
- heqa - Heqa
- hezziwig - Hezziwig
- himemiya - Alice Meichi Li
- hollower - Icky Sticky Fingers
- honestlysylvia - the wonderful world of freezer living
- honeyandthemoon - Jen
- hookersandgin - busta cap
- hughcasey - Hugh Casey
- hunterfox - Joseph
- imaginaryfriend - The Dude With the Tie
- ink_n_paint - Danny
- insomnolicious - insomnolicious
- jacquehyaena - MY OTHER LIFE HAS MEANING
- jadedlily - Becka
- jaelithe - Jaelithe
- jagimo - Jeremy
- jamie_miller - the animal in man
- jarrah - jarrah
- jasonwebb - Jason Webb
- jay_nyasu_mint - Mutterings, Musings and Moans (oh my!)
- jefurry - Jeffery Lay
- jelynne - Jelynne
- jenniferchurch - Jennifer Church
- jgd3 - John Dennett
- johnnydestructo - cookiepuss
- johnster - Johnny Boy
- jordansc - Jordan
- judysama - Juchan
- junmilk69 - choc-laden cheesecakes
- kaet - Kaet
- kagome_chan - k-chan
- kalimaia - The Lone Locust of the Apocalypse
- karfax - danielle
- katarina42 - Kayleen "Katarina" Connell
- katemccarthy - Kate McCarthy
- kathra - Kathra
- katiereeree - Katie
- kellinator - The Queen of Snark
- kent_s - Kent
- kestrella - kestrella
- kiad - Mlle. Kïad Auguſt Arkhangel'sk
- kidtokyo - eric
- kindredx - bishop
- kingnat - Nathanael Rouillard
- kingneptune - King Neptune
- kisekinotenshi - The Lost One
- kitschbitch - Rach
- kitty_goth - Kitty
- klosterhiem - Klosterhiem
- kosaru - Kosaru
- kouryou - Sarah Kouryou
- kuri_neko - Mallory
- kya - Conna
- l33t0n3 - Adam
- labmouse - Laura
- lamuella - Ian Rennie
- land_of_what - Nothing's Puss in Boots
- lchan18 - Radioactive Pants
- lightanddark - Aya-Chan
- lilstars00 - Katie
- liquid_night - Jason
- lithium_glitter - Sarah
- livenicole - nicole
- lolliepopp - Laura
- lord_hatred - Lord Stefan Hatred
- lostsheep - Jane
- love7rockets - the_scab_review
- lucrezea - Lucrezea
- lucy_anne - Lucy Anne
- lullaby_child - Savannah
- lunarpixie - lunarpixie
- m1manowar - M-1
- machoslut - Nena Berlin
- madminx - Moolevolence, Evil Cow Bitch
- mandingo - Bob Coleman
- mangote - subsoiled mangote
- marginalutility - [insert pseudonym]
- mariahx - Mariah
- marifishie - TheWickedTruth
- marsupilami - marsupilami
- matt_leclair - matt_leclair
- mattador - Last of the Red-Hot Swamis
- mattbusch - PlanetMatt
- maximumhk - Maxwell King
- mcassady - runs on lies and gasoline
- megamiasuka - Sizer
- meo - Meo
- meowchica - Adena
- michaellee - Michael Lee
- mindflush - the ebeL en demented LittLe gurL
- minniedent - Minerva Dent
- mintxcore - AJ!
- mishra - Will
- mmoneurere - 遠夢--hédonisme libertaire
- mode - mode
- modesteternity - The Anti-Social Socialite
- mogador - warm and wet just like mommy
- monkeymanultra - Dennis
- moobie - Still Preoccupied with 1985
- moondanzing - jenna
- morningstar726 - The Lightbringer
- mousefetus - A Runaway Stray
- mrknowitall - Patrick
- mrkvm - mrkvm
- mrpata - Harry Pata
- mrzarquon - Mr. Zarquon
- myburningpixie - black widow
- naj - Nick J.
- naoumena - In the springtime of my voodoo
- naruto_kenshin - David...
- natalicious - Natalie
- natsumichan - Natsumi Chan
- nellsiae - Nell
- nerdliberation - kat
- newbornstranger - Trevor
- niallsdiary - Niall
- nibiki - The Blue Thunder of Furinken High
- nightlarke - Samantha
- nihilistic_kid - Nick Mamatas
- niqui - sabrina
- notquiteallhere - Frazzman
- nudnupii - Tibr Nupii
- nunnehi - Stefan
- office_ninja - Office Ninja
- offy - I reject your reality and substitute my own.
- oh_to_be - oh_to_be
- okay_xavier - okay_xavier
- onceupon - Romania
- oni1111 - Tiny(!)
- orangeshirt - say rah
- otaku_magnus - otaku_magnus
- ouji_vegeta - Ouji_Vegeta
- pande - Trevor
- parialex - Alex Whitlock
- peacefulchaos - PC
- petemosq - Pete Mosq
- pezzgrrrl - pezz g grrrl
- phinnia - Alison Veil
- phlebas - Phlebas
- pimpdawg - pimpdawg
- pixelatedkitten - Dani R.
- pixiewix - Pixiewix
- poisonflowers - Colleen-y
- prettyposer - prettyposer
- priapussy - Jory
- primofex - Jonathan
- princess_fairy - Vivi
- prismatic_jewel - WindPrysm
- psychobunny - much RAGE!Usagi.
