"Whereas being a place of Illuminism..."
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Below are the 17 most recent journal entries recorded in Götterdämmerung's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, April 21st, 2005
    3:15 pm
    Please Shun, Hun..



    I'll spare those of you who enjoy the distortion... )
    Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
    4:01 pm
    Friday, March 4th, 2005
    10:12 pm
    The TRUE Antichrist Path
    Def: MISERable (miZer-A-bul): To be in a state of delusion, where you cling to an material or conceptual vice which you perceive to be "soul-y" that which brings you pleasure, joy, happiness or salvation.

    Def: MISERY (miZer-E): A state of being completely discontent with oneself, due to the misunderstanding thereof.

    Be True to Thyself,

    Pure Love
    Saturday, February 26th, 2005
    2:00 am

    SEVEN HORNS topped by the Holy Grail
    {Seven heads} seven eyes {Seven heads}

    Grab the beast and hang on..

    A Lion's mouth poised
    with moist lips upon the grail

    Drunk on _________the blood___________ of kings

    Drink until the _______church______ grows pale!

    Serpent flame, ___spread___ your wings

    SEVEN HORNS topped by the Holy Grail

    My cup runneth over

    Yours may too.

    If you apply to love

    the way of NU,

    will you?

    Doo bee

    doo bee
    do do do do do do be do be do etc. ad infinitum.
    Saturday, December 25th, 2004
    10:10 am
    Dies Natalis Invicti Solis

    For The Fatherland, cradle of civilization.
    For the ancestors and their indomitable spirit
    For the elders from whom we can learn much.
    For our youth who represent the promise for tomorrow.
    For our people, the original people.
    For our struggle and in remembrance of those who have struggled on our behalf.
    For Gott1 the principle of unity which should guide us in all that we do.
    For the creator who provides all things great and small.

    The Seven Principles:
    1. Unity - to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
    2. Self-Determination - to define ourselves, name ourselves, create ourselves and speak for ourselves.
    3. Collective Work and Responsibility - to build and maintain our community together and make fellow European-American's problems our problems and to solve them together.
    4. Cooperative Economics - to build and maintain European-American stores, shops and other businesses together.
    5. Purpose - to make our collective vocation the building of our European-American community to restore their traditional greatness.
    6. Creativity - making the world around us clean and beautiful and better than we inherited it.
    7. Faith - to believe in ourselves, our family, our communities and our leaders and to believe the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

    1: Gott indicates the principle of striving for & maintaining unity in the family, community, nation and race.

    Current Music: Yuki Kajiura - Winter
    Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
    11:35 am
    Liber Al Vel Legis & Prophecies- When Will we Know What it All Truly Means?
    Hello, I thought it may be appropriate for me to join this community, being that I have been experiencing some very 'exciting' and 'special' things for the past several years. Some of which have brought me into interacting with the Book of The Law and recieving a very INTENSE message from it (the night of October 16th last year). I'm really not too sure how to approach this, though, feeling that I may be at risk of being shunned.

    I do, however believe that [there simply has to be] others around the world [who] have heard and felt the same things I have before. There are just probably very, very few.

    I have a very strong feeling that what ever I've experienced can not be helped.

    Current Mood: driven
    Tuesday, July 27th, 2004
    1:02 pm
    Crowley on "The Jewish Problem"
    The Jewish Problem Re-Stated
    by a Gentile
    [Aleister Crowley]

    A distinguished article entitled "The Cry of the Modern Pharisee," by the Rev. Joel Blau, of Temple Peni-El, New York City, which recently appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, posed the Jewish problem in new dimensions. In America, where this problem is growing acute, wide interest was aroused. I quote a few passages which are characteristic.

    "It is depressing to see the Jewish problem discussed, even by Jews, from without and not from within, as if its inner aspect did not matter; at all events, as if this were something in which the world at large need take no interest, it being the concern of a few Jewish zealots only. Over against this mistaken position these very Jewish zealots, who are far from obsolete, claim that the only way to solve the Jewish problem is from within. Find the right solution for the internal problem of the Jew, and the external problem, created by the persistence of anti-Semitism, will solve itself."

    ". . . he [the Pharisee] would rather lose the whole world than lose aught of the riches of his soul.

