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1 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

goobs [21 Jan 2004|11:04pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Yesterday was Tuesday. The 20th..haha just kidding I won't do that again. Okay so yes shh. I will start off by saying I went to AShleys after school with Miller [[info]redatheart999] , MICH-cala [[info]enigma37] , Ashley [[info]kennabunk] , and Alex. We all just hung out there for a bit. Miller and I decided to have a pillow/stuff animal fight that day. And just when I thought I won - I deffenitly failed and he took the victory. But hey it's not over! Then Miller, Michaela, Alex, and I all went at it with pillows. Miller vs Me! Alex vs. Michaela! Ahhh.. I lost again! Whatta stain that boy is. SO yes Adam [[info]shaunboy] then came over and we all just sat around and laughed. Good day I say! The boys then left and us girls just went to the mall. I got my eyebrows done and Ashley did pictures. YAY! Then we all departed and I went to bed.

Today was actually fun too. I came home and did some of my scholarship thing then Ashley picked Michaela, Miller, and I up. We all went to Ashleys house. Alex, Adam, and Ryan eventually showed up all at different times. We all ate chinese food and mmmm so good! Adam is uber wonderful. Mmhmm! We all studied for out midterms which you know was always a good time. BLAH! Tomorrow I must take my english midterm and that is all. :D Tomorrow is also FRIENDS night which excited me uber much. YAY!

So yes I guess this ends this entry because I must look over some english notes and fall asleep.

( Pictures of the Pillow Fight BElow.. )

Oh yes my senior pictures are in..Well I must pick them up on Friday. Can't wait!

Miller getting ready

Me getting ready

Sadly we don't have alot of photos of the teddy bear/pillow fight. But here is the result of the fight we had. I got poked in the eye and received a bloody nose just when I thought I had won. It was all in good fun and Miller "owned me today".

And here we have Alex and Michaela

Me just being gross


Miller..yeah he wrecked me


THE END..of January 20th

4 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

tuesday! [20 Jan 2004|03:48pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Today is Tuesday, January 20th.
Today is just a normal day.
Today is a day that happens ever year around this time.
Today is the day when I mention that it's Tuesday, January 20th.
Today is the only day I can do that.
Today is one of those days that is just like any other day.
Today is the day that I am going to cross out tomorrow because it won't be the 20th anymore.
Today is Tuesday, January 20th which will come back in 6 years or so.

Okay bye. :D


8 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

only me being a hypocrite :D [19 Jan 2004|03:53pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | hmmmm ]

Some friends piss me off. And no I'm not talking about MY friends in particular I'm talking about friendships between other people. I don't give a shit if anyone catches on either. It's so ridiculous. Friends fighting over anything - something just to fight over. COME ON! I mean yeah sure fight once in awhile, yell at each other, let them know whats up! But what I don't understand is why fight all the time and complain about each other all the time. It gets old fast and it's compeltely annoying. And by the way don't fucking talk about people on livejournal that your friends with and pretend it's okay when you are face to face with them. That has to be the stupidest thing ever. I know some entries are written about me and my friends and personally I think it's immature and just plain stupid. I don't know about you but I'm sick of it and I'm sick of pretending myself that everything is okay. It's not! It's unhealthy so yeah I'm done.

To read something childish go here..(for katlyn.)

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Another word your looking for is... ANYWAY!

This weekend was entertaining.

I learned that: I should take showers at a reasonable time.

I'm gross! :D

PS. Riley put this picture as my desktop AND played with my buddy list.
So this is for you GANNONCORE!

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7 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

mmmm yeayea [18 Jan 2004|01:52am]
I can't wait to shower tomorrow.

1. My name:
2. Where/How did we meet?:
3. Take a stab at my middle name:
4. How long have you known me?:
5. How well do you know me?:
6. Do I smoke?
7. Do I believe in God?:
8. When you first saw me what was your impression?:
9. My age?:
10. Birthday?:
11. Color hair?:
12. Color eyes?:
13. Do I have any siblings?:
14. Have you ever had a crush on me?
15. Have you ever been jealous of me?:
16. What's one of my favorite things to do?:
17. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
18. What's my favorite type of music?:
19. What is the best feature about me?:
20. Am I shy or outgoing?:
21. Would you say I am funny?:
22. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?:
23. Would you consider me a friend?:
24. Would you call me preppy, average sporty, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?:
25. Have you ever seen me cry?:
26. If there were one good nickname for me what would it be?:
27. Are my parents still together?:
28. What are you to me? best friend, family, friend, lover?
29. Have I ever been in love? if so, with who?
30. Do I have any pets?
31. Name one fact about me that you think no one else knows

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

MY DREAM!! [16 Jan 2004|12:42pm]
[ mood | amused ]

So I was dreaming but I was kind of half awake at the same time and I was getting woke up by my dad in my dream but really Chris [ [info]chrispydivine ] entered the room. He was talking to be but my dad was really waking me up in my dream to get ready for school. So as Chris was saying stupid stuff while I was sleeping I was aggravated and then my dad was wanting me to get up for school so then I got upset about that too. My dad decided that he'd get in the shower and Chris stopped talking to me so I fell into my sleep again. But I kept dreaming about getting ready for school. My dad was in the shower and it was 6 o'clock and I wanted to wear my hair straight for the school day - that was the plan. But my dad didn't get out of the shower until 6:30 so that means I wouldn't have any time to blow dry my hair so the result to that would have been me wearing my hair ugly down and wet OR ugly up and wet. But then I started to wake up more and then I realized HEY baby it's cold outside and we don't have school.


( time to feast )

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

immaturity rules [15 Jan 2004|06:26pm]
Haha! I'm going through my old notebooks from 7th-8th grade and it's hilarious. I find scribbles everywhere, unfinished notes, notes between me and someone else, I LOVE THIS PERSON AND THAT PERSON and OMG HE'S SO CUTE -- everywhere! It's so funny. I remember in middle school I thought every boy was cute and wrote there names everywhere with hearts on them and stuff. Haha! Also those were the times that I used words such as tha, dat, u, o, and stuff that is so queer. It's amusing I must say.

I also found this note I was writing to someone it read :

'School still blows but it's going to fast. I don't wanna be a freshmen a.k.a DIRT! haha!'

Kinda strange. Now I am saying High School went by to fast and I don't want to be a freshmen in college. Time does go by oh so fast. Sometimes I can't believe it. Okay okay this is my entry. K bye!

Oh yes - There is no school tomorrow due to it being freezing. 5 points.

