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[13 Apr 2003|11:41pm]
[ mood | minute to ourselves - the elms ]
[ music | happy but sunburned ]

this weekend.. has been one of the best i've had in a while. it was seriously great.

friday after school, deneb helped me with ollie tips for a bit. then, bobby davis hit me in the face with my shoe.. and then after cleverly (not really) tricking caitlin with honking, i rolled up the window on my face. i'm really.. not the brightest. anyway, then i was supposed to go watch katie's soccer game and see her new boy toy, but that fell through, so i ended up going to watch the austin theater kids perform shakespeare's twelfth night. it was awesome! i couldn't really understand what was going on specifically, i'm not sure if it was the distractions or the volume or me laughing the entire time, but i could follow the story, and that was the important part. one of the guys accidently sliced his forehead during a fight scene, but after he got it cleaned up he came back out and kept acting. they had to cut a scene, but they improvised for so much.. it was just awesome. we got out pretty late, but blake and i sat and talked for a while. ended up getting too freaked out by each other's stories and went home. fun fun night.

saturday morning/afternoon i woke up at 6:30 to go buy donuts for brenton and mike, and ended up getting there at like 7:10 instead of 7:30.. oops. plus, there were 5 guys there as opposed to the original 2.. but anyway i sat down and talked and had breakfast with them. brenton's moving to washington.. i'm going to have to find a way to fix that. so after that i came back home and did a little homework but fell asleep again and woke up at 11:30 when doan came over for english. our presentation's gonna be great, man! we went shopping and brainstormed and everything, it was fun. i think the hobby lobby people might have thought we were high or something (a la "who laughs that hard in the wooden shapes aisle?") but whatever.

rezfest (it was so amazing it gets its own bolded section) oh man.. rezfest.. words don't do it justice. i had so much fun. seventh day jericho played first, i'm really going to miss their talent. it took me a while to get used to the volume.. but yeah. i won this huge bag with balloons in it.. it was kinda weird, but great at the same time because i'm going to be able to use the huge sack for my ollie skit =) then blisse played, and i had never heard them, but i fell in love with them as soon as they started. i didn't really like the benjamin gate, but i don't know why.. i think i was holding a grudge since i had been reading kaffir boy like 6 hours earlier (they're from south africa, and white). after they left, the elms played. it was great. they have so much presence when they're performing. everyone was up and dancing and signing along.. man. i had the best time.

post-rezfest after we left rezfest, i dropped ai off at home in north garland with about 20 minutes to drop wilson off way out in rowlett, but it usually only takes like 10-15, so we stopped to pick up something to drink at a gas station.. ended up in a whole big mess.. ih.. okay well i'm super lazy so here's what wilson said about it: we parked fast, and as we were running in, these guys honked at us. we thougt it would be someone we knew. nope. just some wierd (but very cute) guys. so we went in and got our stuff and came out, to find that the guys (who were seemingly drunk) parked like an inch away from heathers car and they are being stupid and not moving and yelling, acting mad. heather squeezes into the car, nearly hitting his door, and as we are backing up he's like, "dont hit my car!" the guy in the passenger seat gets out and jumps on the front of the car, which wasnt what was holding us up cause she would have gone with him there, but the guy driving was blocking us. so , eventually, we manuvered around him and sped off. yeah it was nasty. people over there frustrate me.

sunday did a little homework, slept a little, had a soccer game, got a yellow card (slide-tackled a girl, she wrapped her legs around one of mine and wouldn't let go, so i started kicking..), won the game, drove home, washed baby (my car =) it's beautiful now), watched some tv, had pizza for dinner, and earned $20. nice? nice.

oh right.. and i have a boyfriend.. that was really the lowpoint of the evening.... =) so cute.

9 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[10 Apr 2003|10:22pm]
[ mood | icky ]
[ music | dreams - the cranberries ]

rezfest is saturday! be there.. or else.. *shakes fist*

hey guys. sorry about my sporadic updating, i'm kind of burned out.

the rest of last week was really fun, i remember actually enjoying everything. wednesday i went to truth and had a great time, as usual. friday i went to visit chris up at work and i think my weekend starting going downhill from there.. (after a huge fight with my mom) i got lost on the way to esd's varsity lacrosse game, but i finally found andrew and had fun watching (lacrosse is awesome, let me just say. it's like hockey and soccer and.. javelin all put together. i don't know, it's the coolest thing). when i got back home that night, while i was filling up the bathtub to take a bath, i leaned over to fill mouse's water bowl and somehow knocked my cell into the tub.. ugh. anyway, it's broken now. i had it fixed for like an hour and then it went back to hating me. saturday i was grounded to do chores and homework. sunday, our soccer games were cancelled because of the storms, and mike bailed on me, so i picked up wilson and we went to see what a girl wants since we didn't want to subject the guys to it later. it was actually really cute, and the love interest (i was going to say lead guy, but he isn't) looks just like andrew s! madness.

this week.. has gone on.. and on..

monday whatever, all i remember is wanting to die rather than staying at school. OH wait, senior direct auditions were that afternoon. ai convinced me to come (i've always wished i had taken theater instead of orchestra in middle school) and i stayed until the end. everyone actually got my hopes up because a lot of people were complimentary, but yeah.

tuesday found out i didn't get cast, ih way to start off the school day. the rest of the day was pretty crappy as well, and we had soccer practice that night.

