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User:benwaymd (688462)  
Name:Osama Windsor
Location:Bristol, United Kingdom
Bio:My mother groaned! my father wept.
Into the dangerous world I lept:
Helpless, naked, piping loud;
Like a fiend hid in a cloud.

Struggling in my fathers hands:
Striving against my swadling bands:
Bound and weary I thought best
To sulk upon my mothers breast.

Not much has changed since then.
Interests:93: bantu, bdsm, bristol, bristol university, buddhism, calligraphy, candomble, catullus, centella ndoki, chaos magick, chi kung, cthulhu, d/s, djinn, dudley, dzog chen, enochian, espiritismo, exu, frances yates, gnosticism, goetia, hinduism, horace, huysmans, kabbalah, kabir, kadiempembe, kalidasa, kimbisa, kimpungulu, kundalini, latin, lesbian warrior princesses, lin kong jing, lokayata, lord rochester, magick, mantravidya, mariwanga, marlowe, mathematics, memetics, mpungo, ndoki, number theory, palo haitiano, palo mayombe, panini, patanjali, petronius, philip k dick, philosophy, physics, poetry, pombagira, portuguese girls, priapus, propertius, psychedelics, quimbanda, ramanujan, rare books, rumi, saivism, salvia divinorum, sanskrit, santeria, seneca, shamanism, shibari, shiva, siete rayos, sluts, sorcery, sylvia plath, tabla, tantra, taoism, ted hughes, thelema, tibetan, tumba francesca, umbanda, vatsyayana, voudon, william burroughs, witchcraft, wittgenstein, yoga, z(cluster), zakir hussain, zarabanda. [Modify yours]
People40:1351, aleph, baronghetto, beerbal, benwaymd, daoistraver, deviant_mute, eianorange, frankie23, gbryal, gied, halopro, hsuan, jetsiva, kaidevis, kreie, krimhum, masque12, monde, najalaise, nefariaz, nemo49, nicht_gefunden, nysidra, ouverture, plutopsyche, quantanephilim, riordan, scarletserpent, shebangline, shreena, squink, stonemirror, sunspoteyes, sythie, teckyong, tempusthales, thee_kaos_child, threejane, zos
Communities11:againstnature, candomble, chaosmajik, goetic_circle, hermeticism, irreality, kaotika, latin, mathematics, occult, salvia_world
Friend of:36: 1351, aleph, baronghetto, beerbal, benwaymd, daoistraver, deviant_mute, eianorange, frankie23, gbryal, gied, halopro, hsuan, jetsiva, kaidevis, krimhum, monde, najalaise, nefariaz, nemo49, nicht_gefunden, nysidra, ouverture, quantanephilim, riordan, scarletserpent, shebangline, shreena, squink, stonemirror, sunspoteyes, sythie, teckyong, tempusthales, thee_kaos_child, threejane
Member of:17: againstnature, antiwar, candomble, chaosmajik, goetic_circle, hermeticism, irreality, kaotika, latin, lefthandpath, logic_forum, mathematics, occult, paidmembers, psychonaut, salvia_world, show_your_boobs
Account type:Free Account

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