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Monday, August 26th, 2002

Time:5:32 pm.

Trading Cards
Permanent Account Edition
User Number: 45991
Date Created:2001-01-22
Number of Posts: 388

dosnt write too often, gets bored easily and loves anthony to death. Hate people wasting my time. Will listen to anyone about anything. I do like to think that i am sweet as 'sugar'.
Strengths: Open, Caring, Easy going, Happy, alive, great listener, i love to give advice and help people out.
Weaknesses: Sensitive to peoples comments, takes too much to heart, allows myself to get hurt to often, can me moody
Special Skills: Hairdressing, Talking,
Weapons: Sharp tounge, Cool exterior, a pair of wahl sizzors & cut throat razor.
Loves: Anthony, Jordon, my family, friends, my pets, life, shoes, hair, the people i care and who care about me the most.

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Wednesday, August 7th, 2002

Subject:nuffin much
Time:7:57 pm.
Mood: cold.
well i have 2 days left of college - YAY im so glad its over.

i saw my babe on the weekend, it was really good. he found out he is going in for his op on the 21st to get his plate removed from his back its scary but now he wont be in as much pain. i miss im so much when i have to go away i hate it, i wish he lived down here.

i was considering going to the ekka when i go the hand out in the newspaper today but it still dosnt change the fact that i have not enuff money and i cant afford to get sick. oh well!

a big hello to latch and brodes and nat (if he still goes on lj) and everyone else ive forgotten (sorry im slack)

back soon...
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Time:7:32 pm.
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Tuesday, July 30th, 2002

Subject:I GOT A JOB!!!!
Time:6:07 pm.
Mood: confused.
No interview or nothing required i am so fucking wrapped! its in brossy tho so i wont be going up north even tho the day b4 i got it i sent a whole heap of resumes up to anthony to give out!

i went to the coast on the weekend had a ball then came home and cried coz i realised that i wont get to see my baby so much anymore but i am seeing him this weekend YAY! but last time i went up with qantas they striked and the mother fuckers are doing it agan grrrr whats the fucking chances!

thats all i have to say im so bored right now im doing some screwy tests!

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Time:6:02 pm.
well i havent done this in a while so forgive me!

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Saturday, July 13th, 2002

Time:2:09 pm.
Mood: mischievous.
i had the best sleep last night i feel so good today!!! YAY!

im trying to decide weather i should get my lazy ass out of the house and get on it tonite or if i should be a good gurl and stay in and save money seeeing mum asked me about the $1500 she gave me last year and i had to lye and say i still have it saved up... FUCK! ive saved a bit to replac eit but i want to go out kinda!

i got a new chest of draws and a mirror for my room it comes tomorrow!

and anthony is comming on tuesday for a week - kick ass!

well im off gotta finish my washing so if by chance i do go out i actually have clothes!

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Wednesday, July 10th, 2002

Time:6:43 pm.
Mood: sore.
i HATE it! well some of it! I saw Jon the other day i havent seen him in a while we get along really well but each time i see him it just empahsises the reasons why i broke up with him thank god we can stay good friends, its waas a fleeting relationship anyway!

I also heard from Jessica M which is really really good shes comming up but im worried that when she comes she will want us all (my old friends from high school includeing chesare) to catch up, NO WAY! I also saw Jessica Thrush (rush) we were really good friends in Yr 9 she wanted my no i know she wouldnt call but i gave her it anyway, i dont really want to hear from the town Bike.

so anyway the past sucks...

i want my eyebrow re-pierced i think i'll do it saturday! i also found a really good bit of art to add to my butterfly on my back it looks hot... i'm gunna get it when i go to mackay for a month in august.

Hey Brodes... Tell us whats happeneing the that dude ok Chicken..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ya too!!!!

im really buggered...
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Saturday, July 6th, 2002

Subject:ahhh f**k it
Time:12:01 pm.
Mood: sick.
well im sick AGAIN ~ straight after the day my one and only leaves I get sick ahh fuck it!

kara and tam and bec visited me last night as a suprise to give me some flowers chezzels and coke to make me feel better and my birthday presents coz i didnt get to see them on my birthday! i had a good birthday coz i saw my baby! i got some of the chunkiest funkiest jewellry i could ever get!!!

my friends boyfriend and family all just totally kick ass! (for once - JOKING)

it is sooo cold here i want hot right now... it sucks ass

HEY Its brodes birthday soon! Happy Birthday Brodie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did it all go with that fella?

well thats the washing machine telling me to give it another load so i better go...
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Time:11:49 am.

How dumb are you?
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Time:11:46 am.

