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Just a little venting...I wanted to scream in the kitchen... [27 Jul 2003|09:25pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | "waiting" - sugar ray (great song) ]

Don't ever come over to our house saying that you clean this house more than your own. Don't sit there and tell us how you always clean our house. MY ASS! There is forever a mess around this house that specifically you and my brother leave around. And would you care to know who gets yelled at for the mess being layed around the house after you two have already left? Yes, that's right, me and my little brothers are the ones yelled at because you two choose to leave the house without cleaning up crap. My parents have had many of convorsations about this topic, I am not the only one noticing this, I promise.

Comments: 6 Smiles - Make me smile..

my daddy's funny. [28 Jun 2003|04:25pm]
I'm listening to "don't speak" by no doubt. the guitar solo comes on, and my dad's sitting there whistling along to it. haha, i found that amusing.
Comments: 2 Smiles - Make me smile..

interesting.... [28 Jun 2003|04:02pm]
Happy Deathday!
Your name:Leah Danielle
You will die on:Friday, October 11, 2024
You will die of:Food Poisoning
Created by Quill
Comments: Make me smile..

[11 Jun 2003|01:45pm]
[ mood | a pathetic human being, ]
[ music | known as raman. ]

oh yeah, my best friend is coming home tommorow. YAY!

Comments: 2 Smiles - Make me smile..

Pic-a-tures! [08 Jun 2003|07:53pm]

New pic-a-tures. I would've put some in of Alex being blonde, but he threatened me, I sorry people. :0)
Comments: 1 Smile - Make me smile..

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ok, I relieved something. [08 Jun 2003|06:05pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | my brother, zach, and some other guy playing ]

How the hell is it all my fault? How the hell am I bringing this upon myself? She has no idea what's f*cking goinf on. No idea. She just goes by what she hears from his mom. And he doesn't tell him mom much shit at all! GRRRRRR! Stupid people, I swear.

Comments: Make me smile..

found this interesting... [08 Jun 2003|10:25am]

Yupp, bling bling has been added into the dictionary.
Comments: Make me smile..

Today [31 May 2003|11:58pm]
[ mood | blah ]

High points:
*Talked to Jeffwey on the phone for a little while.
*Got to play with little kids.
*Me and Alex got Shauna to make us food.
*Got to hang out with Rob and Gabe.
*Gabe and Rob made up a hella funny song.
*Gabe made me a bowl of ice cream and added cookie dough.
*Rob bought a ticket off of me for the car wash
*Anthony IMed me while I had my away message up and hecka made me smile.
*One more paragraph, and I'm done with my essay.

Low Points
*I missed the NFG/Good Charlotte conert tonight to finish my essay.
*Nikko has a hurt hip and a weird bump on his head.
*Little boy was scaring me running by the pool and getting a little too brave... my daddy laughed at me for worrying so much.

Comments: 1 Smile - Make me smile..

interesting. Do you think any of these are actually true. [31 May 2003|12:01pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | "california girl" - lucky 7 ]

Christina Ricci
You're Christina Ricci. Beautiful.

What sexy girl are you
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're the loving smile,the one that is entirely
devoted to others,especially that one
person.You really can't get them out of your
head,but then,you don't really want to.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

playing footsie
footsie - you like to goof around and laugh with
the people you care about.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ok, I think the boredum is done now.

Comments: Make me smile..

Look Alex, we're twins! yay! :0) [04 May 2003|12:01pm]

You Can Talk to Animals!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

Last night was senior ball... details later, i'm off to great america. :0)
Comments: Make me smile..

[15 Apr 2003|03:47pm]
[ mood | unwanted ]
[ music | my little brothers playing. ]

My brother Derrick used to do everything with me. My brother Derrick used to have long talks with me. My brother Derrick used to hang out with me. My brother Derrick used to ask me to do things with him.
My brother Derrick seems to have a new sister now.

Just once, I'd like to see him ask me to do something without him noticing I'm pissed.

Don't try to make up for it after you see I'm hurt by it. You think that's going to make it all better.

And don't say I have no right to complain because I don't ask him to go places with me. You know who you are. I have every right to complain.

Go ahead. Ignore this too.

Comments: 2 Smiles - Make me smile..

[13 Apr 2003|07:51am]
I like how, even when I'm down, little things that people do will make me smile.
Comments: 1 Smile - Make me smile..

[02 Apr 2003|04:37pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | "when I'm with you" - brodie ]

Yesterday, after my post, me and Zach were bored, so we made a note from Scott's stalker (Tracy... real stuff dude, she's creepy) and we left it on his door as an april fools day joke. Then me, him and Jared all went to starbucks, it was nummy :0) Then I got a call from Justin. Him and Lavale pulled the funniest april-fools-day joke ever! Lavale called up Mark and told Mark that Lavale broke up with April because he has a crush on a guy that goes to Antioch. Mark HELLA believed it. He called Justin all flipping out afterwards. It was just funny :0) 1/2 way through the time that we were on the phone, Scott calls me saying "omg Leah, she's out of control, my dad knows about it now and he's called the cop, and bla bla bla." and I was like "oh no!! you're kidding, right?" and he was being hella serious and I was just thinking 'oh no!' But eventually, he said he was kidding, lol. But he did really think it was Tracy untill Chris told him it was April-fools-day.. then he realised it was me, lol. So after that, I continued to talk to Justin. We were on the phone for like 3 1/2 hours without even realizing it, lol. It was cool though, he's good people.
Today, Mark STILL thinks Lavale is gay. That's hilarious. We were gonna break the news to him after school, but we didn't find him. oh well. lol. I'm COMPLETELY finished with my picture now! I matted it today during 2nd period and lunch. All I need to do now is the paper work. Go me :0) Right now I'm researching stuff on Gay Parenting. I need to write a 10 page essay on a controversal topic, and I chose that one. Anyone have anything I can say on it? :0)
Well, bye journal.

