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happy girl

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[04 Jun 2004|07:46pm]
[ mood | amused ]

so we've gone from the cat hating me (like, running away from me all the time, not liking to be petted, and forget me trying to pick him up) to the cat deciding that it's jealous of the computer and trying to leap into my lap. :) (where he is now curled up, purring away.) i shouldn't be as pleased about this as i am. i may need to stop saying that i'm an anti-pet person, at this rate.

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[04 Jun 2004|10:05am]
[ mood | babbly ]

i am feeling so slack this morning. my brain has forgotten the concept of work, it seems. it'd better come around, i have invoicing to do and bills to pay.

today's plan is to try to bounce out of work fairly early, go run the last couple of errands, get some lunch (i have a coupon for free food at a local chicken place), go home, do the last of the cleaning, and fall over. maybe do some knitting, maybe watch a movie.

it's an awfully dreary day outside, but the air feels good - soft. it keeps trying to drizzle. i kind of hope the sun comes back out this weekend, though.

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[03 Jun 2004|09:30pm]
eventually, the single-minded wonder and surprise of putting on clothes and finding them to be bigger than the last time i wore them will wear off. not anytime soon, though.

so that's how the morning started. :)

work was work. everything is important, everything needs to be done now now now. i am rather glad that my future plans do not include the legal field.

this evening has been a lot of trying to find some energy somewhere, and a little of cleaning and straightening, and a lot of talking to my sister. :) when Jeni gets home, there will be a trip to the grocery store. i don't have to be at work until 930, huzzah. too bad i can't sleep as late as that implies.
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[02 Jun 2004|10:23pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

gah. my order for my psych book got cancelled by the bookseller. and they were pretty much the only place that had it, at least for any less than the school. time to suck it up and buy it from them...

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[02 Jun 2004|10:17pm]
a couple of Mondays ago, Amber and i were walking to beer night when we passed by a restuarant and she said "That's the Rockford. really really good sandwiches."

so tonight after swimming with Tonya, George was coming to eat dinner with us, and that's where he suggested. and it, in fact, pretty damned good. and fairly cheap, considering the quantity of food. i'll be going back.

swimming with Tonya was good, though she, like Jeni, can swim circles around me.

we talked about ice cream or games or something, but i demurred, on the grounds that i needed to get home and settle down in the hopes of being able to fall asleep in half an hour or so. i'm turning into an old lady, but one that hates to be a zombie in the morning.
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[02 Jun 2004|12:28pm]
[ mood | =) ]

yay verily, it is yon three days until my boyfriend is here. :) during which time i need to finish cleaning my room, procure more food and booze, and try not to go nuts from anticipation and a touch of nervousness.

other than that, there isn't much going on in the world of Joyce.

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[01 Jun 2004|04:19pm]
[ mood | mmm, books ]

reading for May )

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[01 Jun 2004|09:57am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | whatever the hell my boss is listening to ]

this morning's lesson: trying to read F. Scott Fitzgerald on the bus while you're still half asleep is a futile effort.

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[31 May 2004|11:56pm]
it was a lovely, lovely weekend.

Saturday i rolled into work for awhile - yay for extra money. i only went in for about four hours - much more than that, and i risk making my tendonitis flare up (we were doing data entry stuffs). i checked and my train was reported to be running about 20 minutes late. that doesn't mean a whole lot, when it's that little, so i went ahead and left work on time to get checked in and get the train if it was running on time. i got to call Jeff on the way, which was nice.

so, i get checked in, and the train is reported at half an hour late, which for the southbound train isn't all that bad. i talk to Jeff and wait around until they call the train. we all get loaded up, we pull about two minutes out of the station, and ... we stop. this occurred over the whole ride - apparently we were behind a slow moving freight train. so it was go, stop, go stop until Durham. two.five hours on the train. on the plus side, i got half a book read and a couple feet done on the ultimate instant gratification knitting project, the double-stranded stockinette stitch scarf. :)

my sister picked me up, and we trucked home. there were crab cakes for dinner, some Scrabble, more talking to Jeff on the phone, and some sleeping like the dead, for which i was grateful, since i normally don't sleep all that well at my parent's.

Sunday was more reading and knitting and a nap while they were all at church, and hanging out with the sister and more scrabble and hot dogs on the grill for dinner and getting to drive to and from the grocery store, and having even my sister tell me that i didn't do too badly.

today was running out to the mall because the sister needed to get a wedding present and mom needed a swim suit. i got one of Jeff's birthday presents. we came home and - what else - played more scrabble, got some lunch, napped a bit. the other sister showed up eventually - she has a couple days off from camp she's working at - with a friend in tow, just long enough to say hi and eat some dinner and collect a couple hugs before dad had to take me out to the train station.

i had a fantastic weekend. i love my family. i'm looking forward to getting to see more of sister the younger in three weeks, when i'll be home for mom's birthday and yon sister's time off while actually line up with the weekend.

the train ride home was uneventful and only a little late. i walked up to The Saucer and had a pint with [info]ambermae and [info]cheshire and Mark and his girl, and then Amber gave me a ride home (thank you, dearie) and i've been catching up on LJ ever since (it was good to unplug for a couple days, but it did make for a lot of LJ to read :) and soon it'll be time to fall over.
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[29 May 2004|01:25am]
did work. did work part II. did a library run to drop off stuff, and a grocery run for booze and cookies and dinner. did the walk to Amber's, and helping her clean and put together food. did the party, where i saw a lot of folks that i hadn't seen in years, had some good conversations, and ran out of energy early. T&G; gave me a lift home (thanks guys). i'm tired. sleep soon.

