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Below is user information for Gina. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:wpanthergirl (51515) wpanthergirl
Website:Groovy Pictures
Location:Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States
AOL IM:AIM status SublimeGirl09 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 63672928 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status MossimoGirl_09 (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Bio:I'm 18 and live in Kenosha Wi. My boyfriend and friend Crystal live with me.
Memories:18 entries
Interests:147: 80's cartoons, advice, affection, aim, anger, anne geddes, art, being silly, blink 182, board games, books, boys, bryce, bumper stickers, cadbury eggs, camping, candles, cars, catholocism, cd, clothes, cna, comments, computers, control freak, crayons, cuddling, dairy queen, dances, dancing, daria, dating, dog tags, dogs, drinking, driving, dvd, ear rings, email, evil, evil people, eyes, florida, food, friends, fun, funny sounds, games, gateway, gilmore girls, guys, honesty, hoodies, hugging, hugs, ice cream, icons, internet, jane green, jim carrey, jokes, kenny chesney, kenosha, kids, kisses, kissing, kiwibox, lamps, laughing, lava lamps, lips, love, m&m;'s, markers, mike myers, milwaukee, money, monkeys, monopoly, movies, mp3's, mtv, mtv2, music, my nephews, necklaces, october, oral sex, paintball, paltalk, panties, partys, penguins, people, phones, picture frames, pictures, pills, pink, playing pool, pools, post cards, punks, purple, rainbow brite, rainbows, reading, red dwarf, releasing anger, roller blading, sex, shopping, singing, sketches, skiing, skittles, sleep, sleeping, smiles, smurfs, softball, spencers gifts, sports, stuffed animals, summer, summer fest, surveys, swimming, talking, tanning, the simpsons, the temptations, thinking, tmj4, toys, truth, tux, uk, vanilla ice cream, video cameras, vietnam, volleyball, water, weekends, wierd al, wisconsin, yahoo. [Modify yours]
People9:candyapple83, crazymisterjojo, djwickwild, jax50, pinkspiderchan, scatteredrains, shempass, strandist, x_firestarter_x
Communities4:askday, href, lovesexandlies, quizzes
Friend of:14: bumlicker, candyapple83, crazymisterjojo, djwickwild, firefighterj, fumbling1, in_do_time, jax50, opusx, pinkspiderchan, scatteredrains, shempass, smr_music, strandist
Member of:9: 1cons, askday, cityofmilwaukee, graphics, href, lovesexandlies, quizzes, sharethejoy, teenscene
Account type:Free Account

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