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

mmmm yeayea [14 Jan 2004|11:34pm]
Okay here I am updating this piece of poo agian. Oh how I love it! I'm talking to Miller [ [info]redatheart999 ] and he pointed out that... MillerTheHun: you do more for your info than you do of actual updating..So yes here I am -- Updating! Woo. Today started off to be a big poo with waking up to late , getting beeped at twice by Katlyn [ [info]princess771 ] ( so I knew I was being slow ) , scared of failing english ( which I know I won't ) , two test , getting snickers all over my shoe purse like a fat cow , getting called down to the office ( allow that was kinda of a good thing ) , getting toliet paper on my shoe lace ( oh how happy I am that I found it and not some asshole did ) ( oh yes I didn't even go to the bathroom before I found it ) , the feeling of college over came me and I completely HATED IT to the extreme , Liz told me I had big lips , got scared of tryouts tomorrow , and hmm I was not in a good mood. But I got out of that mood by 4th period and all was well. Oh yeah and I had yearbook class today...ack! It's a nice class but I get confused to much haha ah well thats just me for ya I guess. Mmmhm! After school came and I spent it with Ashley [ [info]kennabunk ] , Adam [ [info]shaunboy ] , and Ryan [ [info]puffinnious ]. Quite the fun after school day I say. Adam left us at 7o'clock and Ashley, Ryan, and I went to Ashleys. Laughed! Ate cake. Took pictures. It was fun! I came home and talked to my good friend Miller. He helped me make the icons below. He of course provided the lyrics because he is "the man" of music. Hahah! So yes I am getting tired and I think I shall continue reading my 7th grade novel. Goodnight Dah UU.

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2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

hyeihi [13 Jan 2004|06:34pm]
I'm going to my auntie Jeanie and my uncle Michaels right now to eat scallops.. Mmm you're so jealous! I really love my aunt and uncle to the full extent. I do I do so I'm glad I changed my mind about going. Today was alright. I went to Kathys funeral which was terribly sad and I must mention Mr. Hastings words about his niece. SO beautiful! I loved it. I can't imagine the pain Jess, Kerrie, Suzanne, Dave, and the rest of her family must feel within them. I hope they cope well and are there for each other. I'm sure they will be! Afterwards I went to the Old Timer thing with my mom, Mich-CALA, and Luciana. It was nice! Then Michaela and I got pulled over and laughed oh so much. Kinda funny! But yes this one is being cut short because I must go to the relatives now.. mmmm!

I need more of you.

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

---- [12 Jan 2004|10:26pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Feeling like this is the worst. Horrible!
Wah wah wah.
I don't like it.
I don't want to go to bed right now either.
But I'm extremely tired.
No good. No good!
Tomorrow is school again.
I'm getting dismissed @ 9:30 or so.
I am attending Kathys funeral at 10.
It's going to be extremely sad.
I'm going with my mother, brother [info]chrispydivine, and Luciana.
I don't know if I'm going to the after thing - if there is one.
I need to go back to practice for tryouts for the play.
Joy! I need something right now.
I don't know what.
I don't like it.
I feel sad.
Like I'm going to cry.
That's no good.
I hate not knowing how to express myself.
Not knowing whats wrong just knowing that I'm sad.
Grrr! Not a good night.
I did get to watch Full House though.
And Adam sent me things that made me smile.
Thank you.
Score! I'm tired.
So bye.

3 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

BORing [12 Jan 2004|05:32pm]
Remind me to never eat fast food again. It's the devil.

This is my entry.!

I found this..

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

last time. - so long ago. - deleting [10 Jan 2004|07:05pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]


As for tonight . I have no idea. My mother is being the biggest stain in the world and she said I couldn't go to Lucianas with everyone. But yes I will make sure I go. I think I need it. Although I know I see my friends all the time - I need them more than anything. They help me so much without even realizing it. I love them oh so much! Thank you. Also while we're on the friends topic : I will refuse to choose so I hope it's not a problem.


Kathy died. She use to work at the Old Timer as a bartender for awhile. She's Kerries sister, Jess's mother, and Daves aunt. It's horrible! She had cancer..I believe in the lungs or something. They found out I believe last year a little bit before Christmas time. I remember it exactly - I think it was on a Wednesday that Kerrie came in the Old Timer and told my mother, Jane, me, and Caitlyn the news that Kathy had cancer. It was so sad! I hugged Kerrie and she was terribly sad. I think they were so so close : Old Sister . Younger Sister deal! I don't understand this shit that goes on. - Death! So many parents have been passing away that I have lost count. Deaths in general lately have been so close together it's ridiculous and I hate it. It makes me think of how horrible I am sometimes to my parents. I get in fights with my parents all the time when I'm angry and then I want to punch myself in the face a hundred times because I just never know when our time is up. It kills me! I hate thinking like that too but what else can I do? It makes me think. I hate when my thoughts are on that topic. I must stop typing before I start crying. That wouldn't be good!


These words are words I wrote down so long ago. I don't even remember why or when I wrote them but I like them oh so much. They may not be wonderful to you but to me they are great. I wish I still wrote like a use to. Every night I'd write something down and they made so much sense to me but now I lost it and I wish I had it back. But perhaps the reason why I wrote so much and stuff that was at least decent then was because I was miserable and always wanted what I couldn't have. Now I'm happy and I don't have much heartache and pain. I don't know!


just let me go, go somewhere other than here, im sick of it all, im sick of living in fear, i want to go somewhere new, somewhere closer to being happy, its like all my life ive lived underneth all the rules i hated to begin with, its like all my life ive hated myself, that is what i was taught, but i taught myself that i am better than what they say i am, i am better than what they see, dont look past me, dont look through me, please look at me

its like i never knew who you were in the first place. i begin to get to you better but i started to know the real you and i decided i didnt like you. im sorry for this im sorry for this but i cant live a lie and i really cant stand you and im sorry but you let me know the wrong side of you and i loved you for the person you were then. im getting to know you im begining to hate you so please leave me alone. i use to cry when you refused to talk to me i use to laugh when you told me those jokes but now but now i cry at the thought you lied to me and then changed your mind about how were towards me. i guess i knew you weren't who i thought you were but now i know and im begining to hate you i guess i never knew you

I lost you so long ago so I cry and I hate the thought of seeing you with her the way I wish you were with me. It's because I love you and those feelings I have will last and I'm sorry I couldn't be who you wanted to see and I'm sorry I was so late saying that I love you but my feelings for you are true and my feelings for you will forever continue on. I'm so alone I fear this word, this state that I'm in. I'm so alone and I'm so scared I wish I knew why I didn't try I wish I knew why I still cry. You'll always be apart of me you'll always be apart of me you'll always be apart of me you'll always be apart of me and I'm sorry I didn't try....

