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Thursday, April 1st, 2004
12:19 pm - Madonna...
I guess I will never see Madonna live... :(

Tickets for her three Bercy concerts (about 16 000 people per night) sold out within an hour!! And they didn't even sell any tickets online, you had to go to the shops and queue for hours. Yesterday I was too late, they sold out right when I had arrived to the counter! And this morning I spent two hours calling the ticket centers, but it was always engaged, then they said they were not selling tickets anymore on the phone. Great... I'm so disapointed... I think there will be a fourth date though.

And then you go on ebay, and already you can find 30+ tickets onsale for crazy prices... (the sale was yesterday and today). It disgusts me...

great great great

I'm really pissed off.

current music: Velvet Underground

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Tuesday, March 30th, 2004
1:33 pm
Mmmm... update on the last two weeks.

-I still don't feel like my grandmother is gone. Even though there was her funeral. It was last wednesday, Anne and Manne came, I really really appreciated it that they came, Gaelle was there, and my grandmother Francoise -my mother's mum- there also were some of my grand mother's close friends, my father, brother, Claudine and Claire, and two of my dad's close friends (Alain and Jean Pierre).. it was at le Père Lachaise cemetary. And we're emptying her appartment, we need to move all the stuff out... it's weird. She's been living there since 1946 and she was renting the flat so in a month it won't be "ours" anymore. The flat were my father was born and grew up... it's sad...

-We saw the singer Lhasa last tuesday, it was really good. I loved it, she's great.

-yesterday Gaelle, Anne and I went to the 'Monster' preview, Charlize Theron and the director (Patty Jenkins? I think her name is) were there, it was cool to see them. Charlize, a very beautiful woman. And the movie... it was very good but maybe I should not have seen it. So now I don't think about it and forget about it and pretend to myself I've not seen it. As good as some stories are, there are some I shall never watch, some I should never have watched ('Requiem for a Dream', 'American History X'..). So then we watched the new 'L Word' episode, and it was GREAT, I loved it I loved it I loved it, maybe my favourite episode so far. Ahhhhhhh so good. This tv show is a killer.

-My mother called me a week ago... it's rare that she calls. She might have called me three or four times in the last three years. It was great talking to her. Gaelle and I will be visiting her in july.

-We went to Strasbourg/Kelh two weeks ago for three days to visit Malorie and Diana. We enjoyed it there, well, being with them, seeing them was great. The city is nice..

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Monday, March 15th, 2004
11:47 pm
Well, my grandmother "mamita" died yesterday........ the last time I saw her was last thursday, I left my cats at her place, she was to take care of them for a few days while Gaelle and I were at Malorie and Diana's place near Strasbourg (we had a great time there by the way, a bit short though, we left on friday morning, came back this morning, went straight to work). So I had lunch with her, Manne and Hadrien stayed a bit, they'd help me carry the cats to her place.

I can't believe it. My dad tried calling me all evening yesterday and all day today but for some reason our phone was switched off.

I don't know what to say or write. I'm so sad. At least she wasn't totally alone, she loved Gowan so much and he was there (she didn't like Bouh though), and he must have felt what happened because he spent the day and night hidden somewhere. I had noticed before how he seemed to... I don't know how to explain, he's aware of what's going on with people, he was always sleeping next to my grandmother and checking if she was breathing when she was asleep...

anyway... she's spent the last few years telling me about the day she will die, that she's not afraid, preparing everything... maybe it's a relief for her. I hope she went to the place she wanted to go......

At least I don't feel bad about not telling her some stuff or not spending enough time with her. I was going to her place every thursday for lunch, and we'd call each other often... one regret I have is that she always said she wanted to write about her childhood in Hungary and when she moved to France, etc, it was always so interesting, but she never did. For Christmas I wanted to get her a grandmother book or just a notebook so she would do so, but I never found one I liked......................

It's so unreal. I don't believe it. I cried a lot and I'm so sad but deep inside I haven't realised it's real, that she really is dead.............

no no no no no

Elisabeth Frequin Moger
4 january 1920, born in Hungary

I love you so much mamita.

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Sunday, February 29th, 2004
1:38 pm - RoBERT
Majendra and Robert...

I saw Robert live on friday night and yesterday night. Majendra Delfino was opening. It was incredible. Majendra was there because Robert and her recorded a duet, which will be released in March. The venue (La Maroquinerie) was tiny, it was really nice. The audience was great... The more I see Robert live,the more I love her. She's one of the rare artists that manage to make me feel something with their songs and words. Majendra sang about five songs, then Robert came onstage, they sang one song together (from The Nightmare Before Christmas), then Majendra left, and came back later for the "real" duet ('Le Prince Bleu').

