A Glimpse Of My Soul [entries|friends|calendar]
Jennie Thai

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Please Don't Let This Become a Habit [18 Apr 2004|02:42am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Ryota Mitsunaga - believe(less vocal) ]

I finished my reading, and I looked at the time... And oh my goodness! It's 2:30am. >_<;; I hope this isn't becoming a bad habit of mine. It's as if I don't get sleepy around 10pm anymore! Ahh! I'm turning nocturnal. >_<;;

...I'm hungry.

I need to post something up, and then I'm going to sleep. I'll finish my essays tomorrow morning. It doesn't look like I'm going to church tomorrow. I kind of wanted to though. It's like that time when Anna passed away, I wanted to go to a temple or a church so badly... Except this time, it's not as bad. I don't know why. Sometimes I feel as though living through so many deaths of friends and family numbs me. I still get shock and sad, but after a few days of lingering, I don't think about it as much except every once in a while when something reminds me of the people I've lost.

I think Marie and Simon were here when my grandmother visited. I remember being unable to speak to her. I remember feeling somewhat tall when standing next to her because she was so tiny. I remember getting freaked out when she took out her false teeth. That scared my sister and me (we were really young at the time so imagine seeing your grandmother pulling out a set of false teeth and then finding out that she really only has a few real teeth left in her mouth; our reaction? Bug-eyed and "Eww.... MOM!! Grandma pulled out her teeth...!?"). ^^;

Anyway, I should sleep. ^^;

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My Night Back Home in Wonderful San Francisco! [17 Apr 2004|11:52am]
[ music | L'arc-en-ciel - Hitomi No Juunin ]

I surprised my parents yesterday. They were happy to see me, but when they heard that I was coming back down to Santa Cruz in a few hours, they were disappointed. They scolded me for coming back so late. They said, "We know you said your friend is a safe driver, but it is so dark at night. Even if you're not worried, we are." That's sweet, but at the same time I felt that they completely missed the point of my going home. That's okay though. I got to be there for my parents and my sister, and that's all that really matters.

Every time I listen to my dad complain about my mom or our family, I keep seeing our house fall apart. Whenever he speaks badly of my mom and her side of the family, I felt this huge urge to tell him to be more patient and to follow what the Buddha teaches (which is very similar to Jesus' teachings too): to have a loving heart even if you feel the other person isn't responding in a way you want him/her to. I tried to tell him that, but he asked me, "What if your husband doesn't love you, are you going to continue to love him and his family?" I told him that I would, and his reply was, "Well, you're special then. I can't do that." That made me really sad. I cried while listening to him speak.

I felt really bad for my mom too because right after she started to tell me the story of how my grandma died, my dad called me away from her. So when my dad finished talking, I went back to her and asked her to tell me the rest of the story because I knew my sister didn't want to listen to her and my dad didn't want to listen to her, so she had no one to talk to about it. I let her talk. After she was done, she started to fuss over me, and she gave me lots of stuff to take back to Santa Cruz. ^^;

I also felt that my parents were stuck between rushing me out of the house and keeping me there for another few hours. They didn't like the idea of Andy (a guy) driving me back to Santa Cruz at night (it's super dark and dangerous driving at night, they say) so they volunteered to drive me back in the morning. But Katharine's going to take her permit test today (I hope she does well!) so I said, "No, I'm going back with Andy. I need more time to study anyway."

I met one of Andy's friends, Bong, when Andy came to pick me up around 11-11:30pm (I got back around 8pm). He's a really funny guy. Very racist and prejudice towards the Japanese (because of the Japanese invasion of Korea history). I thought that it was funny how he kept trying to tell Andy that he would go Korea and love it there. He kept trying to convince us that interracial marriages are bad and why God wouldn't want that. Andy and I had a really good time laughing and trying to convince him otherwise. Haha. Before that, he kept asking Andy why he didn't introduce girls to him like Andy did, Jae Pil. I thought that was hilarious. Andy kept saying, "It happened naturally!!" When Andy dropped off Jae Pil's gifts (a portrait sketch and the Christmas card that got sent back) for me, I stayed in the car half wanting to look out the window (because we agreed not to meet). But Jae Pil came out! That surprised me because I would have been okay if we met, but I knew that he didn't want to meet me. I wonder if he was at all disappointed because one of the reasons why he didn't want to meet me was that he was afraid he would be disappointed in me and I, him. I wasn't disappointed though. I was happy he came out to meet me. I just hope that this doesn't mean our friendship is over. He wanted to preserve the novelty of an online friendship. Andy's response to that was, "What does that mean???" Haha.