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4 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

----- [10 Jan 2004|02:19am]
[ mood | hungry ]

Tonight was rather strange I believe. I drove around with Michaela ( [info]enigma379 ) and Ashley ( [info]kennabunk ) for about an hour or so. I finally got home from trying to get into my house and went into my room and tore it apart. I’m cleaning it out and I want EVERYthing to be out so I can paint it this time. I’ve always wanted to rearrange my room and make it all pretty. I always wanted it to be a place where I can go to and have my friends in and be comfy. My room now is completely ugly , freezing , flowery , deffenitly old looking , and ICK it’s just so unwelcoming. SO yes those are the reasons why I must clean my room. I also want to paint it a beautiful shade of HOT PINK! with an outline of black. MMmm sounds so nice doesn’t it? I think so. Okay so then after destroying my room greatly I picked up MICH - CALA , Alex , Riley , and Caroline ( [info]autumnstarlight ) - we then headed to the mall to see if I could get an application at Dunkin Donuts but of course they said they weren’t hiring so I must keep looking for a job that I’ll enjoy. Ugh! But I’m glad they weren’t hiring because the people that were there could barely speak english so that wouldn’t have worked so well. Yeah! So then we bumped into people which I don’t believe the turn out at one point was so wonderful. Yeah! Well we went to get Ashley at work and went to her house. People came and I felt so wierd! Almost like either something was missing or just a different surrounding. Strange! I’m at Ashleys all the time and feel so comfortable and everything but tonight was a whole different story. Perhaps it was all the people there or maybe it was the fact that I’m extremely tired and feel as if I could pass out any time soon but I can’t. Who knows?! Overall this night was wierd and rather unexpected. I basically didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have like it or thought I was going to. Ah well! Maybe something is bothering me but I don’t know exactly what it is. Hopefully it’ll come soon because I don’t enjoy feeling like something is wrong - it’s just not the greatest feeling in the world. ICK! I guess now I shall go and see what happens. Byye sweet loves.

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8 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

HEY..mmmmmmm [08 Jan 2004|11:00pm]
My sweet pets - Oh how I love you so. ( Shhh! ) So yes our first week back from vacation came and now it's leaving so quickly. FRIDAY IS TOMORROW! So yum. This week was actually very very nice so I enjoyed it greatly. Ashley [ [info]kennabunk ] and I played in the snow one of these days which was a complete fun time. Hahha! It was oh so pretty out so we were pumped..Oh you betcha! Right now I'm completely tired. I went to Ashleys house after school today with sweet face Adam [ [info]shaunboy ] and I pretty much was with him til 7 o'clock. Kinda sad! I then went back to Ashleys where Ryan [ [info]puffinnious ] showed up later and we watched FRIENDS and GREAT episode that was. I then played on the computer and put some of the pictures we have been taking on my account. Yay! I'll upload some but the pictures came out really blurry. Bllaah! Although I have other things to talk about I'll save them for another journal entry because I am talking to Adam right now and then I shall go to sleep. But yes - here are some pictures..just some. Shh! Today - was oh so wonderful. Read more... )

15 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

vacation mmm ! [06 Jan 2004|07:26pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Finch ; Ender ]

So yes WINTER BREAK has ended and yesterday [ Monday ] was our first day back in school. Score! I have to say that this break was completely wonderful and everyday was great. I spent pretty much everyday with my friends and I am oh so thankful for every single one of them. Old and new! I guess what I'm going to do right now is just make a recap of what I did over vacation.. Ahhh!

: : // Tuesday - School got out and I went to Ashleys house with.. Ashley [ [info]kennabunk ] , Sarah [ [info]ooo1sarah1ooo ] , Adam [ [info]shaunboy ] , and Ryan [ [info]puffinnious ]. We all basically just stayed there. That is also the day that Adam and I went for a walk to the park and he asked me out -- w/ a rose. :D I believe we just stayed at Ashleys house.

: : // Wednesday - Christmas Eve!! I woke up early to help my mother with stuff around the house but I completely failed due to me being oh so useless here. Yay! So yes Ashley , Adam , Michaela [ [info]enigma379 ] , and Miller [ [info]redatheart999 ] all went to the Old Timer so we could say our last goodbyes to Caitlyn before she departed for Florida the Saturday that came up. So sad! I shall miss her. Of course - we ate as well. So yes Michaela, Ashley, and I dropped off Ryan and Adam - we just headed to the mall to buy our last gifts. Blah blah blah! I went to my Auntie Liz's house with my brother Jake [ [info]lostinher ] and celebrated Christmas with them. Then home. Sleep!

: : // Thursday - Christmas! Opened presents, got dressed, ate some yummy foods, went to my Auntie Jeanies & Uncle Michaels, Ashley picked me up, Adam and I exchanged gifts :D [ he got me a fleece blanket , the rocking horse winner cd , and lindt chocolates mmm ] , we went to Ryans, then to Ashleys ---- very nice Christmas! :D

Parts of a movie of Me..horrible but funny

: : // Friday - Adam informed me that we all went to the mall and I returned all my Christmas presents. We saw a major amount of people at the mall and most of us headed out to Dennys which was quite the good time. yay! I love.

: : // Saturday - Slept til about 11:30. Got dressed and went to Ashleys Uncles house in Charlton. Hanging with the Kenneys/Jacobs! Always a good time. Woo! Then later on when Ashley and I arrived back in Clinton we went to Ryans house to sleep over but it ended up that we went Fridays with Ryan, Ashley, Luciana, Kurt, Adam, and Caroline [ [info]autumnstarlight which was a good time in it's own. pictures below!! We then picked up Sarah and headed back to Ryans house where Adam, Me, Sarah, Ashley, Caroline, Kurt, and Ryan hung around. Kurt went home later that night. Everyone went to sleep but Ashley and I ended up staying up oh so late talking and keeping up Sarah! SORRY dear. But yes. Good time.

: : // Sunday - Woke up by Ryan kicking me telling us to lets go because he had to go to work. Ashley, Adam, Sarah, and I all went to Ashleys house where her parents so kindly fed us food. Mmmm! I went to work @ 4:00 and later on went to Ashleys where we hung out again. Ashley got sick and kinda threw up some yummy stuff and we all went home. Oh yeah - my computer died that night too :( So so sad.

: : // Monday - Well well well I was at home for a good portion of the day because so lazy and it was nice. Later on Ashley and I went to Target so I could get some clothes. This was the day that we got rejected by 4 people. HA! Jerks. Well we asked Katlyn [ [info]princess771 [ to come with us but she had plans already. Ashley had asked Ryan to go but he didn't come for some reason. Then when we were going to Newbury we asked Luciana and she didn't end up comming. And then we asked Adam to come out and he didn't so yes. We had picked up MICH - CALA to go to Newbury Comics and that was a fun time. SO yes although we got rejected and our hearts were torn apart. It was a GOOD DAY!! Woo. Hahha!
ps.. i don't really think you guys rejected us

: : // Tuesday All I can really remember about Tuesday was going to Bertuccis [ mmmmmm ] with Ashley, Ryan, and Adam. So yummy. Then later on we went to Ashleys and uhh watched Piarates of the Carribean or something. Yeah - good movie. Hahahha!

: : // Wednesday YAY! It was NEW YEARS EVE so that in it's own is exciting. I don't really remember what happened throughout the course of the day but I do remember I ordered a sub. OH YEA! I was completely lazy that day too. Did nothing until night or something. YEAH! I got ready at like 4:30 or something and YEAH. Hahha! I went to Katlyns house where people were there. FUN! It was Katlyn, Ashley, Adam, Ryan, Amanda, Colleen, Chris, Alex, Kristen, Cassie [ [info]sekzibaby84 ], Kenny, Kurt, Sarah, Chad, and Kelly [ [info]kellicole ], Pam, and Tommy came and left. Yep! So yes those were the people there so of course I had a good time. We played some basketball that was dangerous (not really) and just fun. Mmhmm! POOP. Blah blah blah. Midnight came..big horrah. YES!! Finally 2004..graduation!! 06/05/04 EKK. So yes later that night everyone basically went to Chris's house and slept. Yeah! It was a good time.
Pictures below!!