Yesterday morning she and Majendra did a signing session at a Fnac store, and sang their song there. There were so many people, a lot were 'Roswel' fans... anyway, the signing session was horrible. I've never met Robert so this was important for me, I wanted to tell her some things, to thank her, and I wanted her to sign 'to Elfie', but she said she was not allowed to do that or get any photos done, the security was really mean and both Robert and Majendra seemed sorry.

Also, Majendra's boyfriend is Devon something, the guy playing Brian Krakow in 'My So Called Life' and the Lesbian Identified Male in 'The L Word', so I really wanted to talk to him. Not many people recognised him, the ones who did were the British fans of Majendra who had travelled to see her. So later on I got to talk to him, I was the only one to actually tell him something, the others were just asking for autographs and photos. It was funny, we talked about 'The L Word', he was suprised that I knew the show, and I forgot to tell him how much 'My So Called Life' meant to me and how it changed my life when I was a teenager.

I also met some really nice people there. A girl I met on the Robert forum. It was Eva, her girlfriend Audrey, their friends Thomas and Aline (one is a Mylène Farmer fan, the other a Amelie Nothomb fan). They're from Montpellier. Anyway, it's always nice to meet new people. We had a good time together yesterday. I hope we'll stay in touch.

I bought Courtney Love's album and well... it's a bit disapointing. A bit dull. Melissa Auf Der Maur's album is much better, we listen to it all the time. I listened to Courtney's once and I don't really want to listen to it again yet...

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current music: Melissa Auf Der Maur

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Saturday, February 21st, 2004
10:41 pm
I should update more. I did go to the police the other day about what happened on the phone and they listened to me but they didn't do much apart from writing everything down. They can only do something if the guy calls again or appears again. I put my phone number on the 'red list' meaning people cannot find my phone number anywhere unless I give it to them. I was gonna change my number but maybe it's best not to in case the guy calls again, maybe I can talk to him and the police will be able to localise him. I'm not that worried, they weren't worried at all it seems.

What else....

We've ordered a tv online we should get it next week, finally. I mean, we haven't watched any tv for a month and we don't miss it at all. Well, okay, I miss watching cartoons in the morning, heh. And the news. But it's a good thing that we did not watch tv for that long and did not miss it. Of course, we still watched dvds and tv shows like the L word and friends on the computer, and I go to the cinema twice a week, so it's not like we haven't watched anything at all. But anyway, good thing.

I have some projects........ I want to write books for children, I know exactly what I want, I think the idea could work, but I need to be motivated and work hard on that. I shall not give up. But usually, when I really want something I manage to be motivated enough to DO IT or get it. I'm also gonna take some sewing courses, so I can design and make my own clothes, but that'll be later this year. We really need to start organise things, I need to know what I want to do. Like, really want to do, I don't want to do this job for the rest of my life, and my boss is a real asshole (no comments, but he's like that with everyone so it's not just me). Will I manage it? Can I do it? I want it to work. I've always wanted to write, my head is full of ideas, stories, characters, but am I talented enough to get them published? We'll see, I'll try anyway. At least I'm sure my idea is new in France.

My laser printer works now, so I'm printing my fanzine but I can only print two pages a day (like, 60 copies of two pages), so it's taking ages.............. we're working on the next fanclub cd, I need to find it a name, any ideas? (it will be a cd rom -video- with tv and live appearances)

Gaelle's brother is going to California in two weeks and we're jealous. We need some holidays.... we might go to Morrocco to see my mother this summer, and maybe to my grandmother's house in Normandie... we'll see. Or wait for Garbage to tour. I really want to live in the USA for one or two months, that's my new plan. heh. Maybe end of 2005, it's just an idea I've had for a while, and Gaelle is okay, like, live in San Francisco for 3 or 4 weeks then in New York for the same amount of time. So you can actually feel less like a tourist and experience the city/country. I'd love to do that. We'll see, it's too far in the future to actually think about it now. Or maybe we'll move to another European city for a while. Right now we're staying in Paris, I'll keep my job for at least a year (if everything goes well), and this flat too. It also depends on Garbage's tour schedule, and also Melatonine.

It's just, I get so depressed when I hear about what goes on around the world, and here, and the way all the money we earn goes to bills and food and flat rent.... I don't want to spend the rest of my life living like that. I want to do something of my life.

