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Dead Baby Jokes

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[27 May 2004|03:46am]

Here's to you, Butch.
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George Carlin quotes [26 May 2004|09:10pm]

Not sure if this is "dead_babies" enough for you all, but I thought it was funny.

"Why is it when it's a human it's called an abortion and when it's a chicken its called an omelette? Are we so much better than chickens? When did that happen? Name six ways in which we are better than chickens. See? No one can do it. Why? Because chickens are decent people."

"The hard-core pro-lifers tell us that life begins at fertilizaion. Which usually occurs five minutes after the guy says 'Sorry honey, I was going to pull out but the phone startled me.'"
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Time to Play: [26 May 2004|03:36pm]

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Dirty Douche water.... [26 May 2004|02:30pm]

[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | mentors - goin' through your purse ]

Thats the name of my new cocktail i created,

1ounce Ouzo
1 ounce Campari
Several dashes of Agustra's bitters,
1 ounce of juice draining from can of BUMBLE BEE tuna (yes it must be bumble bee)

Shake over ice, strain into cocktail (martini glass) enjoy...

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meep. [25 May 2004|09:09pm]

[ music | type o negative ]

i was on the phone with my friend and she told me this joke...

What type of underwear does a fetus wear??

.... )


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[25 May 2004|02:59pm]

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[24 May 2004|07:21pm]

I don't think anyone has posted this yet. For the love of stewed fetus, check it out!
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Dead babies [24 May 2004|11:42am]

Jesus there are so many fucking people in this community. That's kind of disturbing but yet hilarious and disgusting at the same time. HAHAHA. I think if any of you ever actually see a dead baby in front of you in real life you'd like, puke all over yourselves because it's so nasty. Have you seen pet cementary? That baby get's run over by a huge 18 wheeler HAHAHAHAHAHA. sorry.HAHAHAHAH.
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The Sweet Sounds of Bloody Fetus [24 May 2004|09:13am]


Listen To This )

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[23 May 2004|09:43pm]

I have far too much time on my hands...

(x-posted from my own journal)
Don't tell Geneva, they'll only intervene.. )
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thought i would share [23 May 2004|06:38pm]

Whats worse than ten dead babies in one trash can?

One baby in ten trash cans.
whats worse than a truckful of dead babies?

one live one eating it's way out
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[23 May 2004|06:06pm]

[ music | beloved: only our faces show ]

yeah, i was bored

Yeah I was really bored and was inspired by shared_boxers icon...

Carl's JR has never looked better.

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Taken from extreme_tmi [23 May 2004|12:27pm]

How to make Baby Soup
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[23 May 2004|07:17am]

[ music | No Doubt///Paulina ]

I just joined, and I thought you all might appreciate this )

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[22 May 2004|09:55pm]

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | in a good way ]

Found this one in another community, had to share:

What's red and clings to your leg?

Click, you know you want to... )

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[22 May 2004|06:53pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Not really that bad, but I came across it and thought someone would get a kick out of it...

A man notices a woman dancing at a club. He looks her over. She looks back. After checking each other out for a while, she walks over and asks the man if he'd like to go back to her place. He says, "Ok, but I've got to warn you, I'm into some freaky shit. She says that's fine with her, since she is too, and so they go to her place.

Once they get to her place, she says she's going to go change into something more comfortable and will be right back. She goes into the bathroom and puts on a leather corset, fishnets and high-heeled boots. She comes out and says "I'm ready."

He says, "Well, I'm done."

"What do you mean you're done?"

"I fucked your cat. I blew your dog, and took a shit in your purse. I told you I'm into some freaky shit. I'm out."

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[22 May 2004|05:25pm]

hi. i'm new. name's astra. w0rd.

download--> embryo dead by wumpscut
awesome song ^-^

this is my plastic baby, i like to chew it :D

ps: there's this girl in my school who has had like 10 abortions... on friday pro-life people decorated her car with dead babies, fake blood, and the words 'pro-life' 'save the babies'... she beat them up after school :)... i wish i got pictures...
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[22 May 2004|01:57pm]
[ music | die of shame by tilt ]

"die of shame"

by the band "tilt" is a really awesome song about abortion.

she uses a coat hanger!!!!

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I am [22 May 2004|11:25am]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Hitler - all good children shower when told too ]

finishing our mixdown on my childrends record:

Thats right, tell Raffi i said to fuck himself in the ass with his fucking banana phone!!!

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naked elf man [21 May 2004|05:09pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | beloved ]

yesterday i was asleep in physiology and i woke up and called the guy behind me a fetus, he was poking me and shit, he was speachless, what do you do when someone insults you like that, i didnt laugh, i just back to sleep. not really a joke but what an impulse huh?

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