nifka's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in nifka's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, February 24th, 2002
    9:50 am

    Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz

    Made By: myway and teza

    9:44 am

    You are most like Winnie, embedded in ice!

    Created by Thren.
    Which Gashlycrumb Tiny are you?
    Friday, February 8th, 2002
    10:05 pm
    9:55 pm
    Thursday, February 7th, 2002
    11:05 pm

    Burgundy Patent

    I'm the badass burgundy patent Doc Marten...
    I'm cool as hell, I'm deep,
    and maybe a little dark

    Which Doc Marten are you?
    (by *coffeebean*)

    Friday, January 25th, 2002
    9:32 pm
    11:47 am

    Go Faeries!!

    Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

    This quiz was made by lia
    Saturday, January 19th, 2002
    8:22 pm
    Thursday, January 17th, 2002
    5:59 pm
    the world the universe the sky the ground the sun moon stars galaxies the ocean the waves themselves the wind and the birds it carries the breeze their wings make the dust that breeze carries worlds over to create the rain that grows the lilac bushes the hyacinths the lavender the dandelions the beautiful gardens these create the beautiful fields pleasing to the eye the ear to lay in the grass pleasing to the skin. to ride on the muscled back of a winged horse past the sunset drinking the moonlight into the stars until form no longer exists until my soul escapes its prison to find its way home.
    Friday, January 11th, 2002
    2:45 am
    (doogie howser md)
    inbox is full of junk. mind is full of junk. you can delete it all you want but the bastards keep sending the shit and theres no easy way to stop your mind from wandering to the dark side. its easy, though, to make people angry with your feelings. which is amusing, in a way, how reactive people become to your emotions expressed. i guess its hard for people to just listen objectively and understand judgelessly. its hard for people to just be. its hard for me to just be, is probably what id rather say, if i werent such an emotional wimp. but being emotionally courageous is what got me into this mess in the first place. (our strength is also our weakness). ive become weak. im in a pretty bad spot right now. and my inbox better be fucking brimming with good stuff, or im heading up to the clock tower to have me some fun.

    Current Music: these posts always seem to go on too long.
    Saturday, December 15th, 2001
    11:37 am
    i allowed myself to become unbound. realized that even when "drunk" or "high" i am still so tightly wound. but last night, smoked some, and felt the breeze, heard the music, smiled and laughed. was in the moment. it lasted for only a minute or two but its a feeling that can be cultivated again.
    Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
    9:24 pm

    Which Evil Criminal are You?

    Anyone that licks me is sure to say I taste like:

    Click here to take the new and improved Ice Cream Flavor Test at!

    If I were a work of art, I would be Claude Monet's Waterlilies.

    I am soft and gentle, but very colourful. Although based in reality, I look at the world through a filter of impressions which shape how I see things. Splashes of light help to define my presence and bring an endearing quality.

    Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

    I am a Chieftan Carved out of Cheese.

    My raspberry motivation slides transparently beyond the elongated prune. I dig widely upon the bus of my leather mangroves. Hygienic cameras pardon my curly white atmosphere.

    Grant the wise barnacle, forsooth? The Utterly Surreal Test

    Sunday, November 4th, 2001
    5:53 pm
    CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the children's fable "The
    Unicorn and the Lake," by Marianna Mayer, a noble unicorn
    comes down from his mountain sanctuary to battle a monstrous
    serpent that has poisoned life in the valley below. With his
    magical horn, he restores the vitality of the lake. The animals
    that have grown numb from fear of the evil beast's malice begin
    to revive. Wherever the unicorn's hooves touch the ground,
    long-extinct flowers bloom. I expect that a similar scenario
    will soon unfold for you, Cancerian. Although your predicament
    has never been as desperate as the kingdom in the story, you
    have definitely been in need of a fertile visitation. And here it
    comes! Take a moment right now to imagine what would be your
    personal equivalent of the rebirth of an extinct flower.

    LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In the wake of the heartbreak we all
    suffered on September 11, I committed myself to seven
    spiritual pledges. At the top of the list was this one: *I promise
    to feel every feeling that surges through me without jumping to
    conclusions about what it means or how I should act on it.* It so
    happens that this intention is a good policy not only in times of
    trouble, but also during any tectonic transition. That's why I'm
    recommending it to you, Leo. It will serve you well as you face
    the mostly invigorating but sometimes unsettling shifts that
    are rippling through the foundations of your life. To do it right,
    you should welcome *every* emotion that arises as if it were a
    gift and revelation, even as you exert great patience before
    deciding what concrete changes to carry out.

    VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Though the Hindu caste system is
    technically forbidden in India, long-standing custom keeps it in
    effect. The lowest caste is composed of the untouchables, known
    as the Dalits ("the oppressed") in the Hindi language. The abuse
    they endure is appalling. It ranges from violent attacks and hate
    speech to prohibitions against praying in temples and wearing
    shoes where the dominant castes live. A climactic event in their
    ongoing rebellion occurs this week, when one million Dalits
    formally leave the Hindu religion and convert to Buddhism in a
    mass ceremony in Delhi. Given your current astrological
    aspects, Virgo, I feel this will serve as a ripe metaphor for you.
    May it inspire you to abandon any idea or belief system that
    keeps you subjugated and disheartened.

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: we gotta get out of this place
    Monday, October 29th, 2001
    3:36 pm
    Wednesday, October 24th, 2001
    4:55 pm
    these little quizzes are an easy way to update. no?
    I AM 55% GOTH.

    Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. There is a
    good chance I am bi. Freakiness pumps
    through my viens, but I can still laugh
    at myself.

    Take the GOTH Test at!

    I AM 38% PUNK.

    Well, I may know what punk is, but... Okay
    maybe some people think I am punk, but is
    that enough? Nope.

    Take the PUNK/POSER Test at!

    I AM 14% GEEK.

    I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would
    I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun?
    I should try writting an online test application at 1
    am in my underwear.

    Take the GEEK Test at!

    Current Mood: f*ng addictive
    Sunday, October 21st, 2001
    3:27 pm

    You were Kat Bjelland in a past life! You're extremely passionate about music, and try not to compromise your art for anything.. or anyone! You're a whirlwhind of emotion, who can vent like the best of them. You're intelligent, sure of yourself and aren't afraid to say what you think.. provided you're in the right mood, of course!
    Tuesday, October 16th, 2001
    2:43 pm
    poor kimi doesnt even get awkward silences
    ah. those wonderful email forwards that assure you your wish will be granted. i fall for em every time. according to THIS weeks rendition, i love musa, i care about allie the most, laurie knows me very well, kimi is my lucky star, i like dave but it cant work out, lets stay together is how i feel about musa, beautiful is how i feel about dave, foolish love is the most what my mind is like, and tower of learning is how i feel about life. oh AND 7 people have to read this entry, and the first number they said to think of and write down (in this case 3) was apparently pointless.

    could it be i just think about these people and ive been listening to these songs lately. or is there deeper meaning to anything and everything.

    more taste! less filling!
    Saturday, October 13th, 2001
    9:47 pm
    allie where in hell do you find these things.........................and yay!
    sorry shawn, harold. thoms just using you for sex...............wait a minute

    Current Music: creep. thom wrote it for ME you know.
    Thursday, October 11th, 2001
    10:56 pm
    but what does it MEAN???
    yesterday, two omens:

    1. you are alive. (spraypainted on a dumpster on 11th st at the corner of 3rd ave)

    2. shape your life. (on the gym bag of some guy in class as he was walking out the door)

    so. this dredges up memories of tom robbins and allnighters with the moon and realizations that life is all about CHOICE. there is never any reason to feel helpless again.
    5:21 pm
    CANCER (June 21-July 22): In *Letters to a Young Poet*,
    Rainer Maria Rilke urged an aspiring bard to change the way he
    imagined the Supreme Being. "Why don't you think of God as the
    one who is coming," Rilke said, "who has been approaching from
    all eternity, the one who will someday arrive, the ultimate fruit
    of a tree whose leaves we are? What keeps you from projecting
    his birth into coming ages, and living your life as a painful and
    lovely day in the history of a great pregnancy?" Given your
    current astrological mood, Cancerian, this is an evocative
    subject for your meditations. Not only are you on the verge of
    reinventing your relationship with the Divine Intelligence;
    you're also poised to discover rousing secrets about your unique
    part in the creation of the new world that's on its way.

    LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): For years, psychotherapist Jennifer
    Paine Welwood has been my teacher as I've transformed myself
    into the person I've always wanted to be. With her help, I've
    freed myself from my past and escaped the grip of my personal
    demons. As a result, I've been able to dive into the really fun
    part of my life's work, which is to be in service to the greatest
    good of everyone I encounter. I'm not alone in benefiting from
    Jennifer; many others claim her as guide. And I believe it's no
    coincidence that she is a direct descendant of Revolutionary War
    hero Thomas Paine, a staunch champion of civil liberties. Like
    him, she's an ingenious emancipator, a cultivator of conditions
    under which the soul can flourish. In describing her influence,
    Leo, I hope to inspire you to intensify your own quest for
    liberation. The cosmic moment is ripe.

    VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Time to take the training wheels off,
    my overqualified friend. Time to quit pulling your punches and
    sugarcoating the truth and saving yourself for something better.
    Get your ass farther out there on the line, my dear, or else stop
    complaining about how no one takes you seriously enough. Your
    moment of reckoning is not at hand; but the dress rehearsal for
    that moment is. Act as if this small fork in the road is a dead
    ringer for the huge fork in the road that awaits you in early
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