Delphinius Delphi's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Delphinius Delphi's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, March 8th, 2004
    9:40 am
    I smelled fresh cut grass today
    I am a happy person!

    Current Mood: grateful
    Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
    10:16 pm
    car crap
    Car decided to up and die on me tonight....three times, with the third time being the final insult. Just wouldn't start. It was like it had no gas in it (even though it did). All electrical worked, but it wasn't getting fuel.

    Most likely culprit, the fuel pump which is LAME as I just had it replaced last year!!

    So now, I have to get it towed to a place to have it looked at. Luckily someone was recommended to me that I can totally trust so happy about that. Not happy about towing. Too expensive!!!!


    Current Mood: cranky
    Wednesday, January 7th, 2004
    8:33 pm
    Okay, am I weirdo for feeling more sore after a massage than when I went in? Or is this just normal? I wasn't even hurting anywhere in the first place, I just thought it might relax me and take some stress off, but I was just like, eh, nothing special.

    Oh yeah, good thing still in my life...disregard previous post.

    Current Mood: tired
    Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
    11:02 am
    Want to move
    I am looking at a two hour commute by bus
    Or hour by my gas guzzling SUV

    This wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have little miss puppy, but hey, not her fault!
    So if anyone sees a little quaint house for rent within a reasonable price (less than 1000??) that will take doggies in the seattle area, please let me know!


    Current Mood: working
    Thursday, December 25th, 2003
    5:52 pm
    Merry holidays all!
    Hope all is well and people are joyful and filled with good tidings and turkey.

    Happy new year from one very stuffed christmas cookie

    Current Mood: tired
    Wednesday, October 29th, 2003
    10:03 am
    Just wanted to say HI and let everyone know that the meeces haven't taken me hostage.....yet!
    Their powers of seduction are strong though and I will resist all attempts at brainwashing.....

    "what are we doing tonight Brain?"
    "the same thing we do every night Pinky....."

    Current Mood: working
    Saturday, October 18th, 2003
    6:59 pm
    hehe, so yeah, I remember NOW the reason I have been trimming my own hair...I went to get it styled so it looked decent, and yup, the girl SCREWED UP!


    Back to the short stuff. At least I am still cute.

    Sushi making party tonight, fun fun!!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Sunday, October 12th, 2003
    6:55 pm
    Love 'dem Meeces to Peeces
    I work in da mornings
    I work in da afternoons
    I try NOT to work in da evenings
    But some how here I am!!
    Monday, September 15th, 2003
    3:42 pm
    Whistle While You Work....
    So yeah, now its become a thing of "when am I NOT at work" hehe....

    Actually I have oodles of stuff to do on a daily basis, but I am unfortunately limited to the shuttle van hours....

    Current Mood: working
    Sunday, September 14th, 2003
    9:25 pm
    Girls Rock Too!!!
    HOT DAMN! I frickin' rock!!! Not only did I get a bad ass deal on my hard drive today, BUT! I actually was able to install it and get everything else up and running....ALL ON MY OWN!!!!!!!!!

    I had to laugh though. I bought a 40GB drive and everyone was calling me a weenie....until they learned the drive that was in my computer was only 6......

    HA!!!! That tells you how old it was *SNORT*

    I am so cool.

    Current Mood: geeky
    2:50 pm
    Oooooo!!! Getting hard drive today!!! Yipee!! Hopefully it won't be too much of a pain in the ass to get things back up and running!!!

    Happy Day!

    Current Mood: happy
    Friday, September 12th, 2003
    5:17 pm
    Why I love my Deanna Banana.....
    This comes from one of my closest friends....after I told her about my foul mood:

    > >
    > > Sometimes...
    > > when you cry...
    > > no one sees your tears.
    > >
    > > Sometimes...
    > > when you are in pain...
    > > no one sees your hurt.
    > >
    > > Sometimes...
    > > when you are worried...
    > > no one sees your stress.
    > >
    > > Sometimes...
    > > when you are happy...
    > > no one sees your smile.
    > >
    > >
    > > But FART!! just ONE time...
    > >
    > > And everybody knows
    > >
    > >
    > > Go figure!