wednesday started the day off badly again.. wasn't late to school until a train decided to come by. ugh. i was lucky though, we had a sub in orchestra, so he didn't see me come in. i was pretty tired all day, and had to stay after school to finish computer science stuff. after that i got to hang out with blake for a little while. i stole a sign (=x i felt like a rebel.. lol sad, yes) and had a chocolate shake from sonic, which i think cheered me up a bit. then brandon picked me up for truth, that rocked, and i got to drive the guys'.. vehicles around the mac parking lot =) after school ended yesterday, my bad mood went away. but then i got home and called andrew.. we talked, and i didn't really think we wanted the same stuff out of the relationship, sooo. he was so cool about it, i'm glad he didn't get all bitter and stop talking to me after that. one of the major problems i had was him not being in my life anymore, but he wants to be friends and still wants me to come to lacrosse games or visit him in san antonio if i come down over the summer. anyway, it was a relief to get that off my chest last night.

today IT FELT LIKE FRIDAY. enough said. i think i might have bombed the math quiz.. the computer science test was disgustingly long and i had no clue what i was doing with the program.. english was ok i think, but i had to skip most of lunch wasting time typing up a comp sci program that ended up not even working.. yearbook we all talked, about ib, ollie tryouts, siblings, teachers.. i love that class =) the seniors thought i was a junior. haha yes. after school i had to go back to comp sci again to finish the stupid program that hated me, and ended up driving geena home.

blah blah phone blah soccer blah here i am. i still can't believe we have another day left.

i can't believe the school rescheduled our exams!! i hate them for that! the last friday, i could have just stayed at home, but nooo, now i have to take my b2 and b3 exams. stupid. stupid stupid stupid. they did that just to spite the athletes who could have stayed out of school that day. jerks.

i backed over a curb tonight =\ not a minor thing, like a huge median type of thing by soccer practice. i hate trying to back up in the camry-it's so hard to see. but oh well, baby's ok so i'm good. i owe it a shower, it's so dirty. then this stupid woman almost plowed directly into us on the way home.. during the day i might have had a little pity for her, but at night when there are glaring headlights coming at you.. no. so i drove 30 mph in front of her for the rest of the road.

other than that, i can't really think of anything to update.. oh except class schedule.

junior year:
1) english iv
2) spanish iv
3) precal
4) physics
5) psychology
6) world history
7) yearbook
8) athletics

and of course.. 1-6 are ib. ih. which means this summer i need to do some correspondence courses. and speaking of summer, i need to get a job. i'm not sure what i'm going to do at this point.

anyway yeah i'll try to start updating on a regular basis instead of giving recaps like.. every 10 days. i say i'll try, but i guess we'll just have to see.

hehe i found out today something someone said about me. it made me laugh because it's so untrue. but so flattering =) guys can be the best sometimes.

1 little star| twinkle twinkle

[31 Mar 2003|08:35pm]
[ mood | great ]
[ music | my typical angel - the rocket summer ]

i love the smell of my hair right now. does that sound weird? herbal essences. yum.

i think i'm falling in love with bryce avary again (is he not beautiful? scroll down to the rs_pic_tigger) there was a stretch there where i stopped listening to the rocket summer, but ah.. too good to miss out on for long. i need to go find the cd somewhere. i hope he'll still be touring next year, right now i'm too stupidly young to get into any shows.

i might get to go to edgefest though, so hey hey =) actually i was a lot more excited when someone told me the rocket summer was performing. i was sad when i saw the complete band list and realized it was really the complete band list and he wasn't playing. but eh, still have a ton of good bands. i was really surprised that they put maroon 5 on the second stage, but maybe that's just me.

i don't really remember what's happened since i last updated.. um. katie's bounce house party =) it was very fun. i decided that a bounce house would seriously be one of the greatest places to makeout. not even kidding. we watched 8 mile and the ring. it was fun, other than getting that fork stuck up my nose.. long story and i'm tired, so just know that my nose was injured.

i can't remember anything that's happened in the past 11 days!! ugh.

friday i went to spring show with katie and wilson and then we met jackie at joe's.. it was kinda boring because it was so late, but still fun. and spring show was great, i laughed just as hard as i laughed last year. i was worried they wouldn't be able to find anyone as funny as jerrod, but josh brandenburg was hilarious.

saturday i went shopping with katie and mike =) we went around to all the stores trying on clothes.. haha man. oh, there's this new store, hollister's? it's like a surf version of abercrombie. anyway, they have these two people, a guy and a girl, who are so pretty they get paid to just stand outside the doors. and it actually worked. i wouldn't have even walked towards the store if the guy hadn't been so gorgeous. man, i wish i could do that for a job.. lol that'd be great.

after i dropped them off i went and picked up andrew for dinner.. uh.. eventful night, to say the least. i don't think i'll go into details about all that.

sunday we had an 8 am soccer game so i had to leave the house at 6:45.. it was gross. went on a huge guilt trip because we would have won if i had just.. grabbed that veronica girl or whatever and kept her from heading the ball. ew. so much guilt. after that, wilson stayed with me to watch mike play. i love watching guys games.. they're so much more fun to watch than ours. but yeah, that was fun. i got to talk with his sister stephanie. i had met her before that, but we never really talked, so it was nice.

anyway, uh.. computer science, math, and chem suck right now, and i'm going to be extremely mad at myself if i get a b this six weeks.. grr. better not get the car taken away.

i hate being confused.

i'm going to sound totally high when i say this, but have you ever had a hug that makes you tingle, almost like you connected with the person right there? one that makes you feel safe and.. i don't know, i can't explain. complete? loved? happy? i got a hug the other day that was just mind-blowing, as stupid as that sounds.

wow, on that note..

thanks wilson for helping me pump gas today =) i swear i did the same thing at the other place.. *cries* i felt so stupid.

ollie meeting tomorrow! i don't know what to think. i'm not sure if i'm even going to still try out. being ollie would really get complicated next year with scheduling and all.. i shouldn't even really be thinking that far ahead though, considering i'm so incredibly out of my league with these tryouts.. lol ah! oh well.

if it's the last thing you do, download anything (as in any song, not some song called anything..) by the rocket summer.