: : // Thursday We woke up and stayed at Chris's til 2pm and that was fun too. Just all relaxing..EVERYONE! It was oh so nice. I loved it! Then I came home and got dressed and headed to my Auntie Jeanies again for dinner. My mothers cousin was there again and I love her. I wish she was around more often. She's my grandfathers sisters niece..So another piece of him is good you know? Since I never got to meet him..Yeah! So yes then at about 8:30 or so Ashley, Katlyn, Amanda, and Sarah picked me up there and we went to Ashleys. I fell asleep there and there was talk about some pie. Haha! So they woke me up and we didn't have anything to do. So yes we went to Salisbury Beach @ 9:30pm. So much fun! We sang to Avril Lavigne like assholes on the way there. Ashleys car was falling apart so we had to stop on 495 to see what was up..twice! Oh boy. We finally got to the beach and just ran around and took pictures. So great! We were only there for like 20 minutes but those 20 minutes were worth it. We drove home and sang to Dashboard Confessional and then to New Found Glory and I think we all basically had to pee. So we all went home and yes we had a good time.
Pictures below!!

: : // Friday I worked with Ashley as well as April so yes that is always a good time working with those too. Score! Ashley and I both got out at 9:00 and went to her house with Michaela, Adam, and Katlyn. We all went to Shaws about bought icey cream and chocolate sauce. Mmmm! Michaela went home and then Ryan came over. We all didn't even get bowls we just got spoons and dived into the ice cream. SO SO good. Mmmm!

: : // Saturday I was home for most of the time I think but at night I went Bowling with Adam, Ashley, Katlyn, Ryan, Kyle, and Sarah. SO much fun! I didn't lose this time so I was kinda happy so woo. We all then went to FRIENDLYS which was a yummy fun time. YAY! Ashley, Ryan, Adam, and I went back to Ashleys and stayed there til 1 until we had to go home. SO SAD! Last night of vacation. Hmm! Blah. It was a good one though.
Pictures below!!

: : // Sunday Basically went back to normal and I had to work at 4. Score!

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2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[04 Jan 2004|03:40pm]
I would just like to say that ....

I LOVE [info]bleedingxstars!!

and that she is beautiful and shouldn't feel otherwise.

6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

goodness [03 Jan 2004|07:53pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I'm sick of hearing everyone complain of how they suck at life and how they have no friends and how they are always stuck at home doing nothing by themselves and how they want to do things but don't. Well all I have to say about you guys is that you don't get anything done because you don't do anything about it. Why sit at home waiting by the phone or waiting online for someone to IM you to do something. It's pathetic. Do things for yourself and stop whining about your lives and experience things for yourself. Call people up . be more happy . be independant and stop bitching and feeling sorry about yourself. Gahhh! Bye.

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2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[03 Jan 2004|05:09pm]
My computer ALIVE! :D

1 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

oh yes! [01 Jan 2004|05:06pm]
[ music | gamblers! ]

Oh my sweet pets that I adore to the full extent! As my aunt, uncle, mom, dad, grandma, a Jane, and a Baron are gambling with each other on this wonderful January 1, 2004 I am just awaiting to eat the food that my tummy deserves oh so much. So I haven't been on the internet deal in a oh so long time. Wanna know why? Well the reason for this piece of information is because of the poor fact that my dad decided to delete everything on my lovely lovely computer. Which yes I am completely happy that he did because the computer was bound to die off oh so soon. But I'm deeply saddened at the same time because I can't talk to you wonderful kidlings nor can I read about your depressing, happy, fucked, super lives that I enjoy reading every wakening day of my life. I love you! :D So yes I don't know where I left off so that leaves me off not knowing where to begin on with my already in the middle of my entry so I guess I'll start off by saying that I eat cheese when I'm in the mood. oKAY!? Hahha. So yes school has ended and Christmas occurred and returning of everything went by. So great! I got oodles and oodles of money back from the horrible gifts that my parents bought from the bottom of there hearts. I bought other things in return and basically kept the rest of the money. It's a beautiful beautiful thing. Yes it is. Okay okay. "You're money is mine green!." "You're flies open gellar." Oh how I need to watch that show. UBER MUCH! Hmm ok ok so like New Years happened too. It's officially 2004 and um do you know the year I finally step out of Clinton High - oh how I'll miss you. It's kind of a sad thought - saying goodbye to Clinton but most importantly saying goodbye to people that I won't get to see everyday and experience there happy faces every day. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... awwww! Quite the sad thought I believe. Yeah yeah! So yes Last night was spent at Katlyns [ [info]princess771 ] house where wonderful people were. They include.... Katlyn of course , Krystal , Ashley [ [info]kennabunk ] , Ryan [ [info]puffinnious , Adam [ [info]shaunboy ] , Chris, Caroline, Sarah [ [info]ooo1sarahoo ] , Kurt, Cassie, Chad , Kenny m Alex, and there were probably more people there but I don't know..Shhh! Then we saw the countdown and blah blah blah..woo! The New Year began. Yadda yadda yadda. We all went to Chris's to sleep but that deffenitly didn't get down due to ALL YOU LOUD people..I was just trying to sleep and that Sarah-lyn wouldn't stop her SQUAKING!..haahhahha just kidding - I am to blame. I am shameful... :D muahhhaa. I'm bored of you now. K bye!

oOo 1Sarah1 oOo: weee should go out to eat.
oOo 1Sarah1 oOo: somewhere gooood
HyPeR25232: ooh man.. im about to eat a yummy meal
oOo 1Sarah1 oOo: pssh
HyPeR25232: but you know me and my 8 stomachs
oOo 1Sarah1 oOo: yeah.. i just ate dinner too!
oOo 1Sarah1 oOo: who says you're only supposed to have one dinner anyway!!
oOo 1Sarah1 oOo: lol
HyPeR25232: hahahahhah

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[31 Dec 2003|06:43pm]
My internet is dead. I'm sad.

6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[30 Dec 2003|05:25pm]

1 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

ya ya ya [27 Dec 2003|01:17am]
[ mood | amused ]

Tonight was good. I had fun!
Denny's was funAY! Hahhahahaha cha cha.
Everyone there is oh so hilar and I love. Woo.
Tomorrow shall be a good day.
I am going shopping with Marble K and hopefully get some goodies.
THEN I am going to Charlton with the Ashley for a family event of hers. Yaay!
THEN I am. . . . . . 1111111111111 kkkkkkkkkkk. Whatta poo.
Narc! Narc. Hahhaha :]
Eat it. THE END>!

So yes bye.

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8 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

so yesterday [25 Dec 2003|04:11pm]
This is one of my reasons for loving Christmas..

