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blessed with wings

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I hate LiveJournal's RSS [Nov. 18th, 2003|05:29 pm]
[mood | blah]
[music |Shriekback - 'Lined Up (Disco Mix)' (The Y Records Years)]

I am pleasantly surprised to be in the first state in the country to fully legalize gay marriages... so far. It's still up to the legislators now that the courts have said yes. This has to be one of the few pieces of news that's made me happy lately.

I've been trying to use NetNewsWire to read y'all's journals as RSS feeds, as well as other blogs and sites I read, to consolidate my reading to one place. Unfortunately, it just doesn't seem to work too well, I think the lack of a "date" requirement is a real weak point in RSS, especially for readers like NetNewsWire. It seems to completely ignore userinfofraxl, while continuously telling me userinfoxelyn23's posts are new (I think she's been editing them just to screw with me...) It's also been resetting all the BBC football news to "new" every time it checks, so i pretty much have to ignore the BBC now. Thats right, the brits ruined it for everybody yet again.

I'm tired. I want to go home. I tried sending userinfoshatteredprime a MMS message on his new phone, but it failed. Lame.

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Weekend away [Nov. 14th, 2003|04:56 pm]
[mood | tired]
[music |The Magnetic Fields - 'The Sun Goes Down And The World Goes Dancing' (69 Love Songs Vol. 2)]

So I've been really tired of late, and just haven't seemed to be able to get back in the game. I've also felt like Gehn's been following me around lately.. i dunno if it's related to the lack of rest.

Fortunately, tonight userinfofraxl and I are hopping a train to New York, for a (hopefully) rejuvenating weekend of dancing and shopping, museums and more shopping..

Maybe I'll get me some new boots.

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In the style of userinfoedg... [Nov. 14th, 2003|10:39 am]
[mood | amused]

BBC News: Dumbasses bother holy man and his family; Judge says, "Yeah, they bother me too."

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Wow [Nov. 12th, 2003|01:18 pm]
[mood | grateful]

NEW YORK -- George Soros, one of the world's richest men, has given away nearly $5 billion to promote democracy in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia. Now he has a new project: defeating President Bush.

George Soros is my new hero. If i'm ever rich, I hope i'm like that.

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userinfotipped_velvet is a meanie... [Oct. 27th, 2003|09:52 pm]
[mood |robbed]
[music |Terry Scott Taylor]

Trick-or-treat )

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I wanna be cool too [Oct. 27th, 2003|11:21 am]
[mood | indifferent]
[music |Apoptygma Berzerk - 'Kathy's Song (Come Lie Next To Me)' (Welcome To Earth)]

Compatibility tests, jumping off bridges, that sort of thing.. )

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can i just say...? [Oct. 22nd, 2003|05:51 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Electronic - 'Prodigal Son.Two Lone Swordsmen' (Twisted Tenderness::Deluxe)]

I am always amazed at how much i love awk.

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Hey, dorm! [Oct. 22nd, 2003|11:47 am]
[music |Electronic - 'Warning Sign' (Twisted Tenderness::Deluxe (Disc 2))]

I know i've been late.. I'm sending out that keyboard tomorrow if you still need it! I have mice too, did you want one?

(If i put it here, i'm more likely to keep my promise..)

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Winter, i guess [Oct. 21st, 2003|10:28 am]
[mood | melancholy]
[music |New Order - 'Age of Consent' ((The Best Of) New Order)]

This morning I made a point of shaving only with the grain, not against it, like you're supposed to. Well, i have less bumps and nicks, as expected, but i think that's because i also still have pretty coarse stubble. I don't understand how one is supposed to get a close shave this way.

Someone brought 2 boxes of Krispy Kremes into work this morning. Of course, when I got to the kitchen, there was only a small piece of one left. "Ya wanna donut?" jokes aside, it was pretty good. I'd never had a krispy kreme before, though i don't consider this my first experience, as it was a bite and a half.

I've been feeling pretty melancholy these past few days, though I couldn't say why. Winter, perhaps. I've been feeling sort of secondary and unimportant, mixed with my previous feelings of discontent.

Ahwell. Eight seconds and I didn't have a donut.