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Sunday, February 1st, 2004
1:05 pm
Yesterday we went to see Melissa Auf Der Maur play at le Zenith with her band "Auf Der Maur", it was GREAT! They were opening for A Perfect Circle. We stayed a bit during A Perfect Cicle but both didn't like them at all. So we left after 15 minutes. But Melissa was great. And she was wearing an amazing dress.

We've been in this flat for a week, I think we managed to make it look decent despite all our stuff. We thought we had way too many stuff and the whole flat would be a huge mess, but it is not. We still need to get some furnitures. We have no tv (there is no tv plug for the flat) but we don't care, we only want a tv to watch dvds, so we'll buy one on wednesday. We took some pictures, here they are:

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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
8:28 pm
Gaelle and I are addicted to the new tv show 'THE L WORD'!!! This is brilliant, I love it I love it I love it! My new favourite tv show! We want to watch it all the time!

We're in the new flat, got phone and internet access today. The flat is a mess with our stuff everywhere, but we love it. I will write more and put photos later on. Right now we're about to eat dinner :)

current music: AIR

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Friday, January 23rd, 2004
1:24 am - mmmmm.......
Well... I just listened to Courtney Love's new song for the first time, and it made me cry. I burst into tears. (and also we saw the video for 'Only happy when it rains' on VH1, it was strange and cool) How weird. I guess it's because it's been so long since I last heard a new Courtney or Hole song, and last time, I was a teenager, I was going to school, had my friends, etc. I miss them, Marilyn, Aline and Pauline. We stay in touch, but it's not the same. We used to spend all our time together.

I'm always so nostalgic. I keep everything, and I'm obsessed with photos. Music... some bands represent a part of my life, an remind me of that time, always, and I sometime get very sad about it... from 6 to 12 years old, it was Mylène Farmer, so she will always reminds me of my childhood, she was everything to me back then, she meant so much to me and she helped me (I even recently thought that when I die I want to be buried or burn with my Mylène scrapbook that I made when I was 8), then... what... there was Gainsbourg and everyone around him (Charlotte, Jane, and the other women he wrote songs for), and, er, Helene Rolles (haha), and Michel Berger (and women around him, France Gall, etc). I was 12 to 15.

And finally, the best years of my teenage years, from 15 to 18, there was Hole, there was No Doubt, there was Garbage, there was Placebo. They were the four most important bands in my life, and they mean so much to me now. Of course Garbage won, they're still number one. There was Radiohead too, Blur... many other bands... Now there are other bands... it's weird. I don't know how to explain... I don't need to, I know what I mean. But yeah. I cried and I miss my friends. I'm growing old, next week I'll turn 23 years old... is this real? I'm not a teenager anymore, am I? Does it matter?

Our flat looks like a children's room. Is this a bad thing?

I read a book I loved, called 'Magalie, Yourcenar et moi'. It's really good, I recognised us in it many times. Heh. We saw 'Lost in Translation' and 'Mona Lisa Smile'. Great and good.

We're moving in on sunday. Bouh and Gowan will discover their new home, I wonder how that will go. It's so exciting to buy stuff for your own place, things that are not someone else's. OUR curtains, OUR carpet, OUR sofa.... I can't wait to be there. I can't wait for us to be home. It's so cosy, I want to stay there with Gaelle all the time. Tomorrow we're going to Gaelle's parents, they're helping us to move out. So many stuff....

It's late, I'm still sad, we're off to bed......................

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Wednesday, January 21st, 2004
8:34 pm - Please check this out :)

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Sunday, January 18th, 2004
8:10 pm
Yesterday we moved some stuff in the new flat, my father and stepmum helped us, they went to ikea to pick up our sofa and some other stuff. We had fun starting decorating the flat. Next week end Gaelle's parents are coming to help us finish moving our stuff. I can't believe how many stuff we have, especially cds and dvds. Also, a hundred or more magazines featuring Garbage (saying this because they're INCREDIBLY heavy, and I now realise... what do I need them for? Same for all those Garbage posters I have that will never be in my walls, but stay rolled in a corner of a room for the rest of my life -we'll probably put a couple on the walls, Gaelle doesn't like posters that have the band on it, I prefer those-, and same for my Garbage tee shirt... useless??). Anyway, here are some photos of the empty flat:

current mood: good

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Friday, January 16th, 2004
8:50 pm - Pfew
Today was a looong day. we woke up early (8:30am), we met up with Gaelle's dad and signed the contract for the flat. We got our keys!!!! Then we took the train and went to Ikea. I love this shop, heh. We bought quite a few things, for the bathroom and the living room, most of them pink fushia and turquoise blue! We found a sofa and some furniture, tomorrow my dad will go and get them for us with the car. Cool. I have no idea what the flat will look like once decorated, because we picked very different and very colourful stuff... we'll see!