    Current Mood: loved
    4:45 pm
    Mabel lovin'
    I think I may need to move when my lease is up here. I really don't want to do that, but unfortunately I think I get on my roommates nerves.

    I am not exactly a super neat person, and she can be pretty anal about things, which I do understand, I mean she does own the house and likes to keep it in the best of shape, which I try to help out to do.

    Then, there is the dog. Mabel, though for the most part is well behaved, she has her faults (shedding, etc) and the big one seems to be that recently she has taken up digging again, which she hasn't done in ages! I don't know why.....personally, I think its because there is another dog here and she feels like she needs to hide her treats and her toys from this dog. I mean today she just went rampant in the yard! It upset me a lot to come home to a very stern note from my roommate. I unfortunately can't be home as much as my roommate, so I know mabel doesn't get the attention I would like to give her.

    The problem with moving is always, of course, money. I could do it if it only required first months rent, or the option to pay first months and a deposit over time (which I did here) but I just don't make enough money to really be saving a whole lot to move.

    So right now I am frustrated and upset and in a foul mood. I love my dog so much, but if things get worse, I may have to send her to my folks and let them keep.

    That would break my heart.

    Current Mood: sad
    Thursday, September 11th, 2003
    4:46 pm
    So I have been putting in my resume for a butt load of jobs recently, have to see how it goes. A lot have been back into the environmental science field, which most of you know, is where my degree is really focused. But then, today, I got to help out in some neat stuff with the critters and then I think again, this is cool and interesting....come on girl you can stick out a while longer....


    glad its my friday.

    Current Mood: nerdy
    1:07 pm
    Redhook Bash!
    Okay, as I am trying to get people together that might be interested in this:

    Saturday, at the Redhook Brewery in Woodinville, they are hosting their 21st birthday bash! (yes I am going already)

    Music includes Presidents of the United States (whom I haven't seen in ages!) Dear John Letters (whom I did see recently and really liked) Visqueen, Post Stardom Depression, Bugs in Amber (who, according to my cousin is her stepbrothers band) and many more.

    If you are interested, its Saturday, starting at Noon at Redhook Brewery. Tickets are $12 at the door, or $9 if purchased at Sonic Boom or a little more if bought on the Redhook website.

    Food beer music and other nifty stuff, rain or shine.

    Come!! and if you want to, thinking about maybe trying to carpool people so we don't end up with too many whuuzzy (to quote a friend) people on the road!!!

    Current Mood: bored
    Wednesday, September 10th, 2003
    8:30 pm
    I am a science major damn it! Not an english!!
    The one part I really hate about my area of work that I like is that there is a bit o' writing to do and most jobs want a writing sample.

    Time to dig out the ol' college papers!!

    mmmm, diatoms!!

    Current Mood: busy
    7:31 am
    Hard Drive??
    Okay, since I need a new hard drive I need to know the best place to get one. I don't need anything fancy schmancy, just your standard IDE drive, about 20 or 30 gigs should do it I think. Not like I am running lotsa things here.

    Thanks all!

    Current Mood: working
    Sunday, September 7th, 2003
    10:47 am
    Nrrrrommmmm....SPLAT!! or Ode to my Hard Drive
    Hard drive finally and most definitely kicked da bucket. I tried to hold on it as long as possible, but alas, all my efforts were wasted.

    Good bye hard drive. I shall miss you. We spent many a long years together. You got me through college!

    But you shall be replaced, but not without grief, as I have no idea how to replace you (HA) I bet you are laughing in that system junkyard in the sky!

    Current Mood: working
    Wednesday, August 27th, 2003
    9:19 pm
    Okay, I am thinking about Halloween already.

    For the last, I don't know, few years I have been trying to find a Wonder Woman costume that isn't cheesy....unfortunately, this is very hard....anyone have any suggestions for locating one around the area??

    Disply and costume doesn't seem to carry them and it has been suggested I try Castles...but haven't made it there yet,,,,


    Current Mood: thankful
    8:44 pm
    ahhhh....the power of guiness.....

    and the two towers....
    and good conversation.....

    Current Mood: giggly
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