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User:isiscolo (845847) Paid User isiscolo
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Squid
Awkward but lovable
Location:Colorado, United States
AOL IM:AIM status isiscolo (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status isiscolo (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Isis writes Potterverse fanfiction and reads way too much Potterverse fanfiction. Much of it is erotic. Some of it involves tentacles.

Please note that I do post adults-only content in this journal. It will always be behind a cut-tag warning for NC17 or R material. I also link to other journals which contain adults-only content.

An intro, of sorts.

You don't have to ask permission to add me to your friendslist. I write this stuff so people will read it. I may or may not add you back; all it means to be on my list is that I enjoy reading what you have to say about writing, the English language, Harry Potter, slash, fanart, fanfiction, and possibly your real life. I'm more likely to add you back if you comment in my lj and use capital letters properly. I am capricious about adding and deleting people and will not be insulted if you delete me from your list.

I still read the journals of people who've friended me who are not on my flist, just less frequently. I don't friendslock posts. I welcome comments on my posts from anybody -- friendslist, nonlist, driveby, anonymous. It's all about the dialogue, baby.

What you can expect from this journal: one or two posts a day (sometimes none, sometimes three) about writing, the English language, Harry Potter, slash, fanart, fanfiction, and occasionally my real life. Fic recommendations. Whining about my own writing. Bragging about my own writing. Boggling at badfic. Gratuitous squid references.

I also gather up pointers to all the interesting fandom things I find on LJ (and elsewhere) and post them to [info]daily_snitch, the daily fandom newsletter I run with [info]maeglinyedi and [info]scribbulus_ink. Add the Daily Snitch to your flist!