    ". . . As for pride, he admits it, yet holds himself guiltless. For pride is no sin, except when one will not live up to it.

    "It [pride] is compounded of a clear knowledge of one's place, a consciousness of both powers and limitations, and a desire to participate wholeheartedly in the passionate business of living. This pride is the child of reverence, the last summing-up of the sanctities of Individuality.

    "Its presence is the distinguishing sign of divinely stubborn men, 'terribly meek,' who inherit the earth--and heaven, too.

    "Of peoples too, even as of persons, the same holds true; modesty is a sin in any people. The chief duty that a people owes both itself and the world is reverence for its own soul, the mystic centre of its being. . . .

    "Personality spells the mystery of mysteries--the last word of life for which all the worlds and all the ages are in ceaseless travail."

    "The Jew must be led back to the Discovery of the Jewish Soul."

    Despite these utterances, we find elsewhere in the essay that the only practical solution in view is repatriation. A physical Zion is contemplated, and this proposal implies the very materialism which the learned Rabbi deplores as the mark of the modern Sadducee. Now the division between Jew and Gentile dates only from Abraham. The children of uncircumcision no less than those of the Covenant are of the seed of Adam, of mankind. It was by means of the secret tradition of the Hebrews that the leader of the hosts of the new Law obtained "the knowledge and conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel," whose words constitute the whole Law. This Law is the master-key to the Future of Mankind, and the learned Rabbi, being a master in Israel, is able to interpret the Zeitgeist intuitively. Accordingly, he exhibits a profound comprehension of this Law; indeed, he actually expresses some of its corollaries in various phrases. What then is the one weakness of his admirable essay? What is it that compels him to a sceptical conclusion, despite the sublimity of courage, pride, and sadness which informs his thought, and the magistral grasp of the situation? These qualities demand consummate respect; and yet their owner hesitates to articulate an "Everlasting Yea." The difficulty arises from the interference of the learned Rabbi's intellectual perception of the conditions of his environment with the truth of his soul. He must hold fast to this truth if it is to make him free. The Relative must not be applied as a measure of the Absolute, of which it is but one of the infinitely numerous symbolic representations. It is, then, here that the Rev. Joel Blau is tempted to lose touch with the essential truth. He has still to pass through the ordeal of being attacked by phenomena which threaten or allure, seeking to turn him from his spiritual integrity. It is the task of the initiate to learn to ignore these seeming facts, to recognise that these are vapours of the void. Let me say at once that the Jewish spirit cannot be destroyed any more than a grain of sand or an ohm of electrical resistance. The problem is perennial. If every Jew were instantaneously abolished, the Jewish problem1 would remain unaltered.

    Rather Long )
    Sunday, July 11th, 2004
    5:20 pm
    Gaurdian on Crowley
    Beyond Belief
    From yoga to punk, notorious occultist Aleister Crowley has had a profound influence on modern culture, writes Tim Cummings

    Saturday July 10, 2004
    The Guardian

    "There is no law beyond do what thou wilt; every man and woman is a star; the word of sin is restriction." For some, these three short epigrams heralded the end of Christianity and the dawn of a new age. They certainly provided successive generations of beats, hipsters, hippies, punks and ravers, whether they knew it or not, with a manifesto of sorts.

    The words come from The Book of the Law, an obscure prose poem written 100 years ago by Aleister Crowley, often described as the key to the notorious Magus's vast pantheon of writings. A multi-layered template of a magickal system, encompassing Qabalah, single-point meditation, sex rituals, excessive drug use and a good deal more, The Book of the Law made Crowley one of the 20th century's hidden prophets, a truly outrageous figure presiding over rock culture's original spirit of misrule.

    Crowley died in relative obscurity in an eccentric Hastings boarding house in 1947. And yet, in the 21st century, his legacy has an afterlife, one that few of his contemporaries would have imagined possible. Last year he was voted number 73 in the BBC's league of the top 100 Britons. There is a continual stream of biographies and editions of his work, from a centenary edition of The Book of the Law to a reprint of Francis King's excellent study Megatherion. "To Mega Therion", meaning "the great beast", was one of Crowley's numerous magickal names. In The Book of the Law, he is identified as 666. "It means merely sunlight," he told the judge in a libel case that bankrupted him. "You may call me Little Sunshine."

