the man behind the man

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Sunday, November 23rd, 2003
5:31 pm - this is just a beta cover... not the actual cover art.

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12:01 pm - too bad no one will believe you.
CatRocksTheWorld: josh, are you there?
CatRocksTheWorld: well since i cant get you on the phone and you are going to keep ignoring me, i just want to ask you to please cut this out now, please take that entry off your live journal and please stop being so selfish, this isnt about you josh, please grow up
CatRocksTheWorld: and i am askibg please, while a friendship might be maintained, if you ignore me josh, i can spread rumors and lies about you to


i like how there arent any lies or rumors going around. just cold straight up facts that you cant fucking accept. if you accept your consequences... you wouldnt be losing sleep over this. go figure.

i like how she threatens me like this. and i like how shes called me 12 times in a row like an obsessive stalker i once had.

i guess my brother was totally right when he said that youre a bitch.

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Saturday, November 22nd, 2003
8:43 pm - here's to you!
so Cat just called me. and said.'i have a bone to pick with you'

so what i dont understand is why shes so pissed that i talked about her in conversation with my friends. you know? what the fuck? 'its such a guy thing of you' so... im supposed to not kiss and tell when its with a beautiful girl? what the shit? either way. i hope this pisses her off furthermore because there are some things in life that you cant hide from. people have stories. mistakes are unforgettable. its great party conversation. i dont know if youre embarassed because im younger than you, or what. but all i have to say is. "you couldve said 'nah, im just going to go home'".

so fuck you for telling me how i should live my life and what i can or cannot write about in MY journal (a documentary on my life). i kiss and tell. dont be such a sour susan.

whoa, i just felt my balls drop. amazing! nathan, lets go pick up some whores!!!

current mood: evil.
current music: evil music.

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7:48 pm - back to the ol' routine.
hey san antonio. did i ever mention that you fucking suck?

austin was fun. mindy never called nor answered my phone calls... :(

faith modeled for me and i took many photos.

im really not anticipating going to the show tonight. itll be good to see rob n luke n natchet again. but thats really the only reason im going. i think i might wear my western shirt kelly gave me. if i was gay, id totally be up on kellys nuts. ... and hed like that too. the other night, i grabbed his ass and said 'whats this, this isnt a bun!' and he said 'its a muffin' so it concludes the belief that there are things known as muffin asses. thank you kelly.

im in an alright mood. tomorrow my brother comes into town and were going to practice, then im going to watch the anniversary... then were going to go to the studio the next morning. finish up 3 songs. get it all worked out n perfect. wednesday sending everything out to get manufactured and i think either thursday or friday im going to Kansas City. i need this vacation. BAD.

im thinking im gonna bring my chess board to the club tonight and play chess against people.

im in a thinking mood.

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4:29 pm - ..hey josh.. i dont really want to wear the stickers...
last night, Faith, the girl i met at the genotorturererererrs show came to my brothers and modeled for the cd.

pictures to be posted on soon.

still waiting on erin's set and becca's set.

im gonna practice now.


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2:08 am - im getting off right now thinking about a girl whos name is tits.

beware motherfuckers. beware.

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12:30 am - im into pornography and i masturbate a lot... PILLOW FIGHT!!
im watching clark and my brother play tao feng on xbox. this game rules.

i saw sorrority boys... THAT MOVIE IS FUCKING HILARIOUS!!

what a badass movie.


i still need to see xmen 2....
by the way im in austin.

call me

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Friday, November 21st, 2003
4:46 am - i fucking hate you guys so much.
man what a night.

stef clark and nathan came over. printed shit ton of shirts.

thomas at kinkos rules. thanks buddy!

i fucking love tacos and burritos. and taco flavored kisses.

my hands are all sore and blistered.

i dont understand girls these days who think that just cause they havent had a dick in their box... but theyve had a dick in their ass ... they think theyre still a virgin.

