Reality so close its blurred
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Julie-anne's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
    8:20 am
    we can't stop here ...this is bat country!
    I'm finally feeling a bit better from last week (death by tonsilitos) now my doctor is practically demanding that i get my tonsils out ...eep! *runs and hides*
    Work offered me a permanant part time position, which is good cos now i have permanant hours that i can rely on instead of just hoping that i get enough shifts to pay for such and such... only thing is the hours are pretty shite =/ but that can't be helped.
    I got my Incubus ticket yesterday :o) I got thru straight away but they wouldn't give me 6 floor tickets, whats with that!?!?! so i had to hang up and try to get thru again and just get seating tickets, BASTARDS!
    Also my freind got me a Blink 182 ticket so apparently i am seeing them as well in all there teeny*boppery*goodness ;o)
    The trains are still stuffed today so i have to leave for work ultra early to make sure i get there in time (but usually i end up too early) ARGH!

    But you know what? its all ok cos this weekend is Transmission ... see you there O_o

    Current Mood: happy
    Wednesday, January 21st, 2004
    3:42 pm
    Happy Snax
    I was going to go into the city on Saturday night but i think i'll just go to Happy Snax just cos its down the road from me at my freinds cricket centre. I don't understand why Mikel keeps using this place, i don't like it as a rave venue but its close by so why should i complain ;o)

    Tonight we're off to the Noodle House (where else?)

    yes, this was a pointless entry :o)

    Current Mood: tummy pains >:(
    Current Music: King of Pain
    Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
    8:12 pm
    READ and WRITE...
    Does anybody know where i can buy (both online and offline, it doesn't matter) really good quality swords?


    Does anyone know of any good websites or where i can get any basic info on pharmarcy?

    Current Mood: drained
    Sunday, January 11th, 2004
    9:50 pm
    Liquorice can raise your blood pressure
    This past week has been a very beachy week, which is unlike me considering i'm normally hiding away in a corner as far from the sun as i can get... but its been good :o)

    i emailed Adam recordings and had a whinge about them not sending me all of the vinyl i wanted and there going to send the missing copies off as soon as possible as well as some extra vinyl, w00

    I have a feeling my fishie died while i was away over new years and someone has tried to replace him without me noticing cos it really doesn't look like the Kung Fu that i used to have :o( bastards!


    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: got gotta go, got gotta go, got gotta go all the way
    Monday, January 5th, 2004
    4:48 pm
    My freinds and i couldn't decide where to go or what to do over new years so we rented out a beach house for the week and just partied all week. I had the best fucking week away and the best ny party ever and when i got back some of the records i ordered for the boi were waiting...
    ~Cyprus Hardcore
    ~Life is a Mystery (Eraserhead)
    ~Rotterdam Special 2, which includes the original BRAINCRACKING
    ~Ecstacy You Got What I Need (Rob Gee)
    ~Fuck Osama Bin Laden (Rob Gee)

    Just pissed off that they only sent me one copy of Ecstacy You Got What I Need when there was meant to be three copies, bastards. =( oh well.

    Well, i'm off, about to go see LOTR 3 with the boi, any good?

    I hope this year is great for all of you guys, just like i hope its great for me =)

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: stupid ps2 games grr
    Wednesday, December 17th, 2003
    8:12 am
    what the fuck ?

    Current Mood: tired
    Monday, December 8th, 2003
    6:48 am
    yeah, we just found our pills for new years :o)
    (had to test drive them of course!)

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: the boi mixing =)
    Wednesday, November 26th, 2003
    10:33 am
    !i! public transport !i!
    to get to Bundeena at 7am we have to catch a train that leaves Minto station at 4.23am

    What the fuck is up with that!?!?!

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Hypercore
    9:11 am
    dum, dum dum dum, dum, dum dum
    The boi got some leave days and so tomorrow we are doing the coast walk (Bundeena to Otford), should be cool, its only 2 days, which is good seeing as tho this will be my first hike/camp thing :o) We'll be getting back late Friday night and then its Hyperspeed on Saturday, i can't wait *runs in circles*

    Yesterday was the last day of tafe, woohoo i now have my diploma, well sorta (we don't actually graduate until some time next year) but still wheeeeeeeeee

    Someone gave me this mind puzzle book and i swear, it will be the death of me!!!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: dumcore
    Monday, November 17th, 2003
    8:40 am
    going to the dentist today
    i think he is going to pull my tooth out
    Wednesday, November 12th, 2003
    7:38 am
    need work
    and money
    and stuff


    Current Mood: cynical
    Friday, November 7th, 2003
    7:43 am
    what is your favourite female cartoon character?
    i need good ideas for a cartoon dress up party?????

    Current Mood: curious
    Wednesday, November 5th, 2003
    11:31 am
    gotta go, gotta, gotta go
    It's my friends march out today at SME (march out from Engineers training, not full Kapooka style recruit). If they're still doing it the same then it will be a demo (not a march/parade thingy) which is cool but then (tomorrow) he leaves for Darwin which is not cool, but he is happy with the posting so i guess we should be happy for him too. *forces a smile even tho i will miss him like hell*

    I really have to get back on track, even just the next couple of weeks. My diploma course ends in 3 weeks, but thru out the course i have gotten so lazy and fed up that now i have HEAPS due all at once. The annoying thing is, i'm so fed up i don't even really care that its all due, i just want it over. eek nooooo. I didn't spend all this time for nothing, i'm getting my fucking diploma and to do that i've got a whole heap of work to try and do in the next few weeks. It serves me right, but i bet i don't learn my lesson from it. *punches self in head*
    Its only 3 weeks just fucking do it! grr!

