Outcast Spice's Magic Journal
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outcast spice's LiveJournal:
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Monday, November 10th, 2003 | 12:19 am |
i'm offering a gold star... so i know that very few of you actually want to read my paper, but here it is. i will be editing tomorrow morning, so if you have any suggestsions, get them in before 10 am, k? :) anyone who can suggest a witty title gets a gold star! ( sorry for any missing formatting ) | Friday, October 31st, 2003 | 5:12 pm |
She-Ra This is one of my first Halloween costumes, for sure the first one i remember. ( i have the power! ) | Sunday, October 26th, 2003 | 1:52 am |
does anyone out there does anyone know who this is, particularly in relation to me? thanks. does anyone out there with an image editing program want to make me a she-ra icon? i can find a pic of her. does anyone out there have fun stories of things they did during this 25-hour day that they couldn't have done in a shorter period of time? does anyone out there want to tell me a joke? does anyone out there not like cheese? does anyone out there want free lord of the rings livejournal iconsdoes anyone out there think that arnold will be a good governer, and should in fact run the u.s.a? does anyone out there want to be in here? love. | Saturday, September 27th, 2003 | 11:11 pm |
hi there! two exciting things of note: 1. i found an interesting person on LJ, ide_cyan through the feminist film community 2. i learned how to change the links to the comments so they're all cool now. and one semi-important thing: as soon as i figure out how, this lj is going friends-only. i've wanted to for some time but was held back because a certain someone who did not previously have a livejournal now does. upon further examination, i cannot change all my previous entries all at once to friends-only, i would have to do them one at a time. sure. not gonna happen. but all future entries are set to friends-only. okay. have a good night! --spice we walk in love but fly in chains | 4:55 pm |
well, today's been good so far. haven't done anything. so here's a very fun quiz!! i was actually she-ra, i should see if i can scan the picture of me as a 6-year-old in my she-ra costume... You are He-Man from Masters of the Universe! You take life very seriously, and you should, considering you are the keeper of all that is good and right in the universe! However, your nonstop suspicion of Skeletor and his henchman can start your friends wondering why you don't loosen up once in awhile. Which Forgotten 80s Cartoon Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla | 2:14 am |
hiya! well its after 2 am and i can't sleep... so i'm online signing up for stephen king and dark tower lj communities. i've decided that newsgroups are too much of a pain in the ass but lj communities are prolly a nice place to have a conversation.
bought the new revised and expanded version of the first dark tower book, and it was worth $13, for sure. esp. since my mom gave me the money :) i wont post about it here cuz now i have other communities in which to do that, but ... yeah. i cannot express my excitement. truly.
*sigh* i'm wide awake. after internetting, (is that a word?) i may very well do some reading for school.
spice we walk in love but fly in chains
p.s. now it's nearly three am and i have joined many lj communities, including one for jewish goths. *g* and one for MAC makeup. *g* gotta get that webcam working... northbard? i will repay (in kind. as they call it) | Friday, September 26th, 2003 | 5:35 pm |
hi everyone! i'm posting from my parents house, in hamilton. spent the day with my mom, slaving over a hot stove to put food on the table... we made: a turkey a stir fry with tofu and veggies salmon fillets with lemon and dill a tzimmes (sweet veggies, cooked) brown rice with apricots a kugel (bunch of noodles mixed with egg, and raisins, baked. yum) another kugel (for the other meal) a red potato and avocado salad i know there's more but i can't think of what... that's a lunch and a dinner. and boy, is it ever. went to Tim hortons with my sister, it was nice. got the new, revised Dark Tower 1 (stephen king) and really enjoyed the intro and foreword so far, and the beginning seems cool. because it's different, the feel of it has changed, but i wont discuss it here in detail because i know those of you who havent read it yet are going to, because it's the best series ever written. go buy it!! now watching die hard, but about to go put on makeup and go to synagogue for 7. have a good day, and happy rosh hashanah (jewish new year) to everyone who wants it! "Straw" now has his on LJ, it's bspliffy, and his g.f. is miss_tee. check it out! love, spice we walk in love but fly in chains Current Music: Die Hard on tv | Thursday, September 25th, 2003 | 7:28 pm |