I'm friendship charms!

Awww, c'mon and hug me!

Which bracelet are you?

Made by notsobeautiful
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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002

Time:6:07 pm.
Mood: drained.
Music:NIN - Starfuckers Inc..
i saw the film clip for sonne the rammstein song, its fucking wikard!!!

I ignored tam today i just didnt have it in me to be nice to her today.

i did corinnes hair its long as all fuck and curly she had foil regrowth done, it looks so much better she couldnt believe how close to her scalp i got the foils, im a legend!

i also spoke to tommy last night, he moved to england about a month or so ago... it ws good to talk to him finally its been so long! i also heard from jon, he broke his marm on friday what a shitty start to the long weekend just gone...

well i mite go im waiting for anthony to call me back, im so tired its not funny i think its still from the weekend!!!

Mwah - Moogs
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Tuesday, June 11th, 2002

Time:5:22 pm.
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Subject:I HATE PLANES!!!!
Time:5:12 pm.
Mood: tired.
The wedding was at 3:00 not 2:00 so i thort we had stax of time but the plane got delayed by 20 mins then we got on a brand new plane and got half way to Mackay then had to turn back around and go to brissy coz theres a problem with the landing gear, how fucking freaky! so then 15 mins later we got on a bigger plane and finally got to mackay at 3:50 so we made the reception. the reception was good, the best thing was seeing my baby! i so want to move up there, i miss him so so so very much when im away.

anyway thats all i feel like writing rite now!

mwah - moogs
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Tuesday, June 4th, 2002

Time:4:57 pm.
Mood: grumpy.
Im really tired and bored, i found out i have 15 mins to get from the airport to the wedding, yay! its gunna be strange, but im not gunna Kat it! so anyway my hair is not dark brown and orange, i changed my mind again! its light brown and blonde and copper, its HOT! lol!

SO vain! so modest!

Ive noticed i have less and less people on my journal, guys im sorry my journal is so boring (NOT Really sorry but anyway) but i am sorry i dont reply to anyones posts, hey if i dont have anything important to say to what you've written then why say anything at all??? so thats my little justification not thjat i should have to but anyway!

i saw an old college friend russel today at work. He told me he saw a person he was sort of friends with that i hated from my old school, he mentioned me to her he thinks the bitch was about to slag me off but he told her to shut up... fucking yay someone finally stood up to denise dawson, her and her sutpid self rightous, teepbopper, tarty, fucked up friends, you know the type the popular ones but the funny thing was that tarty drug fucked ones were popular go figure! i hated them to death wanted to smash there tarty pretty little faces in, pity tho i was so shy i would never have had the gutz, fuck me if i saw any of the sluts today i'd tell them what i thought.

so thats my bitch 4 the day!

mwah - moogs!
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Sunday, June 2nd, 2002

Time:3:35 pm.
Mood: bored.

its a rainy sunday afternoon in this boring town i live in, i want to be anywhere but here right now... im so bored the idea of smashing my head up against a brickwall seems fun and like the only option i have of getting out of this infinte bordom.

Ahhhhh its sooo boring! So far today i have cleaned my room, my bag, read the paper, played tetris, went to, made my yahoo messenger look pretty and updated it, sat down and had a cup of coffee, ate a muffin, did a crossword, listened to the radio and looked outside at the drissly weather pondering wheather or not to call anthony, if hes even back from his cousins bucks party while my suposed friends are all at the pub. but i guess im also sick which makes everything seem 100 times worse... i mean there are people who would kill for a day to themselves with nothing to do but relax but well i get too bored doing that especially when im sick havent had a smoke all weekend, and well when im doing the bordom thing alone.. i have NO ONE to talk to, and i dont feel like talking on the net either i need a real conversation the type where i dont have to have a one sided conversation, where i have to ask a million questions to get a melloncollie answer and a bunch of stupid smily face pictures on the screen. i have had one to many convos like that!

so anyway with that off my chest i mite go fix my nails and decide what to wear to this wedding!

mwah - moogs!
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Time:3:35 pm.
Mood: bored.

its a rainy sunday afternoon in this boring town i live in, i want to be anywhere but here right now... im so bored the idea of smashing my head up against a brickwall seems fun and like the only option i have of getting out of this infinte bordom.

