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[23 Jul 2004|03:03pm]
"hollywood" - jukebox wagon

baby you could be a shining star
All you’d have to do is lose your dignity to get there.
Maybe we could change the way you are.
Baby, here’s your ticket for the train that goes to nowhere.
You’re going to get there in no time. /

roll the reddest carpet out.
You’ve got cash to burn and life is good.
Five or ten, nobody knows how long they’ll let you be the rose of Hollywood.
Like flowers on your fashion clothes,
nobody stays, nobody grows in Hollywood. /

brother, you sure can play that old guitar.
I can get your airplay and a record deal tomorrow.
All you’d have to do is change your name
and change the way you play
and lose some weight ‘cause you’re a fatso.
That’s how this game goes, you know? /

blow the song to smithereens,
rewrite it so those teens don’t have to think.
Here’s your money,
here’s your soul.
The money is yours but we are in control.
Like sucking on an empty joint, you can’t get high.
There’s just no point in rock and roll /

walk the red colored plank.
Take your life to the bank
and withdraw the pain.
Record deal almost dead.
Spinning wheels in your head
you can’t recall your name.
Hollywood, shining lights,
rock and roll,
day and night
melting in your hand.

Take it easy, take it slow.
Think it over.
Please don’t go
just to prove you can.
2 satisfied customers| rawk my world

[14 Jul 2004|10:49am]
What internet acronym are you?! LOL
What internet acronym are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
2 satisfied customers| rawk my world

this is great.. found it in a friend's xanga [04 Jun 2004|03:42pm]
[ mood | humerous ]

"In pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name: Tylenol is acetaminophen, Aleve is naproxen, Amoxil is amoxicillin, Advil is ibuprofen, and so on. The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra, and announced that it has settled on mycoxafloppin.

Also considered were mycoxafailin, mydixadrupin, mydixarizin, mydixadud, dixafix, and of course, ibepokin."

3 satisfied customers| rawk my world

[30 May 2004|09:21pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | "giving it up" - the darkness ]

well hello! :P

been a while, eh?

i've been a little busy.. not too bad.. but i just haven't really thought of updating

anyway, what's new?

not too much is new with me.. i go to work everyday and it's a miracle if i don't get sent home early... BOO YAY FOR SALES!

i can't wait until july. i'll be done with my job... i'll travel to myrtle beach and baltimore, and i'll have the time of my life.

i'll move into my new place in st. pete prolly around august 5th, i'd imagine

hehe, wooo! it's definitely gonna be awesome.

i'm back into the knack of eating correctly and going to the gym and working out just about every day... feels good =)

did i mention that i saw shrek 2, van helsing, and troy? not in that order, obviously.. but i enjoyed the three of those movies.. hehehe

hmmm, what else?

billy (my brother) graduates on friday! OHMIGOSH! crazy, huh? then the weekend after that he's going to miami to take the ASVAB and basically get sworn into the military and get his assignment(s) and ship out dates and all. eep

i'm glad for him. the service will be great for him! most definitely

so my REAL good friend rachel sounds like she's constantly being pestered by an old roommate of mine... apparently she plays dumb and asks rachel all of these questions about me like.. am I still moving, did i get accepted into college, do i have a place, do i have a job, etc..... she needs to forget i exist, really. i mean, give me a break! one of the best things about NOT BEING FRIENDS ANYMORE is the part where we NO LONGER KEEP IN CONTACT WITH EACHOTHER, which means ...... leave me the hell alone! don't keep tabs on me, don't ask my friends what i'm up to, geeeeeeeet over it!

anyway, that was a quick rant about that. i know it seems like i'm talking directly to her, expecting her to read it on LJ, but she doesn't read LJ or anything. so i was just voicing some inside ranting.. i think the next time she plans on asking rachel what's up with me, rachel's gonna tell 'er to forget about it. hope so, anyway :)


SOMEONE just said that they're practically sick of scratching my back. HA! can't believe that person had the nerve to say that =) they're in for it

well, that's about it for tonight, i reckon. take care folkaroos!

