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not nothin' - stroke 9 |
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so i went back to truth tonight. i always love going back and listening to the youth ministers talk and the sophomore guys play. afterwards i always feel so.. i don't know. it just relaxes me and keeps me on the right track.
after i dropped brandon off, i was about to turn on the cd player when i decided to turn on the news radio station to see if anything had happened in iraq. turns out, it had. by that time the tomahawk missiles and f117s (f117s, right?) had already hit. and while i was driving (stupid, stupid) i started crying. just because no matter how much i support the removal of saddam from power, i don't want our soldiers there, and i don't want civilians to be injured. but i calmed down and got home in time to watch the news and listen to bush's address. when i realized that they had been directly targeting saddam, it was a relief, but then i found out that they had been targeting him while he was supposedly meeting in a suburban neighborhood, which worried me. and then i found out that saddam had apparently armed his front lines with chemical weapons, which worried me even more.. i guess we'll find out all the details tomorrow morning. it should be interesting to see whether or not france actually rethinks their stance on the entire war now that saddam is on the verge of beginning biological warfare, since they said they would and all. not that they didn't say a lot of other things.. but anyway, i'm still very much in support of the entire thing, and the fact that other countries are more readily supporting us is an encouraging thought.
the thing (other than saddam arming his men with chemical weapons) that really, really angered me tonight was hearing about some of the protests, especially those in the us and australia. i'd like to re-post part of liz's last entry, which was a letter from her brother: Time magazine has an article about our troops and how they?re dishearten[ed] by the protest, it seems like a personal attack on them. They wonder if they?re going to get spit on when they arrive home for just doing their job, not patriotic duty but their job. I might not support the war fully but I completely support our arm[ed] forces. in my opinion (and apparently i'm not alone here), protesting isn't helping. the coalition won't stop the war just because a third of americans disagrees with the war, with even fewer protesting publicly. instead of anti-war, vandalism protests, maybe they should consider pro-bring our troops home, peaceful protests, instead. all they're doing right now is worrying our troops. another thing i liked from tan (liz's brother)'s letters was the bluntness about people protesting because these days, it's fashionable. If the betterment of society, altruism, the greater good of society and most important of, all saving lives are what these people are truly seeking then they should put efforts and resources in something that will bring greater benefit for their labor. But why is this not happening? Is it because it?s "cooler" to protest against something average citizens can see? Is it because their motives are not true, or is it because of human nature?...Protest, but protest Africa too, protest for the thousands of upon thousands of civilians who died in Kosovo and the former Yugoslavia too. Something more beneficial. very profound when he wants to be.
i'm not sure if anyone (i might've been the only one watching the news for that long) else saw saddam addressing his country, but if you didn't.. you missed out. kept telling his people that if they were for "peace, unity, and love" then they should "draw their sword" to defend their "glorious iraq". ha. he kept talking about how the "evil" would be swiftly defeated, and i kept thinking to myself: if only he knew how right he is.. some of his announcements were incredible. saying things about how the coalition forces would be embarrassed and defeated and how iraq would become their graveyard.. lots of other stuff, i don't remember it all. all i remember is how stupid he looked and sounded. oh, and i remember wondering if he had taped it before anything had ever happened, or if one of his doubles had spoken in his place. if the missiles were accurate and really did get saddam, would we ever know? would the saddam supporters ever admit it, especially on the very first night? i was also wondering if he has something up his sleeve.. not that we're being arrogant or underestimating him, but really, there's no way he could win this fight. unless of course, he plans to use weapons of mass destruction. that's still bothering me.
Long live Iraq! Long live Palestine! Long live our glorious nation and long live those who seek peace! does he seriously believe he's been seeking peace? what? i must be missing something.. besides that, including iraq and palestine in the same paragraph as "those who seek peace" is just wrong. but maybe that's just me..
i'm completely ignorant about muslim faith, so i'm not asking this question sarcastically, i just don't get it. is every war a muslim country participates in considered a jihad? i'm really confused about that. if not every war is considered a holy war, i don't understand why every time something occurs in the middle east, they seem to assume we're only involved so that we can belittle their religion. would it just be to receive more support from muslims around the world? i don't get it.
there was another depressing news story (surprised?) about some iraq-american man living in texas and worrying about his family. apparently, they were trying to leave baghdad before any fighting broke out, but saddam's soldiers forced them to stay within the city. just another way for him to commit genocide using his own people.
i did see one headline today that made me laugh. something about german and another country's phones being bugged? i don't remember the exact details, but i do remember finding it humorous. if the other country is france, i will be happy. i wonder if everything france is supposedly "covering up" will come out in the open after the war? i wonder what'll happen to our being allies? since the only reason they were helping us at all in the past two days was because they were forced to under ally agreements, it makes me think that our relationship with them won't be too hot in the future. but then again, since they chose to honor contracts with a fascist, terrorist dictator rather than un resolutions, will our government care all that much if we lose them as allies?
too much war stuff.
ms platter left school early, so i couldn't get the stupid equation from her. i got my other three though, so i guess we'll see. thank goodness tomorrow's a b day. i hope i'm not forgetting any homework =\ but i'm suuuper tired, so night night guys. have a good thursday tomorrow! only 14 hours of school left before the weekend. actually, less for gallo kids since we're going to the dma. woohoo =)
and make sure to pray, guys. for everything.