[ | mood |
| | tired | ] |
[ | music |
| | Suede - 'The Drowners' (in my head) | ] | Back from Michigan (which is actually indian for "styleless mitten"), and at work. The drive was about 13 hours due to slow lines in the rest-stops and lots of construction. Got home around 3:30 am, and am currently running on a high-octane blend of hydrogen, oxygen, and high-tech little plastic capsules that contain some wondrous product that spews forth faux-french caffeinated substance, which, were I in canada, would cost the same by the liter.
I haven't been back to Michigan in several years, and, what's more, ended up visiting Grosse Pointe, where I haven't been since I moved away 15 years ago. The sensation of not remembering the world in which one grew up, until the sudden smack in the face with the exploding gasket-head (that happens to look like a little caesar's statue towering over Nottingham, you better not fucking eat my pizza you cartooned toga-freak) of your memory and having them flood back in uncontrollably..
Pictures to come.
City Club was also visited, and was pretty much as i left it, though I remember the lighting being different and the room not spinning so much.. I never realized that detroiters can't dance; I suppose I gained my sense of aesthetic in Boston, as going back now I realized what rabble they all were.. for once I was truly appreciative of snooty bosgoths and all their drama. Who goes to a goth club and doesn't talk to anyone, save for the people they came with? I mean really. I miss the aesthetic of that club, though.. Boston would do well to get a cheap, half-assed, hard-edged industrial club in its metro region.. though LCC itself I must say gives me a hard time emotionally.
Ahwell.. i'm running on a quarter tank again, so I need to go top it off without eating anything so I can bitch about how horrible I feel all day and add it to my little garden of things to complain about and be happy in my complaining.
Michigan was interesting. The shit-colored glasses will come off later, i tell ya. |