9 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[20 Mar 2003|11:20pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | alone together - the strokes ]

debating whether i should go to sleep or update..
usually updating would win.. but i'm tired guys.
have a fun friday =) we're almost to summer!

1 little star| twinkle twinkle

[20 Mar 2003|12:31am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | not nothin' - stroke 9 ]

so i went back to truth tonight. i always love going back and listening to the youth ministers talk and the sophomore guys play. afterwards i always feel so.. i don't know. it just relaxes me and keeps me on the right track.

after i dropped brandon off, i was about to turn on the cd player when i decided to turn on the news radio station to see if anything had happened in iraq. turns out, it had. by that time the tomahawk missiles and f117s (f117s, right?) had already hit. and while i was driving (stupid, stupid) i started crying. just because no matter how much i support the removal of saddam from power, i don't want our soldiers there, and i don't want civilians to be injured. but i calmed down and got home in time to watch the news and listen to bush's address. when i realized that they had been directly targeting saddam, it was a relief, but then i found out that they had been targeting him while he was supposedly meeting in a suburban neighborhood, which worried me. and then i found out that saddam had apparently armed his front lines with chemical weapons, which worried me even more.. i guess we'll find out all the details tomorrow morning. it should be interesting to see whether or not france actually rethinks their stance on the entire war now that saddam is on the verge of beginning biological warfare, since they said they would and all. not that they didn't say a lot of other things.. but anyway, i'm still very much in support of the entire thing, and the fact that other countries are more readily supporting us is an encouraging thought.

the thing (other than saddam arming his men with chemical weapons) that really, really angered me tonight was hearing about some of the protests, especially those in the us and australia. i'd like to re-post part of liz's last entry, which was a letter from her brother: Time magazine has an article about our troops and how they?re dishearten[ed] by the protest, it seems like a personal attack on them. They wonder if they?re going to get spit on when they arrive home for just doing their job, not patriotic duty but their job. I might not support the war fully but I completely support our arm[ed] forces. in my opinion (and apparently i'm not alone here), protesting isn't helping. the coalition won't stop the war just because a third of americans disagrees with the war, with even fewer protesting publicly. instead of anti-war, vandalism protests, maybe they should consider pro-bring our troops home, peaceful protests, instead. all they're doing right now is worrying our troops. another thing i liked from tan (liz's brother)'s letters was the bluntness about people protesting because these days, it's fashionable. If the betterment of society, altruism, the greater good of society and most important of, all saving lives are what these people are truly seeking then they should put efforts and resources in something that will bring greater benefit for their labor. But why is this not happening? Is it because it?s "cooler" to protest against something average citizens can see? Is it because their motives are not true, or is it because of human nature?...Protest, but protest Africa too, protest for the thousands of upon thousands of civilians who died in Kosovo and the former Yugoslavia too. Something more beneficial. very profound when he wants to be.

i'm not sure if anyone (i might've been the only one watching the news for that long) else saw saddam addressing his country, but if you didn't.. you missed out. kept telling his people that if they were for "peace, unity, and love" then they should "draw their sword" to defend their "glorious iraq". ha. he kept talking about how the "evil" would be swiftly defeated, and i kept thinking to myself: if only he knew how right he is.. some of his announcements were incredible. saying things about how the coalition forces would be embarrassed and defeated and how iraq would become their graveyard.. lots of other stuff, i don't remember it all. all i remember is how stupid he looked and sounded. oh, and i remember wondering if he had taped it before anything had ever happened, or if one of his doubles had spoken in his place. if the missiles were accurate and really did get saddam, would we ever know? would the saddam supporters ever admit it, especially on the very first night? i was also wondering if he has something up his sleeve.. not that we're being arrogant or underestimating him, but really, there's no way he could win this fight. unless of course, he plans to use weapons of mass destruction. that's still bothering me.

Long live Iraq! Long live Palestine! Long live our glorious nation and long live those who seek peace! does he seriously believe he's been seeking peace? what? i must be missing something.. besides that, including iraq and palestine in the same paragraph as "those who seek peace" is just wrong. but maybe that's just me..

i'm completely ignorant about muslim faith, so i'm not asking this question sarcastically, i just don't get it. is every war a muslim country participates in considered a jihad? i'm really confused about that. if not every war is considered a holy war, i don't understand why every time something occurs in the middle east, they seem to assume we're only involved so that we can belittle their religion. would it just be to receive more support from muslims around the world? i don't get it.

there was another depressing news story (surprised?) about some iraq-american man living in texas and worrying about his family. apparently, they were trying to leave baghdad before any fighting broke out, but saddam's soldiers forced them to stay within the city. just another way for him to commit genocide using his own people.