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Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
8:26 pm - YAY!
We found a flat! Finally! Last saturday we looked through an agency website ads, found one that was not too expensive, quite small but that seemed suitable for us, called the guy, visited it yesterday, and today they said it's okay, we're signing the papers on friday morning!

So... the flat. It's very small, 25 m2, one room, with a mezzanine. Rent is 480 euros a month, which is a lot for this size, but then you cannot really find anything for less than that price in Paris... Some flats of the same size have a rent of 700 euros or more! It's in the 17th area of Paris. It's not really where we wanted to live, but can we be difficult when we only have two weeks left to find a flat?

Good points:
- the mezzanine
- white walls, parquet floor
- there's a (very small but still) bath in the bathroom
- it's near Montmartre and place de Clichy, and Anne's and it's a very lively area of Paris (we just found out that on the map... it's much easier to walk to Anne's place than to take the tube where we have to change twice or something)

Bad points:
- fourth floor, no elevator
- it's tiny
- there's a butchery in the corner of the street so it smells meat in the street
- the kitchen is part of the room (which can be convenient, but it makes our living space even smaller)
- there are no cupboard of any kind, where are we gonna put all our clothes?
- the metro line (line 13) is bad. Crowded all the time, I hate it.

So now we have to buy a microwave, a mattress, a sofa bed, a television, a tape recorder (well that can be for later, the tv cannot wait though), a hoover. It's super cool actually, we've never had a place of our own, so it's exciting, we're gonna go to ikea on friday, my dad is gonna build us some shelves, we'll start moving some of our stuff on saturday. Thinking about it, I never really had that, a place of my own. When I was in Dublin it was the first time I lived alone (I mean, not with my or a family), but the flat was furnished, and I knew I was not gonna live there for a very long time. Then we lived at my grandmother's, a furnished flat, and then here at Guillaume's. It never was our place. We're going to be able to decorate everything the way we want, and call it home!

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Friday, January 2nd, 2004
2:41 pm - Well...
Happy New Year everyone! 2004....

(heh, we sent loads of text messages to friends wishing them a happy new year, but it's only after sending them all that I noticed that Gaelle wrote 2003 instead of 2004!)

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Saturday, December 27th, 2003
11:51 am


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Wednesday, December 17th, 2003
1:44 pm
I'm ill and stuck at home. It started on Saturday. Gaelle was also ill but now she's better. But yeah, it sucks. I'm off work for the week but I'm so exhausted I can't do anything or go outside. Yesterday I slept from 1am until 5pm!

Last week I saw 'The Dreamers' and 'Thirteen' at the cinema. I liked both, I think 'Dreamers' should have been 16 rated, not just 12 rated (lots of sex and nudity, lots of naked Michael Pitt!). 'Thirteen' is 16 rated, but after seeing it I understand why.

On thursday we went to the Melatonine/Good CHarlotte concert. Well... we arrived at 6pm, we went to pick up our tickets and it turned out that Good Charlotte's tour manager had confiscated Melatonine's guestlist because there was too many all access passes and photo passes! But come on! I did not want to go backstage to see Good Charlotte, but to spend some time with my friend Benedicte, and the band Melatonine! And we had to take pictures for the website, but not of Good Charlotte! So we were like 15 people, invited by Melatonine (including the bassists's girlfriend and mother, a couple who were supposed to film their show, a friend of Benedicte who had come all the way from London just to see them play, I mean, we were all there to see Melatonine, and did not give a damn about Good Charlotte!....) outside waiting for the list to come back, and to know weither we'd even get in or not! Melatonine started playing at 7:40pm and we were still outside!!!! Finally the list came back and NO ONE was allowed any pass, the only pass given was a video pass for the girl who was going to film the show. But they gave us tickets for the show anyway, but we were all really pissed off that we missed the beginning of Melatonine's concert, since they were only going to play for 30 minutes! We finally got inside, it was impressive to see them in such a big stage! :)

Then, later on during their show, I took ONE picture from the very side, and this security guy started telling me I was not allowed to do so. He wanted me to come with him so I could give my camera away. I was like, no way! I'm only here for 10 more minutes, I'm here for this band, they're my friends and they want me to take pictures!!! And anyway I'm not gonna take any more pictures! Everyone around me was taking pictures but for some reason I was the only person he noticed or something. So I went back into the crowd but the guy followed me and pulled me violently, and took us both (Gaelle and me) to a quieter place where we could not see the concert. He wanted us to give the camera, we didn't want to, I started to have a crisis, we both cried and were so angry because the guy was not even listening to us! He was just screaming at us, telling us he's throwing us out of the venue, etc. After five minutes he let us go back inside with our camera. So we missed another five minutes of Melatonine! And then the show was over. I was so furious! But I complained about the guy and his boss talked to him. Anyway, we did not get backstage but benedicte came out and stayed with us all by the bar, and then the rest of the band, so at least we could talk, and Linda, a Melatonine fan who was invited by Benedicte, got to take pictures of Benedicte and everyone, she was so happy! It was nice to see!

