answers to some questions:
benfoldsmeright - honestly probably not too well but i don't care much at this point in time. sounds harsh but ehh
playdohgeek right now? how i know exactly what i want to do with it and i know where i want to go and i know how to get there
blokee definitely thunderstorms. Hands down.
ledhazard i don't know. I like just adding random people that comment to me.
allocate she's doing good :D
holdmygaze solo dashboard no contest
mjrslacker wasn't it the
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy or soemthing like that?
jigster786 i'm really starting to see dean shape up as a good candidate so because i <3 him and his policies from the dean era in vt when i was growing up it's a loyalty thing :) and if he doesn't work out in the primaries i think Kerry has an equally good shot. He lacks charisma but that can be worked on a lil.
quantumhuman gonna have be a traditionalist here and say missionary :X
gantrioch when you pay for my plane ticket down there cause i have no money and i'll be damned if i ever take a bus that far ever again >:(
flip_flops well i have definitely dreamt of kicking *cough* a certain ex of an ex's buttocks
jmilleroo7 all the time :) I just never comment cause i feel like i sound stupid or that what i have to say isn't clever and witty enough :/
nicepunkass420 Hrmmm currently? I defintely think Thurmond Marshall was a great justice, and i think Ruth Bader Ginsburg is great too same with Sandra Day O'Connor - i mean women in the supreme court...if my memory serves correctly these two women paved the way. and i either sounded really cool or really dumb with that answer :X
I found out who the stalker was. HI MATT!!! :D just for you. heh and on that note yes that does mean that this is a public entry. W00t. Btw matt if you want a lj...let me know :) I'll code you up.
I got kicked out of the media lab. Damn them! Well sorry but if you had more copies of the movie i
had to watch (and i do mean had. the 2 page paper on it was due monday but i forgot :X ) then i wouldn't have had to wait till 20 of 7 when you close at 8 >:( Eat that shit mo fos!
Ma Vie En Rose was way too cute. Heh it kind of made me feel bad. I remember when i used to pretend to have a penii with my friend Dustin...we'd use our juice boxes and pee onto the lawn from his front steps. Luckily for me my tomboy phase wore out by college. Definitely more so this year since i noticed yet again...that my nails are starting to grow. SO i'm thinking that i might
finally (since i have no time since) use the gift certificate my roommates bought me for my birthday and go get one :) We'll see though.
I think i might skip out on real world tonight so i can write my papers and do some reading for American Society since that reading always gets the shaft compared to my other reading. And damnit i
really hope my stupid Comparative Politics professor isn't planning on giving us that quiz still on Thursday. I'd go on strike but i
really need to ace this class. Erasing that D will bring my GPA soo much. especially if i pull of an A. I think i can - wait wtf am i talking about...i know i can. Jesus theres no exscuse i already took this class once. I pulled off a B in Intro to IR so i'm
pretty sure i can do up at LEAST a B in this class.
My mom keeps telling me to "make her proud" oddly enough she's never had to say that and it's really encouraging. I do want to make her proud and i want to show my dad and step mom that i can do well. I mean not that i'm not doing that bad but i know i can do better. And now that i've set my goals for the future i want to do better - not that i wanted to do poorly before but ya know. I want to achieve these goals and in order to do a coop in england my junior year i need to get my gpa to a 2.75
at least. But if i get an a in my comparative politics class that will definitely help.
Wow. I've updated a lot today. Thats the funny thing about being in classes. I have more to do workload wise but yet i update more than i did when i was on coop. Probably because more happens during the day. Heh.
Legally Blonde 2: red white and blonde comes out. You can betcher bottom dollar that i'll be at the movies tomorrow..heh. And yes i made that sound like the
Annie song on purpose.
Ok enough needless rambling from me. I'm going to go write my papers. :D Keep the questions rolling and fill out my poll!
Poll #152117: music!Open to:
all, results viewable to:
allSuggest a song or two for me to download.
suggest a movie for me to see!
and while you're at it fill out
THIS poll.
what i'm feeling: geeky
what i'm hearing: The June Spirit - Waiting For Blue