bunny droppings
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Jerbs' LiveJournal:
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Thursday, September 25th, 2003 | 7:32 pm |
I began to post a rant, but then I read tigerkitty's journal and my rant just kind of slithered away into nothingness. My life may be difficult at times, but then I realize that others' lives are even harder. So sorry, sweetie, but here's a love for ya.... :::BIG hug::: Current Mood: humbled | Saturday, August 23rd, 2003 | 1:34 pm |
Via Tigerkitty ;)
jerri is happy. |
You're a rosy-cheeked ray of f'ing sunshine 24/7. I bet you smile a lot and little things don't get you down. Must be nice. Fuchsia's definitely your color. |
brought to you by interim32. wanna know your livejournal's mood ring color? enter your username and hit the button. |
Livejournal Mood Ring
Current Mood: amused | Sunday, August 17th, 2003 | 10:19 pm |
Thanks to lamaanaloveYour Name: (omitted for security) Your Date of Birth: 06/01/noyb Your Question or Information: Past Lagaz - Intuition, imagination, success in studies, creativity, vitality and passion (especially for women). | Present Isa - Cessation of energy, freezing an issue where it stands, cooling relationships, separation, division. | Future Ehwaz - Abrupt changes, moving into new home and environment, travel, swift change in situation. |
Cast the runes here: Rune Caster
Current Mood: amused | Tuesday, July 15th, 2003 | 8:57 pm |
Fiona came home today!!! After 1 month of being "lost" our little grey kitty has arrived safe and sound, although quite thin and starving for affection. It turned out she was stuck in the neighbor's side yard all this time - and her pink flea collar (hate those things) had been trapped under one leg so it rubbed the fur off her neck and armpit. Poor little sweetie. But she's THRILLED to see us - all cuddly and happy. Purred and did petti-paws immediately. However... she's not yet met the Colonel (who is probably 3 times her size). We've decided to keep her separate for a bit and slowly integrate her back into the family after she's gotten aclimated. But for now... *clinks champagne glass with everyone* my family is complete again. Current Mood: ecstatic | Monday, July 14th, 2003 | 11:19 am |
Zzzzz (I wish!) still not sleeping. grrr. Current Mood: grumpy | Saturday, July 12th, 2003 | 2:02 am |
Cannot sleep. Damn. It's a good time to catch up with any lunatic that still reads my LJ. We lost Fiona. She ran away, never came back. I saw her, though, I swear I did. And if it WAS her, she's found a new home with people that won't answer the door when I knock and won't call when I put a note in their mailbox. Oh well. She looked healthy. While Sara was here, we all went to the pound and got an old boy-cat. Oh boy is he a monster! Of course, I mean that most affectionately. The big ol' orange guy was bound for the 'lectric chair (or the pound's facsimile of such a thing) and we rescued him. He had TWO hernias! The doctor thinks it was from a bite ! yikes. Anyway, he did very well during the operation and is recuperating well. They did however find that he might have a thyroid problem but we'll address that once he's 100% again. We had to buy a cage to keep him in for 3 weeks. So, we bought a BIG one - it'll even fit our largest dog if we ever need to (not a bad thing to have around). Okay, so he's an orange kitty (and HUGE) and I named him Col. Mustard ..... (in the library with the lead pipe). It fits him. We call him "The Colonel" cuz he's bigger than our smaller dog even, and a lot older than any of them (we figure he might be 10). Col. Mustard is the most affectionate little guy ever. I'm happy. Aengus, however, is not. hehehehe. What else is going on here? Mmmm..... we go back to court on July 17 and my kid might end up being under house arrest for a while. Not a bad thing. I guess. Sigh. ::kicks the dirt:: I guess that's all there is for now. Tune in tomorrow (or whenever)... same bat time... same bat channel. Current Mood: awake | Friday, June 27th, 2003 | 11:04 am |
Favorite Commercial of the Moment... ...is the one that has an orange kitty stalking a water buffalo. 'Cept I can't remember what it's advertising LOL - must be cat food or something. Current Mood: amused | 11:02 am |
Yes, I've been away from this journal for TOO long (again). I didn't even write about how wonderful it was to have Sara here. Of course, I cried when I dropped her at the airport. *sniff* She'll be back. I hope. (smooch to you Sara!!) Current Mood: embarrassed | Friday, June 13th, 2003 | 9:08 am |
*heavy sigh* Well, Sara won't be getting a clean house for her visit (surprise, surprise) for other more pressing matters have come up. Our kitty is missing. She bolted yesterday morning and jumped the wall - who knows where she is now. We've searched, called, put up lost cat signs, and everything. But... no Fiona. Poor Aengus is walking around like he's lost. The dogs however were heard to pop a bottle of champagne. *hic, woof* Current Mood: worried | Wednesday, June 11th, 2003 | 8:24 pm |
ouch owiee. ouch. oooh. ahhhh. yep, the damn back is at it again. I'm sure that bathing the dogs, spraying the sofa for fleas and doing a bit of laundry had something to do with it. Not to mention of course, the tension from yesterday's ruckus with a local gang. Damn kids. Scared the shit outta me, too. While I was on the 911 call, one of my son's friends was outside getting pushed around and I thought for sure they were going to beat the hell out of them. The cops were pretty cool, though - one of the cops that works only with gang problems came by and he knew who they were - they were arrested within the hour. The damage amounted to over $400, which means felony charges when gang related. Good. A few more troublemakers behind bars for a little bit. I won't shed tears over them. The look of fear on my son and his friends' faces was enough for me. Don't wanna go there again. Meanwhile, I'll happily exist with the board over the broken window and the dent in my very old car