2 satisfied customers| rawk my world

[22 May 2004|11:17pm]
[ mood | excited ]

wow! what a great day today was =)

a couple weeks ago my parents told me to take the day off work on may 22 (today :P haha), but mom wouldn't tell me why. i figured she was up to something... all week she was running secret errands and wouldn't tell me where she was going.

so, finally today she tells me to go up to my grandparents place.. and low and behold, they threw a huge surprise graduation bash for me! wooohoooo! about 22 family members and friends were there. couldn't have been any better, really..

my cousin nique was there.. WOAH did it freak me out when i saw her... i haven't seen her in years. being the wimp i am, i cried when i saw her there.. awwwww, i love her!!!!

also, my granddad and phyllis (his significant other) and their puppy named oreo arrived yesterday.. =) it was nice to have them here

it was all great. as for family members that were there (ya'll won't know 'em, but i'll list them anyway... for my sake):
grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, billy, aunt janice, uncle robby, shannon, mike, kyle, nique, aunt jeanne, uncle dave, erin, granddad, phyllis

two people who are like family but still technically friends:
ron, and mr. chung

then the friends invited were:
mark, james, andy, and don

all was wayyyyy fun! we played shuffleboard, swam in the pool (some, not all.. i didn't swim.. my time of the month! eek! lol), ate lotsa food, hung out at grandmas, took both of the boats out and rode around the water then stopped at an island to hang out, then we all settled down and had some chili, i opened some presents, then everyone started playing michigan rummy

but alas, i had to leave me own party to come home and unwind and rest up for work at 9am tomorrow. hehe!!!! it was so great today, though

couldn't have asked for anything better! and the weather couldn't have cooperated more

oh yeah!!! we played with manatees, too!!!

once we got back on the boats, we parked them and got out on the doc and we saw one manatee.. my little cousin has some experience w/ manatees, so she knew just what to do to attract more! she turned on the hose and put it in the water, and WOOSH! so many came and hung out! they love to play in the hose, apparently. they'd come and open their mouths and drink the hose water and roll over and float on their back so you can spray their bellies (they also like it scrubbed with a long-handled brush, how fun!!!) of them went under the stream of water from the hose and covered its eyes with its fins and looked like s/he was washing her face... sooo cute... and they all took turns in the hose.. we played with probably about 5 different once, but there were at least 10 in the area!!!


annnnywho, i needta get to bed now. =) been a great, exhausting day.

1 satisfied customer| rawk my world

TIP OF THE DAY: don't let a cell phone number be the ONLY WAY someone can reach you [07 May 2004|11:29am]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | the chocobo song on final fantasy ]

my friend was supposed to come over at 11... she said she'd call to get the directions after she gets off i-95

so about 11:25 i hadn't heard from her so i go to give her a call, and i see that my EFFIN battery died! NO FREAKING WONDER why i didn't get a call from her! she left like 3 messages... so i called her back

she said she'd been calling since like 9:45.. EEK! i feel like crap!!!

luckily her boyfriend just moved back home for the summer and he lives in the same town as me and she just hung out with him.. now we're just gonna meet up at taco bell.. :\ whoops

folks, the moral of this story is



rawk my world

[06 May 2004|11:38pm]
well wednesday morning i showed up at school at 8am, all prepared to take my math final

and the school was mostly empty. judging by the parkinglot, i was getting worried

i get upstairs and it's ghost town.. all classrooms dark, hardly a soul to be found

so i knocked on a certain math professors door and asked if i could see a final exam schedule... he said that finals ended tuesday.


i was a day late for my final...

i went and planted myself at my math professor's door until he showed up, and it turned out the exam was on MONDAY.... not wednesday!


i couldn't believe it, i never make mistakes like that!!! i'd just written it down wrong in my calendar...

luckily he let me take it..... PHEW!!!

holy geeze
rawk my world

taken from someone else's journal, who took it from someone elses journal [03 May 2004|11:40pm]
"Here's some info you may be unaware of:
Friday night, one of my LJ friends left a suicide note in his LJ and then attempted. Shortly after several of us found his note. I was one of the only people who knew him IRL, but he lives half way across the country and I couldn't provide the police with info on his exact location. I happen to know jessical, a member of the LJ abuse team, and read a comment she made a few months back in a neutral friends journal saying to contact the abuse team in the event that someone leaves a suicide note since the team has access to a lot of info individuals may not. In the middle of sorting out the situation the other night with my LJ friend I suddenly remembered that comment and had a friend contact LJ abuse while a few of us gathered more info on the individual. In a matter of minutes LJ abuse had the police on my friends doorstep. they found him and brought him to the hospital. If it wasn't for LJ abuse being able to quickly respond with their information who knows how the situation could have turned out...