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An open letter to J2EE [Oct. 20th, 2003|02:20 pm]
[mood | frustrated]
[music |Siouxsie & the Banshees - 'Got To Get Up' (Superstition)]

Dear J2EE,

I hereby request that you and your associates xDoclet and Struts all commence sucking my left testicle. Thank you.

Justin C Miller

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Dentist [Oct. 20th, 2003|01:26 pm]
[mood | scared]
[music |Shriekback - 'Fish Below the Ice' (Oil And Gold (Special Band Remaster))]

So i finally made that dentist appointment. Yup, that one i've been meaning to make since August and before. Wednesday, Nov 5 at 11:30. I'm kinda scared.

Known problems:

  1. Sensitive spot on upper right side.. could be a cavity, though probably not too bad.
  2. My wisdom teeth never fully came in, and so they've been half broken through my gums for a while now. Bad because they're hard to clean that way, and because they're doing the usual "pushing on other teeth" thing.
  3. The tooth next to my upper-right wisdom tooth is jagged, I think because of the pressure and a cavity caused the edge to break off.

    I'm scared this is gonna be a lot of work and a lot of pain to fix. And I hate having dentists scold me for not flossing as often as I should, etc, etc.
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daydreams [Oct. 16th, 2003|04:07 pm]
[mood | quixotic]
[music |K.M.F.D.M. - 'Leibesleid (Infringement Mix)' (Naïve - Hell To Go)]

I've been thinking more and more about the direction of my life lately, and talking to my old friend Erin from school has only intensified my wistfulness to go visit people in CA.

Thinking about it more, I kinda have the urge to just save up a stash of money, rent out my apartment, and roadtrip across the country for a few months, maybe try to do that "finding myself" thing, or treat it like a modern-day vision quest for the technologically-addicted kid.. I guess I'm having one of those "i should do something with my youth before it gets away" moments..

But maybe a trip to CA or even the west coast in general wouldn't be such a bad idea...

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I hate baseball. [Oct. 16th, 2003|12:20 pm]
[mood |milkman dan]

We're in new england, people. We're playing new york. Look around you. No cowboys. I don't care who the fuck used to live in Texas, the phrase "COWBOY UP!" makes you all look like complete retards. I'm talking full-on, can't comprehend life, "I Dudditz" retards.

I swear, the next person I see use that phrase is so off my friends list.

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I AM AN IDIOT [Oct. 16th, 2003|01:50 am]
anyone friends with userinfogehn knows he didn't post that.
i, userinfoindigofan did.
for some reason... probably because i'm tired, it posted as him. not me.
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like a daisy in a rosebush.... [Oct. 16th, 2003|01:27 am]
[mood | frustrated]

ahhh... i just remembered why i never go to goth/industrial clubs.
it feels like i'm trying to wear someone else's skin.

no matter how many people i know, and i recognized quite a few... i'm just not comfortable. i missed my baseball cap.

so now i have a big choice to make.

do i choose what's best for my wallet, and take a really sweet deal on a big apartment with people i like....

or do i do what's best for my head and look for what will be an undoubtedly more expensive studio apt by myself?

i feel i owe it to my friends to at least LOOK at the place they found..
but i was sort of getting used to the idea of being alone.

not to mention, one of my potential roommates intrigues me much more as a bedmate to be quite honest about it.
the killing blow there, is that when i asked her if she was comfortable with us being roommates, she said yes so fast it almost made my head spin.

ouch. shot down.

and i can't even pretend she was ignorant of my thoughts on the matter. *sigh*

so now i have to make a quick decision... which i hate doing. i don't want to leave anyone in the lurch, but.... my own place, with my own stuff.... and no one around unless i want them to be....

ggrrrrr. i hate this.

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[Oct. 12th, 2003|12:18 am]

confirmation number for honda payment
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like "Blondie, check out my chrissy behind, it's fine all of the time" [Oct. 10th, 2003|05:36 pm]
[mood | excited]
[music |Peaches - 'Fuck The Pain Away (Kid606 Going Back To Bali Remix)' (The Teaches Of Peaches)]

Fuck this work shit.

Long weekend starts now.

I plan to approach disappointment with a productive attitude from here on out.

And we like the moon... :)

eh. Just felt like posting. Off i go.