i did see one headline today that made me laugh. something about german and another country's phones being bugged? i don't remember the exact details, but i do remember finding it humorous. if the other country is france, i will be happy. i wonder if everything france is supposedly "covering up" will come out in the open after the war? i wonder what'll happen to our being allies? since the only reason they were helping us at all in the past two days was because they were forced to under ally agreements, it makes me think that our relationship with them won't be too hot in the future. but then again, since they chose to honor contracts with a fascist, terrorist dictator rather than un resolutions, will our government care all that much if we lose them as allies?

too much war stuff.

ms platter left school early, so i couldn't get the stupid equation from her. i got my other three though, so i guess we'll see. thank goodness tomorrow's a b day. i hope i'm not forgetting any homework =\ but i'm suuuper tired, so night night guys. have a good thursday tomorrow! only 14 hours of school left before the weekend. actually, less for gallo kids since we're going to the dma. woohoo =)

and make sure to pray, guys. for everything.

9 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[18 Mar 2003|08:23pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | my united states of whatever - liam lynch ]

today was relatively uneventful. mrs mcshan made a big deal out of a good grade and embarrassed me in spanish.. she might as well put me at the front of the class and tell them to throw things. i accidentally stabbed teddy with a pencil in chemistry =\ but i gave him a spongebob bandaid to make up for it, so.. yes. oh heck no, i'm gonna be so sore from working out in soccer today. at least we didn't try maxing out, i think i might have died. if all those crunches and ab exercises she has us doing don't pay off for summer..

i've calmed down a little since last night at midnight or whenever we were debating. but still.. *shakes fist* oh well.

friday's the annual video scavenger hunt for orchestra. to go or not to go? i haven't decided. i get the feeling it might get a little too complicated to figure out groups, but oh well.

i got several comments about my shirt and several stares when people didn't look at the picture or read anything past the first sentence.. (a pig holding a flower and saying "please don't eat me.. i love you") heh wow, people like to think i'm perverted. it's funny.

i don't know when gallo expects me to read this book she gave me.. unless i can finish kaffir boy in record time and then concentrate on her book.. but then i'll be sacrificing all those quiz grades. eh. i wish she had waited to give me extra reading until after we were done with our required books.

haha since i wasn't there thursday before break, i thought we were only reading ch 1-5, so i had to skim 6 before our quiz yesterday.. on the question about how johannes found ways to feed himself*, i had no idea, so i put "he ate dirt." think she'll like that answer? i think so.

someone broke into the powerade machine at the field house over spring break. it was a really depressing sight: the metal torn and twisted upward and totally void of powerades.. boo for stupid people.

so i guess i'll go get back to chores and homework. score.

hahahaha there was just a commercial on the edge about the risks of colon cancer, and some educational exhibit including a 40 (?) foot tall model of the colon.. haha oh man. i'm so childish. what's with all the creepy testosterone commercials, too? geez. the edge is going downhill, guys.

*stealing and fainting in front of shops. there was probably something else, too.. but.. yeah i didn't read, so i wouldn't know.

5 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[17 Mar 2003|09:34pm]
[ mood | peachy ]
[ music | american girls - weezer ]

okay. after watching bush's address and over an hour of "special programming", i can say i am much less opposed to this war. of course i still wish there were ways around it, but unfortunately, i don't think there are.

i am, however, completely apalled by the bush sr administration. i had no idea some of those things went on during the gulf war. i didn't think anything of politics when i was that young. hearing about how incompetently he handled things back then makes me hope that bush jr won't do anything without consulting his cabinet.

anyway, back to the war.. i've never wanted fighting and i've never thought highly of war, as is very obvious by all of you people calling me a "tree-hugging hippy" in recent years.. but if we don't start this war now, things will only become worse.

in an age of terrorism and chemical weapons, we don't have the luxury of sitting back and waiting for the enemy to lash out. i think bush is right to act preemptively. but that's not the primary reason for the war. the primary reason is saddam's blatant disregard for the ceasefire treaties signed twelve years ago. we've given him all the time in the world to follow the rules, and he still refuses. we've given him entirely too much time to comply. this should have been dealt with a long time ago, diplomatically if it had been possible, but it never was.

the thing people don't seem to realize is the only thing that will force saddam to give up, like grant said, is war. he doesn't understand diplomacy. as long as he is alive, and especially in power, he will continue to slaughter his own people and disregard world regulations.

i still wish a majority of leaders were on our side, but hopefully if everything goes well, the war will be vindicated. the world just needs to understand that this is a special case, and we aren't planning on attacking and restructuring other countries just because we don't like them. unfortunately.. i'm not so sure things will go as smoothly as our government plans, which might give the impression that america is the only nation who wanted this war. i guess we'll just have to see.

i also think that it's ridiculous for these world leaders to expect us to allow hussein more time. as if twelve years weren't enough. even the iraqi people went into a state of apathy concerning the war because there were so many idle threats. grant also reminded me about the seasons affecting our ability to fight. if we were to wait any longer, our troops would be in even more danger due to changing weather. plus, the longer things take, the more opportunities he'll have to strike out against citizens here and turn the rest of the world against us with his staged "proof" of our cruelty towards iraqis.

and as for those of you thinking, "well, why don't we just assassinate him instead of stirring up all this controversy?" it's been tried in the past. those involved in the plot were "brutally taken care of," which i don't really want to know about. besides that, it would be nearly impossible to find him. he's paranoid (for good reason) and he's taken endless precautions.

