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Gwennie's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, February 11th, 2004 | 9:24 pm |
And you're listening to the girl who used to like canned ham I am so stressed about school. I am never stationary anymore. I look back at those days where I could sleep for 15 hours a day a few years ago and sigh. Now I am lucky to get 5 straight hours of sleep in a row. School will be outta my sight in only 5 and a half more blessed months! That is basically the main thing keeping me going. I am seeing so many awesome things at clinicals. I wish I could share them with anyone, but they usually gross people out, so I only discuss them with other nursing students. I have decided that nurses love the gross shit. Why just today we were going over how to insert nasogastric tubes and my instructor told us a great story. Sh said she was working hospice for a while and she had to insert an NG tube in this elderly lady who was dying. She was so backed up with fecal material that when she inserted the tube into her intestines, the lady threw up a whole basin full of feces. Can you imagine that? I'd kinda like to see that for myself. I bet it smelled so rank. The worst smell that I have encountered was the 500 lb guy I took care of that had no legs. When you cannot properly bathe yourself, there is this distinct smell of a mixture of shit, dead skin, urine, and almost a vomit likeness. The skin just sloughs off under water, and it looks like thin layers of cheese. I wonder if anyone is still reading this. I have been listening to Ani Difranco lately again. I wish I could meet her in person, her music keeps hope inside of me. And I got back in touch with the most awesomest guy I have ever been a friend to. Alex, or Akbar Shabazz Jenkins as he liked to be called a long time ago. I'd love to see him sometime. I still covet all the letters we wrote each other way back in the bad old days. My girlie friend is coming over shortly to pick me up and we're gonna drink until it's gone. I am kinda bummed about Valentine's Day. It's so American, but I used to get excited about all the day entails. Unfortunately, Greg and I both have to work. Since this happens to me, I have scheduled an appointment for me and my friend Christina to have manicures and pedicures done at 9 am before I go to work. I will get some attention that day even if I have to pay for it myself DAMNIT! If I don't get back on before Saturday, Everyone have a great week! Gwennie Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: Pick Yer Nose- Ani DiFranco | Friday, January 9th, 2004 | 6:44 pm |
It's been a whillle... Well folks I am SO doing the I'm broke dance. I have had my cell cut off for a week now. And boy does that SUCK ASS. It should be turned back on tomorrow. Greg and I do the I'm Broke dance together. We are contemplating moving in with his mom until we are both out of school. Neither of us really want to, but our finances say differently. Going to school and working just about full time is so HARD. I have no clue how I did it last year. Greg is starting to work full time, so maybe we won't have to move. It would only be for 6 or 7 months, but still, you know? School is going great and I am really enjoying it. We started clinicals again this week. they're fun but really really gross. I won't go into detail, unless you want me to. I could tell you many things that are really gross. Greg won't let me tell him the day to day gross things, so I have to be quiet and not tell him, but sometimes I do just to annoy him. It's so fun. I have met a really great chick in my class named Melissa. I can already tell we're going to be great friends. Yesterday I had the plague adn it was coming out of my mouth. I had this LOVELY stomach virus and proceeded to vomit from 6am until 9pm. I called my doctor and he had called in something for me at the pharmacy, but when Greg went to pick it up, he found out that I have not yet met my deductible for 2004, so it would have been $60 for the scrip. Of course he didn't get it, I wouldn't have either if it were $60. Screw that. I guzzled pepto bismol and felt a lot better. Car update: I should have my car back by the week after next. YAY. I am going to have a new engine, new transmission, and new steering shaft put in. When everything is all said and done, my car will only have 50K on it. YAY!!! As opposed to 197K. Pretty good huh? Thank God for my dad. I really hate being out of contact with my friends for so long and my family. I cannot wait to get my phone back on tomorrow.YAY. Oh, Greg had a few people over the other night and I met the COOLEST gay guy! We so bonded. He came over again last night because his friend left her jacket and automatically gave me a hug. I love him. I cannot wait to hang out with him again. I could talk to him about certain issues and he completely understood! I love it when you can meet a person and have that happen. I guess I am going to go back to work. We only have like 5 kids in the whole center and 7 staff members. It's so boring.