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i WOULD die for peanut butter.. [Oct. 10th, 2003|11:09 am]
[mood | amused]
[music |Atari Teenage Riot - Start the Riot]

Best out-of-context quote in a long time:

userinfofraxl: Would you like to come lick the inside of my head!?

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Hmm. [Sep. 13th, 2003|07:23 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |NPR in the other room]

So userinfocemeterygates pointed out this text parser which uses an interesting algorithm based on the language patterns of males and females to determine the gender of the author of a piece of text. I've put in every entry of mine over one line from this month, and it reported each one as being written by a female.


At least it thinks this entry was written by a male.

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bandwith loss [Sep. 11th, 2003|04:41 pm]
[mood | thoughtful]
[music |Apoptygma Berzerk - 'Love Never Dies (Part 1)' (7)]

So, despite not having a single computer running a Microsoft OS in the house currently (I mean to install windows one of these days..), I'm getting hit pretty damn hard by this fucking Blaster worm. Being on a DSL line that's serviced by Verizon, even though I use a different ISP, I'm on Verizon's network. Verizon's DSL network hosts lots and lots of stupid people who run windows, don't know how to secure it, and don't know enough to care anyways. So my network connection is bogged down by these fucking worms to the point where I get about 30% of the speed I'm supposed to. And it looks like all the broadband providers are having the same problem.

So I wonder, since one can sue for damages due to lost bandwidth or downtime, if all of us non-Microsoft-customers who are in a similar situation could put together a class-action suit against MS, since their well-known laxness on the topic of security of their OS's has caused damage in terms of lost connectivity for thousands of people..


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And also.. [Sep. 11th, 2003|11:51 am]
[mood | thoughtful]
[music |Guns N' Roses - 'Dust N' Bones' (Use Your Illusion I)]

I miss userinfodeqlan...

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"Weekly" society column, from Miss Gehn.. [Sep. 11th, 2003|11:48 am]
[mood | groggy]
[music |Guns n' Roses - 'Get in the Ring']

Tea is my saviour this morning, dear reader. Lots of warm tea in my big glass mug.. and let me tell you why.

Last night userinfofraxl and I celebrated our moonday and just had a good evening in general. (Er.. except the part where we were almost hit by a bus.) Then we carted our slightly-late-but-jovial selves off to the Ray, where we saw userinfoo_canada_girls, userinfostarxlover, userinfocouplingchaos, and even userinfocemeterygates and userinfomattalyst were out enjoying themselves.

Name dropping aside, it seems everyone had a little too much fun last night; I hear we're all feelin' it this morning. So i'll leave you, dear reader, with the immortal, yet completely unrelated words of the now-fat Axl Rose:

"And to all those opposed... heh. Well?"

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G5 or Wedding? [Sep. 2nd, 2003|03:39 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Information Society - 'Made To Be Broken' [Peace & Love, Inc.]]

This is the best forum thread ever.

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userinforahaeli was right.. too good to pass up... [Aug. 27th, 2003|10:15 am]
[mood | tired]

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Stalking along the plains, swinging a studded crowbar, cometh Gehn! And he gives a booming howl:

"Vengeance and goo flow from my veins! I hereby void your warranty, and send you back to God!!"

Find out!
Enter username:
Are you a girl, or a guy ?

created by beatings : powered by monkeys

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Hmm [Aug. 25th, 2003|03:47 pm]
[mood |defeated]
[music |Joy Division - 'Disorder' [Heart And Soul]]

I hate memes, but this is pretty cool, I once wrote a runcasting program in BASIC years ago when I was wee.. I stole this one from userinfoperfectlyvague..

Your Name: Justin Craig Miller
Your Date of Birth: 10/29/1979
Your Question or Information: Where Am I going?


Lagaz - Intuition, imagination, success in studies, creativity, vitality and passion (especially for women).


Ansuz - Communications, wisdom and clarity, to attract others to your cause, increase magickal energy.


Ing - Fertility, successful conclusion to issue or situation, ending one cycle and beginning another.

Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster

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Pixelated Pictures [Aug. 22nd, 2003|11:22 am]
[mood | awake]
[music |Pop Will Eat Itself - 'Get The Girl And Kill The Baddies' [Wise Up Suckers]]

Pict0rs of teh kitt0n!

