CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the children's fable "The
Unicorn and the Lake," by Marianna Mayer, a noble unicorn
comes down from his mountain sanctuary to battle a monstrous
serpent that has poisoned life in the valley below. With his
magical horn, he restores the vitality of the lake. The animals
that have grown numb from fear of the evil beast's malice begin
to revive. Wherever the unicorn's hooves touch the ground,
long-extinct flowers bloom. I expect that a similar scenario
will soon unfold for you, Cancerian. Although your predicament
has never been as desperate as the kingdom in the story, you
have definitely been in need of a fertile visitation. And here it
comes! Take a moment right now to imagine what would be your
personal equivalent of the rebirth of an extinct flower.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In the wake of the heartbreak we all
suffered on September 11, I committed myself to seven
spiritual pledges. At the top of the list was this one: *I promise
to feel every feeling that surges through me without jumping to
conclusions about what it means or how I should act on it.* It so
happens that this intention is a good policy not only in times of
trouble, but also during any tectonic transition. That's why I'm
recommending it to you, Leo. It will serve you well as you face
the mostly invigorating but sometimes unsettling shifts that
are rippling through the foundations of your life. To do it right,
you should welcome *every* emotion that arises as if it were a
gift and revelation, even as you exert great patience before
deciding what concrete changes to carry out.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Though the Hindu caste system is
technically forbidden in India, long-standing custom keeps it in
effect. The lowest caste is composed of the untouchables, known
as the Dalits ("the oppressed") in the Hindi language. The abuse
they endure is appalling. It ranges from violent attacks and hate
speech to prohibitions against praying in temples and wearing
shoes where the dominant castes live. A climactic event in their
ongoing rebellion occurs this week, when one million Dalits
formally leave the Hindu religion and convert to Buddhism in a
mass ceremony in Delhi. Given your current astrological
aspects, Virgo, I feel this will serve as a ripe metaphor for you.
May it inspire you to abandon any idea or belief system that
keeps you subjugated and disheartened.
Current Mood:
exhaustedCurrent Music: we gotta get out of this place