Have a great night!! Gwennie | Saturday, December 27th, 2003 | 7:25 pm |
Merry Late Christmas Everyone! I am still at my dad's house in NC right now. I am coming back tomorrow. I have had a great week of vacation even though my car died yesterday oon the drive home! I was originally going to leave yesterday and I did, at 5:45 am. At 6:50 am about 60 miles before the VA border, I lost all acceleration in my car, so I pulled to the side of the road and the car automatically died. I tried to crank it, to no avail. I called my dad, who was about to leave for work and told him where I was and that my car died, then my phone died. I was in BFE NC and I was pretty upset. and cold. Very cold. About 20 minutes later, a state trooper came up and "rescued" me. I got in his jeep and he waited for my dad to come. He waited for like 2 hours with me and kept me company.. He was such a great man. He said he had 2 daughters and he hoped that if they were in the same situation that someone would do the same. Wow. Police officers really can be nice. We had to have it towed to a shop of my dad's friend and I rode with him to Chapel Hill, got in his car and drove back to Gibsonville. I had to call in to work for yesterday and today, but I'll be there for sunday afternoon from 3-8. I was so disappointed. Dad seems to think it is a timing belt that needs to be replaced. Anyhow, I will not have my car for AT LEAST a week. Dad is driving me to Emporia and my cousin is meeting us there at 11 to pick me up and driving me the rest of the way. Getting to the good stuff. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know I did. Monday I drove down here and Tuesday my stepmom and I drove to Bristol Tennessee to meet up with my stepbro Jim. He flew in to Bristol and we went and ate sushi and my stepmom even tried the raw tuna. I was impressed. We got very very lost on the way back. It was fun looking at DELIVERANCE country though.... I think we got in around9:30 pm. Wednesday Sarah and I went to lunch at a really neat floridian restaurant and went food shopping and came home. Then we went to Belks and she bought me a lovely faux suede long jacket. I was glad we found one not made out of animals. And it's machine washable. It's so girly and i love it. We came home and cooked dinner of shrimp and artichokes. We then got ready for church and went to the Christmas Eve service. It was fairly nice, Dad has an accopella group he formed and they were by far the best. My stepmom's family always opens presents on Christmas Eve, so we came back and did that. It was so much fun. I think this year was the year of spoiling Gwen. I was the only kid at the parents house this year and it was great. My FAVE present this year is a ring my father had made for me. It is a 5 carat blue topaz ring in a trillion cut with a silver band. He told me he had one made for ym sister as well, and they are our sister rings. Whenever we miss eachother, we know our rings match and we'll think about eachother or something. I thought it was so sweet. The ring is so empowering, it makes me feel very strong and beautiful. It's amazing how a piece of jewelry could do that. The other really cool things I got were a refinished trunk from 1880's and a hand drawn picture from my mother that an artist made for protection and empowerment though times of need. I had such a great relaxing week. OH!!!!! Greg and I got back together on Christmas Day!!!!! That was the most special gift he could have ever given me. I actually teared up when he said that. So I guess you could say I have had a wonderful Christmas, one of the best all time. I hope you did too! Current Mood: jubilantCurrent Music: the I love Greg Song.. | Thursday, December 18th, 2003 | 7:08 pm |
It is so cold everywhere Well I got my work schedule changed. I now work wednesday through sunday. I have mon and tues off for school. I think my schedule will work out nicely. It was very handy this week because I was still sick this week. It has sucked. I went back to the doctor on tuesday and have a secondary sinus infection in my maxillary sinuses, causing my right ear to not function properly. My original problem last week was an upper respiratory infection. I have been sick for 3 weeks now and am finally on some zithromax. I like zithromax, it seems to have knocked out the infection a lot already. I feel 75 % better already and i took my first dose last night:) YAY! The weather says we were sposed to have flurries and snow up to 1-3 inches tonight, but I looked on the and it said tomorrow night we MIGHT get a little flurry. boo. I get out of school tomorrow and i was hoping school would be cancelled for tomorrow. I just don't want to study for my pharmacology test tonight. I have a pharm test at 8 am. yuck. Good thing I know the material, because I have not even started to study. I am such a procrastinator. I have met a really cool girl in my nursing school class. I think we're going to start hanging out. She is so much taller than I am. She's like 5' 11 or something. I thought she was older than me because she is so much taller. But I am older. We went to an alcoholic's ananymous meeting last night together. We thought it was an AA mtg, but it was actually a narcotic's anonymous mtg. (we have to attend one before Jan. for school) Let me tell you, it was a real eye opener. I felt extremely out of place. It was really laid back, but all the men were blatantly staring at us. Kinda creepy. I think the NA and AA programs are such a great idea. I was hearing what they call 5 minute confessionals and it was just a whole other world from me. I am sure I could go to an NA mtg and have lots to say, but I was just there to observe. I want to go to another one to hear the confessionals. I kinda feel like Fight Club... My best friend and I exchanged Xmas presents sunday and she bought me Half Baked on DVD!!!!!!!!!! Now I NEVER have to rent it again:) I have rented that movie at least 30 times in the past couple years, no joke. I was so so so happy. I am going down to Chapel Hill for christmas. I leave Monday and I'll return here on friday for work. I haven't been to my dad's since last Christmas, and it wasn't a long visit, only like a day. So I am happy. I am going to take a road trip with my step mom to Bristol, TN to deliver Christmas presents on tuesday to my step bro since he cannot come down. I can't wait for next week. I hope everyone gets what they want for Christmas:() | Friday, December 12th, 2003 | 7:28 pm |