None of my friends that night even knew that LJ abuse could handle a suicide note. and until then, it had never occurred to me to pass the info on. Saturday I made the following post in my LJ and I'm asking that you all pass it on in your own. You never know, this info could be the info that saves the life of your friend or another LJer. (feel free to copy and paste it or quote me or whatever)"
- [info]being_homeless


i think it is pretty good to know about the LJ ABUSE team. kinda makes it comforting, or something. anyway, pass it on..?
rawk my world

[25 Apr 2004|10:13am]
the last day of classes is wednesday.. then we've got a week of finals

i've got 6 papers to do before i graduate :P~

3 of them are due wednesday and 3 are due next tuesday or something like that. WHEE!

at least they're kind of spread out, anyway

but i slacked on purpose.. well, sorta. i've been superdeduper busy! but these papers aren't tough at all, just time consuming. =)

take care, yo
rawk my world

idea stolen from [Bad username in LJ tag] [24 Apr 2004|05:08pm]
post a memory of me in the comments. it can be anything you want.
then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
2 satisfied customers| rawk my world

cellular telephones [22 Apr 2004|12:05am]
ATT&T; or cingular?

sony or motorolla?

flip-phone or regular? (advantages/disadvantages?)

7 satisfied customers| rawk my world

[03 Apr 2004|12:43pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | "goodnight elizabeth" - counting crows ]


i haven't written in a while, but i know that's not a surprise to anyone

i'll sum some stuff up. i'm back living with my parents now because my apartment eventually got outta control and i couldn't stand it there anymore. my roommates sucked ass :P i mean it was nice for the 2 years i was there. but my time's done there now :P

i'm back with my parents until the end of the summer, then i'll be moving to st. petersburg to go to UPC and get a degree as a veterinary technician.

i've been working hard searching for apartments over there. mom and i went once and checked out 2 places.. we were gonna stay the night so we could look at more, but our car ended up breaking down on I-275 and hadta be towed home.. well, my AAA covers 100 miles.. so he towed us 100 miles straight east and we landed in lake wales. then my dad met us there with the car trailer and we took it from there. woo FUN!

i've got a bit of a question, though.... as far as apartments and money go.. i'm wondering if it'd be better to .. wait, i'll make a list

which one?

+fullsize washer and dryer in the apartment already
+cable included in the price of rent
-you pay for the water
-you pay electric

+water is included in the rent
-you pay to do your wash at the public laundry facilities provided in complex
-you pay for cable
-you pay electric

i'm trying to figure out which would be more cost efficient. i'm thinking the one where the washer and dryer is in there and they pay for cable? hrm.. whatcha think?

annnywayy my job is going pretty good. pays pretty well.. i'm gonna be workin' fulltime starting in may after i graduate (community college). woohoo!

i can't wait until july... i'm going to myrtle beach AND maryland (otakon!) WOOHOO!

anyway i'ma get going... i'll leave you with a newspaper article of an accident that made me 15 minutes late to work thursday night. insane wreck

click here

take it easy!

2 satisfied customers| rawk my world

[05 Feb 2004|08:19pm]
Your Love Situation by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is...Sweet
During Lovemaking You Act...Like a child, always playing
Your Partner Is...Your best friend
Your Partner Has Said That You...Are extrodinary
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote."Love is bittersweet"
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
rawk my world

why don't you slide into my room, and then we'll run away, runaway [05 Feb 2004|06:09pm]
you're cynical and beautiful
you always make a scene
you're monochrome delerious
you're nothing that you seem
i'm drownin' in your vanity
your laugh is a disease
you're dirty and you're sweet
you know you're everything to me

everything you are
falls from the sky like a star
everything you are
whatever ever you are

i wanna kick at the machine
that made you piss away you dreams
tear down your defenses
'til there's nothing there but me
you're angry when you're beautiful
your love is such a tease
i'm drowning in your dizzy noise
i wanna feel you scream

everything you are
falls from the sky like a star
everything you are
whatever ever you are

everything you are
falls from the sky like a star
everything you are
whatever ever you are

everything you are
whatever ever you are
whatever ever you are
whatever ever you are
rawk my world

[29 Jan 2004|12:50pm]
if someone has a reliable laptop capable of doing simple things like word processing and simple internet, i'll buy it from you! seriously!

gimmie a good price

i realllllllllly want one
1 satisfied customer| rawk my world

[29 Jan 2004|07:27am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | "come on illean" ]


so technically, i should be close to finishing up my walk by now.. but when i awoke this morning, i sat at the computer to check the weather.. and looked around my room and decided rather than walking, i should clean my room and finish up some math homework.. maybe even write a quick 500 word paper for my fine arts humanities class...