and just so everyone knows, maybe you already do, but i found it interesting: saddam's role model? joseph stalin.

oh ho ho.. everyone should read the article grant linked on his profile.

what all do you guys disagree with?

sorry geena, i just didn't want to post all of this in a humongous comment.

addition: apparently the anti-war protests are all set for tomorrow. they think they're helping our troops. right. first of all, we're already in this. we aren't backing down now. they can't stop the war-they should just save their energy. second, helping our troops?! the soldiers in the middle east want to be there. they're there voluntarily, and they understand that they're risking their lives for the good of the women of iraq, the kurds, the middle east, and in general, the world. so by protesting to "bring them home" (as if that's the main reason they're protesting), not only are people not helping, they're interfering with the operation of the government. the government should be focused on keeping citizens safe and contributing to the war effort instead of dealing with sanctimonious protests. we're in this. they should have carried out the protests before. the important thing now is to support our troops, be watchful, and stay proud. debating? fine, but protesting is a whole other thing.

another addition: while i'm here, i'd just like to say: screw france and everyone who thinks we're being childish by not acknowledging them here. we're reacting to the things they're doing. we didn't start all of this. they're supporting saddam! not only have they been allies in the past, iraq's military is using french weapons, and they threatened to use their veto against us in the un. excuse me? instead of just reasoning with people and trying to get their point across through logic, they use threats like that to gain power. they're like five year olds. and fine, maybe what we're doing is silly, but if they would just back us up instead of supporting a fascist regime.. they can just kiss my foot. if they reap any benefits from this situation, i will be extremely upset.

another addition: i'd just like to say that when i typed that last paragraph, i was a little riled up after reading a few articles. i've calmed down in a big way, but still. oh, and this is good to know. or good to believe, at least. and how completely appropriate that the french ambassador to iraq was the last ambassador to leave the country..

26 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[16 Mar 2003|06:07pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | say anything - good charlotte ]

ugh. so frustrating. i wonder how long it'll take for the entire group to be pissed at me? ugh. anyway.

my name might not be flinstone, but i can make your bed rock! hehe ;) funny stuff.

the aloe vera isn't working!! curses! my upper arms started peeling today =( i feel like goldmember.. gross.

right and the other thing that happened friday? manda and i went back to austin to visit teachers =) i love going back there. except for seeing the apathetic teachers.. eh. coach roth is awesome. i never had him, but he every single time i go back he remembers who i am and gives me a hug. anyway, ms dewitt and mr karbowski were funny, dr scott talked a lot, and mrs ferguson thinks we were the best class she's had (and really doesn't like her students now). fun times.

and i forgot to mention how insane my mom is. just ask anyone (minus katie) who went on the trip. i think i have a scar on my shoulder now.. evil..

it's funny.. the russian doesn't even know she's russian.

kara and thomas came over to work on english today.. i guess we'll see how the project turns out.. lol it should be interesting. especially if we get the bird thing worked out.. (just wait for tomorrow's update.)

*sigh* if bush goes to war tomorrow without UN support.. i will have a heart attack. i could maybe understand going to war if the entire world agreed with us, but not like this. i won't know what to think if it happens.

really don't want to clean or do my homework but i guess i should.. gnight guys.

7 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[15 Mar 2003|09:24pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | wondering - good charlotte ]

okay i'm thinking the best way to do this is boring old daily recap style:

friday wonderful day. i can't remember everything, but friday night was the game.. it was awesome. we played against north and won, 1-0. i played better than i have been and i think the team was finally clicking. and all it took was the entire season.. but yeah it was great. then i stayed to watch half of the guys game, they were playing well too. i never did find out how the game ended, though. at half i drove out to meet the team at joe's crab shack, where i got stuck at the end of the table because i hadn't arrived with the rest of the team. but it was good because i got to sit by liz! awoohoo! anyway so the waiter serving tables next to us was super cute and uh.. when he and our waitress started line dancing, amber and i got up to learn it and dance with them. so much fun. i want to go back just so i can dance again. after joe's, i stopped by barnes and noble and picked up the perks of being a wallflower. i finished it in florida-it was a really great book.

saturday packed for a majority of the day, i'm sure some other stuff happened that i can't remember, but whatever. amber, katie, wilson, and manda all came over and we left around nine pm or something. eventful car ride: tarps flying off, bungee cords popping, drunk guys from louisiana hitting on us at three am.. fun stuff.

sunday woke up in new orleans. went to eat the little.. benoits? not sure how to spell them. little square donut things caked in powdered sugar.. yum. fat. uhh.. after that, we got "attacked" by a pirate balloon man (scary) who made us all balloon bears. i got the only white bear.. i think he was saying something, but i have yet to figure it out. then the silver cowboy man grabbed (or whistled at, i can't remember) katie. pretty funny. amber and i got our palms read and did the tarot card thing, it was pretty cool but extremely vague. oh well. we walked down bourbon street, stopped in a lot of touristy shops, i went in a voodoo shop but everyone else was a litle freaked by that so they stayed outside. i don't know what else happened.. i can't really remember every little detail.. should have kept a journal.