My Auntie Maya gives me M&M;'s every yer.. mmmmm

5 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

twice shy [25 Dec 2003|02:10am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | tv from my parents room ]

Okay so here it goes. Tuesday was our last day of school until the 5th of January I believe. Oh yes that makes me extremely excited and I can't wait for the other days that I can have with my friends and just not in school. Woo! Yesterday (Tuesday) was a good day you know. I made dip the previous night and like brought it into foods class so we could eat it and it actually did come out yum. Then I had to sing for chorus which turned out to be good although I laughed a wee bit to much but ah well..I tried to control myself for the last two songs [ my faves ]. Woo! Then school went along and yadda yadda yadda. After school I went home and then later on I went to the mall with Ryan [[info]puffinnious] Ashley [[info]kennabunk] Adam [[info]shaunboy] and Sarah [[info]ooo1sarah1ooo]. Well it was actually Solomon Pond, Newbury Comics, Searstown, and then to Bobs. Woo! Some shopping was done and everyone was happy. Ashley [[info]kennabunk] and I also went to the Old Timers to say goodbye to Caitlin because she is leaving Saturday for Florida to live there. It's so sad! She's my favorite and she's been there since I worked there. I am going to miss her oh so much. We then went to Ashley [[info]kennabunk] and hung there for awhile. Inbetween that Adam [[info]shaunboy] and I went for a walk and that is when he asked me out and that is when I said yes!! mmhmm! So it's now offical. Woo woo! :D We then walked back to Ashleys were Ashley [[info]kennabunk] Ryan [[info]puffinnious] and Sarah [[info]ooo1sarah1ooo] were. We watched tv and yeah mmmmm. We all went home and Ashley [[info]kennabunk] actually came here for a bit and we talked about stuff. She went home and I of course being a pathetic child stayed online..but I eventually went to bed. Today (Wednesday) I woke up at 10 and procrastinated on getting into the shower but I eventually got in and everything was done. Later on at about 1:30 Ashley [[info]kennabunk]and Michaela [personally i think michaela should get a livejournal but hey thats me] picked me up and then we went to get Miller [[info]redatheart999] and Adam [[info]shaunboy] where we all went to the Old Timers to eat. Kinda yum yeah. Miller [[info]redatheart999] and Adam [[info]shaunboy] went home and Michaela, Ashley [[info]kennabunk], and I ventured off to the mall where I bought my family presents..FINALLY!! BLah blah blah I came home wrapped presents and then headed to my Auntie Liz's house with my brother at about 9 or so. We got there late because my mom didn't tell my brother [[info]lostinher] were the key to the car was so we had to wait for them to call and tell us and yadda yadda yadda. So yes! We went there and opened presents at 12 like tradition and I'm glad I went. I actually had a good time. Woo! Hahha Jake [[info]lostinher] sat on me and JEff took a picture..haha no good! Funny though. THEN Jake [[info]lostinher] and I left before my parents did and got home like an hour ago. I think now I should go to sleep to wake up in a couple hours for Christmas Day. Shall be a good day I think. :D GOodnight loves..

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12 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

take it easy / swallow [22 Dec 2003|04:49pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

I got the letter I was so excited about at the post office today. Turns out it sucks and yeah just read.

Heres the letter I received today..

Dear Ms. Pagoaga:

We are writing to you because ETS's Test Security Office is concerned, based on a preliminary review, that there appears to be substantial evidence that your scores on the November 1, 2003 SAT 1: Reasoning Test are invalid. As you acknowledged when you registered for the test, ETS has the right to review the validity of test scores, and to cancel quetionable scores when we believe there is substantial evidence that they are invalid. The enclosed booklet Why and How Educational Testing Service Questions carefull.

Out preliminary concerns are based on an extremely unusual difference in your November 2003 scores, as compared to your June 2003 scores. Because score differences of this size are so unusual, they are routinely reviewed by ETS. There was substantial agreement between your answers on one or more scored sections of the test and those of other test takers who appears to have been seated near you. Your performance on the Variable section was inconsistent with your performance on other similar sections of the test. A substantial number of your answers have been erased and changed so that they match the answers of other test takers. In addition, there is a substantial difference between these scores and others you have earned on this test. ETS is not accusing you of cheating, [ WHICH DUDE THEY DEFFENITLY ARE! ] but the anomalies noted above raise concerns about the validity of your scores.

Then they go on telling me what I need to do and when to do it by..ALL CRAP! Then continue to ramble on about stupid shit . Then they get to the options I have...

1.) Take a free retest to confirm your scores.
2.) Tell us to cancel your scores and receive a full refund of the test fee.
3.) Let the school or agency to which you would like the scores to be sent decide whether to use the scores after ETS cancels them.
4.) Ask an arbitrator selected by the American Arbitration Association whether the material before the Board of Review constitued substantial evidence that your scores are invalid.


So I went to Mr. Mercado and the option that he wanted me to do was the first or the second one which I'm kind of iffy about. I took the test - I deffenitly didn't cheat. Blah blah blah! I took it upon myself to call Mr. Clark ( the guy who is in charge of my scores ) to talk to him about it and to possibly get my scores by phone. He didn't give them to me so we carried on a convosation for about 20 minutes which ended with me crying about it. He kept repeating himself and saying that they aren't accusing me of cheating which they deffenitly are. I told him that the way I'm taking it is that they are calling me a cheater and his response was "you can take it anyway you want." ASSHOLE! He also said that the "evidence" that they have about the seating situation for me was that I was seated around 5 other kids..WHICH IS A FUCKING LIE! The way my lunchroom is set up is like long tables which can fit 12 people and on the day of the test they sat two kids on each table from what I recall and I was on one half of the table and someone else was on the other half..BOTH FACING THE SAME DIRECTION! So I told him that the evidence that they have is wrong and he kept arguing with me about it. ARGH! I can't believe this. Bottom line I went up more than 250 points and since I did so horrible on my first two SATs they can't believe that I actually did good.

And honestly the day of the test I thought I did absolutely horrible..I finally do something good on a test..ESPECIALLY a test like this and I'm a liar and a cheater--THis is awesome!!

[21 Dec 2003|03:40pm]
[ mood | blank ]

Fat. Fat. Fat. Fat. Fat. Fat. Gross!

8 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

SUCK IT UP [18 Dec 2003|10:22pm]
[ mood | blah ]

I hate you, I love you
I just can't remember to forget you
Who are you, who needs you?
You make me feel alive, I die, so high
I'm crawling on the ground
I have found I can fly
One of these days it all comes together
One of those days that goes on forever

Think I sound crazy? Maybe, whatever
What's it all about?
It's about life, it's about fun
It's over before it has begun
It's about you it's about me
It's about everything between and I say
I'm saying goodbye to you, I say hi to you with no clue
It's about time that I
Make up my mind
It's simple, confusing, the truth is I'm winning but I'm losing
And pulling and pushing, won't do me any good
It could, it should
I'm honest to myself that the truth is I lied
One of these days it all comes together
One of those days that goes on forever

Think I sound crazy? Maybe, whatever
What's it all about?
Time is creeping behind me, surrounding around me
Fading the words so desperately

Now give me a reason that I can believe in
Time is something you can't rewind
One of these days it all comes together
One of those days that goes on forever

Think I sound crazy? Maybe, whatever
What's it all about?


