Molly ([info]ml4387) wrote,
@ 2003-10-10 23:48:00
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Current music:The Pillows - Ride On Shooting Star

i failed my chem test
BARBIE BANDAIDSmy mom bought bandaids for my mangled fingers. from stevens grip and the crash cymbals. if it werent for these you could look at my hands and make fun of me. but i guess you still can

yesterday steph and i did the cha cha slide on my deck with my two neighbors dan and chris. they are so cute lol yeah and they're 7 and 11. we chilled in the backyard and listened to hiphop. haha. yo.

i gained 10 lbs in a month. hahah!

I have no homework. I AM SO HAPPY. And i got a 75/75 on my history paper.

you know i always criticize other people's ljs and blogs or whatever, like if they brag. but actually who really cares, its their journal. and what am i talking about

..yeah. happy birthday steph's mom!

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