Tempest in a D-Cup's Journal

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Sunday, June 22nd, 2003
10:32 pm
This journal is entirely friends-only at this point. If you want to be a part of it, just ask.

Edited: This doesn't mean that those of you who are already on my friends list have to do anything at all. I've actually been friends-only for months...you've just seen everything so you didn't notice.

current music: Beth Orton - She Cries Your Name

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Monday, May 19th, 2003
11:08 am
Operation Bikini )

current music: Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated

(7 comments | comment on this)

Friday, May 16th, 2003
2:28 pm - Thanks, [info]mrknowitall!
A new survey! Too bad it sucks! )

(1 comment | comment on this)

Thursday, May 15th, 2003
1:40 pm
Health and fitness logs--don't mind me unless you're curious. )

current music: Alice in Chains (Blue -rare)

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1:07 pm
So after careful consideration, I have determined that this is the bikini I'll be getting for the beach trip. I think I might get a slightly more full-coverage bottom, but that's about it.

Which color do you think I should get?

current music: Scorpions - Still Loving You

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11:59 am - Survey, ganked from [info]davew0071
If I were a... )

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Wednesday, May 14th, 2003
7:41 pm - WTF?
Okay, so I did that soulmate calculator thingy again, looking for my PERFECT man. Before, I was willing to settle on a lot of things. This time, I was pretty rigid...moved the minimum height up to 6'1" from 5'11", said I wanted someone in my city and I wasn't willing to move, upped the minimum facial and body attractiveness from 50th percentile to 75th, intelligence from 90th to 95th, upped emotional intelligence, humor, ambition, optimism, compassion, and writing talent, limited it to a white guy (yeah, I know) when before I'd pretty much only ruled out Asians and Middle Easterners, took out the Protestants and Jewish guys leaving only agnostic/atheist/spiritual, and decided I wanted a guy who had never been married, when before I had no preference.

And somehow, it's EASIER to find this guy. I'd only have to meet 733 hetero men between the ages of 26 and 35 to find him, when I had to meet 1,062 to find the lesser man I put in there before.

Anyone have any theories as to why this is the case, other than "this thing just spits out random numbers?"

current mood: confused
current music: Faith No More - Midlife Crisis

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6:31 pm
Health and fitness stuff that will prolly bore the crap out of a lot of you. )

current mood: determined
current music: Built to Spill - Joyride

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6:19 pm - Amusing link #2 for the day...
How many frogs do you have to kiss before you find your prince(ss)?

Me? I have to meet 1,062 heterosexual males between the ages of 26-35 before I find one that will fit my qualifications. That's not so many, I guess. I've probably already done it.

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11:00 am - This is neat.

As of the 1990 census, these are the top 1000 most common names of anyone alive in the U.S. at that time. So you get names like Kerri and Nikki next to Estella and Effie. And the 532nd most common male name, of all men living in the U.S. in 1990, is Junior. That's an actual name, folks, not a nickname. And they don't combine spellings, so 533rd on the women's side is Sallie, while Sally is all the way up at 167.

Where's your name on the list? Elizabeth is 5th, but Libby isn't even on it.

current mood: happy
current music: Bright Eyes - You Will. You? Will. You? Will

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Tuesday, May 13th, 2003
2:54 pm
And this quiz result is entirely too amusing. )

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2:42 pm
Silly survey. )

current mood: awake
current music: Dido - Thank You

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Monday, May 12th, 2003
6:18 pm
I am eating Zatarain's jambalaya mix with salad shrimp thrown in. It reminds me of Zette.

For some reason, though, I thought it would have red beans in it.

current music: Jeff Buckley - Everybody Here Wants You

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5:13 pm - [info]smurfchick (and anyone else who cares)
Looks like the Boy and I are going to get a GPS and start doing some geocaching. Any advice? Share your wisdom!

current mood: curious
current music: Tori Amos - Winter

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7:16 am - Six Feet Under predictions--highlight to read
But first, hop in here, because that's the only way this works with everyone. )

current mood: wrong
current music: N.E.R.D. -- Lapdance

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Sunday, May 11th, 2003
7:45 pm - Well, fuck.
I decided about a week ago to do the same thing that Welfy does, and put a future-dated post at the top of my journal telling everyone that most of my good stuff is friends-only. Ever since then, I've noticed a marked reduction in comments on my posts.

I found out why when editing the picture posts I made earlier today. Using Semagic, I've had to backdate every entry I've made since then. When I edited those entries, it said "Backdated entry (won't show on friends view)." Whoops. That explains a lot.

I added myself to my own friends page, and sure enough, all of the posts I've made since then haven't shown up.

Any clue how to fix this? My quick fix was to get rid of the future-dated post and go through to each individual post and edit it to remove the back-dating now, but I want to have that post up there, always at the top of my journal page for everyone to see, without having to edit every post afterwards if I want to use Semagic. And now Semagic is STILL making me backdate even though I deleted the entry that should have been causing this whole mess, so I don't know what to do.

current music: Liz Phair - 10 - Fuck and run

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6:35 pm - Answer this survey about me, if you're bored.
1. when and how did we meet (or if we haven't met, how did you find me?):
2. have you ever seen me with my shirt off:
3. have you ever seen me cry:
4. describe me in four adjectives:
5. if we could spend a day together what would we do:
6. have we ever gotten in a fight:
7. if you could give me a present what would it be:
9. what do you really think of me:
10. have we ever kissed:
11. has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to:
12. name one thing you dont like about me:

Now I'm going to go get dinner and start some laundry, so I can be ready to go over for Six Feet Under night. We're gonna have some more blueberry pie!

In other news, my hair smells like woods, even though I washed it this morning. I guess this isn't a bad thing, just weird.

current mood: content
current music: Jerry Cantrell - Anger Rising

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6:30 pm - Well, that was a good way to kill an hour and a half.
I am reading through almost 500 back LJ posts, and it's only sort of intermittently working, so I'm consolidating all my comments in a post rather than attempting to make them one by one and failing with half of them and then giving up and not saying anything at all.

[info]starbkz: Congrats! I knew you'd pass.

[info]wait: Love the truth/lie poll, and the fact that you're telling the story behind all the true ones.

[info]starcrossedlady: I use Allegra, and notice no real side effects. I used to take Claritin before it went OTC, and that one messed me up bigtime. Allegra is much better.

[info]edwardina: I'm glad you're feeling better. These things are never easy even when you know they're for the best.

[info]limitlessgirl: I know how you feel--my life is calm and happy and probably boring as hell to read about. But you're not boring me, nor anyone else, I'd imagine.

[info]saintlex: William has to be the cutest baby I've ever seen. And I hate newborns, generally.

[info]stremph: I don't know if someone already advised this, but call up all three credit reporting agencies and tell them to put a hold on creation of new accounts using your SSN. Basically they'll call you if someone tries to get credit using your SSN, and that'll help limit chances of fraud. In other news, I can't believe it's two weeks before you go to Basic.

current mood: accomplished
current music: Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky

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Thursday, May 8th, 2003
11:17 pm
I'm off and will be totally unreachable until Sunday. So none of you have any life-altering events until I get back, okay?


current mood: ecstatic
current music: Aimee Mann & Michael Penn -- Two of Us

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2:47 pm
That stupid alphabet survey again, because I'm bored. )

current music: Scorpions - Still Loving You

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