
Vermont Green Party Denounces 2004 State of the Union Address Bush's policies favor corporate interests over individual freedoms, create profits for the wealthy while ignoring the problems of average Americans...Find out more!

Join the Green Movement!
The VGP is not just a new political party, it’s also a grassroots movement with diverse members from across Vermont. Join us now!

Benefits of membership include subscription to the VGP e-mail news and action lists, and invitations to VGP events, including upcoming statewide planning meetings. More info...

Subscribe to our list serve. This will keep you up to date on what is going on and informed about how else you might become involved.

Do the math! Who really spoiled the 2000 election?

The numbers don't lie! The Greens & Ralph Nader did not spoil the election for the Democrats. And the big loser wasn't Al Gore... it was us! Click here to see the articles.

Vermont Green Party Foundations

The Vermont Green Party (VGP) is built upon the foundation of Four Pillars of Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, and Nonviolence. Find out Who We Are, learn more about the VGP Mission and the 10 Key Values of the VGP.

Participate in the Vermont Greens Online Discussion Group

In addition to our VGP News & Events E-mail list, we've started an online discussion group! Talk over your ideas on politics and the upcoming election cycle with fellow Greens and the officers of the VGP. Learn more...

Say “No!” to Corporate Control

The Vermont Green Party does not take contributions from corporations! The VGP is a membership and donor driven political party, officially organizing as a recognized political party in the State of Vermont. We need your help to build and sustain a viable option to parties built on money from large corporations and destructive special interest groups. For information about becoming a member or to send a contribution, Contact Us.


The Vermont Green Party
P.O. Box 1413
Montpelier, VT 05602
email: exec@VermontGreens.org
Members of the Green Party of the United States