10 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[16 Dec 2003|03:36pm]
[ mood | silly ]

Murphy! Ok ok so lack of updating again..I'm sorry to you. Lies lies lies. So yes my weekend was -alright-. Friday I stayed home from school like most of you know and the people I adore came over at night and made up for the lack of them during the shcool day. It was Kyle Ashley Adam Sarah Katlyn and Ryan..yay! Then Saturday came and oh that upset me to some extent. I slept alot I think and layed around the house. I watched a christmas movie on the Disney Channel and developed a crush oh the lead character. Mmmm! Haha. So yes that of course wasn't the part where it was poo. The poo began at around like 8:30 when I was at my Auntie Liz's house with my dads side of the family celebrating my grandfathers 75th birthday! I mean I was there since like maybe 5:45-6 or something so I think like a couple hours was pretty good. But to my parents it just wasn't satisfying so we stayed until 11 o'clock..Thanks guys!! *growl* So yes I finally got home at about 11:20 or so. Wonderful! But what made my night better was the fact that Ashley picked me up then we got Adam. We then ventured off to Michaelas and she's always a funny kid. Yay! So yes then we went to AShleys and then Adam and I went home at about 1. Mmhmm! Then Sunday I failed to see any of my friends which always makes me oh so sad. Yeah! I had to work at the Old Timer..You know in that snow storm and all. I came home and spent the night online like an awesome kid you know. Mmhm! So yes then Monday I woke up at 7:30 and I went to Katlyns house as well as Adam Ashley Ryan Sarah and Kurt. We all spent the day together and that is always wonderful. Mmhmm! We watched FRIENDS, the GRINCH, and probably something else but I wasn't paying to much attention. Ahh! So I had a dentist appointment yesterday too..NO CAVITIES!! Woo... I win. AHh so then I came home and then Adam AShley and Sarah came and I took a shower and then Ashley left and thens he cameback and then we all went to her house and watched tv, did homework, and yea! Yay. So yes this is now the end of this journal entry.

vacation is in 5 more days..!!

10 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

HEY!! [12 Dec 2003|06:05pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | my amazing comPOOTer skills ]

Updating this piece of internet hasn't been something I've been up to lately but ah well you'll deal. Since Ryan [info]puffinnious asked me whether or not I updated today and I replied with a "no" I thought I'd humor him and update. Not only for him though but for me. See I must be reminded that I am a complete poop stain many years from now when I come back to lovely livejournal. Yeah! Okay so like yesterday was horrible. I mean school went by good and everything - until you know Yearbook came along. I mean don't get me wrong I love that class to pieces..but sometimes Mr. Garrity is a giant poo and bothers me. The soccer seciton is pretty much done but I just hate doing it because it angers me so much. Last year the got candid shots and stuff but this year Walt Doyle was a big poo and didn't take any. AH!HH! No good. So like out section is kinda boring! Ah well. I'll deal! I must remember to ask Luciana to do a write up about the season before Garrity shoots me. I don't want to do it because I am not so much of a writer of that sort. And I am not going to KateM just because I don't feel like having to talk to her. I also must remember to get the correct scores from either coach or another reliable source. The DeLeos possibly? Hmm yeah! So yeah I went home after school as always and I was plainly watching some FULL HOUSE and then started to watch 7TH HEAVEN and after those shows Ashley [info]kennabunk was going to pick me up so we could study for the greatest test in the world - Global Issues and Math.. eww! But yeah that deffenitly didn't happen. I got yelled at and I started to yell which led to me not being able to leave the house. My mom had left and I told her that I was going to leave whether she liked it or not. But her assholic response was this : "If you leave this house I am going to call the police." Awesome huh? So yes I didn't leave and went to bed at 6:30 and woke up at 10:30 or something. I came downstairs to talk to Ryan [info]puffinnious and Ashley [info]kennabunk and to also due some homework. I went back upstairs to sleep at 11:30 and just slept til 10:30 this morning. It was a good sleep I must say! I didn't go to school as I probably said above but don't feel like checking. I wasn't up to it. PLUS I had three test today that I wasn't able to study for because I wasn't allowed to leave my house. I also wasn't able to practice for tryouts for the play nor was I able to send out my college applications out today. I totally wanted to just get everything over with no everything will be put on my shoulders after this wonderful weekend. Ah poo! My tummy is completely growling at me so I should feed it. Kyle [info]gangstak told me we should order a pizza ( haha i was going to say we should rent a pizza instead of order hahhaha ) when he comes over as well as Adam [info]shaunboy and Ashley [info]kennabunk. Hmm sounds like a good idea hmm? Yeah! So this entry is long enough I think so this should hold you over for awhile. Byyye loves!

PS.. Thanks to Ashley , Adam , Michaela , & Ryan for making me feel better last night ! I love you!.

Is this to spooky? hahhahah
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2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

cha cha [09 Dec 2003|05:15pm]
[ mood | happy ]

it's been awhile eh eh?

yeah so like today has been good. i laughed alot. i made soup. jeff is my buddy. some think im crazy. i sang alot today. got a little note that made me laugh. mmmmmmm hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi. hahahhahaha. im tired but wide awake. im disgusting..give me a donut! i want adam shaughnessy **EDIT** and and and hahahha he cracks me up. umm i got my bowl back outta katlyns car. shes now happy!

i hear's marble k .
we're going to the mall...bye!

10 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

friday [05 Dec 2003|04:05pm]
It's friday! I love friday It sure does make me happy that tomorrow I can sleep in because today is my nice clean room! :D Yay. Oo oo and we sang in chorus today..You know on a friday yeah I liked it! Today - which is friday I also did some of the Framingham State College application. Makes me excited. I must pick up my cookie dough at Nicks..on a FRIDAY. Eat it!

If you do this - it'll make me happppy


1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?

6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

ay ay [03 Dec 2003|03:25pm]
Ok ok..So I haven't wrote in awhile...a couple days but to Ryan [[info]puffinnious] it seems like FOREVER .. whatta "mammoth"..haha! School is the same ole deal. I love it and then I hate it. Mmmmmm I passed in my essay for Lent last week on A Time to Kill..BUT Ashley [[info]kennabunk], Jen, and I are awesome and didn't read the book so we watched the movie. I think I did pretty good so hopefully my predictions are correct. I also completed my Death of a Salesman essay and passed that in..Mmmm BUt of course Mrs. Lent is in the hospital or rehab for her knee so I won't be able to receive those back for awhile.. Ahhh! Whatta poo. Anyway - I am now in the process of getting my college applications completed. I did the rough draft for them all and stuff but I now must type them up. It's true when I say -- I offically hate type writers. Hahah! But yeah they do make me laugh .. I'm quite a fool. But Katlyn [[info]princess771] and Ashley [[info]kennabunk] are helping me with them so I'm sure I'll be fine. Thanks guys! Ew I have a chorus concert next week and I'm totally not looking forward to it. We're like adding dance moves to a christmas song and ICK..I dislike! Mmhmm. A shake a shake a shake! As for the rest of the day I am going to go upstairs soon and clean some of my know the pit! Mmhmm. Then I'm probably going over Ashleys to hang out with the people to whom I adore oh so much. Yay! I need a job. Not at a grocery store though so don't mention that. Hmmm I kinda want one at the the Dunkin at the Mall..mmmm busy! Or at a restuarant..perhaps the new Olive Garden..mmm! Ahhh. I need christmas money so bad.. I should continue looking eh?