i dont know about you but taking it in the anal cavity before taking it in the vag makes you like a not-virgin. thats like the 'pro-anti-virgin'

my phone is being all weird and my spoon is too big.
departure time to austin is 2:pm after i wake up n shower.
i need to shave. ill do that tomorrow.
dear god i need to shave i look horrid.
of all the things i did tell you, i never lied.
i like how there are so many liars out there.
i cant wait until it turns into the boy who cried wolf.
seriously. fuck the bullshit.
when are people going to grow up?
ya know?
act all cool and mature and shit... but deep down you have the mentality of a fucking 3rd grader.
my faith in humanity is gone. completely. i dont even think im human anymore.
i think im one of the only thinkers in the city. i dont just read things, i read INTO things. im all about the little details and evidence. i like to proove people wrong. maybe its a habit. maybe its a character flaw. but i too like to be proven wrong. justin proves me wrong all the time, i fucking love it. i fucking get a hardon when he puts me in mental check. then i fucking masturbate like theres no fucking tomorrow. its unbe-fucking-leivable. if you want to get pretty fucking drunk... play the read this post and fucking drink every time i say fuck. fuck fuck fuck. if you did this every fuck night... youd be GONE! like so fucking wasted ya know? i fucking want to drink a bottle of liquid fucking hate and hate fuck a fucking skank and get fucking herpiitis of my ass.

your mentality has gone down the drain.

fucking sucker.

photoshoot tomorrow. cant wait. monday and tuesday - finish up the album get it rockin and going on and then andy [info]vinylnerd can rock it out with his cock out.
i love people who copy the mars volta like mars volta is the best band ever. sorry. i dont think theyre the best band ever. KISS is where its at daddy. fucking KISS will destroy you. why? they inspired you. whether you hated them or loved them. theyre the reason youre a musician. its like playing 7 degrees of kevin bacon. who is influenced by KISS. in any way shape or form.
fuck yeah. i fucking love KISS.
i need to shave my chest. my nipples got cheerios surrounding them. yuck.
some girl said 'never trust a guy that shaves his body' i say i dry off faster. so i dont freeze my fucking nuts off when i get out of the shower.
why do people take cold showers? who here takes a cold shower? what the fuck!?! i like scalding hot showers. those ROCK man.
tornado timmy is coming. flee!!
hurricane jesus christ on a crutch.
hurricane hoooooooooooooly fucking moses.
i love lewis black.
man. hell yeah.

i want to get dude yeah! tattoed on my knuckles. so i can talk with my fists at parties when im too drunk to talk. run on sentences fucking rock so much i like mountain dew. sentences that make no sense that are mouth fulls are difficult to decipher because your shit is flimsy.
deadsy. haha. i got the key to mcallister park.
some guy told me that ja'net talks about me in class all the time and speaks highly of me. awesome. im a force to be reckoned with like the fucking camaro mullet. hell yeah.

hell yeah.

lets grow moustaches and avoid looking like michael jackson.

kate never post pictures of that ass pounding pedophile ever again. its fucked up.

michael jackson looks like the missing link between man and monkey and planet of the apes.

someone besides adam kelley post a picture in my comments page

hell yeah.

do it!

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Thursday, November 20th, 2003
3:15 pm - i left my camera on my desk
last night i saw Behemoth. i felt the beast. fucking a, their drummers feet were going a mile a minute.

i ran lights for skinless and six feet under. that was pretty crazy. some dude ran on stage to hug the vocalist of six feet and received a punch in the face instead of a hug. hahaha dont fuck with satan.

supher and i cruised to my house, loaded up that couch and took it to the bean. supher happy he gots couch. he showed me some bad ass graffiti.

today im printing a fuck ton of shirts.

and tomorrow im going out of town to austin mid day.

ill see you schmoos in a little while.

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4:10 am - memo...
dear people that kiss ass to my face, but talk mega shit about me when im not around.

what are you trying to prove?
im not your friend. so. stop saying that i am.

my friends know who they are, i hold them dear.

you're just a shit talking, back stabbing little miss/mister popular. so shut the fuck up before i DO knock your teeth out to keep your mouth shut.

im really sick of people in this city.

you know who you are too.

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2003
4:43 pm - stolen from becca...
first real kiss:
summer 2001 with jennifer.. man she had awesome tits.

