Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "Kiwanis Network" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:kiwinet (582992) kiwinet
Name:Kiwanis Network
Website:Key Club International
About:This community is for those in Key Club, open to all divisions, regions, and districts! This is a community to know more about each other, and just post up what's new, and help each club out. Well, much love!

IF you would like to join, I highly suggest you introduce yourself! If you can't find a way too, to make it easier...Just fill this out =D

AIM SN/Contact Info:

Moderator/Maintainer: [info]flippincoconuts

Co-Moderator/Maintainer(s): [info]sixdollaburger
Other Positions available =D
Interests:23: active, builders club, circle k, club, commitment, community, community service, dedication, executive, friendship, fun, governor, help, hours, key club, kiwanis, lieutenant governor, life, love, members, officer, service, smiles. [Modify yours]
Members:84: 1229, __consumingfire, alhskeyclub, andahandy, angrytrucker17, annaonthemoon, asianbabygemini, ask_the_angels, atwistedangel, aznorange, babybico, barodalove, bebecarizma, bobalicious818, chasingastar, chiefmike, d0rkdotcom, daydreamer101, dearest_diary, debonairestare, div1keyclubalex, dontmooatthecow, dorkiedimples, flippincoconuts, freakinxditz, goobsgirl, half_cracked, j9izme, jademirage, jayswan, jcmakesmerawr, jeeyuh, jeffreyxpp, justcallmemarv, k_a_new_hope_ly, kimberr, ladilunatix, lalaleesah, lilnottiaznange, littleazn85, lolitzamie, lostinpixicloud, love_showers, lovelypinay, lynnjessica, magicstardust, malliemal, mandi4267, michanu, mismatchinsocks, mmmmjournal, neonandchrome, nessiebessie, omzdabomb, ookatneyoo, oryxis, papilia, pinkiepucca, polykleitos, postscript__, preetimeeh, quincy221, saralee4bsb, saxykid25, screwsharpie, shellylicious, sillygrrrl84, sixdollaburger, skatensurf420, smeyonaise, spiffyxtiffy, spnkydeeds, straberi43, suburbanhomegrl, superstarmeez, systm_xtc, teenytiana, tikigoddess, veeedotcom, veritasy2k, vgurl008, weemotionalrock, winterpolaris, xwackamolex
Watched by:72: 1229, alhskeyclub, andahandy, annaonthemoon, asianbabygemini, atwistedangel, aznorange, babybico, barodalove, bebecarizma, bobalicious818, chiefmike, daydreamer101, dearest_diary, debonairestare, div1keyclubalex, dontmooatthecow, dorkiedimples, empoweringyouth, flippincoconuts, freakinxditz, half_cracked, jademirage, jayswan, jcmakesmerawr, jeffreyxpp, justcallmemarv, jwalk, k_a_new_hope_ly, kimberr, ladilunatix, lalaleesah, lilnottiaznange, littleazn85, lolitzamie, love_showers, lynnjessica, madamruppy, magicstardust, malliemal, mandi4267, megansetsfire, mismatchinsocks, mmmmjournal, neonandchrome, nessiebessie, omithehomie, omzdabomb, ookatneyoo, oryxis, papilia, pinkiepucca, polykleitos, postscript__, quincy221, saralee4bsb, saxykid25, sbhskeyclub, shellylicious, sixdollaburger, skatensurf420, smeyonaise, spiffyxtiffy, spnkydeeds, superstarmeez, systm_xtc, teenytiana, uhlisuh, veeedotcom, vgurl008, weemotionalrock, xwackamolex
Account type:Free Account

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