PS: I'm getting my wisdom teeth I going to die? uhoh.

5 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[30 Nov 2003|01:56pm]
PUFF inn IOUS (1:35:18 PM): uupdate your fuckin LJ

how's this?

14 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

for adam [27 Nov 2003|01:25am]
So homecoming went by and all went well. I went with Adam and he is always a good time. Mmhmm! I have oh so many pictures of everybody and that I am oh so excited about. Hopefully soon I'll scan all the good ones and post em. MMm. After homecoming I dropped off Luciana and Adam and then I went home. After me going online, getting blankets, and changing I picked up Adam and we then went to Lucianas. People were there and people got kicked out and I laughed alot. Adam was there so that made me happppppy!! MMmm. We watched FRIENDS and were cozy - slept very little..Everyone was up and everything was funny.. Mmhmm! A whole lotta pictures were took and I shall post them because they are ubber funnay. Mmhmm! Sunday - the day after homecoming - was funny. Twister was played and that just makes me laugh. Ahh I have the best picture of Riley that I must show everyone. I laugh everytime.. Haha that kid is hilar! Oh yeah.. We got cookie dough back from our fundraiser thingggger..Nick has mine..Why? I have no idea. I think i should get it soon before Jane kills me for "stealing her money" ah poo.. shes a big poo.. I think so! Mmhmm! You know what I do but only from time time? Yep.. I don't eat that many actual meals anymore. Last night I did because I went to my aunts house for a dinner that was held due to my moms cousin person comming now. I never met her mom hasn't even met her before. She's aweomse.. I like her! She's going to be here for Christmas too so thats just a bonus of Christmas all together. yep! Oh yeah and like FRiday..the day after Thanksgiving I get to get my christmas tree!! Oo oo.. that makes me so excited! Mmhmm. We're going to the same place we go to every year in Sterling..Then we are going to go to Meadowbrook Bakery and eat so yumminess.. Mmmm can't wait! Mmmm I really wanna piece of chicken er something..Maybe even some ceral. Ew I'm to lazy to get into the kitchen. PLUS . it's like bad to eat this late and then go to sleep. Umm I'm talking about nothing and I really like it. hahha! Ryans mother doesn't like me. Kinda makes me sad but ah well..I love watching FRIENDS and I also love having my friends watch it with me. It was it like 10x better..and plus Adam watches it too and is learning it and yay! Hhaa.. makes me smile. wahoo. This thing is getting to long and I'm most likely boring you kidlings which i dout even made it this I suck.

Okay so like heres some pictures...I love you k bye

I call this footies in love haha Miller (orange) and Michaela (green)

Mmmmm all these pictures are after homecoming.. mmmm

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6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

birthday [20 Nov 2003|11:09pm]
so yes.. my birthday was splendid. i started off with a hot locker which was made specially by the greatest people i know [ ashley michaela miller caroline and ryan ] and then i got a wonderful bag with candy and a giraffe from sarah and karen..and and i got a buncha "happy birthdays!" that i loved. mm loly pops! and then end of the day i went to my locker to show someone the decorations and there was a big bag in there that i loved. it consisted of two bags of dum dums, two bags of m&ms;, capri suns, two bags of jolly ranchers - the grapes and lemons were in there own seperate bags which was labeled mayas fav :D, a soccer ball that had my soccer number on it with a message, picture forms, and i believe that consists everything in that was all from adam and i loved! mmmhmm.. that night we all went to friendlys and i was so happy even though marble k spilled a glass of chocolate milk on just made it more memorable [yah] and stuff.. thank you!!

oo oo ashley + ryan also decorated there cars and i loved that oh so much. yay!

[ adam ashley ryan katlyn kurt sarah chad riley michaela miller luciana colin .. everyone!!]

thanks oh so much for being apart of my birthday.. i loved it all and i lov eyou!! wahoo. byyye

mmm tomorrow

16 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

muahhaha [17 Nov 2003|09:25pm]
I haven't updated in awhile..whoops! so yes homecoming is comming up and it's making me oh so excited. mmhmm! im going with adam and and and :D that just makes me very very happy..everyone knows it does! so yay.. my dress is super cute and its just going to be a wonderful day/night/after ..everything.. mmhmm! school is kinda boring but thats always good sometimes.. college stuff should be getting done.. ahuh! why do people have to be so unhappy? i hate it so much. i wish people were just happy like all the time with just little times of sadness..that would be so much better. but i guess thats just not the case.. so yes Ryan ; please cheer up. we all love you! well yes im drinking some apple juicey outta the smallest juice box ever with big bird on it and it makes me smile.. :) haha! hey! hey! my birthday is comming up.. its on wednesday.. i'll be 18! whoa. thats sad. well yes goodnight loves......oh yes and here

Amanda getting pushed outta the way by me, Colin with his massive tounge, Sarah with her Spoon, and me pushing Amanda outta the way.. @ Andys Party..I love this picture

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8 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

please! [11 Nov 2003|10:37pm]
Maya is _________.
If I were alone in a room with Maya, I would _________.
I think Maya should _________.
Maya needs _________.
I want to _________ Maya.
If I could describe Maya in a word: _______.
Maya will never ______
Maya can ______ my_______.
I hope Maya never _____.
I_____ Maya because _______.

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[][][][] [11 Nov 2003|01:22am]
Today was really..strange! I had school but it was only a half day and that half day included double study [ which was spent in Lab C doing nothing ], Math [ computer lab because Meyer loves us ], Global Issues [ including talking with Katlyn [info]princess771 and Ashley [info]kennabunk, Lunch, and lastly Yearbook [ did nothing but laugh ]. So yes my half of a school wasn't so school like I guess. :D Tomorrow we have off due to lovely Veterns Day.. oo la la I like that! -- After school today I bought something flashy...yeah you'll see Hahhah! I love it to the full extent..All hail the green and gold....that's all I have to say about that one. muahha

Tonight was Andys party! It was an alright time..People were there and yeah! I failed at Dance Revolution or something like that.. Ahh poo 75. I played Adam and yep he killed me. :) ....The thing that I learned tonight is that I am TO shy around boys and I must get over my shyness soon or I'll just be a joke...yeah you know! We went to Dennys after and I was rather sad..yeah! But now I'm home and wrapped in my blankey because it's cold out..but what I really want to be doing is sitting outside in the cold - wrapped in my blankey watching the stars...But I have no one to watch them with me... Hmm! So sleepy -- I'm going to bed soon .. oh how I love my bed!

happy birthday andy!

