Funky Helix
the nice crazy...a journal that used to be.

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aim: nardasarmy
e: click here

Tuesday, January 27th, 2004
10:50 am - Epilogue the second

Then the writer lived, if not happily ever after, at least with the pleasant sensation of having not stumbled into a den of waking bears.

(1 transcription | mRNA)

Monday, December 8th, 2003
8:53 pm

And with all stories you come to the same conclusion. So mine does as well. New stories to write. Always new stories to write. But old stories need to end.

Ink to paper.

A scribbled life.

The End.


Audiences are fickle.

Good night and thanks for stopping by.

current mood: done-ish
current music: ...a sigh of relief


8:44 pm

I can stand before a mirror and repeat again and again that I exist.

But unless the mirror says it back, it's not really true.

Is it.

Sometimes what scares me the most is that what I do is pointless. All the things I go through just meaningless.

The reason the internet is so addictive to people is because at the core we're all just heartless. We like the illusion of connecting to people. But really we're not. Sound bites and five second images. Real connection is blood and tears and horribly messy. And no ones wants to be messy anymore. No one cares about the details of a person's life. Not really.

So I sit here at this mirror and say I exist.

But no one really says anything back.

So it's not really true.

I never really was.

How sad.

(1 transcription | mRNA)

Friday, December 5th, 2003
4:24 pm - Not busy Saturday?

Live near NYC? Snowball fight in Central park!

(1 transcription | mRNA)

12:23 pm - Hee

It's my birthday and it's snowing. It's like the world is throwing confetti. Which is better than the whole warding with the sign of the cross thing I usually get.

(5 transcriptions | mRNA)

12:02 am - Ohmigod!

The catalog mother ship is calling me home.

Must not. Sign-up. For EVERYTHING!


Thursday, December 4th, 2003
1:17 pm - Nothing to do Saturday?

I know someone who has football tickets to the Notre Dame-Syracuse college game, and they are unable to go. They've given me the info to share. If you're interested, leave a comment or drop me a note in e-mail, and I'll get back to you.

ticket info )


12:13 am - Fic snippet

The interviewer sat forward setting the tape recorder on the table in front of them. "So tell me, how did you meet?"

"She was running in circles shrieking," Laura replied.

Zee cut in with a horrified tone, "I just got stung by a bee!"

"I offered to give you mouth-to-mouth if you croaked."
"I remember. You were going to give me tongue."
"You were cute."
"Cute and horribly swollen."
"I like the bee stung look."

There was a long pause, and then Zee cleared her throat. "You're weird."


or the
mutant tank