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stuff for sale [11 Oct 2004|11:17am]

[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Rilo Kiley ]

1 )

2 )

3 )

4 )

Please comment if you're interested.

If this type of post is a big no-no, just let me know and I'll gladly remove it. :)

I look hot

[10 Oct 2004|07:41pm]

[ mood | happy ]

X posted
1 agree | I look hot

[30 Sep 2004|10:51pm]


Suit I purchased today )
2 agree | I look hot

September 29th Ensemble [29 Sep 2004|10:57pm]


What I wore today )
3 agree | I look hot

[17 Sep 2004|04:01pm]

A new community to check out and be one of the first to join...

This community is for anyone interested in keeping up with the latest trends and fashions before most…

Consists of the top runway outfit of the season, monthly make-up styles, list of styles, trendy decorations, book, purse, gossip, shoes, jewelry, holiday items, “the look for less,” outfit selections to veer to while shopping, recipe, fragrances, top name brands, cosmetics/spa/beauty supplies…..
I look hot

oh man im cute! [28 Aug 2004|08:32pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

just for today though...meh!

I look hot

Yeah Buddy [27 Aug 2004|03:52pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Olimpicos! ]

I love this shirt, but i could find a clean skirt to match.

Pardon my face. it was like 6 in the morning :)

I look hot

[20 Aug 2004|03:10pm]

Some of the new buttons on the site include
CupCakes, Mushrooms, Designs, Quotes,
and very unique, exlusive buttons!

Because little things can make a BIG statement!

MORE for sale under [info]titanciainc and [info]secondhandstyle!

I look hot

[14 Aug 2004|11:34pm]


How I celebrate Friday the 13th [13 Aug 2004|06:17pm]

Yes, I celebrate today. It's actually this nice 60's type deal dress, and it goes down past my knees, and it just feels nice against my skin, even though it's polyester. It was only a buck at the local Salvation Army.
It's Polyester! )
I look hot

[01 Aug 2004|12:05am]
sorry that was a mess up
I look hot

[01 Aug 2004|12:04am]
since when do we need applications???
I look hot

i want you to know what love is. *stamped* [21 Jul 2004|11:45pm]

[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | eater ]

Rock and Roll girls like rock and roll boys. )

3 agree | I look hot

[20 Jul 2004|06:13pm]

2 agree | I look hot

Hey All. [18 Jul 2004|02:47pm]

[ music | cky-shippensburg ]

I never post in this community, so I don't know if this is my first or second time posting. I love stripes, and I wish I had more striped shirts. They are the best.

All Under $1 )
Hey, I'm looking for new friends, so add me if you're interested.

I look hot

0101010010101010010101001010101001010101001011 [16 Jul 2004|05:01pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Smile Empty Soul track:? ]

You have white stuff right there. Yeah, right there. )

I look hot

[10 Jul 2004|12:07pm]

my outfit and my deals... i'm not a good sale shopper but i lucked out recently and wanted to share.  has anyone heard of von maur?
have fun )
2 agree | I look hot

faeriesmakfaeriesmakfaeriesmakfaeriesmakfaeriesmak [07 Jul 2004|04:33pm]


My stuff will make you cool!

(x-posted...for your protection)
I look hot

JOIN! [06 Jul 2004|10:57am]

Hawt Bettys
Hawt Bettys
Hawt Bettys
Hawt Bettys
I look hot

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