basically a list of my clothes, which i'm using to help me pack. ( if ) Current Music: Tito and Tarantula - Back to the House That Love Built | 6:59 pm |
hiya! watched a sad movie in feminist film theory today. it's called Stella Dallas, and its about this woman who is lower-class and she marries this great upper class guy and she tells him she wants to learn to be classy but pretty soon she gets sick of him telling her how to act, and even though they have a baby when he gets a job transfer to new york she doesnt go... so she raises the daughter all by herself and the father only sees her on holidays... and eventually the mother realizes that the daughter wont have all the great opportuniites that she'd wanted to give her, so she divorces the father and pretends to marry a man that the daughter hates so she'll go live with her father and his new wife (played by the lady who was the mother in Gone With the Wind)... and the end of it is the daughter getting married and the mother standing outside in the rain watching through the window... thats a really simplified version, obviously. anyhow, it made me really sad. you know, i wear different makeup depending on whether i expect i might get a bit teary-eyed in film class. i wear stuff that wont run. *smile*
going to hamilton tonight till monday morning for rosh hashanah... my mom's picking me up in 2 hours. and i have to pack!
have a good time
spice we walk in love but fly in chains | 1:56 pm |
a question for movie people: in some Tarantino films there is a song which is not on the soundtracks. it plays when Uma Thurman walks to the washroom at Jack Rabbit Slims in Pulp Fiction. It's also in other ones, but i can't remember where. it's also in the first episode of the sopranos... do you know what song that is? i gave in... The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
| Category | Your Score | Average LJer | Community Attachment | 45.16% There's a party in your comments page, and everyone's invited! | 27.01% | MemeSheepage | 43.86% An expert on multiple-choice questions, an whiz at the cut-and-paste | 31.32% | Original Content | 45.16% Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them | 42.15% | Psychodrama Quotient | 26.51% Known to go off without warning | 16.98% | Attention Whoring | 36.36% This quiz is part of a grand scheme to keep people reading | 22.85% | Your LiveJournal Obsession Number is: 21111 Click it to see other users who had similar scores to yours! | | | 12:38 am |
my love for you is like a truck, beserker well, today has been fun! school was interesting, i got to talk to the former-mailman classmate, and the lecture was comprehensible. she even answered my question! yay. neat film thing: apparently this guy made a whole movie, approx 40 minutes long, and the first 37 minutes is just a white screen, just light, and he talks about the relationship of the viewer to the image... and then for the last 3 minutes is a still, black and white shot of trees in a forest, with rays of light shining down... i want to see that! went to the bloor theater tonight and saw the movie of jeff buckley live in chicago (1995). ran into alassinsane and it was embarassing cuz i'd forgotten her real name!! also saw Straw and his friend A. it was really neat! and i met 2ndaryairplane who seemed interesting at the time, and seems interesting from his LJ profile, but i can't contact him, cuz his LJ is friends-only and there's no email address! so i added him as a friend, and hopefully he'll see that and find me... and if not, i'll see him at the jeff buckley lj meetup on october 8 (unless i'm working). alassinsane, are you gonna go to that d'you think? now i'm trying out the 'agent' newsreader, but i wanna find a code so i dont have to use only the freeagent parts of it, cuz thats sort of a pain. allah_sulu, i emailed you about that. get to talk to angeliquewisdom more lately, which is great. hopefully we'll even see each other sometime soon! going home tomorrow night for the weekend, should be lovely to see the family and eat lots and lots. okay, that's enough for now. have a good night, everyone! love, spice we walk in love but fly in chainsp.s. i'm contemplating changing my goodbye lines based on when i expect ppl to read this... maybe i should say a good day instead of night? thoughts? love. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: jeff buckley in my head | Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 | 11:47 am |
i did it again. got up early so i would have time to finish my schoolwork before class, was all set to put on my eye makeup and be out the door, and i'm an hour early. silly me.