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(little orange) survey team explores the empire.. [Aug. 21st, 2003|12:27 pm]
[mood | quixotic]

[ Warning: big userinfolizerk-style cat post. Only no pictures yet... ;) ]

So we brought Pixel home last night. She (He? Meg and Sequina weren't sure, and she's still to shy for us to check..) was so hot in her carrier on the bus, she was panting! We set down the carrier by the litter box, so she could smell it, and left the carrier open. She was understandably still quite scared, and didn't come out of the carrier until eventually userinfodeqlan pulled her out so he could clean up the little accident she had in the carrier during the bus ride. He put her near the box when he pulled her out, and she jumped inside to hide. (It's a covered dome with only a small opening.)

We gave her plenty of space and time to calm down and explore on her own, and she eventually came out and explored under the table, where she hid for the rest of the evening, though we bonded a bit as she watched me play with a kitten toy near the table. She totally wanted to go for it, I could tell.

This morning we found her under the couch, and continued to talk softly to her. I'm hoping she'll feel more comfortable when there are no big scary humans around, and explore the place.

userinfogehn: i wonder where she is right now..
userinfogehn: i wonder if she's brave enough to venture out of the city of undercouch and into one of the many other exotic lands of the empire...
userinfogehn: Or maybe she went back over to the familiar corner of New Lesbion
userinfofraxl: naw, i'm sure she's enjoying the attractions in Cleenkitchen
userinfogehn: or OfficeStation Alpha
userinfofraxl: or perhaps having a cool refreshing drink at Toilet Lake
userinfogehn: Or the mysterious, post-cataclysmic Imperial Capitol, Justinia
userinfogehn: Including the Great Underbed Warehouses
userinfofraxl: and Closet Mines
userinfogehn: No, fortunately, the dangerous closet mines have been sealed by the empire.
userinfofraxl: well that's a relief

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KITTON!!! [Aug. 20th, 2003|05:08 pm]
[mood | excited]
[music |Hope & Kirk - 'Cop Out' [Black Box]]

Pixel comes home tonight! Eee!


We're heading over to hang out with userinfogemstone31 until Megan gets home, then takin' the kitten back to our place. Wee!

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moment of zen [Aug. 12th, 2003|10:53 am]
[mood | thoughtful]

Clicking around Friendster.

Click click click.

"Parker is your friend."

Well hey. That was reassuring.

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slow down, slow down... stop taking me over [Aug. 11th, 2003|11:47 am]
[mood | tired]
[music |Suede - 'The Drowners' (in my head)]

Back from Michigan (which is actually indian for "styleless mitten"), and at work. The drive was about 13 hours due to slow lines in the rest-stops and lots of construction. Got home around 3:30 am, and am currently running on a high-octane blend of hydrogen, oxygen, and high-tech little plastic capsules that contain some wondrous product that spews forth faux-french caffeinated substance, which, were I in canada, would cost the same by the liter.

I haven't been back to Michigan in several years, and, what's more, ended up visiting Grosse Pointe, where I haven't been since I moved away 15 years ago. The sensation of not remembering the world in which one grew up, until the sudden smack in the face with the exploding gasket-head (that happens to look like a little caesar's statue towering over Nottingham, you better not fucking eat my pizza you cartooned toga-freak) of your memory and having them flood back in uncontrollably..

Pictures to come.

City Club was also visited, and was pretty much as i left it, though I remember the lighting being different and the room not spinning so much.. I never realized that detroiters can't dance; I suppose I gained my sense of aesthetic in Boston, as going back now I realized what rabble they all were.. for once I was truly appreciative of snooty bosgoths and all their drama. Who goes to a goth club and doesn't talk to anyone, save for the people they came with? I mean really. I miss the aesthetic of that club, though.. Boston would do well to get a cheap, half-assed, hard-edged industrial club in its metro region.. though LCC itself I must say gives me a hard time emotionally.

Ahwell.. i'm running on a quarter tank again, so I need to go top it off without eating anything so I can bitch about how horrible I feel all day and add it to my little garden of things to complain about and be happy in my complaining.

Michigan was interesting. The shit-colored glasses will come off later, i tell ya.

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