We stayed during the first four songs of Good Charlotte, it was boring so we left. The crowd was interesting to watch, there were lots of young teenagers, some were like 8 years old and on their own!!!

After the show we gave away 3500 flyers for Melatonine, only a hundred or so ended up on the floor so I guess it was quite successful.

This weekend Gaelle and I went to my dad's, it was nice to be there for a little while.

Tonight I'm going to visit a flat, we seriously need to find one, hopefully this one will be good... we'll see. It's very small and quite expensive, and if we get it we'd have to move in on sunday. Anyway, we'll see tonight.

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Wednesday, December 10th, 2003
11:19 am - From Maya, fill it out
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. Are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what I say about you?

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10:55 am - Melissa
So, Melissa Auf Der Maur. It was really good, I loved some of the songs, Gaelle took nice pictures, Melissa is stunning, extremely beautiful, and super nice. It was great! The support band was Medusa, I kind of know the girls in the band, their music was nothing interesting, really. We arrived at 8pm inside, we got third row so it was not an excellent view. (this venue is so small, and the stage is low so if you're a bit behind you don't really see much).

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Monday, December 8th, 2003
11:01 pm


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Sunday, December 7th, 2003
2:15 pm - mmmm
On friday I saw one of my oldest friend Emanuelle that I had not seen for at least two years. I've known her since we were 11. It was good to see each other again and I hope we stay in touch, we used to be close friends back when we were 17.

Yesterday Gaelle and I stayed home and cleaned the flat, we bought a christmas tree and decorated it. Last thursday was the first whole day we spent together since I started working three months ago! It was good! Gaelle made some flyers for the Melatonine show, we had to get them printed and cut and now we have 4000 flyers to give away before and after the concert! I think that's too much (there will be 6000 people) but we'll see. Benedicte is freaking out about the show, well about the people in the audience who might be nasty to her and have been plotting to throw rock and stuff at her (some didn't like the fact that she took off her shirt and sang in her bras last time they opened for Good Charlotte, I didn't find that particularly shocking or offensive or anything), I really hope the audience will be nice to them and listen to them and not be assholes like they've been for Peaches!

What else? My fanzine is a nightmare, I'm actually crying about it, it depressed me yesterday... I've been doing it for five years, and now it's harder than ever, I get no help from the band (apart from Shirley replying to interviews and sending signed photos, etc), but I mean, why would they help me, should you ask? Of course, they don't have to. They keep saying they love my fanzine and what we do, the fanclub and the fanzines, they keep telling me not to stop, but do they know how hard it is to manage? I do not want to stop, I've been doing it for too long, it's part of me now, but I cannot manage it anymore... if only the record company was helping, but they can't do anything yet... I wish the fanclub was official... something is bothering me, too, but I'm not gonna talk about it. Not bothering, but making me sad.

So yeah, I used the fanclub money I had left to buy a laser printer and toner and paper so I could print the fanzine. So yeah, I started printed the fanzine yesterday... the problem is, it doesn't have enough memory, so I have to print half a page and half a page: I have to print four times for one double sided page, so I managed to print 60 copies of three pages (180 pages) and now the printer isn't printing anymore... YAY... what do I do now? I was motivated to do it even though it's harder and taking more time to print half a page a time, and now.... blah. Anyway, I have no money to pay for the colour covers and to pay for the shipping and stuff... I'm fed up.

And I'm a bit depressed right now, I have no money left, we haven't even been looking for a flat yet and we have to move out in a month 1/2. What will we do then, live in the streets? And I hate it that I'm losing touch with friends... I thought about it yesterday night and it made me cry. I mean, I don't know... it was clear in my head when I thought about it but today it's not, so I won't explain now.

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Thursday, December 4th, 2003
8:20 pm - YAY!!!!!!!!!
I JUST found out Melissa Auf Der Maur is doing a concert in Paris on monday, in one of the smallest venues (La Boule Noire)... Oh my god this is so great! Just bought our tickets, it's not even sold out!

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