only one more If anyone knows me, this is absolutely PERFECT for ME!!! I got excited.... ![You like it fast and strong and you drink for one reason: to get piss-ass drunk!]( Congratulations!! You're a shot of some good old hard liquor! What Drink Are You? brought to you by Quizilla | 7:07 pm |
![Numenorean]( Numenorean To which race of Middle Earth do you belong? brought to you by Quizilla![general]( You're Generally Indie. There's nothing wrong with this. You like music all over the map and aren't adversed to listening to some Top 40 here and there. You just know to comment that The Neptunes are the best producers around right now. You don't feel the need to debate constantly with other music geeks, because you know that Pavement were the best band of the 90s. You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize. brought to you by QuizillaLegardored is your Vampire name. You are one hell of an insane Vampire. Anyone who messes with you is out of their minds. To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire, go here: What is your Vampire name? brought to you by Quizilla![deconstructionist weirdo]( You are a Deconstructionist Weirdo. Although ostensibly originating with Derrida, the theories of your particular school have long since passed beyond intellegibillity; half the time you don't even understand what you're saying anymore. That's okay, though. You're a lot more fun to party with than a bunch of stodgy new historicists. What kind of postmodernist are you!? brought to you by Quizilla | Thursday, December 11th, 2003 | 7:12 pm |
I got sick Well folks, I finally got sick. I have an upper respiratory infection as of last Thursday. Friday I went to my girl's house in Norfolk and took nyquil when I went to bed and it is all down hill from there. Saturday morning I awoke at the crack of noon sick as a dog, knowing I had to work until midnight. I took dayquil- if you folks have never taken it, please DO NOT!- and proceeded to feel even sleepier and sicker. I ended up working and not doing anything at all saturday night. Sunday I was a little hungover from only 5 beers, so I knew I was sick. I just did laundry all day and cleaned. (yay) Crystal and Kent came over and we watched a movie and stuff. Kent bought these 2 PS2 games that had like 20 games per cd. They were all of the 80's games that were atari style and it was so AWESOME! I was reliving my childhood. It was great. It also had 80's arcade games on it too. I am so glad that people are not covering up the 80's and all of us 80's kids can have fun reminiscing with this stuff. I was a bit disappointed in "That 80"S Show." Monday I called in to work and went to the doc. He said I had an upper resp. infection. I got some meds and laid around all day. Tuesday I went back to work where I received my flu shot. Wednesday I awoke feeling sicker than before and my ear hurt. I made myself go to work and I was there for only ten minutes. I started crying because my ear hurt so bad. I thought I would have to go to the emergency room. I called my doc and he called in a nasal spray. My girl Crystal came over and made me feel really much better. She came loaded with Chai tea and other goodies. She is so my best friend. I can finally say that I do have a best friend. She drove all the way form Norfolk to Newport News to make me feel better. I love her! Today I started back to school!! I still felt like shit, but I went. It was only for a half day and I have to get up at 7 tomorrow to go to school. UGH. We have 46 people in my nursing class. This is the biggest class we have ever had since the school opened in the 60's. I am looking forward to the next 6 months or so until I get out. Then I will be making so much more money. YAYAYAYAYYYY! I also changed my work schedule for school. Now I work Wednesday through sunday, and have monday and tuesday off. I think that will be better with school and on the weekend I make more money with the weekend differential. SO I am babysitting saturday night, and possibly next friday night. Sunday I will go to Norfolk to exchange presents with Crystal and Kent. Kent will be going back home to NOVA on monday and Crystal will be going later on. I'm going to miss them so much. And now I think I am all caught up! Have a good night! Love Gwennie Current Mood: chipperCurrent Music: cough cough, hack hack | Thursday, December 4th, 2003 | 9:56 pm |
| Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 | 9:21 pm |
yeo another quiz you are darkviolet #9400D3 | Your dominant hues are blue and magenta. You're the one who goes to all the parties but doesn't quite fit in at every one... you know what you want, but are afraid of what the world might think of it. You're a little different and that's okay with them, and if you're smart it's okay with you too.
Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.
Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
| the html color quiz |
| Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 | 7:07 pm |
Sad sad Day I know when it's a sad day when one og my teen heartthrobs dies. Does anyone remember Jonathon Brandis? He was on Seaquest, the show about living underwater and meeting new alien beings, which most of them were hot. Well I was reading in People magazine that he was dating the chick from Fresh Prince of Bel Air (Ashley), and drinking heavily and was depressed. Then one day he hung himself in his own house. His friends found his body. I was so shocked! He was man back in the day. Apparently his depression was over his lack of an acting career on top of all the booze. The article later said he had just completed 2 movies or 2 roles or something and didn't have the will to live. How sad is that. He wasn't much older than me.
I am kinda trying to work out a dilemma I am having. I wish I could get through to my love. It seems like he hears what I am saying, but doesn't seems to want to do anything to reconcile with me. I feel like I cannot trust him with a few things. One minute I don't know if he is telling em things to appease me or if he is sincere. How can you tell? Please let me hear what you guys have to say. HAve a good night! | 6:52 pm |
interesting ![]( The Big Five Personality Test | Extroverted | |||||||||||||||||| | 72% | Introverted | |||||| | 28% | Friendly | |||||||||||||||| | 62% | Aggressive | |||||||||| | 38% | Orderly | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Disorderly | |||||| | 30% | Relaxed | |||||||||| | 34% | Emotional | |||||||||||||||| | 66% | Openminded | |||||||||||||||| | 64% | Closeminded | |||||||||| | 36% | Take Free Big 5 Personality Test Scale (|||||||%) results: Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Type 3 | Ambition | |||||||||||||| | 58% | Type 4 | Sensitivity | |||||||||||||||| | 62% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||| | 34% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||||||||| | 46% | Type 8 | Hostility | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||||| | 58% | Your Conscious-Surface type is 1w2 Your Unconscious-Overall type is 1w2 | Take Free Enneagram Personality Test Current Mood: accomplishedCurrent Music: wAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO, GO.. | Monday, December 1st, 2003 | 7:12 pm |
DIDN'T WANNA WRITE TODAY I do not wanna write anything today so I will just put my quizz results as a post. I am getting sick. POOP. I have been in the library for over an hour. There are no kids again. ![GARAGE GURL - Flirt inna Skirt!]( A GARAGE-GURL. Youre into loud music, hot guys and wild fashions. Youre most at ease when youve got all your mates around you and you like to party. Boys are a game and youre always on the ball because you make sure youre always number one. Your virtues: Confidence, fun nature, sociability. Your flaws: Loudness, jealous tendency, need for attention. What kind of girl are you? brought to you by QuizillaAND THIS WAS GREAT ![You're Perfect ^^]( -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend. What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla | 6:48 pm |
Interesting.. ![DNA]( You are DNA. You're a smart person, and you appear incredibly complex to people who don't know you. You're incomparably full of information, and most of it is useless. Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I am Chocolate Flavoured.
I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt. What Flavour Are You?