i'm using the xnews program that was suggested, because it seemed cool. not quite getting the hang of it yet but i'm sure it'll happen. thanks for all your suggestions | Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003 | 2:20 pm |
signed up for the big dark tower yahoo group... not sure why i wasn't already on it, actually. getting back into online SK communities seems like a good idea. this personal response thing is kind of worrying, i don't like having to form an opinion. check this out, thanks to Tormenta: http://www.asofterworld.com/soft_jul15_2003.htmworking tonight... all the district managers from all the blockbusters in canada are having a conference at the hotel at bloor & st. george, so since we're the closest bbv, we're expecting to see some ppl drop in... so no video watching for spice tonight. i even did my nails. but i wont tell you what colour, cuz that's boring and self-involved *G* oh, and outlook express wont let me post to newsgroup, not sure why. what other newsgroup reader programs are out there? allah_sulu, i know you mentioned one, i think i'm ready to try it now. yes? love, spice we walk in love but fly in chains | 12:26 pm |
hey, d'you remember the cute mailman i may have mentioned months ago? well he's in two of my film classes! small world, eh?
it has been called to my attention that many of my posts are self-absorbed and mostly pointless. i don't deny it. so i offer you all this opportunity: if you want to take me off your LJ friends list, but weren's sure how to do it without hurting my feelings, you can do it now and i promise i wont get mad.
of course, that brings up the whole question of what defines a good LJ entry -- length, content/subject matter (should it always pertain to the journal keeper? how much should be specifially not about the journal keeper? how unconnected should it be? why would i bother to write about events that are not connected to me?) style... can i be faulted for using bad grammar or spelling? so it all comes out to personal preference, which means that some people dont want to read my LJ, and others do.
okay have a good day!
spice we walk in love but fly in chains | Monday, September 22nd, 2003 | 9:52 pm |
wow. i just prepurchased my copy of Stephen King's Dark Tower 4: Wolves of the Calla. SOOOO exciting! it came out to $30 US, which is what i expected to pay, and i should get it the first week of november. neato!! | 6:28 pm |
my lovely big black shiny boots from timheaven are broken :( on the right boot, the sole of the shoe has come unstuck from the rest of it. it is fixable, but i was afraid it would come all the way off before i got home from school, but it was okay. i found $25 in the street. where do you suppose that came from? weird | 11:20 am |
:( it's pouring rain, which means i cannot wear my sexy black shoes to school today. but, i can wear my big sexy black shiny boots, with my sexy black shiny coat. so that's okay.
i'm wearing blue eye makeup like in my user pic for today!! yay.
s | 12:11 am |
i wonder something about my LJ friends: what are the real decisions behind your choices regarding where you are living, working, going to school, etc? for example, the real reason i went to U of T is twofold: there is a rocky horror cast here, and not as much snow as there is in montreal.
love | Saturday, September 20th, 2003 | 5:55 pm |
Straw is a dumbass freak but i loves him timheaven might come visit on halloween. it would be amazing. if he doesn't we all have to hate him! i broke down and bought the dvd of desperado. gonna go watch it now and drool over Antonio. s | Friday, September 19th, 2003 | 9:16 pm |
<--- pretty bettie page icon i spoke to my mom today. guess who was in my hometown (less than an hour away from here) filming a movie? TIM CURRY!!!! and we didn't know until after :( :( kiz, sorry your family sucks so bad. it'll get easier. and yeah, there should always be time for yahtzee. i dont want to read an article on Brechtian techniques. but, as uncle Bertolt says, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. princess_jibboo i miss you! and i have some mail for you, i'll bring it by when i'm home next weekend for Rosh Hashanah. wanna go for a coffee or something on ... um... well, there isnt' really much time. sunday afternoon? tormenta there's a peice of mail here for you. k, that's everything. love, spicey thang we walk in love but fly in chainsp.s. i know i post too much but my comptuer is right here and i've got the Semagic thingy and it's soooo shiny with so many buttons, i just cant resist! at midnight i'm gonna watch Sex and the City... |
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