- psychotoon - ARTICLE 41149512
- psykoboy2 - AlreadyDead
- puerilitygeek - puerility geek
- punkrockgrrrl - Ophelia
- puritybrown - Katherine F.
- purpleprimate - Purple Primate
- rabbitz - AriAnA
- rainspirit12 - the air is frozen with our silence
- raist_2001 - Josh
- rakurin - Rakurin
- ranai - Carolina Mantooth, the Red Bullet of the South
- randomgang - R. Francis Smith
- rapier - Caliban
- ravenicious - Raven Angel
- ravenseye - Ravenseye
- ravenshadowolf - Dark Raven
- reaperart - reaperart
- reasonsunknown - less than
- redtail - Fuzzy Elf
- relia - little idiot
- reluctantorchid - _
- retsuko - Petratishkovna
- revelationsofme - Lasai
- rhesagirl - RhesaGirl
- rinoahearilly - 「ピカ☆ンチ」
- rk_kenshin_oro - Jason
- robinbanks - Robin Banks
- robohunk - John says dance
- rockhag - Miss Behaviour
- rollick - An orchard thief and the citizen of a green world
- rottenpeices - Eli
- rparker - I <3 Roseanne.
- rzr_grl - bee on a string
- sabworks - Sabrina
- safiredragon - Alone, Together
- saintb - Exploration B
- samhain66 - Michael Moribund
- sanjay - Soul Mining.
- satyric - Satyric
- satyrnine - Roderick
- schnoodle - Schnoodle
- scissorman101 - Nuwanda
- scoffeepie - Sara
- scullyraptor - ScullyRaptor / CyberneticNixie
- scytrin - Scytrin dai Kinthra
- sdn - sdn
- sduderules - Spencer
- self - some guy
- settsimaksimin - the man who's escorting Don Juan to his bride
- sexxxysadie - miss s
- shace121 - tanpopo
- shadenv - Shaden
- shadymango - Electronic Futon Mission
- shaunathan - Cosmic Castaway
- shibbylicious - Shibby
- sibos - Chris
- sickoftraveling - Captain Cryptic
- sifaka - Femurific!
- sighingpixie - Charm
- silentkitty - Sarah ~静かな猫~
- silvertaine - Silver
- sineala - Elena
- sistercarrion - sistercarrion
- skattenstar - Holly Wood
- skrumph - skrumph
- skye16 - Skye
- slaeve - Shard
- slyredfox - Emily
- smerwin - smerwin
- smoochyscoop - Smoochy
- solange - Tova
- sophia_helix - Sophia Jirafe
- soreth - Heretic Haste Owls
- soulstorage - Lisolette
- spaztikdemon - spaztikdemon
- spykeraven - Spyke
- squeelookalike - gamble
- starfalcon - Keith
- starplucker - Mars
- stars_slaughter - fae corpse
- sttragedy - Allen
- sugartwins - see you in sea world
- supatropic - jejune boogie
- superjaded - 7-5-14-5-22-9-5-22-5
- syracusepoet - All Words Here Are Lost
- tagaboo - Tagaboo
- takami826 - Jacqui
- takeherwithyou - Val-Halla
- takhisis - Takhisis
- talkshowhost - The Only Living Boy In South Carolina
- talldan - Lord of the Big Scary Monsters
- tallis_ryhope - tallis
- talonfire - Talon
- taurus82 - Infynity
- tenorgirl33 - Kara
- teppic3 - Teppic
- the_corinthian - Dah - veed
- theangelsveil - The Angel's Veil
- thelady - TheLady
- thelazarus - The Lazarus
- thelite88 - The coolest man on earth
- thenewmiller - Waving the Yellow Sign
- theoriste - la theoriste
- thestarsbleed - thestarsbleed
- thimble_island - The Mayfly
- threnodyg - Jennifer Langley
- tibrious - Tibrious
- tikiglowworm - riirii
- tikiking - kevin
- torrence2002 - Torre
- totallysoftcore - Baby Paprika
- tragicallykel - tragicallykel
- tristhet - tristhet
- twinone - StephDub
- twitchycat - ye olde cabbage-eating whore
- tzarohell - Mr. Love Messiah, Sir
- unborn - Min
- unsung - I, Kelbot
- usmu - usmu
- valkyr - Lauren
- vampire_tribble - Banana, fish, spoon. Unmistakeably me...
- vampireelf - Rhiannon
- vdkapenguin - .alonetogether.
- vfc - Literally angry with rage
- vito_excalibur - your cousin Vito
- vix130 - YVL
- vlock1 - histrionic justin
- watrfae - the mystical socialist garden gnome
- weaponx2032 - Wexa Koala
- widowblade - Phantasmagoria
- wigletwones - Jackie Wones
- wildeyedundine - Salome Mason
- wildiris - ~*wildiris*~
- wildsoda - wildsoda
- willab03 - Ms. Bear
- winter_nights - Michi-chan
- wintersweet - Claris (sentimentalromantic)
- wishdragon - Wish
- witchwillow - By Any Other Name....
- withinemotion - .Travis.Kelley.
- wixlet - wixlet
- worfpunk - worfpunk
- xenogigas - Xeno
- xenophil - xenophil
- xhighlifex - a mute dick named nicole
- xmikecorex - Run In The Tunnels
- yaboman - ein
- zeke_hubris - The Silver Key
- zenbear - The Zen Bear
- zinger2o - Jessibow
- zixyer - zixyer
- zombiekiller - Lincoln
- zz - Ultra Exact ZZ