Ahhhhh its sooo boring! So far today i have cleaned my room, my bag, read the paper, played tetris, went to, made my yahoo messenger look pretty and updated it, sat down and had a cup of coffee, ate a muffin, did a crossword, listened to the radio and looked outside at the drissly weather pondering wheather or not to call anthony, if hes even back from his cousins bucks party while my suposed friends are all at the pub. but i guess im also sick which makes everything seem 100 times worse... i mean there are people who would kill for a day to themselves with nothing to do but relax but well i get too bored doing that especially when im sick havent had a smoke all weekend, and well when im doing the bordom thing alone.. i have NO ONE to talk to, and i dont feel like talking on the net either i need a real conversation the type where i dont have to have a one sided conversation, where i have to ask a million questions to get a melloncollie answer and a bunch of stupid smily face pictures on the screen. i have had one to many convos like that!

so anyway with that off my chest i mite go fix my nails and decide what to wear to this wedding!

mwah - moogs!
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Subject:sometimes i have nicer enemies than i do friends
Time:1:26 pm.
i am so sick of feeling like im being left out, my friends never ever invite me to do things unless i invite myself, maybe they really dont like me much and just pretend they do... well im sick of it they can all fuck themselves im better off being with out friendsthen having them as friends stupid little whores they are.

on the brighter side i see anthony next weekend, so im really happy about that! Its a long weekend too! well at east i get a break from this shit hole, and my fucked p "friends" if that what you call them bitches.
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Monday, May 6th, 2002

Time:4:05 pm.
Mood: bored.
I am sooo bored!

i went to the coast yesterday it was ok... i want to save to go to the indy in september with anthony, tam, kara, andrew, pene and jack and who ever else, but i dunno! I see anthoyn again this weekend, and even better i get to see him the weekend after aswell! FUCKING AWESOME!

Anyway im off this is pretty boring!

mwah - Moogs!
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Friday, April 26th, 2002

Subject:and BAM its over....
Time:8:11 pm.
Mood: lonely.
Music:Breath In - George.
They went home yesterday... it was so sad again, but then again i am in a way getting used to it. I feel so alone, knowing that he is not close by to just hug and kiss, i feel alone knowing that he is 10 hours away and i have enemys that live closer to me then i have him. I felt like i connected more this time... like there is something more there now... something new. I cry silent tears knowing that it takes so much, nothing comes easy... and this will be a test.

A psycic told anthony when he was 16 that he would have a little boy before he was of age to vote, it came true, he was also told he wouldnt live past 24. He has fucked his back, and coz of the long stay in hospital he has blood clots, i am so worried about him, but he dosnt understand i dont think jsut how much i worry.

i went to the docs... i freaked out thought i have breast cancer... im such a hypocondriac! lol! better to be safe than sorry i guess! the amount of ill health ive had to get used to is enormous i didnt need more!

The girls are all fighting.... K & T admited of the threesome they had and the drugs theyve been taking, i dont like it tho... its all fucked... why do the people i love the most do the most stupid things???

and im want to work with animals for sure... i went to australia zoo and loved it... ya know Stever Erwin... Or whatever his name is... BY CRIKEY! LOL!!!

Anyway im off!

Mwah - Moogs
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Thursday, April 18th, 2002

Subject:I Love my baby so so so verrrryyyy much!!!!
Time:9:36 pm.
Mood: hyper.
Music:Glycerine - Bush.
Anthony was texting me today... his a dirty little bugger but he crax me up and i love him to death!

MY BABIES ARE HERE IN 2 SLEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you cannot believe how excited i am... i feel so lucky that i get to see Anthony as often as i do considering he lives 10 hours drive away from me... I feel so lucky to have found a person so understanding and so loving as anthony... i just feel so lucky! i am so estatic that he is comming!

We are going to prolly take Jordy to Sea world, Underwater world and the pet and animal expo... i have no idea what kids go and do and stuff, i mean i dont have a baby so i dont know... every one laughs at the idea of me being a step mum type thing... i just laugh, i love anthony and jordy so much that i dont care, its never mattered that anthony has a lil boy, i love and have known them both, there have never been any secrets...

Well im sure yous dont want to read me babbeling on about anthny again! lol!!

i found out my college subtracts the days you have off, off of your finishing date just so they can rip you off just like the sneaky little fucking rip offs they are i fucking hate JON LE COURT they are the biggest cunts out! The people that work in there shit ass fucking hole salons cant even do a decent job and they all think there shit dont stink well they can all kiss me ass for all i care... fucking cunts!

I still am loving my hair, i wear it all flicky out with my fringe going over my left eye... its fucking HOT!!!

Chesare hasnt come back either thank god!!!

Well im off to watch some TV then sleep i have to cut dads hair tomorrow morning so i cant be late to college and have them be there waiting b4 i get there they will kick my ass ha ha ha!

Mwah- Moogz
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