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User:tinyme (17941) Paid User tinyme
Wife, Mother, & Friend
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Clearwater, Kansas, United States

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯* candi *¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

i married my love on a beautiful evening in october. shortly after our wedding, we became first time homeowners in small-town kansas. we have one child: a daughter named aubry chaelynn. we're excited to be expecting our second child in september 2004.

more about me?
i'm a liberal...thus i'm very anti-bush.
i'm also anti-war.
i'm pro-choice (not to be confused with pro-abortion or anti-life).
i'm anti-DP for conflicting reasons.
my web style:
my parenting style:
mostly co-sleeping.
anxious to try baby-wearing with the next one.
i believe in the right to make a choice of how to feed your child.
disposable diapers.
not anti-spanking.

i don't fit a mold.

Accepted: _truebeauty_, __innerbeauty

prefers playing on the internet rather than watching tv
used to be very bitter and sad
wants to be a SAHM (stay at home mom)
enjoys watching Law & Order: SVU
hates the times when she becomes bitter again
loves her family
takes pleasure in being able to relax
lives for her children
feels indecisive and overly emotional at times
wishes to be in a larger home in 5 years
goes to her mom's house quite often
is excited for the new baby to arrive
has learned to accept the things she cannot change (or at least try)
has experienced the worst parts of "love"
has learned a lot about what it takes to make it work
makes wonderful sour cream enchiladas and chicken alfredo
likes to be loved
has fun playing with her daughter
feels strong yet weak
hopes for happiness for her children
needs more money
cares about women's rights
worries about money
misses her childhood...when there were no "grown-up" burdens to worry about
laughs at her crazy little toddler
remembers too much
is determined to be matter what other people think

mommy2angels got their Neopet at

Memories:8 entries
Interests:147: andy garcia, animals, art, autumn, babies, baby clothes, bb&b;, being a mom, being barefoot, being held, being me, being with friends, biking, bruce willis, calla lilies, candles, cavalier king charles spaniels, cheese pizza, cherished teddies, childhood, chinese food, chris meloni, christmas, concerts, creativity, cuddling, curiosity, dawson's creek, daydreaming, debate, decorating, disney movies, doodling, drawing, dreaming, ebay, eeyore, eo, eyes, faith, fall, family, fishing, flowers, flylady, four-wheelers, freedom, friendships, god, hands, happiness, hiking, hockey, honesty, honeysuckle, hope, hugs, ideas, irony, italian food, jason duda, jesus, jet skis, journals, kisses, laughter, law & order svu, lemonade, letters, love, mariska hargitay, memories, mexican food, missouri, motherhood, movies, music, my daughter, my family, my husband, naming babies, navy blue, notebooks, oatmeal cookie dough, october, olivia, olu, outdoors, parenthood, passion, pasta, people watching, photography, picture frames, pictures, pink starbursts, poetry, politics, pregnancy, pro-choice, prose, psychology, quotes, rabbits, rain, ray borque, reminiscing, romance, romantic stuff, roses, sarcasm, saturday, scrapbooking, scrapbooks, sesame chicken, shih tzus, sleeping, smiles, snail mail, snooping, stars, steak, stickers, storms, sunsets, svu, swapping, swaps, swimming, talking, tall dark and handsome, tastefully simple, tattoos, teddy bears, thunderstorms, tigers, touching, toys r us, traveling, walking, weddings, white tigers, wichita thunder, wishing, wrestling, writing, writing letters. [Modify yours]
People20:brite, dindin, essence, gasolinedreams, hoppyone, idealforcolors, jays_princess, justaragdoll, keelyerin, littletizzle, melia, mommyandwife, mordainlove, neonfable, otaku_femme, rubyawake, sandstone, sarm, slickdivide, tinyme
Account type:Paid Account

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