monday-thursday discovered that destin doesn't have a lot to offer sixteen-year-olds.. we spent most of our time at the beaches, watching movies, playing putt-putt, and driving go-karts. went to joe's one night and got hit on by a reeeeeeally drunk guy from alabama state. the group ended up sitting next to us.. he passed out and puked all over the floor. it was quite gross. amber and i got up to dance with the waiters and waitresses for the train, but it ended just as we started. i got majorly burned because we spent like six hours on the beach and i didn't put on sunscreen (i'm going to die of skin cancer.. seriously, just wait and see), but most of it has faded into a tan now, so score one for me. uhh.. what else? met some gorgeous guys from minnesota and talked for a few minutes before discovering that they were too old for us.. met some semi-cute guys from tennessee and talked for a few minutes before discovering that they were too young and boring for us.. first time driving go-karts, and i realized i'm a very violent driver with them-i think i was the reason for like four of the sideways car incidents..

whatever, it was fun. if i remember anything (important) that i left out, i'll add it or something.

mexicrew 03! stupid russian..

scary seagulls, scary drunk guys, scary little moms.. but at least we got a lot of inside jokes out of it all =)

friday got back into town sometime in the afternoon. andrew's flight left at 4:30 so i missed him, but after talking to him, i think we're "officially" back together again. good thing, too.. i've missed him a lot over the past couple months. anyway, went to see the recruit with mike and rusty. i love my guys =) and it was a really great movie, so last night was fun.

today manda's bday!! i ran a few errands, picked up pictures, went to the key club car wash ( good job on mine, ai =) ), picked up a cd-car cassette player converter thing, so it'll do until my parents decide to get me the cd player. uhhh.. oh, right. finally pumped gas myself!! i had to have help from the little shop guy, though.. it was pretty pathetic. he must have thought i was a huge goober. oh well. after all that, i called liz and we went shopping downtown. AH it was awesome. i love shopping. i love cute guys who shop while i shop. but then, we were leaving the parking lot and about to drive home, when these people pulled in the spot next to ours.. and started having sex. in the parking lot. in broad.. well, lamplight. dirty dallas people.. it was so gross!! i was just sitting there, minding my own innocent business, turning to put on my seatbelt, when i see this lady's nekked (it doesn't deserve a naked. they were too nasty. nekked.) ass right in front of me!! i freaked out! ugh. anyway, that was our experience for the day..

then i dropped liz off and drove home with the sunroof open, windows down, and stereo blaring. it was wonderful. stopped by subway to pick up a semi-healthy dinner, and.. here i am =)

idaho? no, udaho!! (i'm so making this shirt..)

i hope everyone had (or has, in some cases) a really great spring break.

4 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[15 Mar 2003|10:03am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | cha cha cha - jimmy luxury ]

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear manda alligator
happy birthday to you!

suckas. i beat (most of) you all =)

i promise the recap from florida is coming, i've just been a little busy and tired..

twinkle twinkle

[05 Mar 2003|07:40pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | for nancy - pete yorn ]

urgent: i still have no idea what i'm going to wear for the interview tomorrow.

ugh.. i'm so nervous. i don't even know why. do i really even want to go to tams? so stupid for not sending in an application to uwc..

uil was gross. i thought we did well in the concert, but we ended up getting 2 2 1.. ew.. but we got straight ones in sightreading.. i guess that's something to be proud of..? not really. that's like.. hundreds of hours of rehearsals and classes and concerts that i'll never get back. i want to read the comments. now. i wouldn't mind all that much, except i thought we did well. maybe i'll realize it when we listen to the recording. probably.

finally got a garland library card tonight. woohoo, that means i have cards for three different library systems in the metroplex. i'm the geek. not just a geek. the geek.

the texas canine society or something like that just called for my dad.. coincidence? i think not. too bad the jerk hung up when i told him my dad wasn't interested. hmph. shouldn't be rude to potential revenue, old man.

uhh what else? last night, our game against north mesquite was awesome. i actually played well, something i've been struggling with this season. we tied and had to go into a shootout. we lost there, but whatever. in my mind, we so tied them. and they're the first place team. yay for us!

aww.. guys are so sweet on surveys =) they need to say stuff like that all the time.

hmm.. i can't think of anything else and mom's calling for dinner. i'll update again if another urgent thing comes to mind. good luck to all the gallo kids, and gnight to everyone else =)

ps: i picked up a packet for ollie stuff today.. we shall see..

pps: i don't like it when people scare me while i'm driving. coughbrandoncough. good luck with old lady van holten! haha after watching the bus incident, i think she might have a thing for you.. =)

ppps: decided what i'm going to wear. fat pale blue turtleneck + grey pants.. and my letter jacket.. i think i look too mom-ish or something. it's kinda frumpy. oh well. i guess it's better than a slutfest, right?

2 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[03 Mar 2003|09:47pm]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | oh, goddamnit - hot hot heat ]

i love driving =)

picked up andrew and after talking to his dad and seeing his room, we drove to the smoothie factory/starbucks corner. we decided to get smoothies because we had never been in there before. it was really scary.. and.. not inviting at all. like a factory (yeah, sadly, it took me a while to realize the correlation). i got one with coconut and mango and stuff, since i'm daring and all.. it was gross. he got something with strawberries and oranges i think.. whatever it was, it was yummy. i ended up drinking like half of his.

we drove to wilson's house only to find out that she was at katie's doing senior night stuff, so we drove to katie's to see them and get a quote from sarabeth for yearbook. they were just leaving to paint jessie's car, so we headed back home after a few minutes.

we drove around a little bit more and when i dropped him off, he gave me my surprise. =) i like his surprises.

now i'm home, on the verge of exploding from all this english homework.. *sigh* this week is going to be crazy. oh well. only fifteen hours of real class left for me before we're off for spring break! woohoo!

still freaked out about the tams interview thursday. i don't know even know what to wear..

