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IMDb Section Browsers

The IMDb Section browsers let you take a closer look at various types of information we catalog about the people and titles in our database. For example, the "quotes" browser lets you sort through the movie quotes we have on file. You'll find a complete list of the available section browsers running down the left side of the page.

In most of the browsers, we offer a couple of different ways to sort through the information.

  • Search: You can do a search that's limited just to the data in that section. For example, searching in the "filming locations" browser for Los Angeles would return a list of all the movies we know to have been filmed in Los Angeles.

  • Browse by Letter: This gives you a list of titles whose name starts with that letter, limited to the titles where we have that kind information on file for them. For example, in our "business information" browser, you could check the E's, click the name of a favorite title, and then see information like the grosses and shooting dates for E.T..

Other browsers may offer additional options. In some special cases, where the information is based around a limited number of options (such as countries, languages and years), the browser will be more focused toward exploring those options.

For more information on our section browsers, please see our class on the IMDb sections in the IMDb University.