| Current Music: outkast | Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 | 7:25 pm |
The Joy Of Thanksgiving Every year I have to dress up to go engorge myself with a plethora of food. Then I get ompletely uncomfortable and have to deal with the dress up clothes issue. By this time my clothes are stretching the possible limits of the imagination. (not to say that I am fat by any means, but the gut does tend to stick out when stuffed.) Tomorrow is THE ONE TIME I will not have to dress up on Thanksgiving. I am getting to go to my coworker's house and drink and eat .... IN MY REGULAR CLOTHES! Yes folks, I finally get to not dress up! YAY. My family has decided to postpone Thanksgiving until Friday when my dad, stepmom, and sister get here. And of course, I will be working. I will miss the festivities, but my day will be equally as fun filled. There's nothing quite like getting shloggered with a few friends and eating some grub. A few side notes: 1) Going to the beach to walk around last night was not such a wonderful idea. It was 35 degrees and my ass got wet. It was very beautiful at 2 am, but do not do it. 2) Our old roommate and friend Daniel came into town from New Mexico today and I am looking forward to seeing him at some point tonight. 3) The PS2 is NOT broken!!! It turns out that the cord was broken and it now works again. Praise be the Lord. 4) I need something to do tonight. I want to get CRUNKED! And I AM TOTALLY BORED. For all of you HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you guys all have a wonderful day tomorrow. TAKE CARE Gwennie | Tuesday, November 25th, 2003 | 6:31 pm |
another one bites the dust I know everyone's journal is for themselves to write in, but my ex's journal today just about infuriated me. HE has so much mixed up in his head right now. I wish he'd open his ears when I talked. I feel like it is a wasted effort talking to him sometimes. Have you ever met someone how already plans out the conversation in his head even before you talk to him? He already has it planned in his head and doesn't listen completely when I talk. It can be very hard at times. TODAY WAS PAJAMA DAY AT WORK! How many of you get to wear pj"s to work? I even wore slippers. It was a wonderful feeling. My friends were envious. And all we did was eat. People brought in tons of food. I was good and didn't gorge myself like a lot of my coworkers. We are still low in numbers this week due to Thanksgiving. That is another story in itself. My dad, stepmom and sister will be up here tomorrow for Thanksgiving. I nolonger get to go to my friend's house for Thanksgiving and now have to dress up. *sigh* This would have been the FIRST EVER Thanksgiving that I would not have had to dress up in 21 years. One day I'll have a holiday that I do not have to dress up for. My dad, stepmom and sister are going back down to NC on Friday. My mom, stepdad, and little bro will be up here Friday. FAMILY FOREVER> It is weird that I'll be seeing both sets of parents in the same week. The only times they have been in the same state since they split was for: 1) my knee surgery 2)high school graduations 3)my sister's college graduation.
crazy huh? So it should be very weird. I wish it were ten now instead of 640pm. That kinda sucks. It is freezing balls up here today. I think the high was only 50 and I don't think we reached that. I have on layers of clothes. My skin does not look tropical, but I swear I am an island person. I do not handle the cold very well. Anyway. I am bored so I will go back to not doing work at my job again. I bet everyone wishes they had my job, but it does actually get boring doing nothing after a while. Have a good night Gwennie | Monday, November 24th, 2003 | 6:31 pm |
Weekend time Well it sucks being a part of a large-ish family around holidays. The original plan wa for all of my dad's side of the family to go down to NC to my dad's house. My mom is driving up from MS and we're going to spend the weekend together. Now it appreas that dad and my stepmom are going to be up here and when my dad finds out that my mom will be up here, he'll freak like usual. But then I heard that they weren't coming up and plans would be the original. Then at 10 pm last night my uncle calls me to inform me that they will be up here. SO i really do not know what is going on. Also I have made plans with a few coworkers to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. I would much rather do that because I don't have to dress up. And I can get shloggered at dinner and it will be okay. Greg is going to his mom's house for Thanksgiving. Just last year I was with him during Thanksgiving. I am kinda sad about that. Enough about Thanksgiving. My friend left me a great voicemail. She said "would you rather "do" : David Bowie or Rob Halford From Judias Priest?" I thought about it for a while and decided on David Bowie. Although, I think that he may fall apart. It's worth a shot. David Bowie, here I come! NOT I am still trying my luck on I recieved a notification informing me of a guy who is looking for a place to live and I emailed him. He's gay so it would conceiveably work out. I hope he notifies me soon. I really need to find a roommate. I wish Greg and I could live together and everything be okay, but I don't see that happening now. I had such a good-ish time with him this weekend. Not too much weirdness went on between us. I hope we can work things out. He does not make the best roommate though. Not clean enough for my taste. But some people aren't clean people, I don't know why but that really isn't the issue at hand. Oh and I shaved my legs again. WOOO! It's been a while readers:) Please don't hold it against me. I guess I will go look at roommates again. Wish me luck. Have a great night:) Gwennie | 6:30 pm |
