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Below is information about the "Non-Ugly Brunettes" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:nonuglybrunette (1990710) nonuglybrunette
Non Ugly Brunettes
For Brunettes Who Are Sexy
Name:Non-Ugly Brunettes
Website:The Members List
Location:Florida, United States

Welcome to Non Ugly Brunettes. This is a rating community for the brunettes of livejournal who are NON UGLY. Please take note that this community is for looks AND personality. Please read the rules below, grab the application, and apply to become a stamped member. Thanks!

Brunette: ADJECTIVE: Having dark or brown hair.
Thanks to [info]xspecialk for looking up the definition of brunette. =)

Thanks to [info]seatbeltsex for the current layout & icon.
Thanks to [info]bohemianqueen7 for the last layout & icon.

Gangster by [info]oxpurpierainxo [Voting booth finally being done.]

None for January 2005 yet.

Go to [info]nubfm_winners to find out who previously was a Non Ugly Brunette Of The Month.


Vanessa AKA [info]sympathicnessy


Patricia AKA [info]bohemianqueen7 (On Break)

Katie AKA [info]katiekinz

Lauren AKA [info]prejudged

Karla AKA [info]pishxposh______

Ashley AKA [info]seatbeltsex (On Break)


Sara AKA [info]catch_me

Rhiannon AKA [info]rozeecheeks


MAINTAINER'S NOTE: If the rules are broken in ANY way, you will be rejected and banned if you're a member pending a stamping, and if you're a stamped member, you'll receive three warnings before being deleted and banned the next time. The warning system does NOT apply to drama being created here. If such is done, you will be banned and reported to [info]lj_abuse.


01. You MUST be a brunette in some way. Either your hair be naturally brunette or dyed. This is for BRUNETTES only.

02. An amount of 3 pictures is required in your application. Two of yourself, and one of your hair.

03. You MUST use an lj-cut for your application and pictures. Ask the maintainer or read the FAQ if you don't know how to do an lj-cut.

04. You CANNOT comment on another post besides your application or make a new post besides your application until you've been accepted.

05. You MUST be 13 years old or older to apply. If you're turning 13 this year (2004), then that's fine too.

06. This community is CO-ED and PLUS SIZE FRIENDLY. Remember that.

07. Once you join, you have 24 hours to post up your application or you'll be deleted.

08. Voting will be for 24 48 hours before a member gets accepted or rejected.

09. When filling out your application, you MUST have the questions BOLDED and the answers normal, so they will be easier to read.

10. If you're rejected, please wait for 1 FULL week AKA 7 DAYS before trying again.

11. You can retry TWICE, but if you're rejected for a third time, then please take the hint.

12. When filling out the application, you MUST put Brunettes Are Sexy in the subject title so I know you've read the rules. Failure to do this will result in you getting automatically rejected.

13. If you've been rejected before and are reapplying, you MUST mention that you have been rejected before so the moderators and maintainers are able to keep track of the applicants.

14. When adding more pictures to your application, just EDIT your post to add them, do NOT comment with the pictures. It makes it easier when counting votes.

15. Do NOT talk back to the stamped members or start drama. You'll get automatically rejected & banned.

16. If you were accepted but left and wish to become a member again, you HAVE to reapply. Sorry, it's how it goes.

17. Do NOT argue or talk back to any of the mods. If you don't like what we say or decide on, deal with it.

18. If you can't handle getting more No votes instead of Yes votes, then don't apply.

19. If you delete your application and I OR the mods find out, you will be banned from the community.

20. If you get rejected from the community and do NOT wish to reapply, you MUST delete yourself from the community or I'll do so and ban you.

21. ALL POSTS MUST BE FRIENDS ONLY! This is to protect you, and our current members, from drama from those that aren't a part of the community!


01. Only stamped members MAY promote communities and only ONCE a week.

02. Due to 2 moderators and 1 co-moderator stressing this, you MUST bold your Yes/No votes AND/OR put the vote in the subject.

03. Due to the maintainer's wishes, stamped members are allowed to post their pictures in a stamped entry but only ONCE a week, UNLESS the images are behind an LJ-cut.

04. If you need to permanately leave the community for any reason, you MUST post a comment on THIS POST. It will greatly help the Maintainer with the upkeep of the Members List.

05. Stamped members only get warned for breaking the rules 1 times. The next time afterwards the member gets kicked out and banned.

06. Any stamped entries containing pictures MUST be behind an lj-cut. Ask the maintainer or read the FAQ if you've forgotten how to do an lj-cut.

07. Stamped members are supposed to be honest but do not be TOO rude.

08. No pornography/adult content is allowed in your stamped entries. There ARE members who are -18.

09. Please vote in any and all polls that the maintainer posts up and participate in the theme weeks.

10. You're NOT allowed to judge the applicants based on their size, gender, or color. This is discrimination, if such is done, I'll ban you and report you to LJ abuse. Sorry if it seems rude, but I hate discrimination.

11. You must judge the applicant on both personality AND looks.

12. Do NOT argue or talk back to any of the mods. If you don't like what we say or decide on, deal with it.

13. If you need to change your member picture or have yet to submit your member picture for [info]nub_members, you MUST comment on THIS POST with the picture and whether it's a picture update or picture submission in the SUBJECT LINE of the comment. This will help the Maintainer keep better track of the Members List.