All in all, it was a very fun-filled night for me. ^_^

Anyway, I need to get my laundry. If I finish everything tonight, I'll probably go to Berkeley with ABSK to hear someone talk about Christianity (Lisan woke me up this morning ^^;). Then, tomorrow, depending on what time Liana's coming over, I'll think about going to either Pathway or Berkland. But that's only if everything goes according to plan and I actually finish everything before the talk. ^_^

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HOME!!!! Thank you soooo much!!! [16 Apr 2004|06:08pm]
[ mood | thankful ]

AHH! Andy is the best!!! Hehehe. Oh man, I am so happy. I've been feeling like crap all week. Anyway, from the start! My alarm clock rang and I panicked because I wasn't done with my draft. Since I was still suffering from writer's block, I decided to wash up and shower. So I did that, then I typed for a little more and got ready for class. I dreaded going to class, but I went anyway (afterall, I'm not exactly one to miss a class). I told my professor that I'm not done with it, and she said it was fine. I was surprised! But that made me a bit happy although I felt extremely sleepy and tired all day long. I went to Japanese class after that, did some exercise (that was fun, kind of... well, it certainly woke me up a bit more), and got my test back. Then I went to 9/10 Dining Hall. Had a few pieces of chicken nuggets and then decided it was making me feel even more nauseous and sick so I went back to my dorm and tried to finish my paper for Jpop. That didn't happen so I was glad I talked to the TA beforehand about it and got an extension. I went to Jpop feeling extremely nauseated and close to vomiting but I sat in the back again because even though the material presented is interesting, I'm afraid I might actually nod off while being in the front. After Jpop, I hung out with the Japanese students at the Japanese language table. Oh yeah, I got a box of green tea from Kristi. Hehe. That made me happy too. We tried to help Ryoko with her homework (American slangs); that was fun. So anyway, Andy called and I missed his call. I called him back, and then I asked him, "Can you do me a great, great favor??" And he said he'd drive me home and back!! I'm so happy!! I was just about ready to jump up and down in joy. I was so close to crying too (tears of joy). But being around people held me back. Hehe.

Ahh! I'm overjoyed. I felt sooo bad for not being able to be there for my mom. I feel so bad for not being able to be there for my dad and my sister too (for different reasons, but also relating to family issues). I'm soooo happy I get to go home for a few hours. =)

Anyway, I should try to get most of my homework done before Andy drives me home. =)

amazingly, i'm not tired anymore.

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writer's block at 5:50am and I usually wake up at 6:30am [16 Apr 2004|05:50am]
[ mood | cranky, frustrated, and irritable ]

...i started out good. i have 1.25 pages out of 4 pages due in a few hours (at 9:30am to be exact), and i have a writer's block.

... I want to sleep. ARGH. I want to sleep. Can you believe I just stayed up again?!! ARGHHH! I'm going insane. I'm not becoming nocturnal. I just can't sleep while I have work to do!!

...And my desk is a mess. I stayed awake drinking bottles and bottles of tea... and guess what? I'm running out of my tea packages!! >_<;;

I want to go home. *cries*

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Too Many Updates... [15 Apr 2004|01:24pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | X - Endless Rain ]

Funny Conversations:

First thing Mahmoud said to me this morning: "DUUUDE!!!"

Kristi: Tell Mahmoud I said, "Dude, what's up."
Kristi: Tell Mahmoud I said, "Dude, later."

Mahmoud: I like weird people!
Me: So do I!
Mahmoud: Well, duh! Half of your friends are weird. *lol*

Mahmoud: Take it like a man! You're male in gender so I can say that.
Me: Haha. Yep, and you're a female in gender so I can say, "Take it like a woman!"
Mahmoud: No, no, no...
Mahmoud: Ever since I got with Dina, I've become more masculine. My LJ now says that I'm 50% male. Before it was 25%.
Me: *lol* Or, you could be neither.
Mahmoud: Hey...!

Elisa: that was über fast. let's see whose phrases you adopt first. i think with the combination of mahmoud and kristi, cussing would be the first

Haha. My friends are funny. ^^;

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