    Read more... )

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Laibach - 2525
    Thursday, June 10th, 2004
    4:26 pm
    If anyone remembers The Process Church of the Final Judgment...
    Here's an update if you're a fan of their hijinks (and if you've read about the Son of Sam, Charlie Manson, etc...).
    4:24 pm
    I'm the mod and I'm glad to see this community has taken off with absolutley no advertising anywhere. I've been working on a "okkultish" convention in Atlanta, GA. for 2005 and with my business I've been swamped.
    I'm going to try and keep up and post pics and whatnot.
    Please feel free to post anything and everything having to do with this com's interest list. It's very broad I know, but the okkult ties into most if not all of it.
    To those of you who have been posting music, political, erotic, and historical items you have my thanks. We all appreciate it.

    Fraternally yours,
    Bro. Eosphoros
    Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
    8:15 am
    greetings! i recently joined livejournal and i'd love to jump right in to several communities of my interests. I'm a 22 year-old male college student interested in a variety of practices (see profile). I'm fascinated with bondage & bdsm, and I'll include a few of my favorite sites below to share with you all. I'm going to post this in all the communities I've joined and hope for some responses, so if you get this same message from different communities we may be mutual members of, let me apologize in advance. feel free to leave comments in my journal and let me know what you're interested in!

    -Michael York

    favorite links:
    www.bdsmcafe.com <--great daily pics!
    www.alt.com <--alternative lifestyles
    www.bdsmlibrary.com <--fantastic stories, searchable archive
    www.adultfriendfinder.com <--sex & swingers
    www.bedroombondage.com <--really fun, light bondage site my girlfriend adores
    www.bdsmplanet.com <--i'm a member of this one ;)
    Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
    2:52 pm
    The Holocaust
    I do believe the Holocaust occurred. I do believe that Jews and other groups deemed undesirable were rounded up, placed in concentration camps and that near the end of the War, large portions of these inmates were put to death. If the surviving National Socialists accepted that this sequence occurred, I see no justification for its denial. Now my accepting of the event does not mean that I do not question the public portrayal of the Holocaust. For example, I do question (note that this is question, not "have alternate answers") whether it was the plan all along to execute the Jews et al, whether the elimination of Jews was an order from Hitler or a good old boys network taking liberties with an uncaring system, or even whether the numbers listed are correct. Reports for the number slain vary from 800,000 to 6 million, & to be honest 6 million seems to be a lot. It doesn't help that questions like "Where did they put the ashes?" seem to garner an attack. So what if the number is 1.2 million rather than 6? Oh, it is "only 1.2 million". Only, my god, I think it is rather atrocious to round up any number of people for no other reason than their ethnicity or sexual preference (though those who were rounded up as actual criminals are fine).

    I also find the capitalization of various groups, the Holocaust Industry, to be disturbing. Groups like Wiesenthal (who's founder made a lucrative business out of gathering evidence which "helped" others to catch escaped war criminals) seem more interested in gathering money than in verifying data. Further, the general opposition to inquiry about the Holocaust raises concern. Even with opposition from vested interests, we know that inmates were not burned alive, rendered into soap, etc. We also know that the Auschwitz we can tour is a reconstruction of the original, which may or may not resemble the original that was bombed. We also know that Stalin inflated the numbers killed at Auschwitz by about 3-4 million (which is still a lot of people). The signs, in Polish, are said to have been modified.

    Holocaust Revisionism seems to be derived from a True and a False premise. The True premise is that the German people are no more Evil than any other people, be they Black, White or Bronze. The False premise is that the Holocaust represents a unique incident in Human history. Rwanda, Cambodia, China, Russia, the Inquisition, Native American Indians and even the Bible chronicle Genocides and purges of foreign people's within a territory of another. Genocide, Total War is not new. It is as old as the History of Warfare. Kill them all or Kill all of the men and rape the women are reoccurring themes designed to eradicate another ethnic group from an area desired by another.