14. If you need to go on a break or have changed your username, you MUST comment on THIS POST with the proper changes and the subject of the changes in the SUBJECT LINE. This will help the Maintainer keep better track of the Members List.

15. If you are leaving the community, you MUST delete yourself from the community so it'll be easier for me to keep track of who's supposed to be on the community list or not.

16. ALL POSTS MUST BE FRIENDS ONLY! This is to protect us, and people that are applying, from drama from those that aren't a part of the community!






Astrological Sign:

Marital Status:


Top 5 TV Shows:

Top 5 Movies:

Top 5 Bands:

Top 5 Foods:


Describe yourself with 5 words:

What is your biggest pet peeve?:

What is your biggest disappointment?:

If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?:

What is the one thing that has kept you going, no matter what?:

Do you have a role-model? If so, who and why?:


What's Your Opinion On...


Homosexual/Bi-Racial Relationships:

Capital Punishment:

Premarital Sex:




How did you find the community?:

Are you a natural brunette?:

Why should we accept you?:

Promote the community to another community or to another LJ user. Who did you promote it to?:


These two banners were created by [info]catch_me.

This one banner was created by [info]pepper_.

This one banner was created by [info]tricki_pixie.

This one banner was created by [info]mi_orgullo

Memories:817 entries
Interests:47: accepting yourself, adorable, all sizes, attractive, bbw, beautiful, beautiful people, beautiful personalities, beauty, being beautiful, being comfortable with yourself, being curvy, being hot, being pretty, being sexy, boys, brunette, brunettes, communites, confidence, cute, cutie pies, girls, gorgeous, guys, handsome, hot, inner beauty, inside beauty, ladies, looking good, looks, nice bodies, non ugly, personality, photography, pictures, plus size women, pretty girls, rate me, rating, rating communities, sexy, sexy people, smiles, smiling, voluptuous. [Modify yours]
Members:172: 147, 7thfloor, 85mph, ____heroine, ___badkarma, ___brunette, ___hiphiphop, ___intolerance, ___messmeup, __jeordie__, __rebelstyle, __regret, __shaine, __starstruck__, _brokeninside, _dannyxboy, _dorkxten, _insert_cliche_, _lovehurts, _perkster_, _sammie, _steeny, _tink3rb3ll, absolutcaitlin, aceofdiamonds, aint_love_grand, alichica105, and_itslikethis, autumnnightfall, baby__girl, baby_x003, barrette, beckybooboo, bittersweetbn, bjorkybear, bleedcreativity, blinkblue702, bliss_angel, bohemianqueen7, boycrazyforlife, br4ndi, breakable_x1, carbabixo, cassababy, catch_me, caughtnlies, celloprincess04, cinderbella84, cominghometoyou, ctcandylips28, cxcstephie06, dirty_dancer, dramatic_diva, edendion, effortlessnight, ejthe77th, elleyk5187, elyse_summers, evergrnterrace, eyes_of_blue, faded_addiction, fallinforyou69, forxadrienne, fujikura, gollygeepers, gomezt, hahabitches, hateful_spear, heartxrain, hiandlo, hopetodiex, ilvbxy1, inevitablepain, jaded___, jadie_makes_jam, janabean, jenalee03, jig, jorday, jwfc, katebdv, katiekinz, killmewith1kiss, krazee_britt, kt_c, lacoeur, ledzeppelin106, lemmecutyoudown, lifelessmind, long_sleevies, lostsmile_, lovemakeit_hurt, lucky_bamboo, maddiezgonemad, magnificent_no1, maily, mama_rabbit, mentalsuffering, mi_orgullo, miss_bombshell, miss_kla, morninsunshine, narcissistdebut, neilari, nightpoodle, notsoluckycharm, nsensitive, ohhmystars_, outrageous__, overyour_drama, oxpurpierainxo, palabrasverdad, panic_or_dance, patrick_pup, peaches_keen, piecesofbren, pink_passion69, pishxposh______, prejudged, princess_sexy69, principessa__, promised_regret, pseudomessiah, quaffles, rach0435, ramdonomo, redjudaskiss, rozeecheeks, sassy_, seatbeltsex, sexyelektra, sexypinkshimmer, shaine, shakeurmaker_23, sicilian_bitch, singunderwater, skyy_blu, so0int0y0u_x3, so_unaware, specialk3370, sprinkleface, stardust_rose, starrr_studded, still_ballin_25, suck_me_good, suezx069, sunlesstanning, sweetcherrypie7, sweetor1183, sympathicnessy, takemeaway_xox, thaniansaid, this_kid_has_it, tilt_back, tinydanceratfsu, tooxsweet, towardsxdestiny, truckergurl_13, true_l0ve3, vonstrom, wank_sqank_4evr, whisper_me_lies, wintersshadows, x0x_whisper_x0x, xchokeonthis, xgyllenhaalicx, xo_bellakla_ox, xosweetpea319xo, xxelisa, xyellowpopplesx, you_r_stellar_, young_sharky
Account type:Free Account

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