First Job:
working at my dad's school in a book room.

first screen name:

first self purchased album:
on vinyl? bon jovi slippery when wet
on tape? richie valens greatest hits.
on cd? soundtracks dont count as albums so, im going to have to go with green day- kerplunk

first funeral:
i think my great grandmothers.. i dont know.

first pets:
a long haired chihuahua named daisy

first piercing:
ears... last summer?

first true love:
true love is a mutual feeling so no true love here.

first big trip:
i remember going to new mexico with my folks

last big car ride:
how about best big car ride? fucking me, adam, c-diddy, walker and scotty going to H-TOWN!

last kiss:

last good cry:
after we played with ozma and i had a nervous breakdown

last movie seen:
kissing a fool

last beverage:
mountain DEW

last food consumed:
i was high last night so i ate a whole bag of dorritos, 3 hostess cupcakes, a whole large pizza from little ceasers, some ritz minis with cheese, and a brick of graham crackers

last phone call:
angel called me and asked when i was going to be at the club

last TV show watched:
family guy on my computer

last shoes worn:
my converse low cuts

last CD played:
my mix cd in my car

last item bought:
4 screens from herwecks

last disappointment:

last soda drank:
mountain dew

last ice cream eaten:
probably vanilla

last shirt worn:
i guess the shirt im wearing now? its the beautiful mistake...

current music: bad religion - sorrow

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2:25 pm - ill never go to neverland.
its called neverland because michael says to the kids 'you can never tell anyone what im going to do to you...

michael jackson molests children. he has a fucked up face. AND he was once BLACK and now hes magically WHITE!


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6:16 am - sometimes you halluncinate....sometimes its just the acid...
so i finished fin's website...

check out and give me feedback, please.

whatever happened to albino black cock?

im dedicating the FIN site to Albino Black Cock. not Captain Lou Albano.

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3:37 am - he just bet cnn.
man, fuck hardcore.

the only one who can stay is Daniel.

i hung out at hollowpoint's studio.

fuck dude...

they practice in a funeral home ...

how fucking sick is that?!!
how fucking AWESOME IS THAT!!

you know i did some soul searching while i was high... im glad im single.

it would just distract me from creating music if i had a girlfriend.


dude, i cant wait to fucking release california girls are easy.

im going to draw 5 lj friend names out of a hat and send a copy of the cd for your listening pleasure.


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Tuesday, November 18th, 2003
4:40 pm - what is to prove? attention is what you want.
so today i added one more guitar track to point proven.

remixed it.

remixed post.

added vocals to roger and francis.

monday and tuesday next week = more studio time.

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3:33 am - what did i do tonight?
well i finished up some band logos and stuff...

and i also worked on revamping FIN's website.

heres a little sneak peak... all i need is jason's 'a-okay' and a few more hours and bam, theyll have a new site.

Mel, how does it look?

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Monday, November 17th, 2003
11:36 pm - ... and she spoke...
tomorrow im going into the studio to remix everything.

maybe add in a few layers of guitars..

give it some balls. you know?

you know, speaking of giving things balls.

we need to totally get people to stop being so fake. i wish i had a fucking tazer. that would make people glow whenever they were lying.

thatd be AWESOME.

i bought my brother a poster at the mall. and i bought myself a jack daniels embroidered hoodie for $20..

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Sunday, November 16th, 2003
10:53 pm - its not that big of a deal...
tonight was a static lullaby and hot water music...

a static lullaby.

hot water music...


me and pepper. hot water's merch girl. shes SO CUTE!!! i want to take her home and put her in a jar... with holes in the top.

me and the president of slab o wax, andy.

me and shawn... capitan black liver.

me and powderkeg... HOO YAH!

and chuck from hot water music gets awesome.

id just like to say that i love my friends.

jakob rulez!

true story: he gives me this girls number and says 'call her and get it on with her or something... shes HOT!'

so tomorrow im going to call her and take her to taco cabana...

figure this girl out.

who knows what will happen.

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3:21 pm - oh yeah and another thing.
last night, my band, the Teliskas, got signed to Slab-o-Wax records.


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6:06 am - pictures from tonight...

the groovie ghoulies were awesome....

but not as awesome as river boat gamblers!

ray had his birthday party tonight... hes drunk... happy... i think?


she won because she 'somewhat resembles Lisa Loeb'

and we ALL know how I feel about her.


i hate you lisa. why must you be with that zappa guy!

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