2 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[03 Mar 2003|05:18pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | is this really happening to me - phantom planet ]

friday night we beat lakeview. coach moved me up to center mid (i hated it) and i got to hit this one annoying girl. after that rusty bailed on us, but timmer, wilson, scott, mike, and brenton all came over and we watched from hell. the guys discovered i'm ticklish.. ugh. anyway, i had a lot of fun.

saturday we had an early game against naaman. it was pretty gross, but nikki got a yellow card for slide tackling me from behind, so it was all worth it in the end. katie and i drove to my house, i changed, and we drove back to watch the guys game. after that we tried going to like 4 car washes before we finally found one that would take quarters.. piece of crap car wash!! it didn't do anything. we drove to her house and she helped me wash it before i went home. i'm waiting until it's warm outside and i'm just going to do it myself.. ripoff car washes..

after that, mike called. i picked up katie, brenton, and mike, and we went to a thrift store.. it was really ew.. i don't like that place. the guys bought some stuff and we came back over here to watch road to perdition and braveheart. i was fine through the first movie.. but between the two, the guys attacked me and were tickling me to death, and i spazzed or something and my back hit the chair right where i had gotten kicked during the game that morning. wow it sucked. i had to ice it and i got this huge migraine.. it was just yuck.

sunday i slept. and vegged. i watched enemy at the gates and the green mile, both awesome movies, and i got to watch alias! yay =) it was nice to have a down day.

today.. was great. i think just telling myself i was having a good day helped.

i woke up late, but it was okay. i managed to finish everything, get ready, get to gallo's room to check my rough and still not be late to orchestra. we played the entire time this morning, which kind of sucked, but whatever. i don't mind so much anymore. in chem i actually had fun. i tried not to let ms lively get on my nerves, and i actually felt a little sorry for her. some of my classmates, however.. should be put out of their misery. spanish was spanish, but today was funny and loud. during lunch i got yearbook quotes and finally got to go back to my end of the table to sit with friends. when we went back to spanish, someone *ahem* was manhandling me, and i think mrs mcshan was a little weirded out. i felt like a huge loser at soccer because coach ordered me to only use my left foot.. so for the entire practice, i had to dribble, shoot, cross, clear, and pass left-footed or risk doing some kind of punishment. it was awful.

sorry so boring. i know, i know =\

it's nice to be right =) haha man.. good stuff.

mm.. andrew called and wanted to go out tonight, so i guess we'll see how that goes. he's supposed to have a surprise for me.. a little weird, but aw.. it's nice to talk to him. i didn't realize how much i missed talking to him over the phone until he called last night.

(neglectnormalcy, i was going to leave a comment, but ohhh lots of people got there before me) eee, i'm so glad you had fun! it sounded awesome. if there are ever any shows in dallas that you want to see, you really should come up.

only four days until destin.. i'm getting antsy.

lol good luck with that.. didn't take very long.

twinkle twinkle

[27 Feb 2003|10:42am]
[ mood | floopy ]
[ music | hello - sugarbomb ]

i went downstairs for donuts at 4 am.. fell asleep on the couch. i don't really remember what was going through my head. probably something like "too many stairs.."

so.. angry.. UGH. be proud for now, because it won't be that way next time.

got in a big messy fight last night. hopefully we'll talk today and get it all figured out. it drives me crazy when he leaves in the middle of an argument. then again, he had school today.. haha sucka.

coach butler called to talk to me last night. after we finished talking, she asked for phone numbers.. i didn't have the ones she needed. it made me feel like a really bad captain.. but oh well, she got them from amber.

i swear, if we have to make up our game on saturday.. ick.

three days, it's madness. jacob's mom said something about if the gas company advises us not to go to school, we don't have to make up the days? i don't know, it sounds crazy but she's a teacher. whatever. *shrug* we can only hope..

yeah, enjoy the last ice day kids.

twinkle twinkle

[25 Feb 2003|10:29pm]
[ mood | numb ]
[ music | love soon - john mayer ]

this morning i woke up to the sound of your body is a wonderland and little kids screeching outside.. the downside to living in the corner of the neighborhood that tips downward. when it floods, the water reaches mid-lawn. when it snows, all the kids come to ruin the prettiness and quiet.

anyway, i went out to see how icy it was and (surprise, surprise) fell right on my butt. in a tshirt and shorts. it was then that i decided to stay indoors for a majority of the day.

so i watched movies. megan came over, and we talked about everything. it was nice to catch up with her, especially since we haven't talked in years. we share a lot of the same opinions (ie when she read something this morning and said "what the hell was that supposed to mean?" which were my sentiments exactly) and it's nice to have an unbiased opinion from someone away from all the hubbub.

heh.. hubbub..

but yeah some girl had to be careflighted out of the creek/field thing behind my house. she hurt her neck pretty badly, but i'm not sure what happened. just hope she's okay.

dude, you know.. whatever. if saying stuff like that makes you feel better, then fine. it's sad, really.

funniest things today:
- my 6'5" 19 year old neighbor scooting on ice in his recycling bin
- megan's mom sliding all the way down the driveway in her work clothes
- 4 kids from rhs in a go-kart turning donuts and trying to walk away but just falling over
- i'm sure seeing me falling down was funny to someone.. i can't imagine who, though..

bourne identity is a great movie. oh man.

cardinals in the snow are so beautiful, goodness.

i love talking to people i haven't talked with in a long time. especially when you feel like you can immediately open up to them. it's so different. i guess i can open up to the people who aren't close to me ten times easier than i can to friends. and talking to the guy i was talking to last night is just so.. nice. just because he's been there, he understands. that's what i can never find. advice from people who have been in my place.

anyway, that was nice last night.

have another fun snow day!! two consecutive days.. it must be a record for gisd.