    This is why I believe in the holocaust, not because someone told me so & that questioning it can get me assaulted or thrown in jail if I ever visit Germany, but because of reasoned evaluation of the evidence. It is a shame that the "holocaust industry" plays into the revisionists hands by withholding evidence, pushing disproved stories (e.g. burning prisoners alive), or even attempting to censor what they are trying to say. Each of these actions reinforces the argument of the Revisionists and further obscures the truth.
    Monday, April 5th, 2004
    9:59 am
    x-posted to my journal

    While at Naval drill this weekend, one of the men in my unit expressed confusion over the relationship of a Muslim to Islam. I explained that it was the same as that of a Christian to Christianity. Evidently, he had thought that a Muslim was an racial/ethnic group whose membership was predominantly Islamic.

    This morning, the radio (KPBS 89.9 FM) had a report from the BBC on some Bosnian Croats surrendering to the War Crime Tribunal. While listening, I realized that many American's probably had this confusion for Muslim was utilized as an ethnic descriptor in the Bosnian conflict, where they talk of Croats, Serbs & "Muslims". What is the ethnicity of the Bosnian Muslims? Are they Albanians, or another Muslim group? Why is Muslim utilized in teh same context as an ethnic identifier? Is this normal, do we normally talk of Vietneamese, Samoans and Christians? The lack of identifier makes me wonder who they are & where they came from. We knwo where the Serbs came from, & the Croats. Who are these "Muslims" (& when are they going to be charged as well)?
    Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
    3:28 pm
    Read more... )
    Tuesday, February 17th, 2004
    8:47 am
    The Changing Face of Racialism
    How would white men of previous centuries or even those of earlier decades of the twentieth century view contemporary presentations of the case for racialism? As surprising as it may seem to some, in all probability they would have seen recent racialist apologetics as hopelessly infected with many of the central assumptions of multiracialism. This is due in no small measure to the fact that, although it may be possible (albeit rare) to dissent from widely accepted public policies, it is far more difficult to reject the assumed and often unstated philosophical assumptions of the age. This presents racialists with a particularly difficult task. Conceding their opponents’ core beliefs before engaging in theoretical battle is akin to wrestling with a handicap: all right for Haystacks or Andre, but poor strategy for lesser men.

    For example, in the past half-century we have seen a consistent movement away from the advocacy of segregation (which was always far from “separate but equal” in reality), apartheid, colonialism, and general political disenfranchisement of nonwhites, toward the far less harsh positions of racial separatism (including acceptance of “black nationalism”) or the “level playing field” of the libertarian minded.

    Read the rest http://theoccidentalquarterly.com/vol3no4/gc-twomodels.html

    Thank you to [info]c_ophiuroid

    Current Music: The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud - untitled
    Sunday, February 15th, 2004
    9:20 am
    for the off topic posts, I forgot to set my client back to my personal journal.
    Saturday, February 14th, 2004
    8:29 pm
    An Excersize in Word Substitution (or if its good for the Goose)
    1) THE EUROPEAN PEOPLE IS UNLIKE ANY OTHER. It is a Divine, special, holy and different nation, chosen by the Al-Mighty to live a specific life under European law and commandments. European destiny - that which will be - depends on one thing only: European adherence to their special mission of obedience to that Law. There must be a return to European faith and observance, or tragedy will strike regardless of whether Right or Left guides the European ship of state.

    2) A EUROPEAN LEADERSHIP THAT IS OVERWHELMINGLY AND SO OFTEN WILLFULLY IGNORANT of the European Soul and lacking in faith and belief in the European Soul, whose policies have destroyed Europeans, spiritually and physically, today presides over potential disaster for the European people. That leadership must be rejected and its place taken by leaders dedicated to European faith and observance, and who are selected not because of wealth or connections but because of their knowledge and commitment to the Spirit of Europe and Its decrees.

    3 ) THE EUROPEAN PEOPLE WAS MADE TO BE DIFFERENT, SEPARATE, set apart from all the others. Not assimilation or amalgamation or integration with the nations is the European role but rather the creation of a separate people, living in a separate state, and building a separate and special society. That is the European injunction and that is the true meaning of the Europeans as “a light unto the nations”. The European people must, thus, be isolated from foreign cultures that corrupt and destroy the authentic European Idea.
    Read more... )
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