2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

i never do these soo shh [09 Nov 2003|09:12pm]
i want to pass sleepy

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6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

ahhhhh [09 Nov 2003|02:09am]
yeah so like tonight was kinda umm not so cool like you know until we found the BUNNIES. sarah introduced me to the wierdest bunnies ever. kinda funny. oh yeah and like ryan BLOWS!!!! just kitten. no no that im noot.... suure. toootsie!! "tooties!" im going crazy
stoip it
you don tknow
im leaving

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6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

x [05 Nov 2003|07:16pm]
I just feel good. :D
My birthday is soon.
Homecoming is soon. ( + )
Ahhh tra la la!
But there is something I dislike so much.
You know what that is?
Hmmm do ya? do ya?
I dislike my stupity.
Like just puuure stupidity.
It's not cool.
Hhahah yeah k bye.
Hey this picture is kinda neat.

YOU = so so good :D

- chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

---- [04 Nov 2003|10:40pm]
this feeling that overcomes me sometimes is just wierd. it's a feeling of emptiness and sadness. it's rather unbelieveable at times! give me a headsup before i fall down farther than you already know. it's a sense that i feel within me that i can't control. catch me before i fall.

im going down


2 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

you.x [02 Nov 2003|09:45pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

Friday was districts @ Northbridge. We had first lunch and left at about 12 er something. Just not quite sure. We lost 6-0 but it was a very good season and I shall miss it oh so much. I cried on the way home because I am sucha big baby and the fact that I am a senior and won't be comming back next year is just sad. :( But yeah I always have track and stuff. YEP! After the game I came home and went to Justins soccer game with Caroline and Ryan. It was funny! Justin lost so that wasn't that funny but again they made it that for in districts so thats all that counts. Yep! Then Caroline, Ryan, and I came back to Clinton and met up with people and it was a stupid night. I came home at 11 talked to Adam and went to sleep. I had SATs the next morning. Stinker!

Saturday was an early day. I woke up at 7, picked up Jen, went to CHS to take my wonderful SATs. Ah poo! I got so much math that I wanted to march right out the door throwing the test at the teacher. GAH! I just hate math to the full extent haha. SO yes after that piece of crap I came home. Luciana and AShley came over to see my homecoming dress. They liked it and oh man I love it oh so much. :D! We then went to the mall and I got myself the greatest sweatshirt ever. It's one of those sweatshirts that I shouldn't be allowed to buy because it's a white one from areopostale and yep I'm quite the slob. So yes later on that night Ryan, Caroline, Luciana, and I went to Rileys where people were and that was fun. Katlyn came later on and we had a little game of spit that um went on forever. Hahha it was funny! After that I went home to get my stuff because we were going to eat at Dennys and I was sleeping at Ashleys afterwards. My parents wanted to meet Adam so I brought him in and he was cute. Yep! I think they liked him. Yay! Then we went to get Ashley so yeah it was Ashley, Ryan, Caroline, Adam, and I. We went to Dennys and had some yummiess. Waffles!! Mmmm. Yeah! I think I died after that. So sleepy. I'm tired now to so yeah I need my sleep.

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I'm happy!

6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[02 Nov 2003|02:05am]

12 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

homecoming. [28 Oct 2003|09:52pm]

november 22nd.


i need to get myself a dress.

sleep is needed.. :]

night loves.

14 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

x [26 Oct 2003|12:00am]
i love you guys.

tomorrow = boys + girls spaghetti supper for soccer :D
i need a homecomming dress/date.
i need you
work was fun.. kinda
old timer ; oh how i love you. [whats up sarcasm?]
you make my tum tum go crazy

I've missed you
Those weren't your words
Seeing you became a charm
And everyday, I wish I could
I say your name
When I fall, when I hit the bottom

[ do ittttttttttt pwease ]

01-- When and how did we meet:
02-- What did you first notice about me:
03-- What do you like most about me:
04-- Are we friends:
05-- Have you ever seen me with my shirt off:
06-- Have you ever seen me cry:
07-- Describe me in four words:
08-- If we could spend a day together what would we do:
09-- Have we ever gotten in a fight:
10-- If you could give me a present what would it be:
11-- Would you hug me:
12-- What do you really think of me:
13-- Have we ever kissed:
14-- Has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to:
15-- Wanna make out:
16-- Name one thing you do not like about me:

6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

districts baby!! :D [22 Oct 2003|10:43pm]
I just gained a new love for apple jacks ; they are now my new favorite ceral. SCORE! Okay so today I almost missed the pictures that were taking at school but I got there just in time for the second half of the senior class. Yay! Anyways..Today after school the girls soccer team ventured off to Tahanto. It rained a bit and it was freezing but that didn't stop us. We played good and hard just as Tahanto played as well. The final score was 0-0 so we tied. But that's not the excitement right here. The excitement = the face that we bumped them outta going to districts and umm yes WE'RE GOING TO DISTRICTS!!! Oh heck ya. I'm so excited. :D Seniorrrr year. Wahoooo- I love my team oh so much ; we got this!

Our final game til districts is this comming MONDAY @ HOME!!.. i think you should be there. 3:30

i love youuuu. x

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- chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

you should come. [20 Oct 2003|11:26pm]
we lost tonight.
last home night game was tonight.
i cried because of things.
my head aches.
i never wanted this season to end.
i will miss it.
i will miss it all.
if i learned anything from this it would be to never give up and to stay strong.

tomorrow = @ fitchburg
wednesday = @ tahanto

lets go!

8 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

oja [18 Oct 2003|07:21pm]
I find so many people so annoying.

AS I walked the hall last night and as I walked into the kitchen with people that I wish I was closer with I felt strange. Almost as if I didn't belong at all and as if no one wanted me there except a few people. The feeling last only a couple minutes. Almost like something came over my body telling me that I didn't belong there at all. It was the wierdest feelings I've ever experienced.

Last night was a good time eventhough I got sad due to not even knowing. And to the fact that Jen was completely gone and it scared me. But it was a good time because I got hugs from many people such as Ryan, Michaela, Alex, Luciana, Chris, Amanda, and Riley. I got high fives from Miller and Alex and they make me laugh.

Well Katlyn, Ashley, Kurt, Don, and Billy and I left at like 2am and I brought KUrt + Don home and AShley brought Billy home. Then we went to Katlyns and fell asleep around 3..We woke up at 845 to go into Worcestor to do a walk. I got dropped off at 12..fell asleep at 1230 woke up at 600 er something. Now I'm doing something with people but not sure what. I'm undecided! I have to go.

I love you.

i think my subject means eye.

Compatibility or something..

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- chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

[13 Oct 2003|01:10am]

6 kept saying that - chandler's a girl, chandler's a girl

figuremeout [09 Oct 2003|10:08pm]

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