6 little stars| twinkle twinkle

[24 Feb 2003|10:23pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | little less conversation - elvis ]

school!! cancelled!! huzzah!

maybe i should write more notes to the weather.

twinkle twinkle

[24 Feb 2003|06:54pm]
[ mood | chilly ]
[ music | barely legal - the strokes ]

ah i got kinda wrapped up in my friends entry yesterday and didn't really think about updating about saturday.

so saturday was mike's february church dance (he's been asking me to go to one of the dances since october, but it's never worked out). katie came over beforehand and helped me get ready and mike's older sister came with him and her friend to pick us up. we drove over to get rusty, and showed up at the dance a little early.

we met some of the guys we had met the night before, but actually met them this time. brenton (sp?) has to be one of the funniest guys i know =) i'm so glad i went, just so i can hang out with some of the guys another time.

we met brittany. she's really pretty and quiet, we didn't talk too much because she and mike were spending time together. her dad's a beast!! i feel sorry for mike, he has to be freaked.

anyway the dance was kind of boring and evil-looking girls were glaring at and whispering about me, so we got rob to drive us (katie, rusty, brenton, and me) to rusty's house to pick up his van and go to the movies.. had to alter the plans.. anyway, we went back to the dance to pick up mike.. and he ditched us. grrr.

so i'm mad at mike. everyone else in the van was pretty ticked as well.

katie and i got rusty to drive through pizza hut, stopped and rented van wilder, and went back to his house. i told them we probably shouldn't get it.. because we were in mixed company.. but brenton and rusty wanted "boobies" (...not attractive guys, let me tell you) so we ended up watching it. got home around 12:45 and got a lecture about being out late and how drinking and driving aren't smart.

i told my mom that i'd never do anything like that, and if i was stupid enough to, i wouldn't be driving. she said something like "it's not you i worry about," so i made the point that drunks and druggies and stupid people are on the road in the daytime too, to which she replied "well, i guess you're right."

ha. score one for heather.

anyway. sunday was a sleepfest. no english homework (miraculously) and i got to watch alias. i had a fun sunday. monday, however.. monday was crap. i find out that i'm making 3 b's (on two a day classes.. which i missed 4 day of. surprise surprise). so i guess what "privileges" are going to be taken away once my report card hits home.

dear sleet, please gather up around curtis culwell's house tonight and freeze his pipes and driveway. maybe if he can't get to work tomorrow, he won't make the rest of us go to school.. or at least we won't have the witchy librarian there. thank you, heather.

twinkle twinkle

[22 Feb 2003|11:52am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | tomorrow comes today - gorillaz ]

due to everyone bugging the heck out of me for not updating.. hi kids. i haven't been bumming around livejournal as much as i used to. uhh what's happened since i last updated? i'm thinking.. too much to bore you with. but..

i'll try. )

twinkle twinkle

[09 Feb 2003|01:20am]
i just found out my cousin died last week.

he was only 11. he was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 9. i was only with him in person a few times, because he lived in north dakota, but i loved him so much..

he was such a good kid.

i can't believe i hadn't seen him in so long, or that i'm only just now finding out. i can't believe i couldn't go to his funeral.

i guess i just i can't believe he's gone.
1 little star| twinkle twinkle

[09 Feb 2003|12:20am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | bubble toes - jack johnson ]

yesterday i got my license =) finally. and i just got back from driving myself to wendy's! yay! driving around the neighborhood because you want to listen to a whole song on the radio = true nerdiness.

i also got my sat scores. i guess i'm happy enough with them. mrs gallo was when she found out, too. my parents aren't very pleased though. sigh. oh well. what else can i do?

lost to north mesquite last night. surprise surprise. i'm starting to get burned out about soccer this year. just ask wilson.. she knows what i think about it. after the game my parents wouldn't let me stay for the guys game, so we went to traildust. i love the appetizers and desserts there =) and the french fries! heck yeah.

ahh i forgot how great sleeping until 1pm can be. it was nice today. then i goofed off for however long and after washing clothes, convincing dad to give me money, and driving to the bank, had to make danny wait while i finished getting ready.. sorry about that.

felt pretty crappy on account of the whole.. hacking-cough-sickness thing. but eh.

after a while, the mall got boring, so we went to see chicago. i wasn't really expecting it to be so much of a musical. it was really good, but.. i don't know. they broke into song and (exotic) dance numbers every 5 minutes. i started to dread another music number. that and queen latifah's song.. *shudder* don't want to remember it.

drove from the movies to clinton's house to play risk. they hadn't started yet even though we were like 30 minutes late. it was pretty awkward.. at least in the beginning.. it got better i guess, but still. and since i have never played risk, was the only sophomore, and felt pretty out of place the entire time, i'm sure they all think i'm the most boring person alive now. score one for heather.

aww.. clinton's cat is cute.. and i think i've finally found a cat that weighs more than mouse.

i'm now on a mission to learn how to play risk. and chess.

i got bored )

15 little stars| twinkle twinkle

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