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world leader pretend's Journal

late, bitches.
1st December, 2004. 11:32 pm.

greenville theatre festival, like 8 hours away. Theatre in the bustling hub of...nowhere.

I'm going for a scholarship though. Wish me luck! I'll be back Sunday.

[5 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

A funny moment with the neighbors
28th November, 2004. 3:33 pm.

Quoth my brother: "Who in God's name would give their ritalin-starved children a whistle?!"

Current mood: amused.

[2 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

Macbeth is amazing.
28th November, 2004. 3:07 pm.

I'm writing a paper on the animal imagery in Macbeth. I have confidence in it, but i'm lacking a good place to go with my third argument. I'm using the imagery to show power, so i'm using the talk of dogs in convincing the murderer, the "scotched the snake" monologue, etc. But I'm not sure of a third place to go, since it's really only a 5-paragraph essay dealy. any ideas would be appreciated.

Seriously, though, i'm astounded. Like, how the hell can Shakespeare be this funny in the middle of a tragedy? I love it.

Macduff: What three things does drink especially

Porter: Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and urine.
Lechery, sir, it provokes and unprovokes; it provokes
the desire, but it takes away the performance; there-
fore much drink made be said to be an eqivoca-
tor with lechery; it makes him and it mars him; it
sets him on and it takes him off; it per-
suades him and disheartens him; makes him stand
to and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him
in a sleep, and giving him the lie, leaves him.

[6 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

25th November, 2004. 3:06 pm.

There is so much to be thankful for in this crazy world. much.

Current mood: grateful.

[2 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

21st November, 2004. 11:43 pm.

there is so much in me, waiting, and sometimes i feel strangled by mediocrity, perceived or otherwise.

[3 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

stolen from [info]shelby6420, because it's exactly what i want you all to hear.
3rd November, 2004. 11:03 pm.


To the next person who tells me they're moving to Canada, I'll buy your ticket. Leave.

In all seriousness, this is an undisputed legitimate election in a free representative democracy. Deal with the outcome.

John Kerry lost with dignity so please for everyone's sake...follow your leader.

Anti-Bush fear tactics obviously didn't work in the election, stop spreading the "We're all gonna die" after.

I got the same slew of doomsday IMs and phone calls four years ago, and alas...the world has not yet ended. I've no doubt (and neither do you if you're honest with yourselves) that the world will still be around in 2008.

Regardless of your politics, being so extemist about the outcome isn't helping anyone and certainly isn't changing the results. Please demonstrate maturity and accept what's happened. We all woke up as Americans this morning and we woke up under the leadership of George W. Bush, just as we did yesterday and just as we will tomorrow. This division isn't solving the problem and the democratic/republican divide is America's greatest danger. If you don't like a policy, take action and write a senator (which, btw, reminds me to remind YOU that the Congress is responsible for the majority of what everyone's pissed about anyway...the President's role is seriously overrated) but for everyone's mental health, shut up.

Thank you.
I would like to add another note to those who voted Republican -- Don't gloat. It really makes you, and Republicans in general, look like assholes. of course, the little friendly jab here or there is warranted because if roles were reversed, i wouldn't have expected any different from a democratic friend of mine. However, don't take it to the extreme. it's unbecoming. Thanks.

Current mood: accomplished.

[14 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

24th October, 2004. 2:32 am.

Update on the jessie situation: things are better.

[3 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

I always find a way to mess me up.
23rd October, 2004. 1:20 pm.

I think i've wrecked things with Jessie, this wonderful girl that i've been basically seeing. And uhm, well, it sucks. I dunno what to do about it. If i didn't have to go to homecoming now, I'd write more. Probably will later. I just hope it works. Fuck, man.

Current mood: disappointed.
Current music: (in myself).

[2 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

of recent events:
20th October, 2004. 8:21 pm.

Breathing out and breathing in
is harder than it's ever been for me
God I think you're beautiful,
you're stirring every chemical in me..

Current mood: intrigued.

[2 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

Too much on here hasn't been done.
20th October, 2004. 6:32 pm.

200 things I have/have not done )

[5 Monologues] - [Step Into the Spotlight]

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