horoscopes Aries (Mar. 21 - April 19) You don't need anyone else to tell you what to do -- you have no problem choosing which path to go down all by yourself. You are the voice of authority, and it isn't likely that anyone will question your motives or your ability to come to the correct conclusion, no matter how serious the problem at hand. Now that your insecurities have been banished, it's a good time to try something you never had the nerve to try before. Adventure awaits for those who are willing to throw caution to the wind. Cancer (June 22 - July 22) Taking some time to yourself isn't as selfish as you think it is, especially when you need a break so badly. You've been acting as caretaker for too many people for too long -- you've probably forgotten what 'me time' is all about. You may not be able to take the whole day and use it as you want, but surely you can manage an hour or two away from the needs of others. Even if all you can manage is shutting yourself in the bathroom for a long bath or closing your bedroom door and reading a good book, it's still worth it. | Friday, November 21st, 2003 | 7:07 pm |
it seems we always clash Horoscopes Aries (Mar. 21 - April 19) It's time to get something started. If you've been putting off personal or work-related projects, this is the time to seize hold of the moment and get them back on track. You shouldn't be at a loss for innovative ideas, but if you do need some inspiration, look through a catalog, magazine or browse the Internet to get your creative juices flowing. There are plenty of new avenues to explore, and once you get started, the momentum your progress creates should keep you going until you've reached your goal.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) There's no way around it -- sometimes you're just going to disagree with other people. You have a tendency to want to make everyone feel and think the exact same way that you do right now, and if you continue to do so, you're gong to come up disappointed time and time again. Try to see that variety is indeed the spice of life and embrace the fact that everyone is different. Trying to change the world all at once is an impossible task, so why not at least try to be happy with the status quo? | 6:55 pm |
Frustration Baby.. You got to breathe It takes a lot more of you to get rid of me... I am frustrated. I did manage to get my bed frame today, but I have no mattresses, so it kinda sucks. Do you know what else kinda sucks? Looking for a roommate online. I have not heard from anyone yet. I just spent like 30 minutes emailing people, argh. My check was meager, I wonder why they call it a payday when all I get is chump change this time. I paid off my loan, but not much else. Rent money will have to come out of the next check. I have noticed that since I have been online more often I ahve been typing faster, not the slug's pace that I was. Thank goodness for small miracles. Oh and I have "Like a Virgin" in my head. I borrowed my friend's truck today to get my bed frame and I was listening to it. That's one of my favorite songs. I am going out tomorrow night with my cousins and some other girlfriends to Crocodile Rocks. It's a dueling piano bar at Waterside in Norfolk, VA. Girl's night should be fun right? I don't feel much like drinking, who knows if I will tomorrow night. I think I am going to quit Victoria's Secret. As great as the idea was, I don't have any time for another job and school starting up. I thought I would work all through November there and slack off into december and work through the Christmas rush, but I just don't know anymore. I think I am going to ahve to think about it or talk to my manager. I also am in desperate need of a REAL massage. I mean one of those hour long massages from a professional. My dad was a professional massage therapist for close to 10 years, so i know how they are. He would get me massages from his coworkers in exchange for body work form him. If that makes sense. I had a great time with it all. I don't have much to say. Have a great weekend everyone. See ya on Monday | Thursday, November 20th, 2003 | 7:28 pm |
Everyone RUN AWAY Yeah. I feel so crappy. From all of you who posted today that I got to read, it sounds like it has been a shitty day for you too. I hope you guys feel better. Look on the bright side, tomorrow's friday. YAY. Can't you feel the enthusiasm? I feel like I do have people who care about me, but I feel like I am stuck in some parallel universe today. I cannot shake this feeling. We only have a handful of kids again tonight, so here I am online again. I have been looking at (yes I am desperate). I don't know where to lookfor a roommate. I have had some leads, but none that are promising. Then again I have only been looking for like a week or two. I just wish I could find a person to pay half of $625/mo and half of electric, which uns on avg 60 per person. No phone line to worry about or gas to mess with. 2 bedroom 1 bath. Why is this so hard? My lease is up in june, so it would only be for 5 months. If the person works out, then we could get another apartment or something. I really am an easy going person as long as you pick up after yourself and pay bills on time. NOBODY loves me *sniff* I am so blah. SO SO BLAH. I feel all mopey. Greg is going out tonight and I'll be all alone. He's been a decent friend as of the past few days. We have a lot to talk about and work out. If it is able to be worked out. I hope it is at some point. I just want to scream out loud and throw a fit, but I know that this will pass. |
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