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stacey pie

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[15 Jan 2004|07:30pm]
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
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[29 Dec 2003|09:38am]
[ mood | irate ]

oh my fucking god.

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[19 Dec 2003|10:01am]
[ mood | awake ]

leifers is back in action, he called me last night!!!!!!!!!~!~! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

which is very strange because i know i had a dream about him because when i woke up i was thinking about him...and i was like "hmm, i wonder when he'll be back in boston" and then i go downstairs and check my phone and he how bizarre..i must have esp.

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[18 Dec 2003|10:38pm]
luke "aren't cell phone's weird? i mean you have this box that rings and you answer it and it is someone 3,000 miles away"
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[18 Dec 2003|10:30pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | modern marvels: pyramids..yes..that's right. ]

oh dear god do i ever need laid...although my legs hurt tremendously from yesterday's sexcapades..oieajoijfroaeijrfoiaej i am drunk.

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[05 Dec 2003|10:05am]
someone please take me far far away.
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[25 Nov 2003|12:28pm]
someone please shoot kelly kapowski.
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[15 Nov 2003|02:03pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]

last night was so fucking weird. we went to bw3's and first i see jessica brown and we chat it up for awhile. then she leaves and i see this TJ guy that used to hang out with JD..what the fuck, that's two names that are just initials...hmm then i gave TJ my number. then after that we went to chance's to see if mitch or everett were there and kelso calls as we were getting ready to go in and she says she is at mitch's so we went there. then like 15 minutes before the bar closed we decided we wanted to go and dance for 5 minutes, lmao. then i walk in and see jamie pride dancing with steve fabina..YEAH STEVE FABINA. what the fuck!? then i found out this guy likes me and my mind was boggled. i drank from 9:30PM-3AM..that's some crazy shit. now i have a bad fucking hangover and i have to be at work in 2 hours. it doesn't look good.

oh and i wanted my special friend to come over tonight but now we are having a bunch of people over so he can't come now, hehe...fucking asshole.
oh and willie might come over =DDDDDD MANY MOUTHS FOR MANY HAPPY STACEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[10 Nov 2003|08:50pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | fiona apple - limp ]

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh work has been so DRAMATIC!

i can't get into details because it is TOP SECRET. yes top secret. i haven't been up to a whole lot lately..working a lot and i never have anything to say.

i need laid.

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[05 Nov 2003|08:19pm]
yeah thanks for the happy birthday everyone..i'm glad i am remembered...assholes. and don't even think about hurrying up and putting shit up now cuz it won't fucking count, thanks.


[02 Nov 2003|02:00pm]
[ mood | sad ]

i'm glad i have no friends.

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[02 Nov 2003|01:11pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | phish - farmhouse ]

i've never really been a big fan of people..hmm.

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[28 Oct 2003|10:01pm]
[ mood | horny ]

i love sex.

i also love wine.

and i love to mix the two..


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[24 Oct 2003|12:55am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | jolene - dolly parton ]

i like this song..

jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
i'm begging of you please don't take my man
jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
please don't take him just because you can
your beauty is beyond compare
with flaming locks of auburn hair
with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green

your smile is like a breath of spring
your voice is soft like summer rain
and i cannot compete with you, jolene

he talks about you in his sleep
there's nothing i can do to keep
from crying when he calls your name, jolene

and i can easily understand
how you could easily take my man
but you don't know what he means to me, jolene

jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
i'm begging of you, please don't take my man
jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
please don't take him just because you can

you could have your choice of men
but i could never love again
he's the only one for me, jolene

i had to have this talk with you
my happiness depends on you
and whatever you decide to do, jolene

jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
i'm begging of you please don't take my man
jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene
please don't take him even though you can
jolene, jolene

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[23 Oct 2003|11:36am]
last night was fucking horrible!!! like why don't people ever get it when you say NO! men are gross.
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[22 Oct 2003|12:03am]
i am juggling way too many men..just call me blanche devereaux.
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[16 Oct 2003|12:03am]
[ music | phish - farmhouse ]

my weekend is so jam packed! i am going to be ms. popular!!!!!

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[14 Oct 2003|04:33pm]

anyone else find it ironic that the guys holding these signs look like fags themselves? hmm..
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[14 Oct 2003|01:27am]
oh lord. i am sooooooooooo tired but yet not tired at all. i am just wore out from working non-stop. omg i have been talking to danny gadd, dale and dennis valentine, and scott fabian for the past few days and it is very odd. oh and i talked to david today..that was a fun conversation...lord..he definitely hates me, lmfao. oh well...i don't really have anything else to say..ehh peace.

i miss seiler brent!
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the search is on... [11 Oct 2003|09:23pm]
where is jeff mould?
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