my 9:25 class was cancelled this morning and so was my 12:15 class.. sooo all i have is my 10:50 then i'm OUT! :) today i'm gonna go to vero and be there for the remainder of the weekend... my 3 roommates left this morning at 5am to go to FSU for FCCAA, which is basically community college honor band.. i could'a gone, but i really just didn't want to.. i mean, it would have been great fun and i've never been to FSU, but i really didn't feel like playing a mini audition to get a chair placement, then be given music that's decently difficult only to play it for a couple days and whatever.. just not me! plus, i've got a lot going on this weekend

i started writing an entry a few days ago, but i kept getting SO distracted that i just trashed it..

i went back to walmart pharmacy to ask if they need any help.. AKA i wanna work there again on afternoons/evenings.. woo! my school schedule is so stinkin' boring.. lol, i'm ready to work again

let's see.. this weekend is ron's birthday and sunday is the superbowl.. i always enjoy watching that thing:) i also promised my dad that i'd be home all weekend because he'll be working on the car (55 chevy, gettin' ready for a show) and he likes it when other people are around, at least at the house, for some moral support.. so if that's what i have to do for him to have the car ready for the show on feb 7, i'll do it :) the show is at oldtown in kissimee/orlando.... we've got reservations to stay somewhere, so it should be fun!!!

hrm, what else? yoly (pharmacist, my ex manager) called me and asked if i could babysit for her this weekend.. it'd be like 9-6 saturday and 11-5 sunday.. and she pays $10 an hour.. but i have SO much other stuff planned this weekend and i can't back out on my family.. cuz they've had it real rough lately..... soo unfortunately i won't be makin' lots of money.. but that's okay.. right now i'm saving all my money and i've got quite a bit of it.. i'm excited!

i'm also getting excited about st. petersburg.. i talked to my roommate and i think we concluded that we should go our seperate ways over there (rather than moving in together at st. pete).. i still really wanna be friends with her and hang out over there, but i don't think she and i are meant to live with one another.. i think it'd tear us apart and cause each one of us more problems, and i'm not willing to get myself into that.. no way jose! she doesn't think she'd ever see me if we don't live together... but i do plan on calling her to hang out or whatever.. we'll see what happens:) we're just wayyyy different these days... it's OKAY, but we just need to make some adjustments according to it, yaknow?

well, i'ma gonna get some stuff done this morning, that way when my class is over at 12 i can just go on up to vero... =) have a good day!


rawk my world

[21 Jan 2004|08:51pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | "tea for two" - bleach ]

my heart still breaks when i think about the fact that i sold my horse and she's now living with someone else... *sigh*

rawk my world

[15 Jan 2004|08:25pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | "romeo and juliet" - the dire straits ]

the other night i went to bed at 8:45..

i wonder if i can do it again..

i want to

2 satisfied customers| rawk my world

[12 Jan 2004|11:41am]
idea stolen from [info]iamleaper

Put all your music files into Winamp and list the first 20 that come up on shuffle.

here goes!

"the white rider" - howard shore
"everlong"(acoustic) - foo fighters
"the leave taking" - howard shore
"daylight fading" - counting crows
"good stuff" - newsboys
"boycott hell" - newsboys
"town" - yasunori mitsuda
"track 7" - yasunori mitsuda (unnamed.. whoops! hehe)
"everything" - lifehouse
"the forbidden pool" - howard shore
"steamer trunk" - alkaline trio
"FF8 man with another trance machine OC remix" - beatdrop
"track 7" - nobuo uematsu
"chorus of birds" - lucerin blue
"let it rain" - newsboys
"sparks" - the who
"i'm goin' home" - hootie and the blowfish
"Suite for Orchestra and Chorus in G Minor: Soul -- Misterioso" - Kirov Orchestra and Chorus; Valery Gergiev
"when you called my name" - newsboys
"crazy mary" - FM static

well there ya have it. newsboys were listed a lot because... well.. i have 84 songs by them. overall, i have 1095 songs on m'computer. WOOT
1 satisfied customer| rawk my world

[06 Jan 2004|02:09pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]

i just made lunch, and it is wonderful indeed!!!

i shall call it....

broccoli and cheese over linguini :)

3 satisfied customers| rawk my world

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