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Current Music: captain of your ship - Ratpack
    Monday, September 15th, 2003
    7:20 am
    at 13,000 ft your brain thinks a little differently
    On Saturday I went skydiving


    Current Mood: sleepy
    Friday, September 5th, 2003
    7:37 am
    feeling like absolute shite. Seems my caring, sharing boyfriend decided to share his illness too. yay. It hit me just as quick as it hit him, yesterday morning i was pretty much alright, bit of a headache thats all, by night time i could hardly walk =(
    I had to ring work and tell them i won't be able to make it for this afternoons shift. I hope they don't think i'm making it up cos i was fine at work yesterday and then suddenly i'm ill. I really like this job and don't want them to stop giving me shifts. I'm going to go to the doctors later on to get some antibiotics and a doctors certificate (i'm not sure if i need one for just one day off but i'm going to give them one anyway just so they know i really am sick)
    eehh anyway i'm going to load up on panadeine forte and collapse back into bed.

    Current Mood: blah
    Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003
    8:50 am
    Have you ever heard the sound...
    The boy seemed a lot better today, finally!. He bought our freind some Technics 1210's and a mixer the other day (well lent him the money to get them), he was very appreciative hehe
    We're going to Hellraiser on the 13th to see BUZZ FUZZ uh huh =) =) =)
    I had this dream last night and i was in the front passenger seat of a van and this guy was in the drivers side and Mitchell wanted to drive (we were trying to get away from something, can't remember what) and he shot the guy in the head and it went all over me.
    I feel all sick in the tummy and that sucks =(
    oooh and i almost forgot...
    fuck yeah...

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Friday, August 29th, 2003
    8:05 am
    The boi is real sick at the moment, don't really know what happened there, yesterday morning he left for work fine but by the time i got home in the evening he was real bad. Sounds like a chest infection or something, he looks/sounds flu-y too (which is odd cos he just had a bad flu and chest infection and you can't catch the same flu twice, unless its mutated or something i guess) i'm startng to think he has asthma but there is nothing he can do if he does (can't be in the army with asthma and he can only see army doctors, so to go to a doctor about asthma would be admitting to the army he has asthma), do you need a prescription to buy the normal releiver puffers (the blue ones)? ...just thinking things thru here, ignore me ;Þ
    My new job with YMCA is going great, i was so scared that (cos its 'on call') i would hardly get any work from them, but so far they have asked me to work everyday that i have been available. yAy... money... work... doing stuff! It feels sooo much better then sitting at home doing nothing! Its also good cos its giving me lots of extra exercise too (i have to walk down to the train station every shift i get) =)
    Yesterday on my way home from work i passed this shop packed with people, i saw some nice white pants in the window (i've been looking for some lately) so i thought i'd go in, didn't end up buying any pants but i got two jackets for $24! $12 each! i couldn't beleive it so i had to write it here hehe
    Well, i'm off, hope everyone is doing fine =)

    Current Mood: okay
    Friday, August 22nd, 2003
    12:24 pm
    i got the job this morning and they've already called me to work this afternoon...
    ok, so maybe i won't have to find a second job after all =)

    Current Mood: accomplished
    7:29 am
    working girl
    Well, i got that YMCA job i went for the other week. yAy. I have to go back today to sign papers, give them my TFN and banking details. It is only 'on call' casual work but she said some of the centres have been real desperate for workers lately so i will be getting work as soon as all the paper work goes thru. money, woohoo! I was going to try and findmyself another job to work at the same time for extra money, but by the sounds of it, hopefully, i will get enough work here and wont need to *cross fingers* =)

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Sunday, August 17th, 2003
    9:30 pm
    sometimes i find a big part of my ed involves the people around me.
    I don't want to upset anyone. I suppose its a part of my ideal person, the perfect me...
    My boyfriend knows about my ed and what it involves, he is very tender and tries to understand, if he doesn't understand then he simply asks me about it and why etc. (No, this doesn't mean he will let me starve myself, exhaust myself, binge out etc), but he is aware of what an ed involves and tries to be supportive about it... often he does get upset about the way i treat myself. The other day we had a big talk and i saw how upset i sometimes make him, this absolutely killed me. Obviously i don't want to be hurting people i love, but i don't know how to make it better. This weekend i tried to eat normal and be carefree about how i look, what i do and so on. The whole time i was very aware of everything i was doing and what it would look like to other people, it was driving me insane as i'm so not used to 'normal'. Now, on Sunday night i feel awful about myself and how i just spent my weekend. It seems now i'm kicking myself for letting myself go and losing that beautiful control. I don't even want to think about how many calories i've consumed and i'm not game enough to weigh myself, that will just make me even more depressed about the whole situation.
    I try and make one part of my life better by ruining all the other parts. Nothing seems equal. Nothing is balanced. My life will never be lived in harmony.


    Current Mood: cynical
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