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Memories:125 entries
Interests:17: fanfiction, good grammar, good spelling, harry potter, harry potter fanfic, metaphorical camel-fucking, plot, recs, reviews, shredding badfic, slash, snape/black, snape/harry, squid, textual poaching, the daily snitch, writing. [Modify yours]
People242:_hannelore, _noctilucent_, absynthia, acadine, accioslash, adamasoda, adela711, ajhalluk, alchemia, aleph_0, amanuensis1, anemone_, angeleledhwen, ani_bester, annecatherine, arakne, aretina, ari_o, arionrhod, arwencordelia, assassinscloak, atdelphi, atropos_lee, aubrem, auster, bethbethbeth, bowdlerized, brevisse, bridebrooke, camillabloom, cathexys, cave_canem, clemencederoch, cluegirl, clymer, cordelia_v, cursive, cybele_san, darkkitten1, darklites, darklybright, darththalia, dementordelta, dipping_sauce, dkwilliams, dmarley, donnaimmaculata, dorothy1901, dorrie6, dovielr, dragon_light, dragonelle_fics, earthquake1906, ellen_fremedon, elsketchbloggo, eponis, everythingisaid, fabularasa, fandom_pillory, fee_absinthe, fennie_snake, fer_de_lance, fernwithy, florahart, fluffyllama, forked, franzeska, furina, gatewaygirl, gaycrow, geoviki, glockgal, go_back_chief, godlessharlot, goldennotblonde, goseaward, gothikmaus, greeksong, grith_sloffin, hairlessflesh, hedda62, heidi8, helixir, hesychasm, hp_femme, hp_lexicon, i_smile, icarusancalion, idiotparade, idlerat, iibnf, ildi_bp, inanna_wolfson, inkstainfingers, janegraddell, jeddy83, jereeza, jjtaylor, jo_rowling, just_interested, justacat, kaiz, kangeiko, kaysha, kennahijja, kestrelsan, kleio_the_muse, korestemenos, lasultrix, laurelwood, leni_jess, leogryffin, lexin, libitina, liuxia, lizardspots, lizbee, lobelia321, lolaraincoat, louiselux, luminousmarble, lunulet, lupercali, lurksnomore, luthien67, lydialovestruck, maartexx, maeglinyedi, makesmewannadie, malafede, malecrit, marinarusalka, mark356, marksykins, maudite_a_deux, mctabby, melpemone, melpomene170, memorycharm, meri_oddities, merrycontrary, millefiori, mimine, mizbean, mj_fiction, moshes, mousapelli, mulberry_fields, musesfool, naltariel, naomichana, narcissam, nattish, neotoma, nimori, no_remorse, noblerot, nomadicwriter, nopejr, notuilion, novembersnow, nqdonne, ntamara, painless_j, paraphobic, pauraque, penelope_z, penknife, persephone_kore, pinkwafer, pitchblackrose, pogrebin, pottyweepotter, prettyveela, prillalar, ptyx, puella_deville, r_becca, ragtime_to_time, randomxinsanity, rane_ab, rapparee, recsrainbow, resonant8, resqgal, rooked, roxannelinton, ruhgozler, rusalka_reviews, saramwrap, scarah2, schmevil, scribbulus_ink, secubus_mhc, seelechen, semielliptical, serpentsgarden, seviet, shaggirl, sharp_tongue, shezan, shimmery017, sine_que_non767, sinick, sistermagpie, skuf, sloanesomething, slytherincess, smaragdgrun, snapetoy, snitchnip_chill, sociofemme, spare_change, sparrohawk, stiletto, subliculous, switchknife, tea_and_toast, tekalynn, telensar, thamiris, themostepotente, thetreacletart, thisveryinstant, tiranog, titti, toft_froggy, tradescant, trickofthedark, trobadora, twilightsorcery, undunoops, ursulakohl, venivincere, villeinage, violetisblue, vulgarweed, waccawheels, wayfairer, wordhouse, yukipon, z_rayne
Communities47:12am_nosh, 15minuteficlets, _witchinghour_, afterlife_fest, badficsupport, betas_anonymous, daily_snitch, drop_the_u, erotic_elves, fan_the_vote, ffsymposium, glockart, grammargasm, hp100, hp_art_xchange, hp_britglish, hp_essays, hp_ficathons, hp_fictalk, hp_pervs, hp_remix, hp_synergy, hpart, hpfanart, hpsmart, hpsquick100, hunkwarts, ithurtsmybrain, lupin_snape, merry_smutmas, metablog, mkfoundation, news_editors, novaculae, ootr, partisan_green, pornish_pixies, potterpostings, punctuators, remus_hermione, ship_manifesto, slashphilosophy, snape_potter, snapesupport, the_ouroboros, virgule, wishforthemoon
Friend of:622: __hibiscus, _hannelore, _lore, _noctilucent_, _squid, a_reading_list, absynthia, acadine, accioslash, adamasoda, adela711, adinkra, ajhalluk, akukorax, alastrionasnape, alchemia, alchemine, aleph_0, alexandralynch, alice_and_lain, aliciadeats, alkestis, amanuensis1, amber_wind, amberfox, amethyst_lupin, anandangel, angeleledhwen, angharadd, angiepen, ani_bester, ann_mcn, annamilton, annecatherine, anonymous_ljer, aqua_alta, aquila1nz, arachnethe2, arakne, archidictus, aretina, ari_, ari_o, arionrhod, armchair_lurker, arrmaitee, arwencordelia, asheth, assassinscloak, ataniell93, atdelphi, atra_nex, atrata, atropos_lee, aubrem, auster, beingbnf, belleweather, bethbethbeth, birdisland, blackletter, blue_moony, blue_raven, blythely, bnfwatcher, bohemianscandal, botherd, bowdlerized, brevisse, bridebrooke, bridgetmc, bucketofribs, buffyholic, burblelikeme, c2002, cacata_carta, camillabloom, caputdraconis77, carol_snape, casfic, casira, casirafics, cathexys, cave_canem, celestialseason, ceris, cette_vie, championlurker, chaneen, chaos_rose, chasehunts, cheshire_sphinx, cheshyre, chester_w, chica_go, cicatrix_zero, cindysilver, cjk1701, cjmarlowe, clemencederoch, cliodne, cluegirl, clymer, cmshaw, conundrumx, cool_september, cordelia_v, crescent_light, crimsonclad, crowgrl, curia_regis, cursive, cyanei, cybele_san, cydah, daisy_baggins, dancing_moon, danielleleigh, dark_innocence, darkkitten1, darklites, darklybright, darkwitch666, darth_stitch, darththalia, dementordelta, demonsreiche, desdemona_snape, diagonalist, dien, dipping_sauce, djinanna, dkwilliams, dmarley, donnaimmaculata, dorothy1901, dorrie6, dovielr, dragon_boots, dragon_light, dragon_lord, dragonelle_fics, driftingwind, earthquake1906, ecoli_bakery, edenfalling, egoteabsolvo, eilanhp, einsteinium, ekaterin, ...
Member of:52: 12am_nosh, accio_spoilers, after_fanfic, afterlife_fest, badficsupport, betas_anonymous, daily_snitch, drop_the_u, erotic_elves, fan_the_vote, fandominflamare, ffsymposium, glockart, grammargasm, hen_party, hp100, hp_britglish, hp_essays, hp_ficathons, hp_fictalk, hp_girlslash, hp_pervs, hp_remix, hp_synergy, hp_writersguild, hpsquick100, hunkwarts, ithurtsmybrain, librarian_love, lupin_snape, merry_smutmas, metapotter, mkfoundation, news_editors, novaculae, ootr, paidmembers, partisan_green, pornish_pixies, potterpast, potterpostings, punctuators, remus_hermione, ship_manifesto, slashphilosophy, snape_potter, snapesupport, the_ouroboros, veelarecs, virgule, wishforthemoon, yaoi_daily
Account type:Paid Account

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