is no biggy (but it IS the first dent!!). My car. Poor old thing. My old car, a 1994 honda civic gave his little life to save my son's. Poor old Scooter. Never had a chance. So, with the measley $4000 I got from the insurance company (yeah, try buying a decent car for $3000 - we needed to keep the other $1000 to pay the other bills) we bought a 1992 Toyota Camry. It's not a pretty car, by any means. And his A/C doesn't work, nor does the radio antenna... needs new tires, the back passenger window won't stay up without tape and it needs an oil change. Oh well. He's white and my usual Jerri-train-of-thought came up with naming him Mulder. (I thought: he's white... ghosty color... spooky... OH! that's Mulder's nickname on X-Files! voila, he is Mulder... yeah, yeah, I'm nuts). Sara arrives Saturday (YAY!) but she's sick right now! That was NOT on the schedule young lady! So, get well soon :D Current Mood: soreCurrent Music: tv - national geographic explorer (hubby has the remote) | Saturday, April 19th, 2003 | 10:44 pm |
yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't wanna hear it... ...I've been gone too long. My husband has shamed me into posting to my LJ. LOL I simply have too much to say and therefore have nothing to say. That makes about as much sense as I usually do. :P I've been busy being a mom lately - gods, I wish there was a manual that came with each kid. Being a wife is easy when Br is the hubby though ;) Also been working on my website - http://www.sweetestserenity.com/starrlingbut not in the past month. Been crocheting and making Sculpey "things" ... but mostly, cooking for my family and being a wife and mother. I owe tiggykitty an email and I promise I'll get around to it - I really do! Welp, that's about it. Later gators. Current Mood: exhausted | Wednesday, September 4th, 2002 | 2:16 pm |
Well, I've been absent still. My son got into yet more trouble and the last month has been hell. But I think we're back on track and mostly because I have the most wonderful, supportive husband. Thank goodness my kid is back at school now - and his first year of high school, too! The house is quiet again. Current Mood: awake | Wednesday, July 31st, 2002 | 3:52 am |
My son and his friends took my car without my knowing it and totaled it. Also totaled two parked cars. ::sigh:: They were wearing seatbelts (my son was NOT driving) and the airbags deployed. Unfortunately, my kid got the brunt of it all as he was in the front passenger seat. He's all swollen, bruised, cut and has a black eye. He's in trouble BIG. Brian is out of town. I feel sick. I have no car. My poor Scooter. He's ... a pancake. They rolled the car - if one of the parked cars had not been there, the sheriff believes the kids would be dead. I'm a wreck. I've never seen my kid so remorseful - we're lining up the punishments. I need to sleep but I'm supposed to wake him up every 3 hours to check on him. Ugh. My tummy is nauseous. I hate the summer. Current Mood: sick | Tuesday, July 30th, 2002 | 10:49 am |
| Friday, July 12th, 2002 | 10:13 pm |
<--- see that ? I drew that! Her name is Nimh and she's my first comp graphic! Wheeeee! I love Paintshop Pro. I'm also working on making some skins and objects for The Sims. Pretty cool, eh? Anyway, here I are. For a few minutes anyway. I've been stuck in bed since July 2 with a bad back. I'm pretty fed up with it. My poor Brian got laid off. We think it would be good for him and for me if he takes the summer off. Unfortunately, he's spent his first two weeks fetching stuff for me and taking care of my stupid back. Grrrr. I'm dumping AOL soon so if anyone wants my new email addy, let me know. However, I'll also change it here in LJ so it's really no big secret - I'm just too lazy :) Current Mood: uncomfortable | Tuesday, June 18th, 2002 | 5:52 am |
I'm just...tired. Of feeling crappy. Current Mood: sad | Saturday, June 15th, 2002 | 11:53 pm |
Hey! Anyone remember me? Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: world cup football noises :) | Saturday, May 25th, 2002 | 6:59 am |
Well, here I are. I can't believe how long it's been since I updated my LJ. I've just been really busy offline - doing the 'mom thing' and also playing with hobbies (I'm a crochet-nut). I had a good cry the other night as I chatted with Will for the first time in more than a year. Heh. Seems like many years, actually. I miss him, love him. I have to say that I found a peaceful feeling inside me when we said goodbye and he told me he loved me. I wonder if I was worried he'd stopped? I don't know, but I'm just glad he's feeling well. He's a very special young man in my life. Wow, I just realized how boring my life may sound cuz there isn't anything more to write. Sheesh. Current Mood: groggy | Friday, April 26th, 2002 | 10:38 pm |
Sara said "update your LJ, dammit" so I am. Here I are. Nothing new here. Went to Disneyland and had a great time seeing it through the eyes of my 5 year old nephew Chandler. What a cutie! Tim is fine... he's taller than me. 5'10" or so. eep! Brian is fine... I'm adjusting slowly to retired life... erm... housewife status? whatever. I took my kid shopping today. yikes... now that he's shopping in the men's dept. things are NOT cheap. Oy. And groceries? Oh my, don't even get me started on grocery bills. Sheesh. Ok, I've done enough for a semi-drunken late evening. Hi all! I miss y'all. :-) Current Mood: drunkCurrent Music: bill cosby show themesong. | Monday, April 22nd, 2002 | 3:21 pm |
wittle wabbits A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp: "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep wittle wabbits?" And the shopkeeper gets down on his knees, so that he's on her level, and asks: "Do you want a wittle white wabby or a soft and fuwwy black wabby or maybe one like that cute wittle brown wabby over there?" She in turn puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says in a quiet sweet voice: "I don't fink my pyfon really gives a thit." Current Mood: amused |
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