(i could post a tired whiny rant about missing my boy, but y'all could recite it by heart now anyhow. being around a lot of coupled people makes it worse. soon, soon.)
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[27 May 2004|10:39pm]
[ music | Dido - Here With Me ]

last night: Jeni made a wonderful huge dinner (bagettes and havarti, baked salmon with mango chutney, asparaghas, wild rice, and peach crisp). it was really incredibly good. she invited over Walter, and had me invite over [info]gorski, and we all ate too much and discussed politics and the blogging world (not together).

today: work. wheehaw. but it was bigpayday (i get paid every other week at both jobs, but they're on opposite weeks. i get more hours at the lawyers, so that's the "big" check) which helped. walked over to Pullen after, went swimming, and walked home. it took me about 50 minutes, walking lazily and cutting across campus. i had salad and a quesidilla for dinner, and did some dishes, and proved conclusively that i need a spreadsheet to be able to add.

tomorrow: work at the design place, then work at the lawyer's (extra work. extra money. woohaw. especially since i just paid tuition.) then [info]ambermae's housewarming party.

saturday: more work, maybe, if i don't get done tomorrow afternoon. then i head home for the weekend, back monday night. i badly need some time away from computers, so i'm not taking the laptop with. i'll have the cell with. you can call or text me by emailling my phone number @messaging.sprintpcs.com, in case, oh, i dunno, aliens land in raleigh or something.

let me suffer in the delusion that someone besides my boyfriend might want to talk to me over the weekend. :)

heh. back monday. work the rest of the week. my boy gets in Saturday, and that week is going to fly, and then it's going to be the middle of June and i'm going to be wondering where it went.

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[25 May 2004|12:10am]
[ mood | content and effing tired ]

work wasn't nearly as bad as i expected it to be, which was keen. after work, i walked over to Pullen and Jeni and i did our swimming thing. she dropped me off at [info]ambermae's, where Ms. Amber fed me fat ham and cheese and tomato sandwiches and pineapple and chocolate. we walked over to the Saucer for Beer Night, which Jeni came back out for, and [info]gorski, and [info]cheshire, whom i hadn't seen in something like 3 years. we were all slightly tipsy and having a good time, and eventually took off and wandered around a bit, and then Cranky Tired Joyce reared her head, and we came home.

it was a lovely day, but i really need to crash soon...

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[23 May 2004|09:19pm]
it's rolling thunder out there again. i really hope that it's not doing that tomorrow when we want to go swimming.
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*sigh* [23 May 2004|06:51pm]
crafty types: i have a lovely pair of frosted glass candlesticks. they were sitting on my desk, and i was pulling my laptop off of my desk, and one got wrapped up in the cord and knocked over. this has happened before without consequence, but this time, it broke. it wasn't a simple break, either - i've got three or four large pieces of glass and several smaller ones, so i can't just superglue it together.

so... ideas? is there any sort of really strong epoxy that i could use to bind the two pieces together? (not elegant, but better than my original only half joking thought of duct tape ) could i just use a saw and even up the broken ends, which would make it shorter but gluable together? the damned things weren't cheap, and i don't want to just throw away the broken one.
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[23 May 2004|05:30pm]
[ mood | content/tired ]

slept late. went to a Stamp Camp at [info]xara_'s with the Jeni. sat around and chatted. went to the Farmer's Market. shared some hush puppies and tea, and got sugar snap peas, peaches, tomatoes, apples, and carrot cake. between that and the fruit run last week, we are a household afloat in produce.

tonight's plans seem to be being lazy, making cookies, and talking to my Jeff (who will be here in two weeks, huzzah. i'm going daft, missing that boy) and trying to go to bed early.

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[23 May 2004|01:55am]
today was a lot of reading, some cleaning, a lot of lazing, more reading, a very long walk with [info]gorski around Lake Johnson, fried ravioli for dinner, ice cream with [info]xara_ and [info]feebdaed (key lime cheesecake, which was just incredible) and games and chattering with them and Gorski and [info]ambermae. it was a pretty good day.

and now it's almost 2am, and despite my good intentions, i've thrown off my sleep schedule, which means tomorrow night is going to be bad, so it's time to put in a call to my Jeff and then pass out.
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[22 May 2004|05:12pm]
does anyone (local) have a spare tennis racket that i could borrow on a shortermish basis? [info]ambermae wants me to learn, and i'd like to make sure i like the sport before i buy one of my own.
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[22 May 2004|11:21am]
i will never understand how two girls make so many dishes. granted, we like food, but still... :)

we have a clean kitchen. my room's on its way to being clean, too. i should run a load of laundry, but i'm lacking in quarters. and i've done a lot of reading, and it's on 11. go go gadget me, or something... i guess this is what happens when i get eight hours of sleep.
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more adventures in cooking [21 May 2004|09:05pm]
[ mood | mmm, soup :) ]

dear self:

1. next time, remember to check the recipe first and get the condensced broth.
2. next time, buy a lot of bread and make the croutons. you know they're worth it.



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[20 May 2004|07:57pm]
tonight was an experiment in cooking... we have these bone-in thighs that we got because they're ultra cheap, but we're too lazy to use them for anything but baked chicken. so i had the bright idea of trying an oven-baked version of [info]hap's Chicken Marsala, on the principle that it would be easier to make (bake chicken, pour over sauce, bake more) and use up some these thighs.

it's certainly not bad, but it's also not nearly as good, either. the chicken is tender, but didn't pick up that much of the wine sauce taste. it probably could have been breaded more, too.

ohwell. it's not bad, but probably not an effective shortcut. i'm glad i didn't make enough for leftovers (we have enough leftovers right now to feed a small nation).

however, turning on the oven to 425 for 45 minutes turned the kitchen to roasting... tomorrow night we're scheduled for French onion soup. i will flee the kitchen for that; at least it doesn't need much tending.
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