Comments: Make me smile..

[25 Mar 2003|02:22am]
[ mood | raman ]

hey, i called.
we'll go shopping,k?
i'll buy you a pillow.
and we can be girly, or stupid, or whatever.

Comments: 5 Smiles - Make me smile..

on a plus note.. [24 Mar 2003|10:49pm]
My brother just brought home some pictures. They're from the time me and natasha wrote a note from "Tacy" and left it on Scott's car with a bunch of kisses all over it. When my scanner works, I'll post them.. they're so funny.
Comments: 4 Smiles - Make me smile..

wow, it's 6:22 already? [24 Mar 2003|06:22pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | "hanging by a moment" - lifehouse ]

So today was ok I guess. We slept in. I thought Jared was gonna wake us up, Sammy thought I was gonna wake us up, I dunno what Jared though, but ya, we slept in a little. I got up and threw up.. that's always yummy. So I took Sammy to school, Jared skated, and I came home and slept! At 1000 Derrick woke me up to tell me that Nikko means "Sunshine" in japanese so, techincally, we have two dogs named sunshine. Kinda amusing, lol. Then he told me he was making chocolate chip pancakes and they'd be ready soon. So about 20 mins later I call the house from my cell (yes, I'm that lazy) and tell him to bring me some pancakes, haha. He said "no, come out here, Alex is gonna come over" and I was like "ya, whatever, bring me my food." So he brought me some pankcakes and Shauna brought me some orange juice :0) lol, I'm so spoiled sometimes. So then I eat and then put my dishes in the sink and they're still saying "Alex is gonna come over, Alex is gonna come over, you better get dressed or something." And I was just like "ok, haha, you're funny" so then I brush my teeth, go lay on the couch, Derrick and Shauna leave to pick up Derrick's truck, and who walks in the door? Yupp, Alex. lol, it was a good semi-surprise though. So he ate some pancakes and hung out for while and I got a really, really long hug before he left, which is always great :0) So after he left, I took a shower and went to school. I had to turn in my ticket money and clean out the dressing rooms and say bye to everybody :0( I'm gonna miss not seeing them all the time. The only person in that cast I see everyday is Alex, because he's in my 4th period with me. I hope we all remain friends :0) So after all that, I went to flag practice. It was good I guess. I felt a little out of place there today. Maybe because I'm just not all here today. I dunno, anyways, so after that I come home and went to go check on my grandma because she's sick. She's so out there right now. She called my cousin, my cousin called her back and she said she never called her in the first place. She started drinking coffee out of a measuring cup. She grabbed a plate, forgot what for, grabbed another plate, and didn't know what she wanted to put on it. Poor her :0/ And well, i'll write about the rest of my day later, Sammy is have a PMS attack, AGAIN. bye journal.

Comments: Make me smile..

copied alecia. [23 Mar 2003|01:21pm]
[ music | my brothers are playing some song ]

What Planet Are You From?

this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim
Comments: Make me smile..

My stupidity amazes me [20 Mar 2003|05:38pm]
Rammy4594: just came from the florist. wink wink.
BaLoOiSaPiMp: wink, wink?
BaLoOiSaPiMp: where'd you really go??
Rammy4594: lol, to the florist, ya freak.
BaLoOiSaPiMp: what's at the florist?
Rammy4594: um, flowers.
Rammy4594: dude, i got you flowers.
BaLoOiSaPiMp: ohhh ya, that's what they do, huh?
Rammy4594: youre so slow.
BaLoOiSaPiMp: lol
BaLoOiSaPiMp: i'm such a dork
Comments: 1 Smile - Make me smile..

Some random things that happened today. Sorry if I bore you :0) [20 Mar 2003|05:03pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | "your body is a wonderland" - john mayer ]

*Me and Mrs. Gory ran out of sugar today. I'm actually surprised it took us all that long to use it all up. We drink coffee "like woah"

*I ran into Ms. B in the hallway during first period (Mrs. Gory had me steal paper towels from the bathroom) and we talked for hecka long, Meyers even joined in for like a minute, lol.

*Developed some negatives. I've done better before.

*I made a bagillion copies of the programs and the stars for the play tonight.

*Looked through OLLLLLD yearbooks while waiting for the copies to finish.

*Talked to Torres in the copy room.

*Talked to Mrs. Huntsinger during 3rd

*Got my essay from Rammy. score! :0D

*Went to the academic lunch. Gave my burritos to Zach and Scott.

*Hung out with Alisa and Shannon. Shannon's too funny.

*Did my work in geomatry.

*Schedualed next years classes. Ms. B took one of the sheets and decided what she wanted to take too, lol.

*Came home, took a shower, did my hair, ate a bagel, and now I'm drinking tea.

*Walking around with a silly smile on my face and I'm not sure why. But I'm not complaining :0)

Comments: Make me smile..

eep! [20 Mar 2003|03:57pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | "cell block tango" i think that's what it's called.. ]

I'm just a tid bit nervous... I've been fidgeting with everything since 5th period, lol. But I'm also excited about it too :0D I'm gonna go finish getting ready and eat now, bye journal :0)

Comments: 1 Smile - Make me smile..

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